The Ugly Empress

Chapter 38 – Fearsome Bandits

Chapter 38 – Fearsome Bandits

Hearing Jiang Yu"s report, Xue Junliang"s expression only chilled for a second before resuming his usual calm and poised demeanor and he was back listening to the Empress teaching the Crown Prince.

Jiang Yu was the only one cold-sweating. Today, Xue w.a.n.g was in such a good mood because the spy had reported that Feng w.a.n.g had arrived at Ming River right on the day Xue w.a.n.g"s plan to drown the city was scheduled to happen. But who knew another report came saying they found an official seal somewhere near the city.

It wasn"t hard to guess what had happen; it could only mean Zhao Lu had come to Ming River. What Zhao Lu did in Ming River, Jiang Yu was very sure Xue w.a.n.g had guessed it.

Xue Junliang stayed for a a few more minutes before finally came out. When he walked outside, he said, “I haven"t guessed wrongly… I was hoping I was wrong.”

“Then… How do Your Majesty plan to deal with Zhao Lu?”

Xue Junliang stopped walking and said, “No need to deal with him. What good does dealing with him do? Pretending not to know is not useful either. Zhao Lu helped Feng w.a.n.g this once, but his loyalty is still completely towards Xue Country.”

At this time, on the northern border, there was another event happening. Just like what Teng Yun had said, Cheng Tian sent his troops to into the remote terrain to quietly dig the river, preparing to divert the river water to drown Xue Country"s soldiers bringing supplies and to shake Xue Yu and Teng Shang"s soldiers.

Teng Yun had suggested sending a small troop to attack Cheng Tian"s soldiers. Cheng Tian was too caught up in digging the river and forgot to guard the working soldiers. When Xue Country"s troop came upon them, most of his soldiers were killed right then and there, and the rest were scattered. Xue Country"s troop didn"t even chase the escaping soldiers and went back to the army camp instead.

This happened several times, leaving Cheng Tian utterly vexed. He started to realize that his plans had been seen and predicted by Xue Junliang. There was no use in continuing digging the river so he ordered his soldiers to withdraw.

Teng Yun felt Cheng Tian"s situation had come to quite an unfavorable point. If at this time, Xue Country were to deliver a big hit to Cheng Tian, Teng Yun reckoned Teng Shang might come back to the capital city sooner.

Here in the middle of the Imperial Court, at least Xue Junliang"s schemes were obvious. But there in the northern border, Xue Yu was an unpredictable dark horse.

So Teng Yun drew Xue Junliang a plan.

Having been defeated twice already, Cheng Tian was bound to be furious and plan to launch an attack.

But Cheng Tian was someone who had worked in the Imperial Court for so many years, he knew not to directly attack the border pa.s.s. The border pa.s.s had been known forever as a place easy to defend but difficult to attack; directly attacking it would only guarantee his own defeat. So Cheng Tian would plan to sneakily attack Xue Country"s army camp in the middle of the night, relying on catching the enemy off guard.

Teng Yun pointed a small village in the northern border to Xue Junliang. The small village was the closest to Cheng Tian"s army camp and was hard to defend, so Cheng Tian would consider claiming this place first. Teng Yun suggested sending Teng Shang to empty the village within one day.

When Cheng Tian"s army arrived at the small village, seeing the empty and desolate place, Cheng Tian felt a bad premonition. Just then, a soldier rushed to him to report that their army camp was in flames.

Cheng Tian realized his moves had been predicted. He ordered the soldiers to return to the camp. Before he could go out of the village, Teng Shang and his army came to surround the small village and close three of its four gates; the last gate opened to a river just outside the village.

Cheng Tian"s soldiers were trapped inside the small village. In panic, they tried to flee and save their lives. Three of the gates were closed, so they could only chose the remaining gate which was left open. When they pa.s.sed the gate, they were stopped by a river. The situation became even more chaotic.

The river blocking their way forward, and behind them, Xue Country"s army were chasing them. It was either run or died kind of situation. The soldiers had no other choice than started crossing the river. But the river current was quite rapid, many of the soldiers were drowned. The ones who were able to cross the river were too exhausted for any more fight.

The remaining soldiers escorted Cheng Tian to return to the army camp. In the camp, there was no fire at all, instead there was Teng Shang sitting on the top of the watchtower, calmly sipping tea.

