The Ugly Empress

Chapter 42 – Lord Marquis, Don"t You Want It?

Chapter 42 – Lord Marquis, Don"t You Want It?

Inside Teng Country"s Imperial Palace, people could hear the shouts from outside and realized that Teng Xin"s encirclement had been broken. The guards opened the Palace Gate to welcome their savior.

An Imperial Guard ran all the way from outside to the main court hall. He fell on his knees and rejoiced, “Your Majesty, Minister Shang has returned! Minister Shang has defeated the rebel army and broken the encirclement!”

Teng w.a.n.g was happy at first. Who would not feel happy when they were freed from a crisis? But he immediately felt resentment, because after all this time, the common people and even his own Imperial Guards still held Teng Shang so high in their hearts.

Because he was always suspicious of everything, Teng w.a.n.g naturally thought Teng Shang was going to take this opportunity to gain power and eventually topple him off his throne. Moreover, Teng Shang came under Xue Junliang"s decree. Teng Shang went to Xue Country and was not killed, instead was allowed to lead a quite powerful troop of soldiers. This showed that Teng Shang had commit treason and colluded with enemy country.

[T/N to Teng w.a.n.g : Yeah sure, because Teng Shang came himself to Xue, not because you sent him there basically wishing Xue w.a.n.g would kill him. Yeah.]

The more Teng w.a.n.g thought of it, the more he was afraid of Teng Shang. At this time, Teng Shang had already entered the main court hall; behind Teng Shang were two guards dragging Teng Xin by the rope binding him.

When they stopped in the middle of the court hall, Teng Xin didn"t kneel on the ground and only laughed coldly.

Teng w.a.n.g yelled, “Brazen, you still dare to laugh!”

Teng Xin said, “Of course I dare. To be honest, if Teng Shang hadn"t come today, you would not see me and still be alive.”

Teng w.a.n.g shook in anger. He grabbed a report doc.u.ment on the table in front of him and throw it to Teng Xin"s face, “Impudent! Such an unfilial son!”

Teng Xin"s expression turned grim for a moment before he laughed loudly and said, “You even know that I"m your son…”

Before his sentence was finished, Teng Xin had gotten up, ripped the ropes binding him and grabbed one of the guards" sword. Teng Xin leaped forward straight to Teng w.a.n.g.

Teng Shang, who had been standing at the side saying nothing, was alert when Teng Xin first started to move. He immediately stepped forward and slapped the sword out of Teng Xin"s hand. The guards quickly caught Teng Xin and held him down.

Scared by Teng Xin"s sudden movement, Teng w.a.n.g crouched and hid under the table. Seeing Teng Xin had been subdued, he realized how poorly his action might be in people"s eyes. He immediately stood up, but because he stood up too suddenly, he hit his head against the underside of the table; knocking off his crown and loosening the hairpin binding his hair.

Teng w.a.n.g made a mess out of his own appearance right in front of everyone. His face quickly turned from blushing red to green, and then from green to purple. He yelled to one of his attendant to bring him a sword; vowing to behead Teng Xin right there, right now.

The officials closest to Teng w.a.n.g held him back and plead not to do it. Since ancient times, no king was ever recorded killing his own offspring. Even if the Imperial Children rebelled against the king, the king could only send people to subdue the rebellion but never kill his children. If this time Teng w.a.n.g killed his own son, it would definitely cause an uproar among his people.

Teng Shang stayed silent while everyone else tried to persuade Teng w.a.n.g against beheading Teng Xin. It seemed like since meeting Xue Junliang, Teng Shang was even more aware how incompetent Teng w.a.n.g was. Was this man really the king of the country Teng Shang had been loyal to all these years?

The officials, having no success in persuading Teng w.a.n.g, turned to Teng Shang for help. Before Teng Shang even opened his mouth, someone entered the court hall. The man was one of Xue Houyang"s trusted commander.

The man said, “Xue w.a.n.g asks for Teng w.a.n.g"s lenience. Our king sees that General Teng Xin is a brave military commander and really appreciates his talent. Xue w.a.n.g requests Teng w.a.n.g to hand Teng Xin over to Xue Country.”

