The Ugly Empress

Chapter 16 – Old Acquaintance

Chapter 16 – Old Acquaintance

Xue Houyang"s head jerked up to stare at Xue Junliang; his expression grave. Suddenly he dropped down on his knees.

Xue Junliang was a bit surprised by Xue Houyang"s earnestness, but still he good-naturedly laughed, “Houyang, what is it? Why suddenly so courteous?”

Xue Houyang lowered his head and said with hesitation, “Your Majesty doesn"t know who that person is. If you know, you will surely condemn me of sin.”

“Will I?” Xue Junliang smiled and pulled Xue Houyang to stand, “How about you tell me first, then I"ll decide whether you"re guilty or not?”

Xue Houyang didn"t get up, didn"t even raised his head. Just now when he heard Xue w.a.n.g"s willingness to bestow him a marriage, his heart was soaring in joy. If he and Teng Shang were to marry, Teng Shang would not have to die. But Xue Houyang wasn"t sure if Teng Shang would accept him.

Surely no man would be willing to marry another man. Although it was common for royalties and n.o.blemen to have secret male lovers, but there never was a male wife because it was still considered a big taboo. Moreover, the other person was a minister from Teng Country, a younger brother of Teng w.a.n.g.

If Xue Junliang knew that it was Teng Shang they"d been talking about, Xue Houyang was very sure he"d take back his words.

Knowing it was all impossible, Xue Houyang was still clutching a glimmer of hope. Finally he said, “Houyang doesn"t dare to get up… Chen-di doesn"t deserve to ask anything from Your Majesty. Also, Chen-di doesn"t think that person will return my feelings.”

Xue Junliang"s smile was still good-natured and amiable, “Which family"s young lady is it? What kind of person doesn"t find Xue Junliang"s younger brother a good match?”

“Not a young lady…” Xue Houyang worried his lips, then decidedly added, “It"s Teng Shang.”

“Teng Shang…”

Xue Junliang repeated the name several times but didn"t say anything else for a long time. In the end, Xue Houyang kowtowed and said, “Chen-di deserves a death sentence! Your Majesty, please punish me!”

“What death?” Xue Junliang reached out and pulled the other person to stand, “Though you went to battle for many years, I can still understand what kind of person you are. Seeing you braving yourself to say this to me, I know your feeling for that person must be real and deep…”

Xue Houyang was shaken, never could have he thought that Xue w.a.n.g wouldn"t punish him. Yet he didn"t dare looking up.

Xue Junliang said, “And how does Teng Shang feel? Doesn"t he return your feelings? Also what was it that you did to him that made you feel sorry?” Xue Junliang laughed teasingly.

Embarra.s.sment written all over Xue Houyang"s face. Scratching his head again, he said, “Your Majesty… Let"s not talk about it anymore.”

“Not talking about it anymore? Shame then, because originally I wanted to say that if Teng Shang was willing, I"d immediately send someone to Teng w.a.n.g informing him of Teng Shang"s betrothal.”

“Really?!” Xue Houyang looked up, eyes widened.

Xue Junliang"s heart warmed. For so many years, he"d rarely seen his younger brother showing emotions. That time when Little Houyang was still a boy with a violent temper seemed so long ago. What trick did Teng Shang have, that he could change Marquis Wannian"s inflexible character?

Xue Junliang let out a sigh, then smiled, “I give you my words as a king… But I have to say in advance, whether Teng Shang agrees or not, it all depends on yourself.”

Xue Houyang knelt once more and kowtowed, “Thank you, Da w.a.n.g, for your grace.”

“Go, then. Ask for Teng Shang"s agreement. When you"ve solved this matter, I"ll personally administer your wedding.”

[T/N : Jaw drops.]

Teng Shang hadn"t even left the Palace when he was stopped by a palace servant. This servant was Teng Qianyi"s favorite personal servant, Jiao Shui.

Jiao Shui said, “Your Excellency, the Princess requests you to come see her, says she has something to discuss.”

