The Ugly Empress

Chapter 44 – A Worthy King Could Bring Peace to His People

Chapter 44 – A Worthy King Could Bring Peace to His People

Xue Junliang was perplexed that the Empress would bring up this topic. Sometimes, some problems might look very complicated, but they were actually very simple. This was one of them; with the Empress mentioning just one name, Xue Junliang suddenly found the answer to what he"d been thinking was actually very simple.

Teng Yun saw the moment Xue Junliang"s head cleared. He slowly said, “Your Majesty, do you know why Teng Shang swore his loyalty to Teng? Why did Teng Shang agree to marry another man just so he could stay alive and continue serve his country? It"s not because Teng Shang was a fool, it was because he wanted to repay a huge debt of kindness.”

Teng Yun continued, “That year, Teng Zhengxuan had many battles with many enemies. Wherever there was a war, naturally many people would be injured or catch a disease. No matter what the purpose of the war was, the ones who suffered the most were the innocent people. Teng Zhengxuan never hesitated to come see and tend to the patients. He even personally served them food. Once, he rescued a dying child. He saw the child very pitiful so he took the child in as his own. The child only asked Teng Zhengxuan for a set of clothes to keep warm in cold days. Teng Zhengxuan then named the child Teng Shang.”

[T/N : Shang (裳) from yishang (衣裳) which means clothes.]

Xue Junliang listened quietly and sighed, “No wonder.”

“Since Your Majesty has obtained the whole world within your hands,” Teng Yun continued, “This time, why don"t you use your hands to bring peace to your people?”

Xue Junliang thought for a long time before finally nodded. He went out of Yunfeng Palace and returned to his residence. He told Jiang Yu to summon the officials to start discussing the disaster relief plans.

Chen Yi guessed that maybe General Teng Yun had convinced Xue w.a.n.g. He smiled and bowed down, “A worthy king could bring peace to his people.”

Managing a disaster was a matter of emergency and had to be done immediately, but going on a journey would take some time. Even if Xue Junliang ordered the preparation to be as simple as possible, it would be a while before he could arrive at the site. Therefore, Xue Junliang ordered Chen Yi to bring a group of people and go to Teng first to open food centers.

Chen Yi immediately accepted the order. Xue w.a.n.g didn"t have to give detailed instruction for Chen Yi to understand what he had to do. As soon as he went out of Xue w.a.n.g"s residence, he ordered people to prepare a few items he would need and soon, he set off.

This time, Xue Junliang would be going somewhere quite far from the capital city. He arranged Xue Houyang to supervise the overall situation. Any military troops would have to be made known to Xue Houyang and approved with his official seal before they could be moved or transferred.

A few days later, the preparation for Xue Junliang"s journey was finally completed. His scheduled departure was already right before his eyes yet the Empress never once took the initiative to come see him. Helpless, Xue Junliang had to go to Yunfeng Palace and spend his last night there.

Knowing Xue w.a.n.g would depart tomorrow, Xiu Yao figured tonight he would not be merely sleeping. She tactfully ordered the other palace maids to leave the room. Teng Yun didn"t suspect Xiu Yao"s schemes because his thought never once went into that direction.

Teng Yun and Xue Junliang had been having less intimate times lately, especially since that time Xue Houyang and Teng Shang went to Teng to subdue Teng Xin. Xue Junliang was eager for something to happen between them, but in the end he didn"t make any move.

On the other hand, although Teng Yun was now inside a woman"s body, his mind was still that of a man. Sure, Teng Yun didn"t hate Xue Junliang as much as he did before; even admitting again and again how Xue Junliang was a good king, Teng Yun never spared a thought about what the relationship between him and Xue Junliang really was.

Also, despite having intelligence far superior than average people, Teng Yun was never good at feelings. He could talk endlessly about military theories, but if asked about the matter of feelings between two people, Teng Yun knew nothing because he had never thought about it before.

From time to time, Xue Junliang would get a bit handsy with him, but Teng Yun guessed maybe it was because he was now Xue Junliang"s Empress. It was only natural Xue Junliang would want to be close and intimate with his wife. Who else would he want to be intimate with other than his wife?

Xue Junliang was a supreme king; he was used to getting things he wanted easily. For him, being honest and frank about his feelings towards his Empress was not easy.