Teng w.a.n.g"s expression turned even more sour. Because he owed Xue w.a.n.g for helping him, he had no other choice than agreeing to Xue w.a.n.g"s request.

Two days later, Xue Houyang and his portion of the soldiers arrived at the Imperial Palace. Xue Houyang didn"t enter the Palace, instead sent someone to inform Teng Shang to come out, and then they all returned to Xue Country.

Teng w.a.n.g sent Xue Houyang and Teng Shang off, saying he would personally go to Xue Country in a few days.

In this way, Teng Country had become a territory under Xue Junliang"s name.

Teng Yun and the Crown Prince, Xue Pei were practicing martial art at the training ground. At this time, the High Mentor, Chen Yi walked pa.s.s and stopped to pay respect.

Xue Pei didn"t seem to like this mentor very much. He deliberately laughed and said, “High Mentor, will you practice archery with us?”

Chen Yi was clever, naturally he knew what the Crown Prince"s intention was. He just bluntly said, “I cannot shoot arrows.”

“Then will you practice riding with us?”

“I cannot ride a horse either.”

“Oh…” Xue Pei said; his mannerism was very similar to Xue Junliang"s. He then said, “This student seems to recall one joke, but isn"t sure High Mentor wishes to hear it or not.”

“Do tell, Your Highness.”

Xue Pei smiled and said, “White-faced scholars cannot carry weights on their shoulders, cannot pick up tools in their hands. ”

[T/N : 白面书生 (bái miàn shū shēng). Literary means white-faced scholar; an idiom about young and inexperienced person who learned from books but have no practical experience.]

Teng Yun coughed loudly to remind Xue Pei. Chen Yi was still a person with talent, ridiculing him like this seemed a bit too much.

Chen Yu didn"t look bothered by the sentence, instead said, “It is true that this lowly subject could not carry weights and cannot pick up tools, but this lowly subject can see the world while sitting in my seat, can create powerful soldiers by spreading bean seeds. Your Highness must keep this in mind; physical strengths can shake the whole world, but knowledge can bring peace.”

Xue Pei pursed his lips. Teng Yun noted the Crown Prince"s expression and guessed that Xue Pei was a bit dissatisfied with his mentor but unable to say it out loud.

When Chen Yi finally left, Teng Yun asked Xue Pei, “Why were you so rude to your mentor? Do you think he is not good enough to become a mentor?”

Xue Pei tsk-ed while wiping the sweat on his forehead. He said, “He is only good with books. I have asked around, He Zhong and his brothers told me about him but I didn"t believe them. But today, I"m convinced… But I also think his words towards me is too rude, too.”

Teng Yun nodded, agreeing with Xue Pei"s opinion. Chen Yi relied too much to his books, he was also arrogant. This made him too fixed to his principle. To other people, he appeared too straightforward and rude. He had to move from Teng Country to Feng Country, then again to Xue Country, it was because people found him unbearable and didn"t want to stick with him.

Teng Yun said, “Still, he is your mentor. What he said and did, you have to consider the lessons behind them.”

After practicing for some time, Xue Pei had to go back to his literature lessons. Teng Yun also returned to Yunfeng Palace.

On the way to Yunfeng Palace, Teng Yun saw Chen Yi stood waiting by the road.

Chen Yi smiled and said, “This lowly subject has something to discus with Your Majesty. Could Your Majesty send your attendants to retreat a few steps back?”

Teng Yun didn"t know what Chen Yi was getting at by acting this secretive, but he still ordered Xiu Yao to lead the other palace maids retreat a few distances back.

Chen Yi then said, “Actually, this lowly subject has two problem, and hope Your Majesty the Empress can answer them.”

Chen Yi was smiling, yet his gaze at Teng Yun was unnervingly intent as if watching for Teng Yun"s every reactions.

Chen Yi said, “When I traveled to Feng Country, I often heard stories about the Grand Princess…”

Eyes still looking intently at Teng Yun, he continued, “I never understood, what offense had Your Highness done to the Prime Minister that caused you to be sent away to marry so far from home?”

Teng Yun frowned. He didn"t know anything about the original owner of this body. Also, Feng Country"s Grand Princess was a member of the royal family, it was impossible whatever offense she had done would spread to people outside the Palace, let alone to other countries. Teng Yun had been busy fighting with Xue Country at the border, he never had the need to hear news about Feng Country"s Grand Princess.

