The Ugly Empress

Chapter 21 – Sending-off

Chapter 21 – Sending-off

Teng Shang didn"t know the Empress was Teng Yun, so of course he felt nothing when he saw her. He greeted the Empress, and that was that. Only Teng Yun felt uncomfortable.

The two of them entered the main hall together. Jiang Yu shook his head. By His Majesty"s att.i.tude, Jiang Yu could guess His Majesty was thinking there was another man in the Empress" heart. Although Teng Shang and Her Majesty didn"t know each other, by these several encounters, Jiang Yu could clearly see His Majesty was very antagonistic towards Teng Shang.

After all, Jiang Yu had also heard what Teng Qianyi had said.

Jiang Yu meant to support this well-behaved Empress, but he was also powerless. The Empress" appearance had become so much better in a short time, it was inevitable she"d attract rumors and slanders.

Xue Junliang saw the Empress and Teng Shang came in together and his heart began feeling upset. He, as the king, often said he would deeply love all and every one of his wives and consorts. But in reality, it was a lie, because he, like any other kings, had this one common flaw. He was the highest ruler; everything under the sky was his, including this one wife.

Xue Junliang invited Teng Yun to sit next to him. Smiling, he said, “How come you two entered together?”

Teng Yun said, “We just met at the door.”

Xue Junliang kept smiling as he glanced at Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu promptly nodded once, indicating that it was so and the Empress was telling the truth.

Xue Houyang"s character was simple and honest, but he and Xue w.a.n.g had always been close since they were children. He was the one who knew Xue w.a.n.g the most. Watching Xue Junliang"s smile, Xue Houyang couldn"t help being nervous. He racked his brain trying to find a way to tell Teng Shang to be cautious; to not do anything that might make Xue w.a.n.g suspicious. Because that would be very dangerous.

Xue Country"s former king had pa.s.sed away, Xue Junliang and Xue Houyang"s mother also pa.s.sed away early. Xue w.a.n.g was the senior of the two brothers, therefore Xue Houyang and Teng Shang would pour tea for Xue w.a.n.g and the Empress.

After having tea, Xue Junliang didn"t insist the new couple should stay. He talked a few things then let them go back.

Xue Junliang didn"t mention Teng Shang anymore, instead said, “I have a bit of a free time. Go for a walk with me?”

Jiang Yu was very perceptive. He immediately ordered servants to bring over two fur cloaks, which he then helped Xue w.a.n.g into one. Xue Junliang personally helped Teng Yun to put on the other cloak.

Xue Junliang led them walk around with no specific destination in mind. A group of maidservants followed behind; carrying some wine and fruit plates.

Xue Junliang said, “Marquis Wannian"s wedding is all wrapped up, we could no longer delay preparing for Aifei"s visitation to Feng Country. What time do you think you want to go?”

“Whenever Your Majesty deems appropriate.”

Xue Junliang nodded. At once, his mood was lighter because of the Empress" answer. Yet, that wasn"t the answer he was waiting for. He was waiting for the Empress to say honestly what she wanted. If she said she didn"t want to go, Xue Junliang would not allow her to go.

On the other hand, Teng Yun was waiting for Xue Junliang to allow him to go…

[T/N : LOL. These two"s minds were always the complete opposite.]

Xue Junliang said, “Aifei seems to be down lately, is it because the pain on your face has recurred?”

Teng Yun kept his gaze on the ground, trying to look respectful as he said, “Chen-qie just feel a little under the weather. The pain on my face is now a lot better.”

Xue Junliang smiled and said, “If it"s better, then it"s good.”

He reached a hand out to lift Teng Yun"s chin, staring at the other"s face with eyes slightly squinted, “Aifei looks more and more stunning.”

Teng Yun fought the urge to slap Xue Junliang"s hand and said nothing.

Xue Junliang waited and waited for a reaction before he had to add, “I have heard that Aifei and Feng w.a.n.g are twins. You must look very similar to each other.”