Cheng Tian realized once again that his moves had been antic.i.p.ated. But at this point, there was nowhere else to go; Xue Country"s army were still chasing behind them. They had no choice other than to fight Teng Shang here.

Having exhausted themselves escaping, added that their weapons and horses were drowned in the river, their defeat was a sure thing.

But Cheng Tian"s subordinates actually broke through Teng Shang"s soldiers. One thing that Teng Yun and Teng Shang failed to predict was that Cheng Tian had such brave subordinates.

The three subordinates guarded Cheng Tian, protecting him from the sides and from behind. They fought back with all their might and led the remaining soldiers to withdraw.

Teng Shang thought these three subordinates were very talented, but looking at their posture, it was easy to see they were only loyal to Cheng Tian. He didn"t force the subordinates to surrender, neither did he pursue them. He burned Cheng Tian"s abandoned camp and took his soldiers back to Xue Country"s army camp.

Xue Yu berated Teng Shang for not pursuing the retreating enemy and blamed him for being disloyal.

Teng Shang coldly sneered. The reason why they could force Cheng Tian to such a difficult situation was not because of how heroic and powerful Xue Country"s army was, it was because they could take advantage of a good momentum to catch Cheng Tian off guard, therefore Cheng Tian was defeated. But if they were to pursue Cheng Tian, they would have to fight and in the end, suffer more loss than what they had now.

Cheng Tian returned to the Palace in defeat. Cheng Tian"s vice general, who was his own younger brother, saw that Cheng Tian was exhausted and worn-out. When Cheng Tian was sleeping, he slayed Cheng Tian"s head and then took his own soldiers into the Palace. He arrested the young king and forced him to abdicate. With his faithful aide urging him on, the young king didn"t dare to refuse. He stepped down and selected Cheng Tian"s younger brother as the new king.

The country once again was thrown into a chaotic civil war and at the moment, would be unable to create troubles with other countries.

Xue Junliang received the good news. In a merry mood he credited this great achievement to the Empress who was sitting on top of the Imperial Court. All the court officials kowtowed and prayed Long Live the Empress. Never would have they thought this great victory turned out to be the Empress" handiwork and for a time, they still could not believe it.

Xue Junliang laughed and said, “The soldiers" merits should not be forgot. Since they had achieved a great success, Gu is calling Marquis Zhenjiang and Consultant Teng back to the capital city. We should hold a huge celebration.”

Hearing Xue Junliang letting Teng Shang return, Teng Yun finally could put his worries to rest.

A few days after the decree came down, Teng Shang and a part of the army returned to the capital city. This small portion of the army had sworn their loyalty to Teng Shang. At that time of the small village"s battle, Teng Shang wasn"t only sitting idly and sipping tea as Cheng Tian had been led to believe; he had also played the war drum, encouraging and rising the soldiers" spirit.

An army commander who fought alongside his soldiers, who ate and slept together in the soldiers" barrack; how could the soldiers not respect him? In the end, more soldiers had decided to follow Teng Shang.

But this time, Xue Yu didn"t return, therefore the bigger portion of the army didn"t return either. The small troops following Teng Shang was the result of Teng Shang"s own hard work.

Xue Junliang had predicted Xue Yu not coming back, because if he came back, Xue Yu would be arrested and put under a restriction. Xue Yu managing to escape Xue Junliang"s clutches this time proved that he indeed had been cultivating his own soldiers and power. Xue Junliang wasn"t surprised and also didn"t care.

When the army returned, Xue Junliang led his Empress and all the court officials to welcome them by the Palace"s gate and had ordered a celebration banquet to be held for three consecutive days.

Teng Shang, as the bringer of a great victory, had to meet and pay respect to Xue Country"s king and empress. Xue Junliang said, “Gu wasn"t mistaken, Master Teng is a great talent and is able to deliver a great contribution to my Xue Country…”

When Teng Shang said nothing, Xue Junliang added, “But Gu also knows, you"re a person who is fiercely loyal. As a king, Gu doesn"t like to act without consulting others" opinion and force people to do something; people would gladly do things when they aren"t forced to do it.”

Teng Shang was still, while inwardly, an unknown feeling spread across his heart. Such a simple principle, Xue Junliang could understand, yet Teng w.a.n.g never could. Teng Shang felt that every time Xue w.a.n.g insisted Teng Shang changed his faith, his heart would be affected little by little.

