The Ugly Empress

Chapter 12 – Pillow Talk

Chapter 12 – Pillow Talk

When Xue w.a.n.g"s maidservant came, Xiu Yao was unmistakably happier than her mistress. She immediately prepared a bath and fresh clothes for Teng Yun, she also wittingly rewarded the servant for relaying the news.

Teng Yun was the opposite of happy. He wondered for what reason this king chose the Ugly Empress for his bed partner. Sure, the Ugly Empress wasn"t as ugly as before, but still she wasn"t as pretty as many other consorts.

Xiu Yao didn"t even have time to consider what that reason might be; she was too busy being happy for her mistress. Teng Yun thought the reason really was simple; Xue Junliang accepting marriage alliance with Teng Country"s Eldest Princess was just to buy time for his soldiers to recuperate, and to show off Xue Country"s military power.

The Empress" sole role in Xue Junliang"s plan was to facilitate the way. Xue Junliang would give the Empress gifts and favor her over the new consort, it all in order for this Empress, who was from Feng Country, felt grateful and indebted herself to Xue Junliang.

What flawless plan. Pity Xue Junliang had to meet Teng Yun.

Teng Yun deliberately took a long time to bathe, his movements were neither slow nor fast as if the opportunity to sleep with Xua w.a.n.g wasn"t something to be taken seriously. Xiu Yao, who was so happy at the beginning, gradually thought that something just wasn"t right.

When finally Teng Yun finished bathing, Xiu Yao helped him into a fresh set of clothes. The Empress originally had a beautiful physique, all around enchanting appearance; even wearing simple clothing she looked dignified and poised. Xiu Yao inwardly sighed, wishing her mistress" face would quickly heal completely. That way, Yunfeng Palace"s position in the Imperial Harem could be truly stable and secure.

Jiang Yu came in as Xiu Yao was combing Teng Yun"s hair. She said, “Your Majesty, please don"t make His Majesty wait.”

Xiu Yao also wanted to urge her Empress to hurry but before she even said anything, Teng Yun said instead, “Letting Head Servant make a trip to Yunfeng Palace herself, I feel even more ashamed of failing His Majesty"s regards…”

Jiang Yu wasn"t clear what the Empress meant, “Your Majesty, what do you mean?”

Jiang Yu quickly went back to Xue w.a.n.g"s residence. Bowing her head lowly, she reported respectfully, “Your Majesty, Empress said she… She said she was feeling unwell, couldn"t serve you tonight…”

Unexpectedly, Xue Junliang laughed when he heard it. Jiang Yu thought Da w.a.n.g must have lost his mind, yet he didn"t look remotely angry. Instead he said, “To marry an Empress that is predictable, will that really be a good thing or bad…”

He pondered for a moment then said, “Prepare my sedan chair, since the Empress is unwell, I"ll just have to go visit her.”

Xiu Yao wilted like she"d been hit by a frost, “Your Majesty, why did you say that? If you… If you"re like this, don"t blame me if I"m ignoring you. If you"re like this, what are we going to do if right this moment His Majesty is angry?”

Teng Yun sighed but said nothing. Poor Xiu Yao for being his servant. Which servant didn"t want to follow a master or mistress who were favored? If the master or mistress was favored, the servants" status would also rise.

However, Teng Yun didn"t want to be an Empress. He was Teng Yun. He was once the Minister of War and a military general. Even if his previous life had ended in Xue Junliang"s hands, he could still remember those times he was wielding his sword. There was no way he was willing to sleep with his enemy, even if he was now inside a woman"s body.

Teng Yun was not stupid, he was sure he could find a way to survive. Until the day he could finally escape Xue Country, sleeping with Xue Junliang was where he drew his bottom line. Xue Junliang couldn"t touch him, even if Teng Yun had to lose everything else.

Teng Yun leaned back on a recliner and closed his eyes. Just then, a palace maid rushed in and announced, “Empress, His Majesty… His Majesty is coming here!”