Teng Yun had never seen Feng w.a.n.g, had no idea how he looked like. He could only answer vaguely, “Yes.”

Xue Junliang said, “Then tell me stories about your childhood.”

Teng Yun felt his heart dropped to his stomach. Was Xue w.a.n.g starting to find him suspicious that he asked Teng Yun to tell him stories about his childhood?

“Answering Your Majesty,” Teng Yun said evasively, “Truth is, the everyday life in a royal household is relatively monotonous, Chen-qie doesn"t want to make you bored.”


Xue Junliang looked as if remembering something as he sat inside a small pavilion. The maidservants followed inside to put the wine and the fruit plates on the table then before retreating.

Xue Junliang beckoned Teng Yun to sit, then he continued, “I was an ignorant child, had always thought that all my brothers and sisters were not enough; not lively enough and not close enough… When I got older I finally understood, we were not close, not because there were not many siblings… But because there were too many.”

Xue Junliang wryly laughed, “Now I only have Houyang, but I feel complete.”

As Teng Yun listened, he thought Xue Junliang might be only telling lies, but he also knew that, just as Xue Junliang had said, Teng Yun"s family was also like that.

The parent was wary of his own sons, fearing the princes who were outstanding would s.n.a.t.c.h away his throne. The older he got, the more he was afraid. The more capable the princes were, he quickly sent them out to do tasks. Even after sending the princes away, he would be afraid the princes would gather too much military powers and rebel.

The princes themselves would form groups. If one person didn"t join any group, the other would be suspicious and then drove him away. The princes would also try to win over as many officials as possible by marrying their daughters.

Teng Yun had lived for twenty-nine years. It should be impossible that he had no wife and children. But when he died, indeed, he didn"t even have a wife.

[T/N : There! Teng Yun was twenty nine. You can"t know how happy I was reading this sentence. LOL]

Most of the princes" wives were all daughters of influential families; young ladies from wealthy families who were spoiled and pampered since childhood. Their husbands could only come see them once in every ten years, and when the husbands did occasionally come home, before one month pa.s.sed, they"d have to go again for war.

With the head of the families always away from home, those wives might as well be widows.

When Teng Yun won a war and was allowed to come home for the first time, his wife cried and asked him to let her go. Out of good intentions, Teng Yun sent her back to her paternal family.

Teng Yun was unhappy at that time. Later, he was captured and killed. The iron-fisted great general didn"t even leave a son behind when he died. He had no one to collect his ashes, no one to guard his funeral hall.

[T/N : T_T ]

Xue Junliang had been watching the Empress" face all the time, and knew she was moved by his own speech. He thought the Empress was not happy in Feng Country.

Xue Junliang had heard that Feng w.a.n.g was vicious, merciless and disagreeable. The Grand Princess, Feng Yun, had offended Feng w.a.n.g once. As a punishment, she was sent away to marry. The Grand Princess" offence was actually very simple; she opposed Feng w.a.n.g"s relationship with Marquis Zhulu.

Xue Junliang had said so much, yet the Empress hadn"t uttered a single word. Since she was so unhappy when she still lived in Feng, why didn"t she just say she wanted to stay here? Xue Junliang usually couldn"t stand people who hid their feeling for fear offending others. There were many women in his harem; without this one woman, he still had many.

Xue Junliang said, “If Aifei misses your hometown, then I can understand. But preparing for your journey will need some time. You are still Xue Country"s Empress, your journey should be arranged properly.”

After Xue Houyang and Teng Shang"s wedding, there were no more out-of-ordinary business other than Xue Houyang leaving his residence early and came back very late.

The Empress" journey to her hometown should not be done carelessly. If her escort wasn"t cautious, something bad could happen and lead the two countries to war. Everyone already knew how Feng w.a.n.g"s character was. While preparing for the Empress" journey, Xue Houyang had also been quietly transferring his troops into the capital city.

