The Ugly Empress

Chapter 18 – Male Wife

Chapter 18 – Male Wife

Feng Ming hadn"t attended the imperial court for almost a year, it was inevitable that today, many officials burst into tears.

Today, it had also happened Zhao Lu plead sickness and was absent from the morning court a.s.sembly. Minister Zuo, followed by most of the court officials, took the opportunity to file an open complain against Marquis Zhulu.

When Feng Ming returned to his residence, Rui Xue was waiting outside. She cautiously said, “Da w.a.n.g… Master is here. He is inside.”

Feng Ming paused for a moment before stepping inside.

Marquis Zhulu was standing with his back to the door; seemingly appreciating the intricate ornaments. His posture was straight as if nothing was wrong with him . No matter how closely you look at him, it was clear he wasn"t even sick.

Zhao Lu turned around and said with a smile, “Da w.a.n.g, you"re back.”

Feng Ming answered with just a single glance in his direction.

Zhao Lu strode closer and held Feng Ming against him. Feng Ming wasn"t small; his black official attire emphasized his tall and robust figure. But standing next to Zhao Lu, Feng Ming looked thin.

Zhao Lu pinched Feng Ming"s chin to lift his head. The jade beads of Feng Ming"s ta.s.seled crown felt cold against his forehead, but Feng Ming stubbornly refused to look at Zhao Lu; eyes looking away nervously.

“What?” Zhao Lu smiled, “Your Majesty has been getting closer to Minister Zuo these few day, and now you even don"t want to look at me?”

“It"s not that.”

“Oh… It isn"t?” Zhao Lu gently stroked Feng Ming"s lips and said, “Are you tired of seeing this lowly subject? You even sent a messenger to Xue requesting the Grand Princess to come visit without informing me.”

“…” Feng Ming opened his lips as if about to answer, only to close them without saying anything.

His silence seemed to infuriate Marquis Zhulu. Grabbing Feng Ming"s waist, Zhao Lu dragged him to the inner room and threw him on the bed.

Rui Xue protested, “Lord Marquis! You…”

“Shut up!” Zhao Lu snapped at her and swept the ink stone on the table off to the floor. He shouted, “Get out! You are not allowed to talk here!”

Rui Xue sighed and reluctantly went out.

Zhao Lu pressed Feng Ming on the bed and laughed coldly, “When you were sick, I tirelessly took care of you. Hadn"t I been good to you? Now you want to attack Xue Country, and you don"t even talk to me about it first. Do I seem like an amusing game to you?”

“I don"t want to have to lie to you.”

Feng Ming"s crown had fallen off and his hair spread messily in the blanket. Reaching out a hand, Feng Ming touched Zhao Lu"s left chest saying, “Ask yourself honestly, haven"t I been obeying you for years. If it isn"t for the court officials filing a joint complain, I would never have to deal with the court… This Feng Country"s foundation has been built for hundreds of years, I won"t let it fall into ruins in my own hands!”

Zhao Lu laughed out loud and said, “So now you"re blaming me?”

Feng Ming slowly said, “I don"t believe you can"t see it. All I"ve been doing is to protect you. If I don"t send troops to Xue Country this time, do you think you could withstand many court officials trying to impeach you?”

“Then I ask you, what are you planning by sending a message requesting the Grand Princess to come back?” Zhao Lu caught Feng Ming"s hand on his chest, not allowing Feng Ming to touch him, then he added, “Are you planning to the Grand Princess on her way here then put the blame on Xue Junliang, creating an excuse to send troops?”

There was no shift in Feng Ming"s expression, as if the Grand Princess wasn"t his own sister, “If you already knew, why did you ask me?”

“Why?” Zhao Lu narrowed his eyes and laughed, “She is your own sister. You and she were born from the same womb!”

Feng Ming didn"t know what had made Zhao Lu so agitated; Zhao Lu was an orphan with no other relatives. For Zhao Lu, having a family was something to be cherished. But Feng Ming was a ruthless person at heart; all his life he only cherished one other person, and sacrificing his own sister was nothing of a big matter for him. Feng Ming"s indifference regarding his own sister was like rubbing salt onto Zhao Lu"s wounded heart.

Feng Ming watched as Marquis Zhulu"s agitation shined through all over his face. Inevitably, Feng Ming concluded Marquis Zhulu was harboring an affection towards the Grand Princess. This realization left his heart feeling exhausted. Closing his eyes with his hands, he said coldly, “Lord Marquis need not say anymore. Gu already sent an amba.s.sador to Xue Country, now it"s too late to talk about it.”

[T/N : This is the very first time, Feng Ming used Gu when talking to Zhao Lu. Gu, literally means ‘this orphaned one", is used by kings to address themselves in front of people of lower ranks.]

Zhao Lu was taken aback. Although Feng Ming was the ruling monarch, he was always compliant towards Zhao Lu and never disobeyed. Zhao Lu had never expected someday Feng Ming would turn against him. Without saying a word, Zhao Lu turned and strode out of Feng Ming"s residence.

Rui Xue, who"d been standing outside waiting anxiously, immediately greeted Zhao Lu when she saw him coming out, “Master… how was it?”

Zhao Lu said nothing; his expression cold. After thinking for a moment, he said, “Let"s go back, I have a task for you to do.”

[T/N : I like that Feng Ming dared to stand up to Zhao Lu. Applause!]

Xiu Yao rushed into Yunfeng Palace saying, “Your Majesty, this is bad!”

Teng Yun had sent her out to inquire news about Teng Shang. When she came back saying things like that, immediately Teng Yun thought Xue Junliang had executed Teng Shang.

Xiu Yao added, “When I was asking around, I heard about something else.”