So when Chen Yi asked him like this, Teng Yun didn"t even know what to say.

Chen Yi"s smiles grew bigger. Without insisting Teng Yun to answer the first question, he continued, “This lowly subject is eager to ask the second question. Has the Empress heard about someone named Teng Yun?”

Teng Yun"s heart skipped a beat but he strove to stay calm. He said, “High Mentor has been mentioning this and that, what is it that you really wish to say?”

“I don"t intent to conceal anything from Your Majesty. I have been living in Teng Country for almost twenty years, I have learned a lot of tales and stories, especially tales about heroic people. This lowly subject"s most admired hero is actually Teng Country"s Sixth Imperial Prince, Teng Yun, who was a reputable great military general. Maybe Your Majesty has never heard of, or maybe never paid attention to this one story. Legend has it that he was an iron-handed general who was very talented in fighting. One time, when fighting with Marquis Wannian, his right hand was heavily injured. Later, though he could still shoot arrows superbly, it was said that his right hand would tremble slightly when pulling the bow…”

Teng Yun"s face paled slightly. Chen Yi noted this but still he continued, “That time, Minister Shang sent a very famous and talented physician to the border, to examine and treat Teng Yun"s injured hand. But I thought maybe General Teng Yun"s injury was too serious to be cured completely… Just now, I saw Your Majesty"s archery. Your right hand was slightly shaking, but your arrow"s point was not affected in the slightest. This lowly subject guessed, maybe it had already become a habit.”

Teng Yun narrowed his eyes but apparently Chen Yi wasn"t done talking, “Previously, this lowly subject asked Your Majesty what had the Grand Princess done to offend the Prime Minister, but the truth is the Grand Princess never offended the Prime Minister. Instead, she offended Feng Country"s king; she opposed Feng w.a.n.g"s relationship with Marquis Zhulu and as a result was sent away by Feng w.a.n.g to Xue as a bargain for marriage alliance.

“So,” Chen Yi smiled, “What does Your Majesty think about this?”

Teng Yun silently stared at Chen Yi for a while before laughing, “High Mentor really is very observant and have a great mind. I don"t even know how to argue with you. So, what is it that you want to say to me?”

“This lowly subject didn"t want to say anything, it"s just that I"m the type that cannot hold back something that is on my mind. I a.s.sure Your Majesty that I will never tell anyone. After all, this is an astonishing thing. If I try to tell other people, they would think I was hallucinating… As I had said at the beginning, I always admired and respected General Teng Yun and his brilliant achievements. Even if Chen Yi were to read books all my life, I can never be like General Teng Yun.”

Teng Yun said, “Oh… Aren"t you even afraid I will get your head cut off?”

“In all my life, Chen Yi is most afraid someone will cut my head off. But I also think it is impossible anyone would want to do that. General Teng Yun is respected by everyone, I think it"s because General Teng Yun is very benevolent. If he isn"t kind, people would not respect him.”

Listening to this, Teng Yun nodded and smiled, “You"re bigger than me, I cannot deny any of your statements. I only wish you will keep your mouth shut.”

Then Teng Yun turned and walked away. He called Xiu Yao and returned to Yunfeng Palace.

Chen Yi stood still in wonderment for a long time. He had heard a lot about Teng Yun"s reputation. He had lived in Teng Country for quite some time before he had to leave, then he moved to Feng Country trying to make a living before he eventually had to leave again. He never expected that as soon as he arrived at Xue Country, he would encounter such shocking thing. If he didn"t believe in his own eyes and his own observation, maybe he would never believe it.

Xue Houyang soon returned to Xue Country"s capital city. Xue Houyang was smart enough to know he should not bring all of his troops back. He left a small part of his troops to help ensure Teng Country"s safety.

Helping Teng w.a.n.g to subdue the rebel army was easy enough, but if Teng w.a.n.g asked all of Xue Country"s soldiers to be withdrawn, Xue Houyang could not allow it.

