The Ugly Empress

Chapter 33 – Drawn Eyebrows

Chapter 33 – Drawn Eyebrows

Xue Yu reigned his horse to make it trot slower; deliberately keeping up with Teng Shang"s pace.

Xue Yu smiled and said, “The journey is long. I hope Minister Shang can withstand it. Or do you need to rest for a bit?”

Teng Shang said, “A long journey is what I"ve been looking forward to, how could I feel tired?”

“That is where Lord Minister has mistaken,” Xue Yu said, “You could have stayed in the safety of the capital city, where you could have anything you want. You didn"t have to insist clinging on your principle and eventually forcing yourself to do an inconvenient work like this.”

Finally Teng Shang turned his gaze towards Xue Yu, “I see that Marquis Zhenjiang is very thorough in giving advice. Allow me to borrow your words and resend them back at you.”

He paused, then smiled, “You could have stayed comfortably in the border as a chief commander, where you could have anything you want. But why did you insist on doing something like this?”

Xue Yu"s expression changed slightly before he resumed his usual genteel and elegant appearance. He said, “Haven"t seen Minister Shang for some years, but your speech is still so harsh. I have always heard Teng Country"s Minister Shang is generous and kind, but how come when talking to me, you are always so mean?”

Teng Shang said, “I never mean to be harsh towards Lord Marquis.”

Then he glanced at Xue Yu; there was a glint of triumph in his eyes. Still smiling, he said, “If Lord Marquis didn"t give me a carrot and a stick, I wouldn"t even think of being harsh to you.”

“What you"re saying…” Xue Yu said, “I don"t understand.”

“Before you left for the capital city, Xue w.a.n.g ordered me to investigate the attempt on the Empress…”

“Oh,” Xue Yu exclaimed, “The Empress was attacked? Did you find out the culprit?”

Teng Shang said, “Before meeting Lord Marquis, I was having trouble finding clues. But since having tea together with Lord Marquis that day, suddenly I"m determined to get to the bottom of it.”


Teng Shang saw Xue Yu still rode beside him and didn"t seem nervous in the slightest. He slowly added, “The are indeed Teng Country people, but they aren"t former subordinates of mine. When they were interrogated, at first they said they were sent by Feng w.a.n.g, but then they took back their confession and said they were actually sent by me. Apparently their purpose was to kill two birds with one stone. They wanted to anger Feng w.a.n.g and, at the same time, get rid of a nuisance that was me… Unfortunately, Lord Marquis might never have expected that Xue w.a.n.g would hand over the case to me.”

“Me?” Xue Yu seemed utterly surprised, “But wait, why are you even suspecting me? the Empress is a grave crime, I have no motives and the means to do it… Also, as you might have heard people talking, me and the Empress used to have feelings for each other. Why do I even want to harm her?”

Teng Shang laughed and said, “No need to tell false lies to people who have eyes. That year when we first met, you were already a Marquis Zhenjiang, were you not? A marquis, left his appointed station without permissions, disguised himself as a scholar and served in a Teng Country"s senior official"s Residence. Lord Marquis, what is your real intention?”

Xue Yu laughed but didn"t deny Teng Shang"s accusation. He urged his horse to walk a little in front of Teng Shang, then he turned over his shoulder to say, “You really wish to join this battle, right?”

He said, “You are ambitious and very talented. But you are also a stubborn blockhead. Someday, your loyalty will kill you.”

Teng Shang pulled his reigns. What Xue Yu said was true. Teng Shang was so loyal he would spare no effort and even be willing to sacrifice himself for Teng Country. Other people would find it easy for them to change their loyalties, but they weren"t Teng Shang. They didn"t know what it felt like being an orphan without any blood-relatives. They never knew how Teng Shang had to rely on himself when he had nowhere else to turn to.

Xue Junliang stretched his arms out, letting the palace servants dress him. Jiang Yu stood by the side, ready to serve at any time.

Xue Junliang said, “How is the Empress" condition?”

Jiang Yu said, “These few days, the royal physician had been coming to check on her every day. The palace maids serving at Yunfeng Palace said, except for Her Majesty"s appet.i.te which was still very low, her condition had been so much better.”