This time, Xiu Yao stood frozen. Was His Majesty coming to punish all of them?

Sweating even from her hands, Xiu Yao said, “Empress, shouldn"t you go get dressed? You can just say.. just say that you have headache!”

As she was saying that, Xue Junliang had already reached Yunfeng Palace"s gate. Xue Junliang stepped down from his sedan chair and went all the way to the main room; a servant bearing a lantern to light the way.

As soon as Xue Junliang entered the main room, everyone knelt on the floor to greet him.

Xue Junliang looked around. Teng Yun was kneeling right at the middle of the room, his face was bowing lowly so Xue Junliang couldn"t see his expression. Xue Junliang walked over to Teng Yun and helped him to stand before saying, “Aifei, you don"t need to kneel. I heard you were sick, so I came here to visit you.”

Xue Junliang supported Teng Yun off the ground with one hand grabbing Teng Yun"s waist and the other holding his wrist. Teng Yun almost shuddered on disgust, but he knew he shouldn"t push Xue w.a.n.g away so he could only hold himself back.

Teng Yun dryly thanked Xue Junliang.

Xue Junliang led Teng Yun to the inner room before saying, “How is Aifei"s face these days? Do the medicines prescribed by the royal physician work?”

Teng Yun listened to Xue Junliang inquiries half-heartedly; every time he asked a question, Teng Yun answered equally half-heartedly.

Xue Junliang found this conversation between the two of them so intriguing. It was like him painting a gourd, while the other painting a ladle; their conversation just didn"t match up. His Empress" manner looked very respectful but the true meaning was obvious; the Empress didn"t have any romantic feelings for him.

Xue w.a.n.g couldn"t say that his reign for so many years had been smooth, but could tell there wasn"t any serious trouble either. Basically, people liked to listen to nice words, but Xue w.a.n.g had come to disliking people who used flattery to gain their own benefits.

But here was someone, appearing out of nowhere. Other people always tried to flatter him, but this person didn"t even care for him. This person piqued Xue Junliang"s interest.

“Since Aifei is fine, would it be fine if I stay here tonight?”

Just as he said it, Xue Junliang saw the Empress" face froze, she seemed like she was about to refuse him but immediately stopped herself. It happened in a split second but Xue Junliang saw it all. This person really got him even more and more intrigued.

Xue Junliang ordered servants to bring him a Qi board and its pieces, then he and Teng Yun played together.

[T/N : Qi  in here is Weiqi. A Chinese chess or Go. ]

Xue Junliang actually enjoyed playing Qi, but he"d never had a good round playing it. Xue Houyang would always let him win. Xue Houyang"s had always been inflexible if it involved a relation between a king and a subject; he would never try to beat a king even in playing Qi.

But Teng Yun didn"t feel the need to follow such social norm. After losing three rounds straight, Xue Junliang put aside his Qi pieces laughing, “Aifei"s skill in Qi is superb, I really had to admire you. Your play is flawless.”

Teng Yun lightly said, “Qi is also a training in moral and spiritual character. In my humble opinion, Your Majesty is not suitable for playing Qi.”

“Oh?” Xue Junliang smiled, “Why do Aifei think so?”

“Your Majesty is too cruel and ruthless,” Teng Yun said, “You focused on only one thing until you lost sight of the other and had to sacrifice your pieces.”

Xue Junliang examined the Qi board for long time, pondering over Teng Yun"s words. Finally he said, “Seems like I"m too greedy.”

Teng Yun almost snorted, but he only said, “I had no intention of offending Your Majesty.”

“What are you talking about?” Xue Junliang said, “I won"t blame you for your honest opinion, I"m accepting and will consider your good advice.”

After three rounds of Qi, Xue Junliang called the quits. But the time was not yet late, he didn"t stand to go and offered to apply Teng Yun"s medicine instead. After that, he let people to prepare the bed.

Xue Jun took off his ta.s.seled crown and his outer garment. Looking up, he saw Teng Yun just standing still.