As a result, Xue Junliang who was always teasing Teng Yun, and Teng Yun who was used to Xue Junliang"s teasings; both just sat at the table silently and wordlessly.

The room was quiet; there was no other person besides the two as the palace maids had all retired. The door was closed and the candles were burning gently. On the table, there was a set of light dishes and wine.

Xue Junliang would go away to some place far away. Shouldn"t the Empress, as a wife, say something auspicious or maybe even try to make him happy somehow? After all, he would have to be away for quite some time.

Teng Yun sat silently across from Xue Junliang, wondering why Xue Junling was still sitting here; he didn"t talk, didn"t eat or drink. And because tomorrow Xue Junliang would have to go, wasn"t it better if he went to bed early and rest?

Xue Junliang finally couldn"t stand it anymore. He cleared his throat and smiled, “It"s rather boring if we"re just sitting here. How about you tell me some stories?”

Since Xue Junliang felt bored, why didn"t he just leave but instead asked Teng Yun to tell stories? The Little Crown Prince, Xue Pei always came to visit Teng Yun, asking him to read stories. Like father, like son. Apparently, hearing stories wasn"t just Xue Pei"s unusual quirk.

Teng Yun searched his memory for a bit. He had many stories about wars, but mostly were wars against Xue Country"s army, which of course Teng Yun couldn"t not tell Xue Junliang. In the end, Teng Yun chose to recite histories and local folklores.

Because Teng Yun was from Teng Country, which was located in the south, there were many differences and dissimilarities compared to Xue Country"s cultures. Xue Junliang, who initially only asked the Empress telling stories out of boredom, became very fascinated. He laughed and said, “I know you"re very knowledgeable, but I never thought you"d know this much about Teng Country.”

Teng Yun"s heart jumped, feeling maybe he"d talked too much. But when he glanced at Xue Junliang, the other man"s face didn"t show any suspicion and Teng Yun"s heart calmed down slightly.

Xue Junliang said, “Houyang said he had learned all about strategies for wars that took place in land, but he knew nothing about naval infantry. Maybe next time he could come and learn from you.”

Teng Yun hesitated and didn"t immediately answer. Even though Teng Country had become a part of Xue Country and Teng w.a.n.g was now a Marquis Tengnan, Teng Yun still had some reluctance to pa.s.s down his knowledge to Xue Houyang, who was his former enemy country"s great general.

After all, Teng Yun"s most reliable strategy in winning against Marquis Wannian was his expertise in leading a troop of naval infantry. Xue Houyang was born and raised in the north. There weren"t many lakes and seas in north, unlike in Teng Country. Xue Country"s soldiers were used to fight in dry lands, and therefore when the battlefield was dragged to the seas, they were helpless. Also, a ship on the sea was unstable; would sway right and left with the sea waves. It would be hard for Xue Country"s soldiers to use their usual weapons such as swords and spears.

The two people talked for a long time under the light from the candles. At one point, Xue Junliang noticed the Empress was looking tired and thought maybe she was sleepy. He then called Xiu Yao to take away the wine and the dishes on the table and prepare the bed.

On the bed, Xue Junliang was lying on the outer side, staring at the ceiling. If this journey wasn"t for inspecting the refugees, truthfully he didn"t want to go. When he thought he would not be able to see the Empress for a long time, his heart was slightly unhappy.

He"d considered bringing the Empress with him to south, but this journey wasn"t just for sight-seeing but to help the refugees, the situation there would be hard for the Empress to endure. Also, what would he do if the Empress catch the disease and fall ill?

Xue Junliang had been staring at the ceiling all night when suddenly he sighed. Who knew he could fret over someone this much, could obsess over someone to the point he could not think clearly. Moreover, this someone came from another country. Sure, this person was not like any other, but Xue Junliang shouldn"t be this relaxed when he was with this person. Teng was finally defeated and now a part of his country, but Feng Country was still a potential enemy.

Xue Junliang turned his head. The Empress was laying on her side, facing away with her back to him. Xue Junliang could only see her silk-like hair, could not see her expression. By the sound of her even breathing, the Empress seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Xue Junliang rose and supported his weight on his elbow. With his other hand, he gently gathered the Empress" stray hair on her cheek and neck.

Perhaps because her neck was no longer covered by her hair; and perhaps the Empress felt the cold wind, her shoulders lifted as if trying to protect her neck. Xue Junliang was startled by this and froze, just like a thief afraid of being caught.