“En.” Was Xue Junliang"s only respond. Then he strode out of his residence and went to the court hall.

In the middle of the court a.s.sembly, a senior official presented a report letter concerning Xue Yu and Teng Shang"s army. Xue Junliang didn"t order the official bring the report to him, instead said, “Read it, let Gu hear it… Gu reckons this must contain good news.”

Hearing this, the official carrying the report letter trembled a little. If the report really contained good news, then it was fine. But if it contained news of their army"s defeat, wouldn"t he be the first one receiving His Majesty"s anger?

With apprehension the official opened the report letter and started reading. Most of the letter was reporting how Marquis Zhenjiang, Xue Yu"s army and the provisions he brought hadn"t yet joined with the army which had been stationed in the border in advance, when they encountered an ambush from Cheng Tian"s elite soldiers. Apparently, Cheng Tian was prepared. Fortunately, Marquis Zhenjiang and his army fought bravely, deflecting the enemy"s attack. The army consultant, Teng Shang successfully killed Cheng Tian"s right-hand man, Ma Jing. Although their army lost a small amount of army provisions, the victory boosted the soldiers" moral and spirit.

When the official read the first part of the report, he had started stuttering. But then when he came to the part mentioning about how their army was able to deflect the attack, he was greatly relieved.

Among all the court officials present, Xue Houyang couldn"t help surrept.i.tiously wiping his sweat. The report only mentioned Teng Shang vaguely once or twice. But Xue Houyang was used to and knew well about the situation in a battlefield; knew how dangerous it was. Added that Teng Shang wasn"t originally a person from Xue Country; Teng Shang"s name being mentioned in the report at all, it must mean Teng Shang had indeed contributed a great achievement, therefore winning the hearts of the soldiers.

After the reading, Xue Junliang was silent for a long time. Then, suddenly he laughed, which allowed everyone else take in a deep breath of relief.

Xue Junliang said, “Cheng Tian has always been cunning and conceited. The sneak attack he launched actually failed, it must"ve been a big blow to his pride. Gu must bestow nice rewards for Marquis Zhenjiang… Oh, and for Teng Shang.”

Xue Junliang thought for a moment, then said, “Teng Shang is not in the capital city right now, Gu doesn"t know what to reward him with. How about this… Teng Shang"s reward will be handed over to Teng-fei. Her previous misbehavior will be dropped, it should motivate her to conduct herself more carefully in the future. If she misbehaves once again, Gu will not forgive her as easily.”

The court officials all bowed, praising His Majesty"s wisdom.

Xue Junliang added, “Now, how about you all suggest, what should Gu give to the Chief Commander? He is already a Marquis Zhenjiang. If Gu were to promote his rank, probably Gu would have to give this hat to him, don"t you think?” He said pointing at the ta.s.seled-crown on his own head.

The court officials" hearts jumped. No one dared offering opinions or suggestions. Xue w.a.n.g was still smiling, but his words were ambiguous; the words didn"t sound like compliment, didn"t sound like sarcasm either. How could His Majesty make such joke about his crown?

Xue Junliang said vaguely, “Don"t worry. Gu was only asking for suggestions, you all don"t need to be so unhappy. We were talking about rewards, not about banishing anyone from the court.”

After a long time, still no one dared speaking. Finally, Xue Junliang had to point someone to speak. The official suggested rewarding Marquis Zhenjiang with golds and silvers.

Xue Junliang somehow still looked unsatisfied with the suggestion and asked, “Houyang, what do you think? What should Gu give to Marquis Zhenjiang?”

Xue Houyang took a half-step forward and said, “Answering Your Majesty, Chen-di thinks, though Marquis Zhenjiang doesn"t like to have too many soldiers, he cares for them very much. Instead of giving Marquis Zhenjiang golds and silvers, it"s better to hand over his rewards to his soldiers to use as army funds and provisions. This way, his soldiers can have enough food, can get better weapons and armors. In the future, Marquis Zhenjiang will be able to win more battles and help alleviate Da w.a.n.g"s burdens.”

Xue Junliang nodded, “Houyang is right. You all listen to him. Here"s a person who can truly help and share Gu‘s problems. He is helpful even if Gu doesn"t give him a raise in t.i.tle; so should Gu still give those corrupt, low-rank officials a raise in t.i.tle? He is still helpful even if Gu doesn"t give him rewards; so should Gu still give those criminals and traitors rewards?”