Mobilizing troops was no small matter. They had to move the military provisions in advance. All these things needed money, and had to be carried out in secret; they couldn"t let Feng w.a.n.g hear any news.

The preparation took two months to be done. In these two months, Teng Yun never saw Teng Shang.

When they fixed a date for the departure, Teng Yun could no longer sat still.

Living in Xue country, Teng Yun was constantly in fear. Also, there were too many unnecessary trouble. Especially since the Ugly Empress was suddenly cured; people could see that the Empress was very favored. Many of the imperial consorts eyed Yunfeng Palace like watching for a prey.

Teng Yun had tried to avoid troubles after troubles, but his departure was getting closer, he could not hold himself back.

He sent Xiu Yao to invite Teng Shang entering the Palace. Teng Shang was Marquis Wannian"s wife, it should be fine for him to enter the Palace to chat with the Empress.

Teng Shang was led into the tea room, but this time Teng Yun didn"t sit behind a bead curtain.

Teng Shang greeted the Empress, then sat down.

Knowing if he couldn"t say anything this time, it"d likely be the last chance for him. He was determined he would escape. Not escaping meant death; either killed by Feng w.a.n.g"s hands or once again killed by Xue Junliang"s hands.

“Although I always live inside the Inner Palace, I also heard many stories about righteous and loyal persons. I had heard a lot about Master Teng.”

At first, Teng Shang thought the Empress inviting him was to persuade him to surrender. But somehow, he couldn"t help thinking this Empress" speech was very familiar.

He hadn"t seen Teng Yun for many years. Even the few times Teng Yun returned to the capital city in triumph, Teng Yun would attend the Palace Banquet then had to hurriedly leave again.

Teng Shang mostly remembered Teng Yun when Teng Yun was still young.

Teng Shang said, “Your Majesty is too kind.”

Teng Yun smiled bitterly, “The weather is getting colder lately. Master Teng should have more warm clothes.”

Teng Yun waved to Xiu Yao to send the guest out.

[T/N : Huh?]

Teng Shang knew this weird Empress was the type that would not say anything as long as she wasn"t required to speak. He could not understand what she meant by her speech. The more he thought about it, he found it even weirder. The Empress was a Feng Country"s Grand Princess, while he himself was from Teng Country; it should be impossible for them to have anything to do with each other.

Even weirder was that, a few days ago, Xue Houyang had warned him to stay away from the Empress.

On the other side of the Palace, Xue Junliang was listening to Jiang Yu"s report. Calmly, he put his writing brush down and asked, “What do you think the Empress" meaning in inviting Teng Shang?”

Jiang Yu said, “This old servant is unknowledgeable,  cannot know what"s Her Majesty"s intention.”

“I cannot either.”

Early the next morning, the Empress" entourage was to depart. Xue w.a.n.g would personally send her off.

Xue Junliang climbed into the carriage with the help of a servant. Then he reached out a hand to help Teng Yun up. Although he was merely helping the Empress, people who saw it thought it was Her Majesty"s honor to have Da w.a.n.g bent his waist and bowed his head slightly for her.

The carriage was very large. Inside, there was a soft couch which was very large, too. It was big enough for five or six people lying together.

Xue Junliang and Teng Yun sat side-by-side in silence. Xue Junliang"s eyes were closed as if he was taking a rest.

The ride was very steady; only swayed a few times. After some time riding, the carriage stopped and they could hear Jiang Yu"s voice from outside, “Your Majesty, we have arrived at Shili Pavilion.”

Xue Junliang opened his eyes and lifted the curtain. Immediately, someone placed a low stool for Xue Junliang to come down.

Not far from the carriage, a huge pavilion sat; in its front, there were a group of officials kneeling on the ground and a horse-station.

The snow was falling, covering the ground with a thin layer of white. It made the Shili Pavilion looked even more magnificent.

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