The Ugly Empress

Chapter 26 – Witchcraft

Chapter 26 – Witchcraft

Xue Yu was the Late King"s youngest son, several years younger than the youngest of his older brothers. When his older brothers all fought for the throne, Xue Yu could be said to be still innocent and naive, as he was still locked up in the study room to learn.

Later, when Xue Junliang ascended the throne, there was a small and insignificant city at the northern border that often caused troubles, and he sent Xue Yu there to handle it.

After subduing the troublesome city, Xue Yu didn"t come back to claim a seat at the Imperial Court, instead insisted he"d stay guarding the northern border. This was his way of staying out of trouble because at this time, Xue Junliang was in the process of eliminating his opposing parties. Xue Yu was in a remote place, had little to no military power and was still very young, therefore Xue Junliang let him be.

Xue Junliang never forgot about Xue Yu; letting this one younger brother go was a one time generosity, but as was his nature as a king, deep beneath his generosity buried a suspicion; the little tiger he"d let go had grown and was now a crouching tiger, there would be a day the tiger would pose a threat.

[T/N : Crouching tiger (卧虎, wò hǔ) figuratively means a major figure in hiding.]

These past years, as Xue Junliang dealt with wars on every sides, Xue Yu had also cultivated a lot of his own military power in the border. Perhaps his power had grown quite ripe now, or perhaps he was just missing the Late King, that he informed he was coming to the capital city to pay respect to the Late King.

As soon as Xue Houyang received the news, he wondered to himself why there was so many troubles happening. The case hadn"t yet been solved and now came Marquis Zhenjiang.

When Xue Houyang entered the Palace, Xue Junliang was feeding the fish in a small pond.

Xue Houyang presented the news report, Xue Junliang took it and promptly threw it into the pond without even looking at it first. At once, the piece of paper was drenched in water and then started to sink. The fish vying for food were startled, so was Xue Houyang. But on Xue Junliang"s face there was not a single trace of anger.

Xue Junliang laughed, “The border is only a small piece of land, he doesn"t want it so he wishes to come home… I"m going to welcome him and hold an Ancestral Worship Ceremony.”

When Xue Houyang listened to Xue Junliang"s words, he could finally let go of his anxiousness because he knew Xue Junliang had heard the news and already had a plan, that was why Xue Junliang could act so calm.

Xue Junliang"s calm and collected demeanor was actually mostly for show. Inwardly he thought it"d be better to be prepared. He ordered the reinforcement of security all around the Imperial Palace, and the Palace Guards would be personally picked by Xue Houyang.

Because of this matter, Xue Houyang was able to delay his departure to the border even longer.

After the strange dream, Xue Junliang rarely went to Yunfeng Palace, but he still came there whenever it was time for meal, just like usual. This made people who originally thought Her Majesty the Empress was no longer favored, ate back their words.

Her Majesty"s face was now fully healed, there were no longer traces of bruises and scars. She still had a small scar near her ear, but she got this one because she wasn"t being careful and it didn"t even look that obvious. If anything, the scar made people who saw it feel charmed by her frailty.

Teng Yun was reading a book in the tea room. Xiu Yao came in to refill his tea and serve him some snacks made by the kitchen staff. Then she went out, but not long after, she came back in to change the incense.

Xiu Yao went out and then came back in a few more times until finally Teng Yun could no longer ignore her. He put down his book and looked up at Xiu Yao.

Being stared at like that, Xiu Yao shrank her neck trying to look smaller.

“Do you have something you want to say?” Teng Yun asked, “If you do, just say it.”

Xiu Yao pulled up her courage and prompted, “Your Majesty, I heard that Marquis Zhenjiang is coming to the capital city!”

Teng Yun casually asked, “Who is Marquis Zhenjiang?”

Teng Yun always believed that if he wanted to win battles, he had to know himself and his enemies, but sometime there would always be small things he had never heard of, such as this Marquis Zhenjiang.

Xue Yu, though he was able to stay alive by staying put at a remote place, he was just as obscure as his chosen place.

Teng Country was located in the south, it was no wonder Teng Yun had never heard of Xue Yu.

Xiu Yao, startled and wide-eyed, said, “Marquis Zhenjiang! Xue w.a.n.g"s youngest brother!”

Teng Yun searched his memory. He vaguely remembered Xue Junliang indeed had another younger brother and realized this younger brother must be this marquis. But he felt it odd, because as far as he knew, Xue Junliang only had one younger brother from the same mother and that was Xue Houyang. According to Xue Junliang"s nature, Xue Junliang would never let a brother from a different mother live.

Xiu Yao waited for a long time but only got a curt nod as response. The bruises on her mistress" face had all but disappeared and she now looked very beautiful. Her mistress only nodded, yet the gesture looked so graceful and elegant. But what Xiu Yao was waiting for was not a single nod.

Teng Yun pushed his book aside and leaned back on the recliner. When he threw a glance Xiu Yao"s way, he saw her jumped slightly. He dryly laughed.

“Do you still have any more to say?”

Xiu Yao said, “Empress, it"s like you can read minds. This servant wasn"t meant to keep it from you… I"m only a bit curious, but am I allowed to say it?”


Having been given permission, Xiu Yao cautiously said, “Your Majesty… I heard that, when the Late King was still alive, he once ordered Marquis Zhenjiang to go visit Feng Country.”

Teng Yun didn"t show response, but his heart skipped a beat. This body was not his and he didn"t have the original Empress" own memories. Being asked about things happened in the past he knew nothing about, he could only say, “Then?”

“Then,” Xiu Yao said, “Then I also heard rumors about Marquis Zhenjiang.. and you.”