This time, Xue Houyang returned with a great victory. He also had caught and escorted Teng Xin alive, and made sure Teng Country agreed to pay allegiance to Xue Country. He had contributed great achievement to the country. Xue w.a.n.g wanted to bestow reward to Marquis Wannian, but there was nothing else he could give as Marquis Wannian"s status was already so high. Xue Houyang was smart and purposely said he didn"t need any reward.

Xue Junliang said a few praises and easily accepted Xue Houyang"s request not to give rewards. But of course, it was essential to still bestow golds and silvers. Xue w.a.n.g also rewarded Marquis Wannian the three beautiful girls Teng w.a.n.g had personally picked as a gift for Xue w.a.n.g.

It was said these three beautiful young ladies were carefully selected by Teng w.a.n.g on his way to Xue Country, to be given to Xue w.a.n.g as a token of good will. But everyone knew Teng w.a.n.g"s true intention was to buy Xue w.a.n.g"s good opinion.

Because he didn"t like people flattering and bribing him, Xue Junliang gave these young ladies to Xue Houyang. Although he didn"t want to force Xue Houyang to forget his infatuation towards Teng Shang, he still hoped Xue Houyang would have good impression towards women.

Xue Houyang was not willing to accept these three young ladies, but because Xue w.a.n.g had decreed it, he could not refuse. After the morning court a.s.sembly, Xue w.a.n.g ordered Jiang Yu to personally escort the three young ladies to Marquis Wannian"s residence.

At this time, Teng Shang had just come back from taking Teng Xin to the prison. He entered the residence just in time to see three beautiful and graceful young ladies getting down from a grandly decorated sedan chair and Xue Houyang standing by to welcome these ladies into the residence.

Xue Houyang had never had interactions with women all his life. He just arranged a courtyard for these three women, and ordered the servants to serve food and drinks; they were still human who needed food and drink, after all. As for any other needs, Xue Houyang had no clue, therefore he didn"t arrange anything else.

Xue Houyang was afraid Teng Shang saw him welcoming the three young ladies and drew a bad opinion of himself, so he went to Teng Shang to discreetly ask Teng Shang"s mood.

Even if he and Teng Shang got married out of necessity to save Teng Shang from possible execution, in his mind he and Teng Shang"s marriage were true, and they were already husband and wife.

But then Xue Houyang found that Teng Shang acted like nothing had happened; he didn"t seem jealous nor angry. Xue Houyang"s heart soured.

A few days later, Xue Houyang heard faint sounds of someone crying. He asked his attendant to check. Turned out the persons crying were the three beautiful young ladies bestowed by Xue w.a.n.g. The three said they had been brought to a place so far away from home and weren"t allowed to serve Lord Marquis. Days and nights they prayed to see Lord Marquis" face but the wish never came to. Unknowingly, tears started to flow down their beautiful faces.

The three women said they didn"t have any selfish wishes, they only hoped Lord Marquis would see them dancing and playing music even just for once.

Xue Junliang was put in a helpless situation. What if other people knew and criticize him for letting the beautiful young ladies bestowed by His Majesty cry? Xue Houyang could only gritted his teeth and forced himself to go to the three young ladies" courtyard and listen to their performances.

The three beautiful young ladies wore very strong perfume. They sang, played music and danced; all the while persuading Xue Houyang to drink cup after cup of wine. Xue Houyang was too overwhelmed he could only accept the drink again and again.

In the end, Xue Houyang had drunk too much wine. The three women saw him starting to get disoriented and dragged him to the bed. Xue Houyang felt uncomfortable as if there was a fire eating him up from in and outside. He thought he was attacked by three water snakes. His breathing also started to grow unsteady.

At this time, they all heard someone knocking on the door. Before anyone could react, Teng Shang pushed open the door and came inside, smiling, “I"m sorry I have to disturb your good times.”

Xue Houyang felt a fresh and cold air coming from the door, suddenly his mind cleared. He was out of the bed in an instant and went to chase Teng Shang out the room. He felt like he had to explain, but didn"t know what to say; could only stammer a few unfinished words.