After the Empress stopped moving, Xue Junliang waited for a long time until he was sure she didn"t wake up. He looked down at her face; her long eyelashes casted shadows on her cheeks like a little paper fan. A warm affection spread all over his heart.

Suddenly, Xue Junliang recalled Chen Yi said, ‘A worthy king could bring peace to his people."

Xue Junliang slowly lowered his head and gently kissed the Empress" earlobe. Then he gathered the blanket to cover her more securely before laying down again.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yu was called in to help Xue Junliang clean up and dress. Today, Xue Junliang"s attire was more formal than usual.

Xue Junliang gestured to Jiang Yu not to make too much noise. After he was dressed, Xue Junliang ordered Jiang Yu to prepare breakfast in the outer room in order not to disturb the Empress" sleep.

The person on the bed heard the sound of the door being closed and opened his eyes. He was still for a moment before his hand reached up from under the blanket to touch his earlobe.

Last night Teng Yun didn"t sleep much, but he didn"t know why. It wasn"t as if last night was the first time Xue Junliang slept at Yunfeng Palace. In fact, since that first day Xue Junliang unexpectedly said he"d like to spend the night at Yunfeng Palace, he slept here almost every day. Xue Junliang also never initiated anything; he"d tease Teng Yun a few times but then he would cover Teng Yun with the blanket and then lie down to sleep.

At this point, Teng Yun should have gotten used to sleeping with Xue Junliang, but last night Teng Yun couldn"t sleep as soundly as usual.

Xue Junliang had moved closer, molding his body against Teng Yun"s back. Teng Yun was still not used to the weather in the north, which was colder than in the south. Xue Junliang"s body was very warm against Teng Yun"s. Because he was feeling warm, Teng Yun started to feel sleepy. But then Xue Junliang sighed and rose.

Teng Yun was almost afraid Xue Junliang would do something inappropriate when he was sleeping, but Xue Junliang didn"t. His hand was only gently touching Teng Yun"s hair. When Teng Yun moved a bit, the man behind him stilled as if he was startled. Later, Teng Yun felt warm breath on his neck and moist kiss on his earlobe. Teng Yun almost jumped but he forced himself to stay still. Xue Junliang then secured the blanket around Teng Yun.

If Xue Junliang found out Teng Yun wasn"t sleeping, Teng Yun didn"t know what Xue Junliang would have done to him.

A long time after Xue Junliang left, Xiu Yao came in.

Xiu Yao saw the Empress sitting on the bed, staring dazedly in front of her. One of her hand was touching her earlobe and her cheeks were slightly blushing.

Xiu Yao couldn"t help giggling and say, “Empress, wake up!”

Teng Yun was startled, which was making Xiu Yao laugh louder, “Empress, you must have been so tired last night. It must be why you"re daydreaming this early in the morning. His Majesty has left more than half a shichen ago.”

Teng Yun glared at Xiu Yao, and seeing this, Xiu Yao didn"t dare making any more jokes. She knew her mistress was sensitive. If she was teased, she could get angry and the one suffering would be no one other than Xiu Yao herself.

Xiu Yao silently took out an envelope and presented it to the Empress, saying, “Empress, His Majesty gave me this before he left, said to give it to you when you wake up.”

Teng Yun wondered why Xue Junliang being so mysterious; as if they were exchanging secret letters containing grand schemes and strategies.

Teng Yun took the envelope and tore it off; inside, there was a piece of letter. He took the letter and read…

— A worthy king could bring peace to his people.

Teng Yun read the sentence again and again, but he still could not understand the meaning no matter how long he stared at it.

Xiu Yao saw the Empress staring at the letter thoughtfully, but didn"t dare peaking at the letter"s content. After a moment, Xiu Yao silently retreated. Sometime, she could not understand what the Empress was thinking.

On the way back to Teng, Marquis Tengnan spent a night at a relay station.

The relay station was small and Marquis Tengnan had to share s.p.a.ce with those of lower ranks than him. The food that they ate was simple and common dishes.

After dinner, Marquis Tengnan returned to his room to rest early, as they would have to wake up early tomorrow to hurry continuing the journey home.

Just as Marquis Tengnan"s attendant was about to close his room"s door, someone reported there was a guest looking for the marquis.