When she heard her mistress" single-word response, Xiu Yao immediately thought her mistress was angry. Not daring to hide things from her mistress, Xiu Yao confessed, “Empress, please forgive me! This servant is just a bit angry about a rumor. Marquis Zhenjiang is coming to the capital city and the whole Inner Palace was abuzz with this one rumor, saying that the Late King once sent a messenger to Feng Country asking your hand in marriage, but he wanted to marry you with the youngest Prince. At that time, Feng Country refused the marriage proposal… This time Marquis Zhenjiang wants to come to the capital city, the whole Imperial Harem speculate that he actually wants to see you.”

Hearing this, Teng Yun coldly laughed.

So, the young prince, Xue Yu might have been to Feng Country once, there he might have seen Feng Country"s Princess. But now the story had been summed into this. This might be a small trick made by people inside the Imperial Harem.

Men usually were to jealousy, especially a mighty and arrogant king as Xue Junliang. If Xue Junliang heard a rumor about his Empress and his own younger brother, he might feel unhappy eventually start to favor his other wives.

Or, this might be made by Xue Yu himself, which was even more ridiculous. Teng Yun, too, had grown up inside an Imperial Palace, Teng Country didn"t lack such dirty tricks. Also, he never believed in such thing as love at first sight.

People would discard the feeling love in favor of power and money. People could turn and become hostile even against their own blood relatives, let alone against such flimsy thing as lovers.

Teng Qianyi was one perfect example of that. When Teng w.a.n.g liked her, she was regarded high above everyone, but when something happened, he easily sent her away as a bargain for an alliance.

After become married, Teng Qianyi was not idle, there was no way she could miss such good news. When she first heard about the rumor, she was so happy she almost fainted.

Teng Qianyi knew her status was not very high. If the Empress happened to lose favor, people might think Xue w.a.n.g"s favor would lie upon Defei, but Teng Qianyi didn"t necessarily think so.

A king always loved to see beautiful things and his taste was always changing. Sometime he would like the silent and clever type and sometime he would like the virtuous and talented type. Teng Qianyi was still young, she believed she still had a chance.

Jiao Shui had keen eyes. Laughing she said, “Congratulations, Your Ladyship! This is a great opportunity, indeed. If there was no one to rely on, it"s always easier to rely on ourselves.”

Teng Qianyi was happy, yet distressed. Xue Junliang had said he disliked a wife who liked to gossip about other wives. How would she make Xue w.a.n.g despise the Empress?

Jiao Shui laughed, “Your Ladyship, this servant has an idea… But when you become Xue w.a.n.g"s favorite, you must not forget about this servant.”

Hearing her term, Teng Qianyi was unhappy. Jiao Shui actually didn"t look so bad, she was also very clever. When she was in Teng Country, people often praised Teng Qianyi"s talent in literature, but truthfully those poems were actually written by Jiao Shui.

Teng Qianyi was afraid Jiao Shui would climb higher than herself. Teng w.a.n.g had hinted a few times he liked Jiao Shui. If not for Teng Qianyi strongly refusing and disagreeing, Jiao Shui would have become one of Teng w.a.n.g"s consort, instead of still being a maidservant.

However, Teng Qianyi needed Jiao Shui"s ideas, so she could only swallowed her displeasure and promised to Jiao Shui.

Teng Qianyi ordered all other palace maids to go, then Jiao Shui leaned closer to Teng Qianyi"s ear to whisper, “Your Ladyship might have heard that a witchcraft could destroy a country…”

Jiao Shui"s tone was low and faint but sounded very sinister and malicious. Teng Qianyi couldn"t help shuddering. Jiao Shui added, “People have long stopped believing in this kind of thing, but it is actually very easy to do. Your Ladyship could let a trustworthy maidservant made several human-shaped puppets and secretly bury them in Yunfeng Palace"s backyard, it would be better if we could put it in the inner room… Then we should kill the maidservant, so n.o.body else know about this.”

Teng Qianyi"s eyes brightened at each word, then she said, “But if we bury it in the backyard, how would Xue w.a.n.g find out?”

Jiao Shui apparently already had her plan thoroughly thought out, she said, “It"s easy. We often have strong winds and heavy snow these days. We bury the puppet under one of the tree and then the wind will topple the tree down. Yunfeng Palace"s people will want to replace the fallen tree with a new one, then the puppet will be found…”

Teng Qianyi laughed merrily, “You are so smart.”

Jiao Shui fawned, “This servant follows Your Ladyship. You are a talented woman, this servant should be smart too. Otherwise, this servant would bring you shame.”

Marquis Zhenjiang was coming to the capital city in a few days. Teng Qianyi wanted to hurry with the plan, but was stopped by Jiao Shui saying they should wait until after Marquis Zhenjiang entered the capital city. If the witchcraft was found at that time, wasn"t it even more exciting?

Xue Junliang was a king of a country, naturally he must express his own grace. Xue Yu, so suddenly and without warning, said he wanted to pay respect to the ancestors, Xue Junliang had to welcome him with kindness. Not only Xue Junliang didn"t take offense, he even wanted to hold a banquet for Xue Yu, wanted to set a stage for a close-knit brotherhood drama.

The banquet was said to be a family feast, but he allowed the court officials to join in the banquet.

Xue Houyang led his personal and well-trained troops to camp in the capital city"s suburb two days before Xue Yu"s scheduled arrival. They were to wait for Xue Yu before he entered the capital city.

If anyone wanted to enter the capital city, they must pa.s.s by Xue Houyang"s army camp. The army camp was strong enough to act as a barrier surrounding the capital city. Xue Yu came from afar, it was impossible he didn"t bring soldiers with him. Xue Houyang and his soldiers was officially ordered to welcome Xue Yu, but unofficially their purpose was to force Xue Yu hand over his soldiers.

Only after handing over his soldiers, Xue Yu was allowed to enter the capital city.

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