The whole court a.s.sembly was thrown into confusions. They couldn"t decide which sentence was truer; that Da w.a.n.g was really a brilliant ruler, or that Da w.a.n.g was angry. Da w.a.n.g"s skill in speech really was superb; making everyone panic in just a few words.

This confusion was exactly the result Xue Junliang wanted.

Thus, the morning court a.s.sembly decided, Xue Yu, who had made a great military achievement, was not rewarded and was ridiculed instead. At least, the soldiers in the border would have a lot more food.

After the court a.s.sembly, Xue Junliang didn"t return to his residence, instead said, “Reroute, Gu wants to see the Empress.”

The servants bearing His Majesty"s sedan chair immediately turned and proceed to Yunfeng Palace. On the road, they encountered Teng Qianyi.

Teng Qianyi was kowtowing on the ground. The clothes she was wearing wasn"t warm enough for the cold winter day and her appearance look pitiful.

Teng Qianyi said, “Your Majesty is so generous and forgiving. Qianyi will forever keep Your Majesty"s generosity in mind and promise never to make another mistake.”

Not coming down from his sedan chair, Xue Junliang said, “Since Aifei knows your mistake, Gu will put this matter to rest. The ground is cold, quickly get up.”

Teng Qianyi thanked him profusely. With the help of a palace maid next to her, Teng Qianyi started to get up. But then she tripped and almost fell. Xue Junliang still didn"t step down from his sedan chair, didn"t move to help Teng Qianyi either. In the end, the palace maid was the only one helping her up.

Teng Qianyi coyly plead, “Your Majesty… Qianyi has prepared some wine and light dishes. Your Majesty had forgiven Qianyi, so allow Qianyi to sincerely thank you by inviting you to visit Qianyi"s residence and have some wine.”

Xue Junliang didn"t answer for some moment, seemingly considering the offer. In the end, looking extremely reluctant, he agreed.

Xue Junliang"s sedan chair changed route again; to Teng-fei"s residence this time. Teng Qianyi really had prepared some wine. Seemed like she wasn"t a novice in this kind of thing as she also had already prepared songs and dances to liven things up. She was doing her best to coax Xue Junliang.

Xue Junliang spent a whole afternoon at Teng Qianyi"s residence, talking about Teng Qianyi. Although she wasn"t considered very gorgeous and beautiful, Teng Qianyi had succeed in captivating Teng w.a.n.g. Since she was little, she already knew how to make people, whoever they were, pamper and spoil her. She had never been humble nor shy.

The thing Teng Qianyi could do the best was acting coquettishly.

Men usually liked women who showed their own soft side and acted coquettishly. Especially an arrogant man like Xue Junliang. He sometime admired people who were very powerful and very determined in battles, but sometime he also liked people who were obedient and submissive.

When the sky turned dark, Teng Qianyi thought Xue w.a.n.g would spend the night with her. Contrary to what she expected, Xue w.a.n.g decided it was time for him to go.

Leaning against Xue Junliang"s embrace, Teng Qianyi gently traced the gold threads on his robe with the tip of her fingers; the teasing and the suggestions obvious.

However, Xue Junliang was indifferent. He pushed the pliant and delicate Teng Qianyi away saying, “Gu has had some wine and should leave now.”

“Your Majesty…” Teng Qianyi pouted, “You"re going to go just like this?” As she said that, she traced the neck line of her clothes, further emphasizing her suggestions.

Xue Junliang only patted her hand. He called his sedan chair and off he went.

Xue Junliang was disgusted. He never said anything, but it didn"t mean he didn"t know. Most of Xue people only knew Teng Qianyi as talented and beautiful, but how could the news of her debauchery escape Xue Junliang"s ears?

He didn"t clarify the matter with her, but it didn"t mean he was willing to accept a woman who was not clean.

He didn"t say he regretted if one of his woman was unclean; he had many other women in his harem. He was arrogant; for him, something that had been touched and used by other people was dirty, and he disliked dirty.

A king could have people he tolerated and people he hated. It might sound unfair, but as an arrogant and tyrannical king, he expected every woman in his Imperial Harem to only want for his favor.