Marquis Tengnan couldn"t think of anyone wanting to meet him here. This place was far from the village and from the city; there was no one who would be looking for him here. Also, at this time, there was no urgent situation that needed his attention, so it was strange that someone would come here asking to see him.

Turned out, the person looking for him was no one other than Xue Yu.

This time, Xue Yu came alone without his a.s.sistant, Lang Jing. Therefore, Marquis Tengnan was suspicious of Xue Yu"s intention.

Xue Yu saw Marquis Tengnan"s wary expression and smiled, “Lord Marquis, don"t be like that. Haven"t I already said that next time we met again, we should help each other out in order so you can stay at your ‘Imperial Palace" and I can defend my northern border?”

Marquis Tengnan stayed silent, so Xue Yu added, “You must be still angry to be demoted as a marquis, then you should understand how I feel. When the previous Xue w.a.n.g was still alive, I was his favorite son. Because of Xue Junliang"s trick, I had to quickly escape and then gather my own power in northern border. If not, maybe I would have been long dead. Now, you"re only a marquis, I also only a marquis. You understand my feeling, don"t you?”

Marquis Tengnan still said nothing.

Xue Yu said, “You used to be called Your Majesty, now you have to call another person as Your Majesty. Aren"t you angry? If you say you"re not angry, then I will immediately turn to go and never to bother you again.”

Marquis Tengnan"s expression finally changed. He then said, “You have to have a good plan.”

“I dare coming here, of course, it"s because I do have a plan,” Xue Yu smiled, “We"re pretty much old acquaintances by this point, so of course I know what sort of person you are. I cannot talk strategies with you right here. Later when you"re back at Teng Country, I will send someone to meet you and tell you my plans.”

Marquis Tengnan started to get angry. He used to be a king, no one dared suspecting him or keeping secrets from him. By the way Xue Yu talked, it was clear he wasn"t afraid of Marquis Tengnan.

Xue Yu smiled and said, “Whether you want to be someone above everyone, or you want to stay being someone else"s slave, it"s the time you chose. You could be the only ruler in the south, and I can hold the highest power in the north; we could be close friends.”

With a smile, Xue Yu turned to open the door and then went out.

Marquis Tengnan was still doubtful; could not dispel the possibility of Xue Yu saying empty words. He was half-hopeful and half-suspicious all the way his journey back to Teng.

Not long after Marquis Tengnan arrived at Teng, Xue Yu sent his people. Coincidently, at that time, an epidemic broke out in Teng and many people, even in the capital city, were affected by the disease. Xue Yu"s man told Marquis Tengnan to send his soldiers to go to every house in the city; searching everyone who was ill and threw their whole family out of the city, regardless they were n.o.blemen or commoner. Anyone who resisted would be buried alive.

[T/N : My gosh, I wish I didn"t have to translate that.]

The people"s livelihood had started to decline in the first place, caused by the war they endured for so many years. And now, if they were driven out of their hometown by the soldiers, the people"s anger would grow louder. The news would soon travel into Xue Junliang"s ears.

When it happened, Xue Yu"s man added, Marquis Tengnan should secretly gather a group of people capable of martial arts and place them along the road from Xue to Teng, waiting for Xue w.a.n.g.

Marquis Tengnan thought it was a stupid plan. Since when did a king of a country personally travel to help a disaster recovery? If it was a flood, it was possible. But this time, it was an epidemic. Surely, no king was not afraid of catching a disease.

Marquis Tengnan was surprised as Xue Yu"s man convinced him Xue Junliang would come down himself to the disaster area.

However, Marquis Tengnan still could not believe that Xue Junliang wasn"t prepared with bringing heavy guards. Wherever Xue Junliang went, there was always a mountain of elite soldiers guarding him. How could a group of kill him that easily?

Also, if Xue Yu"s tactician only suggested sending a group of random and unprofessional thugs, wouldn"t it only alert Xue Junliang"s entourage? Even if they managed to ambush Xue Junliang a few times along the road, for Xue Junliang they were likely just considered a joke.

Xue Yu"s tactician had it all planed. Laughing, he said that of course a group of lowly thugs would not be able to kill Xue Junliang. Their purpose was only to distract Xue w.a.n.g. Marquis Zhenjiang didn"t want to kill Xue Junliang, instead wanting Xue Junliang to be alive to see how his own country was attacked by another enemy.