Realizing Xiu Yao wasn"t talking about Teng Shang being executed, Teng Yun"s heart settled back in his chest. He said, “First, tell me about Teng Shang.”

“Oh… Teng Shang"s news is very interesting,” said Xiu Yao, “His Majesty had bestowed a marriage for Marquis Wannian and Teng Shang.”

“What? Marriage… with who?”

“Marquis Wannian with Teng Shang. Your Majesty, isn"t it so funny? An officially-married male wife.”

Teng Yun was shocked into a complete silence, even his mind blanked for moment. Then he said, “Then what did Teng Shang do? He agreed?”

“Of course, he did,” Xiu Yao said, “Isn"t it obvious? Between marrying Marquis Wannian or being killed, what person would rather choose to being killed? Your Majesty, you should"ve known that.”

Teng Yun grasped the table as he lowered himself down onto a chair. He always knew how Teng Shang"s character was. Teng Shang regarded himself highly; it was impossible he"d crouch down so low as to agree marrying another man. A man who was also his enemy.

“Empress, on the way here, I also accidentally heard that Feng w.a.n.g requested you come visit your hometown, but I didn"t get when you"ll have to go. How is it a good thing? Since when a married Empress was allowed to go visit her hometown?”

It was widely known fact that the relationship between Xue and Feng Countries had always been tense, especially now that Teng w.a.n.g had offered his daughter for a marriage alliance with Xue w.a.n.g. Feng w.a.n.g must certainly felt displeased. If right at this time Feng w.a.n.g requested Empress to come home, a war must be coming.

Teng Yun"s current ident.i.ty was Xue Country"s Empress, but also Feng Country"s Grand Princess. It was inevitable he"d be caught in the middle.

But Teng Yun didn"t felt a single worry after he heard the news, he found it to be a good opportunity. As the mistress of Imperial Harem, he was restricted to go outside the Imperial Palace. However, when it was time he went to visit Feng Country, Teng Yun could use it to fulfill his wish in escaping.

Xiu Yao watched as her mistress took the news calmly as if she wasn"t even surprised. Xiu Yao thought that the Empress surely was worth the t.i.tle Empress.

When Xue Junliang came down from the afternoon court a.s.sembly, he went straight to Yunfeng Palace. It was almost like a habit.

Xue Junliang said, “Don"t know if Aifei had heard of it. Feng w.a.n.g said he missed you, requested you come visit. What do you think?”

Teng Yun only said, “I"ll follow whatever Your Majesty says.”

Teng Yun could tell Xue Junliang was testing him. It was always safer to not declaring whether he wanted to go or to stay.

Teng Yun"s ‘obedience" matched Xue Junliang"s expectation. Xue Junliang remembered Jiang Yu said that a king must not only have one son and suddenly he felt depressed. He had promised that he would never touch or force the Empress without her consent, that he would wait for her.

But looking at the other person"s indifference, he didn"t even know what year and what month she"d give her consent.

Sitting opposite Xue Junliang, Teng Yun didn"t notice how Xue w.a.n.g was looking at him intently.

Xue Junliang had already taken to the idea of having another son, so of course he loathed to let the Empress go back to Feng Country, regardless Feng w.a.n.g"s plan by requesting the Grand Princess" visit.

Xue Junliang shelved the idea for another time, he still had a few days to relax. He read over his account books before letting Xiu Yao pa.s.s on the message that he"d have his dinner in Yunfeng Palace.

“Oh, right! In a few days, I plan to hold a wedding ceremony for Marquis Wannian. Houyang is still an important figure, so Aifei must also attend.”

Teng Yun"s hands shook as he cautiously probed, “I heard Marquis Wannian is marrying the minister from Teng Country.”

Xue Junliang nodded, “Yes, it"s Teng Shang.”

“… I heard Teng Shang was an upright kind of person, I"m afraid he will not agree to marry a man.”

Hearing this, Xue Junliang laughed, making Teng Yun confused. Finished laughing, Xue Junliang said, “What Aifei said is right, but Teng Shang is also a cunning sort of person. He"s been in the officialdom for almost thirty years, he understands what it means to keep a head on his shoulder and reputation on his face. But in order to achieve his ambition, maintaining his reputation was a small matter.”

[T/N : Thirty? What? So Teng Shang"s age is…*confused*]

Then he sighed and added, “That said, I had to think about this for multiple times because I"m worried about Marquis Wannian… I"m afraid Houyang"s intention is purer than Teng Shang"s. No matter how I see it, Houyang gets the worst of this union. It"s like watching him stepping into a pit and I have to be the one to fill the pit with earth.”

Teng Yun asked, “Then why did Your Majesty allowed this marriage?”

“Why?” Xue Junliang shook his head, “Because I"m always worried about my younger brother. He is stubborn; won"t even budge even if he is pulled by nine cows. I know he has deep feelings towards Teng Shang, and me as a brother cannot just sit at the side and do nothing.”

Teng Yun listened to him thoughtfully. Even if Xue Junliang said it was for the sake of his own brother, for him to take such step, Teng Yun still couldn"t be convinced whether his reason was the truth or not.

As he was deep in thought, Teng Yun felt something fell upon his waist; Xue Junliang had pulled him closer. Xue Junliang had fine and slightly calloused fingers, which he then used to cover Teng Yun"s.

Teng Yun almost reflexively s.n.a.t.c.hed his hand away, but managed to retrain himself. Disrespecting Xue Junliang was not a good move.

Since Xue Junliang wanted the other person to give consent voluntarily, he himself, of course, had to take some actions.

Women always like to be treated with tenderness and affection. Xue Junliang had many women filling his harem, so he knew well how to please women. Only, he didn"t know that this particular Empress was not a delicate and fragile woman…

Xue Junliang said gently, “Does Aifei feel homesick?”

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