Teng Shang was feeling unwell and wanted to quickly get out of the Palace. Moreover, his relationship with Teng Qianyi was not that close, he didn"t think there was anything they could be discussing about, so he said, “I"m afraid it"s not appropriate… The Princess is already married and is now a Xue Country"s Imperial Consort. Teng Shang is only a foreign country"s minister, if I go to Her Ladyship"s residence, I"m afraid it"ll attract people"s criticism.”

Jiao Shui smiled, “Your Excellency needs not worry. The Princess just needs to discuss something urgently and requests Your Excellency to come to the side garden.”

Jiao Shui"s argument left no place for Teng Shang to refuse, so he could only endure his slight discomfort and follow Jiao Shui.

The side flower-garden was about half the size of the main garden, but it had a bridge over a small flowing water, the pavilion wasn"t so magnificent yet still had its own uniqueness. Many residents of the Imperial Harem often came here for a walk.

Teng Qianyi sat inside a small pavilion across the water. When she saw Teng Shang, she immediately stood. She seemed pale and dispirited, as if she"d been crying. She said, “Imperial Uncle, you came.”

Teng Shang stopped at the pavilion"s lowest step and said, “Your Ladyship has summoned this subject, what seems to be the matter?”

When she saw Teng Shang didn"t come in, Teng Qianyi simply sat back on her chair. Rubbing her eyes, she sobbed, “Qianyi"s just married into Xue Country, there are many things I don"t know yet. I can only ask Imperial Uncle to listen and let me pour my hearts out… Uncle might not hear yet, but last night… Last night, Xue w.a.n.g didn"t stay at Qianyi"s residence. He never once stepped inside my palace"s gate.”

She cried louder, “Qianyi doesn"t dare thinking too high of my own status, but Xue w.a.n.g"s treatment of me is too cruel.”

Teng Shang simply hung his head low. A cold breeze blew by as if trying to bite into his bones. From some unspeakable place in his behind trickled down some equally unspeakable liquid; slowly running down his thighs. Added with Teng Qianyi"s wailing, Teng Shang"s head started to throb.

The new consort had only just entered the Palace, naturally her every move was watched. Right at the moment she expressed her intention to summon Teng Shang, the next second Teng Yun caught the news.

Teng Yun listened as Xiu Yao reported that Teng Shang was now in the side garden. Teng Yun"s first thought was that he wanted to see Teng Shang, but then he thought it was improper. Teng Shang didn"t know about Teng Yun"s current ident.i.ty and appearance. If suddenly they were to meet face to face, Teng Yun was sure it would be awkward.

Teng Qianyi was also there, so it would be difficult to talk openly.

Teng Yun paced his room in two complete laps before deciding he"d just go and see Teng Shang. Teng Yun hadn"t seen his uncle for so many years so he really wanted to see him.

Xiu Yao was happy to follow Teng Yun. She was happy that the new consort was meeting a foreign country"s minister in the flower garden. Being able to catch other consort"s flaws and faults, she was more than happy.

Xiu Yao deliberately arranged many palace servants to follow her mistress out, after all this was no ordinary occasion. The mistress who ruled the Inner Palace should never be compared to a mere consort from a foreign country!

It seemed like Xiu Yao"d forgot that her own mistress was also a foreigner…

A group of people entering the side garden was easily seen from the small pavilion a little distance from the entrance. Jiao Shui was the first to see them. She immediately warned, “Princess, someone is coming.”

Teng Yun, like any other men, didn"t like dressing up excessively. But Xiu Yao had been taking charge over dressing him according to the rules, so even when he wore plain clothes, people could still easily see his status as the Empress.

Teng Qianyi started to panic, but Jiao Shui said, “Princess, don"t panic. This is the first day since you"re married, it"s natural that you want to meet your paternal family member.”

Teng Qianyi felt that Jiao Shui was right. She stood, straightened her dress then bowed, “Qianyi pays respect to Your Majesty the Empress.”