Teng Shang was aware Xue w.a.n.g was persuading him to surrender, and Teng Shang himself couldn"t say he was unmovable. Someday, Teng Shang was afraid he would not be able to resist Xue w.a.n.g"s understanding and benevolence and then he would really surrender.

Finished saying what he intended to say, Xue Junliang laughed, “This victory is made possible mostly thanks to the Empress" plans and strategies. The Empress often talks with Gu about Master Teng, so now how about you two talk a bit?”

Then he got up and went out, Jiang Yu following behind him.

Teng Yun was surprised and thought maybe Xue Junliang had found him out. Even if there were other people; there were still Xiu Yao, Jiao Shui and other palace maids in the room, Xue Junliang should never let his Empress alone with another man, especially a man from another country.

Teng Shang could not understand what Xue Junliang meant. Was he delegating his own wife to persuade Teng Shang?

Teng Yun noted how Teng Shang tensed, he didn"t know why but he couldn"t help laughing bitterly. They had always been close; to think that there would be a day they would be suspicious of one another…

When the Empress still said nothing after a long time, Teng Shang had to say, “According to what I have heard, the reason we were able to beat Cheng Tian was all because Your Majesty"s plans. Many thanks to Your Majesty.”

Teng Yun didn"t respond to that. He only told Xiu Yao to help Teng Shang off the floor.

In order to avoid people"s suspicions, Teng Yun didn"t dare looking at Teng Shang in the eyes, not even the corners of Teng Shang"s clothes. He just stared at his own sleeves as if busy counting the thread lines.

After a long time, Teng Yun finally opened his mouth. Voice a bit shaky, he difficultly said, “When you have no soldiers, do something the enemy least expected and catch them off guard… Master Teng"s teaching, I would never dare to forget.”

Then Teng Yun quickly picked a cup of tea and drank the tea hurriedly. Jiao Shui immediately announced the Empress was tired and had to take a rest.

Teng Shang, disregarding a number of formality etiquette, suddenly raised his head to stare at the Empress, but the Empress" face was covered by her tea cup and her eyes were down, Teng Shang couldn"t see how her expression was.

Teng Shang was beside himself in shock. For a long time, he was lost in a thought; Jiao Shui had to call out three times before he came back to himself. As if knowing how rude he was, he pretended to look embarra.s.sed and kowtowed a few times. Then he went out.

Xue Junliang was fiddling with the fire on a candle with a tablespoon when Jiang Yu came in bringing Jiao Shui. Without turning around, Xue Junliang said, “How was it?”

“Answering to Your Majesty, Teng Shang has gone out of the Palace.”

“Oh… What did they talk about?”

Jiao Shui said, “From beginning to the end, the Empress only said one sentence; ‘when you have no soldiers, do something the enemy least expected and catch them off guard". Teng Shang"s reaction, however, was somewhat strange. He almost forgot his manners. This servant had to call out for him three times before he took back his gaze.”

“When you have no soldiers.”

Xue Junliang laughed and repeated the sentence word by word slowly. This wasn"t something difficult to understand. It was the principle to be relied on when there was no soldier, in order to reduce the number of casualties.

Everyone knew this principle, there was nothing so shocking in this sentence. People who heard it might feel glad for the enlightenment, but they would not be so shocked they forget their manners. Xue Junliang was smart, so of course he understood it wasn"t the sentence that shocked Teng Shang, but maybe the person who had said it…

When Teng Shang left the Palace, he was still in a bit of a daze. Xue Houyang hadn"t seen Teng Shang for several months and was so eager to see him. He prepared a carriage and waited to pick Teng Shang at the Palace gate.

At first, Xue Houyang didn"t find anything wrong with Teng Shang"s expression; after all he was quite simple and blunt, not very familiar with people"s subtle expressions and feelings. But eventually, he started to realize that something wasn"t right.

“Master Teng… Is there something wrong? In the Palace, what had His Majesty said to you that made you so concerned? You mustn"t think about it too much.”

Teng Shang shook his head. There were too many emotions playing in his heart.

“When you have no soldiers, do something the enemy least expected and catch them off guard.”

“How do we go to war if we have no soldiers?”

“Use people"s minds, use your brain… You must remember, after a war, there would be a change in leadership. A war doesn"t only involve the leaders of the countries, but also involve the innocent and common people. Their lives and deaths are placed in your hands, no matter how big or small a war is. You have to make sure to reduce the number of possible casualties. In a world where people would trick and betray each other, let"s make any good merits we could make.”