Marquis Tengnan was still doubtful. After all, Xue Yu was already quite powerful and capable, why did he have to include Marquis Tengnan in this? It wasn"t impossible Xue Yu was placing the target on Marquis Tengnan, and then when Xue Junliang found out, Xue Yu would be standing to the side and throwing stones at him.

Moreover, Xue Yu was still a Xue person, and his surname was Xue. When this plan fell out, Marquis Tengnan would be the first person to receive the blow.

So, Marquis Tengnan put on an amiable and agreeable expression, and did as the tactician ordered. He sent a group of thugs to ambush Xue w.a.n.g. After that, he switched face; he ordered the tactician be captured and thrown into the prison. He put guards to watch over the tactician, not letting him escape nor kill himself.

Marquis Tengnan was proud of his own cleverness. If things didn"t work as planned, he could hand over the tactician and place all the blame on Xue Yu. After all, a wise man had to protect his own hide.

All along the road to the south, Xue Junliang took in the beautiful and lush scenery, the verdant hills and limpid waters. It"s truly an affluent land, unlike Xue Country; which mostly consisted of vast deserts and snowy mountains.

Teng Country not only had many bodies of water, but also a chain of green mountains in its territory. The country could have been able to support itself by extensive farming and fishery, but when Xue Junliang arrived at the border pa.s.s, all he could see was a large number of refugees.

When Xue Houyang took back his army after subduing Teng Xin, he had left an order that, any refugee who was willing to work and do farming, after pa.s.sing an inspection, should be allowed to enter the border pa.s.s.

Before Xue Junliang"s entourage arrived, a group of officials had arrived in advance to set up two temporary food centers.

Xue Junliang stood by one side, watching as the refugees all rushing and clamoring to grab food. At this time, Xue Junliang realized that in the eyes of these commoners, it wasn"t important who was king and who wasn"t. In the face of hunger and cold, they had no time to leisurely chit-chat about kings and royalties, let alone discussing the country"s affairs.

Xue Junliang ordered people to set up large tents for these refugees to sleep at night and to distribute warm clothes. He left some of the royal physicians that he brought with him here to treat the refugees.

He then continued the journey. A few days later, he met with Chen Yi"s group, who were supposed to arrive in Teng long before him.

The officials and attendants accompanying Xue Junliang were all astonished in seeing Chen Yi here. Hadn"t Chen Yi left the Palace a lot earlier than them? He should have arrived at this moment. They all thought Chen Yi was slighting an imperial edict and didn"t want to work a sweat.

Chen Yi smiled and said, “These few days I have been watching the sky and the stars. There is a black cloud coming above the southern lands. This lowly subject is just an ordinary human, didn"t want to hastily go to south because it might be dangerous there.”

Hearing this, everyone laughed. Indeed, this Chen Yi was just a pale-faced scholar, didn"t dare coming to a place where there was a disaster.

[T/N : ‘Pale-faced scholar" describes someone who learned from books but didn"t have hands-on experiences. It usually used as a joke or to ridicule someone.]

Xue Junliang also heard Chen Yi"s narration. He laughed and said, “Oh? High Mentor is able to read the stars and predict bad and good luck.. Then tell us what did you see?”

Chen Yi said, “Answering to Your Majesty, this lowly subject saw this black cloud is gradually moving northward, possibly the direction of the capital city. I am afraid the capital city is in danger.”

Chen Yi was being enigmatic, which at first made everyone want to laugh at him. But then when he continued talking, everyone immediately got the seriousness of Chen Yi"s prediction. They promptly shouted, “It"s not good!”

Chen Yi smiled, “Indeed, it"s not good. The black cloud is bringing bad luck, but this lowly subject had already had premonition. I had left a letter to be sent to Marquis Wannian.”

Xue Junliang chuckled and said, “You have done a great merit in preventing whatever danger coming to the capital city. Now, what is your solution to our immediate problem?”

Chen Yi had already arranged everything in the capital city, and he was a proud man, so of course he was proud of his foresight. He laughed and said, “This lowly subject doesn"t deserve Your Majesty"s praise. The one who is going to protect the capital city is Marquis Wannian. As for the immediate problem… Da w.a.n.g only needs to send one hundred archers to surround the forest in front of us. After a moment, Da w.a.n.g can continue the journey without any more trouble, and this journey will run smoothly as planned.”

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