Having appeased Teng Qianyi, Xue Junliang continued to Yunfeng Palace. The things he had to do in the Imperial Harem were actually not less than what he had in the Imperial Court.

When Xue w.a.n.g"s sedan chair had already arrived at the entrance of Yunfeng Palace, Xiu Yao just got the news of his coming. In a hurry, she helped her mistress to dress.

The Empress was sick for a few days. Before she fell sick, because she was greatly favored by Xue w.a.n.g, people didn"t dare neglect the Empress and took care of her meticulously in order for her always looked radiant. But since fallen sick, the Empress" appet.i.te was very low and could only eat very little; now she looked very thin and sallow.

Xiu Yao used to a.s.sume His Majesty didn"t like women with too garish make up, therefore she didn"t put any on her mistress; fearing that if by chance His Majesty saw her mistress, he would not like her. The result was, His Majesty never even acknowledged her mistress existed. Now she always thought it would be better if her mistress put on some make up.

But Teng Yun refused. Firstly, he didn"t like these red and white powder on his face.

Also, he had pulled up all his courage to finally try to kill Xue Junliang because he feared Xue Junliang would use Teng Qianyi"s mistake as an excuse for attacking Teng Country. Unexpectedly, Cheng Tian and Zou Zhenying"s armies suddenly launched a sneak attack; conveniently delaying the possibility of Xue Junliang attacking Teng Country. But the friendly pretenses between Teng Yun and Xue Junliang had broken. Therefore, he thought that putting on make up and trying to please Xue Junliang was no longer useful.

As soon as Xue Junliang entered the main room, he noted that the Empress didn"t have make up on and was wearing a very plain set of clothes. She was kowtowing on the ground but it was obvious she wasn"t doing so out of respect. Compared to the bubbly and chirpy Teng Qianyi he"d just met, this woman was the total opposite.

Xue Junliang helped the Empress stood and as he did so, he could see how the other person had lost a lot of weight. It had only been a few days, but she had become so much thinner; it didn"t make sense to him.

No matter how he saw it, he was the one who was almost killed by the Empress, the one who could not afford to punish her.

On the surface, it might look like he had the upper hand; but the truth was, the Empress benefited the most from this situation. She had no reason to suffer and became so thin like this.

The Empress" face wasn"t daubed with powder, lips weren"t painted, and eyebrows weren"t drawn. Xiu Yao felt bad. Her mistress wasn"t ugly; her appearance wasn"t ghastly like a monster either. But without any adjustment, she looked blander than any other well dolled-up consorts.

Xue Junliang led the Empress to sit in the front of a mirror. Then he took the eyebrow pencil, saying he"d help drawing her eyebrows.

The two were sitting so close to each other. Teng Yun closed his eyes, forcing himself to ignore the person in front of him and try to meditate, but he didn"t seem to succeed.

Every time, Xue Junliang"s breaths would blow against Teng Yun"s face, brushing his eyelashes.

It reminded Teng Yun of the nightmare he"d had when he was unconscious. He"d never feared anything in his life, but that particular day, he woke up feeling very scared. When Teng Yun opened his eyes, he saw Xue Junliang"s retreating form as he just exited the room.

Xiu Yao had told Teng Yun how he had such good fortune. Da w.a.n.g was very affectionate; all night long when he was sick, Xue Junliang had attentively cared for him, didn"t even allow any of the servants to help.

Xue Junliang held Teng Yun"s chin with one hand and lifted his face towards him. He held the eyebrow pencil with his other hand and carefully shaped one eyebrow. Xue Junliang was well-trained in using swords and weapons, but this was the first time he ever held an eyebrow pencil.

Xue Junliang drew with his utmost concentration. As he was drawing, suddenly he saw the other person"s cheeks had gone blushing-red. Her eyelashes were fluttering slightly like a small fan; tickling the insides of Xue Junliang"s heart.

Teng Yun felt something warm fell upon his forehead. He opened his eyes to find Xue Junliang had kissed him. Teng Yun was shocked and tried to pull away, but Xue Junliang stopped him before smiling, “Don"t move, or my hand will slip and make you an ugly Empress.”

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