Teng Yun said, “I won"t disturb Your Majesty, please have a nice sleep.”

Xue Junliang had no idea whether he should cry or laugh. The king went to his wife"s room to sleep but the wife left. Was there even such a thing?

Teng Yun turned to go but Xue Junliang suddenly moved forward and caught his wrist.

Seeing this scene, the palace maids all tactfully withdrew, thinking that the Empress sure was very skillful. She knew that to make Da w.a.n.g even more captivated with her was to loosen her grip.

Teng Yun was trapped in Xue Junliang"s arms. This body he was borrowing was weak, didn"t have enough strength to break free from Xue Junliang"s hold, so Teng Yun could only reflexively brace himself while glaring daggers at the other man.

But Teng Yun"s expression only made Xue Junliang even more amused. Like an angry kitten with its fur standing on end.

Xue Junliang grabbed the Empress" waist tight with one hand, the other hand stroked her back suggestively, and said, “Don"t Aifei want to attend to me tonight?”

Teng Yun curtly answered, “I am so ugly, afraid of scaring Your Majesty.”

“So you"re angry with me for cold-shouldering you before.”

Teng Yun had no idea how Xue Junliang came to that conclusion, so he could only added, “It"s getting late, Your Majesty should go sleep, tomorrow you"ll have to welcome your new consort.”

Teng Yun was only stating the truth, but as soon as he finished the sentence he just knew the other would mistake him for being jealous.

Xue Junliang laughed, then he suddenly held Teng Yun up in his arms and laid him on the bed.

Teng Yun was shocked and immediately tried to sit up. Xue Junliang thought it"d be so much fun to tease some more, but maybe the other person might find it annoying.

So he held the Empress" shoulders to push her back onto the bed, then said, “Don"t worry, since you"re not willing, I"m not going to force you. But just so you know, in no time at all you will be happy to consummate with me.”

Xue Junliang said that confidently, as if he was very sure that would ever happen. Teng Yun didn"t bother pondering over his words; he only knew he was so relieved that he was safe this time. He also only now realized he"d been cold-sweating like crazy.

Xue Junliang reached out to pull down the curtain, then lie down beside Teng Yun and said, “Sleep.”

Teng Yun didn"t want to sleep on the same bed as Xue Junliang, but having escaped a great ordeal, he was all thankful of small mercies. He scooted down to the inner side of the bed, trying to get as far away as possible from Xue Junliang.

Xue Houyang"s army set a camp on the outskirts of the capital city. The next day, they would be entering the city.

The sun was about to set. This time at the evening the next day, the princess would be marrying into Xue Country. Teng Shang watched the sunset with many emotions warring on his face, maybe he would already be dead when he entered the capital city.

The servant behind him was one of Teng w.a.n.g"s personal servant. At this time, she was hesitating for a moment, then suddenly she knelt on the ground, “Your Excellency! Using the dark as cover, this servant begs you to please escape here!”

Teng Shang looked down at the person kneeling on the ground and smiled, “You"re strange, persuading me to escape. Me escaping would be disloyal and treacherous.”

The palace maid cried, “Your Excellency"s loyalty and faithfulness, the whole Teng Country know, why only Teng w.a.n.g doesn"t know? Even if you were killed in Xue Country, Da w.a.n.g would still not know… Although this old servant would insist a king"s benevolence was vast and mighty, but I also understand your loyalty for the country. Your Excellency, why don"t you just go, why bother sacrificing yourself?”

Teng Shang sighed, “But why should I go? The whole country would know about my loyalty, even if Teng w.a.n.g wouldn"t… Just as you said, the king"s benevolence is vast and mighty, maybe it"s time for me to repay him.”

Just then, Xue Houyang walked in, making the maidservant jump with scare. Did Marquis Wannian hear their conversation?

Xue Houyang"s well-defined face was unreadable as he said, “We will enter the capital city tomorrow. Minister Shang, would you mind having a drink with me?”

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