“Uncle needs not worry, Teng Yun would never dare to forget.”

Teng Shang recalled the past and couldn"t help sighing deeply. Never would have he expected to hear someone said those very same words a few years later, and certainly not after that person had died…

When Teng Shang didn"t say anything, Xue Houyang thought Teng Shang was tired. He could only see one side of Teng Shang"s face but he saw Teng Shang"s eyes were red, his face showed some complicated emotions that Xue Houyang couldn"t understand.

Xue Houyang had never seen Teng Shang so vulnerable. Teng Shang always looked calm and unperturbed, his composure was always elegant and poised. Even when Teng Shang knew he would die, Teng Shang always acted like he had everything under control.

Xue Houyang"s heart was pained like it was being squeezed and he felt numb all over. Without saying anything, he put a hand on Teng Shang"s shoulder, pulling Teng Shang to him and letting him rest his head on his own shoulder.

Teng Shang was silent as he hid his face against Xue Houyang"s shoulder. For the first time, Xue Houyang felt he was so close to Teng Shang, he could even feel Teng Shang"s breath.

After a long time, Teng Shang pulled back his head and cleared his throat. He said, “Forgive me for letting you see me like this, it"s just… For some reason, I just thought of someone.”

Xue Houyang immediately thought of Teng Yun. Knowing how close Teng Shang had been with Teng Yun, he didn"t bring it up again.

After listening to Jiao Shui"s report, Xue Junliang went to Yunfeng Palace.

In Yunfeng Palace, Xiu Yao couldn"t find Jiao Shui and thought she was hiding from her duties. Xiu Yao complained to her mistress, saying, “Your Majesty, you should scold that Jiao Shui. Did she believe if His Majesty said a few words to her, she was now an Imperial Consort? Every day, she would disappear somewhere. The only servant that is serving you whole-heartedly is this servant alone. In my opinion, you should be careful of that person, who know someday she would betray you like she did to Teng-fei?”

Just as Xiu Yao finished talking, Jiao Shui came back. She was bringing a few dishes and said, “These days having so many celebration banquets, this servant thought maybe Your Majesty was tired of having extravagant dishes, so this servant especially asked the kitchen to make a few appetizing fresh dishes.”

Jiao Shuu"s words were very sweet and pleasing. Even Xiu Yao who had been bad-mouthing her at one moment, the next moment Xiu Yao might be appeased and impressed by her.

Just a few minutes after Jiao Shui came back, Xue Junliang arrived at Yunfeng Palace. Seeing the dishes on the table, he said he would stay and eat here.

Xue Junliang said, “The time for the Triennial Selection is nearing. The young ladies partic.i.p.ating in the Selection have started to arrive in the capital city these days. Gu is thinking of selecting a concubine for Marquis Wannian, how do Aifei think?”

Teng Yun pondered over it. He did think there was a good point in choosing a concubine for Xue Houyang; this way Teng Shang didn"t need to see Xue Houyang as often.

But Teng Yun didn"t know if the concubine would acknowledge Teng Shang; after all, Teng Shang was a Teng.

The young lady who was suitable for a Marquis Wannian must be a sheltered daughter of some famous and rich family. With a background like that, Teng Yun was afraid she would not get along with Teng Shang.

Xue Junliang saw the Empress thinking hard, he added, “After all, Teng Shang is a man who cannot give birth. Xue Houyang is an extraordinary and loyal subordinate. Gu cannot let him have no descendant, right?”

Teng Yun tried to compromise, “Since this matter is concerning Marquis Wannian, isn"t it best to discuss it first with him? Other people can make decisions, but in the end, Lord Marquis is the one who has to live with the decision.”

Xue Junliang laughed as he touched Teng Yun"s lips, before saying, “Who knows Gu‘s Empress has become even more clever in her speech?”

Having his lips touched, Teng Yun subconsciously pursed his lips. Somehow, Teng Yun thought this was like he was kissing Xue Junliang"s fingers. These days, in order to get news about Teng Shang from the northern border, Teng Yun had been tricked so many times by Xue Junliang into kissing him.

Teng Yun"s face heated up, which pleased Xue Junliang very much. He liked to see the Empress, who was always calm and collected, being taunted by him. She would look as if she was feeling at loss, panicked, and indignant; all at the same time. The expression was addicting to Xue Junliang.