Teng Yun"s eyes never once went to her; he just raised a hand, motioning for her to get up.

Teng Shang had lost a lot of weight. When Teng Yun first departed for battle, Teng Shang still looked very young, but now he looked a lot older. Teng Shang had changed so much, as if he"d had many things weighing his mind.

Teng Shang bowed and said, “This subject from Teng Country greets Your Majesty the Empress.”

Seeing Teng Shang bowing and saluting with his hands, Teng Yun"s heart soured. They might as well be strangers now.

Teng Yun had always considered Teng Shang as his closest relative, the one who"d personally taught him literature and military knowledge.

When Teng Yun"s life ended in Xue Junliang"s hands, he"d been away from his hometown for ten years. He had to die in Xue Country, and now he somehow ended inside a woman"s body. There were so many things he wished to tell Teng Shang. But now, Teng Shang was right in front of him, yet he couldn"t tell anything.

Teng Yun had always been invincible. He always thought he"d have to be strong so that n.o.body could beat him even if his blood was spilled and his head was severed. However, now he understood that people could not have no feelings. Teng Yun himself was vulnerable in front of the people he loved.

Blinking to hold back his tears, Teng Yun said coldly, “No need to be so courteous.”

Teng Shang had been cautious in his manners since the beginning, hence he hadn"t yet looked up. But when it was finally appropriate for him to look up, he couldn"t help thinking this stranger"s gaze was very familiar. But Teng Yun and this Empress were two totally different persons.

Teng Shang lowered his hands. When he straightened up, his head was spinning and his stance unsteady, as if a harsh wind was blowing through his ears.

Just as Teng Qianyi cried in alarm, Teng Shang fell to the ground.

Teng Yun started to step forward to help Teng Shang, but he immediately retracted his outstretched hands. It"d be better if he didn"t help Teng Shang; if he helped, he was afraid he"d only invite more trouble.

Right at this time, Xue Houyang suddenly appeared and grabbed Teng Shang off the ground. Holding Teng Shang to himself, Xue Houyang touched Teng Shang"s forehead.

Teng Yun was made confused by Xue Houyang"s perturbed expression, but he quickly looked sideways to say, “Xiu Yao, call for the royal physician.”

“Yes.” Xiu Yao was somewhat unwilling to go, she wanted to stay and see what would happen, but she also thought her mistress calling for the royal physician was a good move. This way people could see that her mistress was treating the new consort"s paternal family with kindness.

But then Xue Houyang had already lifted Teng Shang in his arms and said, “No need. Chen-di will come back another day to properly pay respect to Imperial Sister-in-law. Please, excuse me.” Finished saying, he rushed away; taking Teng Shang with him.

The news that the new consort complained to other person about Da w.a.n.g not staying on her wedding night soon traveled to Xue Junliang"s ears.

Xue Junliang was the kind of person who would always exchange a good deed with rewards. This matter should be taken care of accordingly.

Sure enough, today Xue Junliang picked Teng Qianyi"s nameplate.

Teng Qianyi was half excited, half afraid Xue w.a.n.g would tell her off for complaining to someone, so she thought of a way to divert Xue Junliang"s attention to another direction.

Pouring a cup of wine for Xue Junliang to loosen him up, she casually said, “Today, Chen-qie met the Empress in the side garden. Your Majesty… Do the Empress and my uncle know each other?”

[T/N : Chen-qie means ‘this subject-wife". Used by a king"s wives, including the Empress, when talking to the king.]

Xue Junlian, of course, knew that Teng Qianyi was up to something. Gently fiddling with her hair, he smiled, “I don"t think they know each other.”

Leaning against Xue Junliang"s bosom, she brightly said, “Aiya, then it"s weird, Chen-qie almost thought they were old acquaintances.”

Xue Junliang laughed and pushed the other person away saying, “Seems like Aifei doesn"t know. A wife gossiping about other wife is what bores me the most.”

Then he raised his voice saying, “Jiang Yu, send Her Ladyship back to her residence.”

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