At first, Teng Yun would glare daggers at Xue Junliang in order to hide what he was feeling, later on, he slowly got used to it. No matter how someone"s personality was, a habit was the most terrible thing. Time was the best companion for feelings; with time feelings could fade, but with time, feelings could be polished, too. A feeling that was polished by time ran deep, and that was what Xue Junliang was aiming for.

When the two of them continue talking, someone came in saying there was some matter to report. The matter was not too serious, but was quite urgent. It was sent by the official stationed in the suburb. The official"s influence wasn"t that powerful and therefore was unable to do anything, could only send this report and disturb His Majesty.

Xue Junliang laughed after reading the report. Throwing it onto the table, he said, “A small matter like this, yet still dares to ask for help. Maybe Gu should just replace the official.”

Listening to this, Jiang Yu said he would pa.s.s the message, he took the report and was about to withdraw. Disturbing the king was alright, but it wasn"t going to be easily forgiven.

Before Jiang Yu took the report, Teng Yun glanced at the report and unintentionally saw a few words.

Xue Junliang noted an interest in the Empress" eyes. He gestured to Jiang Yu to bring the report and presented it to the Empress.

Teng Yun read the report quickly. Sometime, he would be frowning, and other time, he would be raising his eyebrows. The scene was tickling Xue Junliang"s heart. He pulled the Empress to him by the waist.

When Teng Yun was focused on something, he couldn"t pay attention to his surrounding; especially if that something was beneficial to himself.

There were three names mentioned in the report, and the names weren"t even that obnoxious. They were He Daba, He Erba, and He Sanba. The names could lead people into thinking they were names of some villages" chiefs, no wonder Xue Junliang didn"t put much thought over it.

[T/N : Da (大) could mean ‘eldest". Er (二) and San (三) means two and three. Ba (霸) means chief. I think the names could mean ‘village chief number one, village chief number two, village chief number three." At one glance, look insignificant, right?]

The report said that the young ladies who were going to partic.i.p.ate in the Triennial Selection, were met with a band of robbers just at the capital city"s suburb. These bandits were led by these three chiefs. No matter who the entourage were, whether they were daughters of common people or from big families, all were stopped by the bandits, as if the bandits were disregarding the fact that these young ladies were to be selected by His Majesty.

These bandits stole monies and the carriages but never killed anyone. The people, men or women, would then be let go.

The young ladies, having no carriage nor belongings, naturally could not enter the capital city and partic.i.p.ate in the Selection.

Xue Junliang didn"t know who these three persons were, but Teng Yun did. They were the ones escorting Cheng Tian to withdraw from Teng Shang"s attack.

These people were graced by Cheng Tian"s knowledge and teachings, it was inevitable they would pledge loyalty. Then, Cheng Tian died. Deciding not to follow another master, they simply packed their belongings and left. The three brothers who once had names and reputations were demoted into bandits.

The three hated Xue w.a.n.g for sending troops to kill their master, but because they had no power to avenge their master"s death, they secretly dwelt in the suburbs and deliberately creating troubles, making the local official completely helpless.

The three had been in the army for a long time, and their military discipline had sunk deep into their bones. They were robbing people"s money and carriages but they weren"t willing to kill people indiscriminately.

When Teng Yun saw the three names, his heart was elated with joy. If he could recruit them for himself, it would be a great advantage. But he was now in Xue Country, if he helped Xue Junliang recruited these three, Teng Yun was afraid Xue Junliang would be even more undefeated.

But if he didn"t recruit them right now, these three could be even more lost. If they only used their great talents to rob people, it would be a waste.

Teng Yun had been lost in a thought for a long time before he suddenly realized that a hand was pinching his waist, sometime the pinch was light, sometime hard; and now his waist was sore.

Teng Yun leaned back to get away from the pinching hand. Jiang Yu, who was standing to the side, had to cover his laugh with his hand. Xue w.a.n.g had been playfully teasing the Empress" back. The teasing was light, but it made Xue w.a.n.g seemed more humane.

Teng Yun said, “Your Majesty doesn"t know, but these three people are valiant military leaders. One person is already very powerful, three of them will be triple the power. They are Cheng Tian"s former subordinates.”

“Oh?” Xue Junliang showed interests, “Do you have any way to recruit them?”

“There is a way…” Teng Yun said, “But Chen-qie has a request.”

The Empress" serious tone only amused Xue Junliang. He smiled and said, “Then you should kiss me. Empress is so fragrant, when you kiss me, this king will lose all common sense and then agree to everything.”

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