Teng Shang went back to his own room before turning to Xue Houyang, “If Lord Marquis wants to sleep with beautiful women, of course you can. But these three women"s intention is not pure. The fragrant wine they gave you is actually…”

Suddenly Teng Shang realized he wasn"t acting like his usual calm and collected demeanor. He cleared his throat once and said lightly, “Lord Marquis should return to your room first… Try to calm yourself down, alright?”

As Teng Shang said that, Xue Houyang felt his entire body burning up. He tried to suppress the feeling down, afraid Teng Shang noticed it and thought Xue Houyang would do something immoral. But the burning feeling only grew more and more unbearable.

Xue Houyang"s skin was not as thick as his brother"s. If it was Xue w.a.n.g, in a situation like this, he would just take advantage of the wine"s effects and sleep with whoever. But Xue Houyang was not like him; he was honest and straightforward. Because there was Teng Shang inside his heart, he didn"t think it was appropriate to sleep with anyone but Teng Shang.

Xue Houyang just wanted to escape this awkward situation. He turned to go back to his own room, but then he heard Teng Shang said, “Uhm… Do you still want to do it with women? Because maybe doing it with your hand alone would not be enough…”

Xue Houyang"s face was flushing blood-red with embarra.s.sment, gone was his usual majestic and valiant pose. But his heart was heavy. He said, “Houyang doesn"t think it is appropriate… You might not understand Houyang"s feeling, but Houyang never wants you to suggest such a thing.”

Teng Shang stared at Xue Houyang for a while, then said, “Suggest what? Finding a woman to help satisfy you?”

Xue Houyang could not understand why Teng Shang was so indifferent to his feelings. He sighed and moved his feet to go.

Xue Houyang had made up his mind, had even dared saying in front of Xue Junliang that he would not love anyone but Teng Shang. Didn"t matter if Teng Shang agreeing to live with him as a refugee. In his mind, Teng Shang was the most hurt; the one who should be feeling angry at this situation.

Xue Houyang hadn"t yet stepped out of the room when suddenly Teng Shang reached out a hand to close the door, preventing Xue Houyang to go.

When Xue Houyang stilled in shock, Teng Shang turned him and backed him against the door. Slowly, Teng Shang"s hand slipped from Xue Houyang"s shoulder to his waist, where he loosened Xue Houyang"s belt and started to rub his manhood.

Xue Houyang was shocked. The burning feeling surged up into his head, almost turning his good judgement to ashes. He pulled up all his strength to push Teng Shang away.

Teng Shang stared at Xue Houyang in astonishment and said, “Lord Marquis, don"t you want it?”

Xue Houyang"s expression was somber as he said, “Tell me, how do you think of me in your heart?”

Teng Shang narrowed his eyes at Xue Houyang and asked back, “How does Lord Marquis think of me?”

“You"re very wise and clever, I"m sure you know whether I"m joking or not. Why do you still ask something you already know the answer to?”

Teng Shang chuckled, “Lord Marquis, you speak too highly of me. I"m not a deity, just a human being made of flesh and bones. I have a heart which can feel emotions and I can see if someone genuinely cares for me… But because I have a heart, I can be hesitating, too.”

As he said that, Teng Shang lowered his head slightly and rest his forehead on Xue Houyang"s shoulder. Xue Houyang stood still with his back straight, afraid to make a little move. He was still drunk by the wine, his body was still burning, and his throat felt dry.

Teng Shang said, “If I say that… I have feelings for Lord Marquis, but I don"t always want to submit under other people"s body, do you think you still want me?”

As he said that, Teng Shang"s hand sneaked behind Xue Houyang and then traced his stiff back all the way down to the swell of Xue Houyang"s b.u.t.tocks.

Xue Houyang stood even stiffer and his face turned even redder. Provoked by the sight, Teng Shang laughed, “I thought Lord Marquis didn"t like me that way. Other people could not tell you and make you understand how I feel. Now, do you understand?”

Xue Houyang gripped Teng Shang"s wrist and said, “Please, don"t think so low of me. Everything I"ve ever said is all true and well-thought out. My feelings for you is genuine and not because of short-lived infatuation.”

Teng Shang stilled while his eyes stared intently at Xue Houyang.

Xue Houyang thought maybe his speech was too heavy and burdensome to Teng Shang, but before he could say anything, Teng Shang fondled his manhood again.

Xue Houyang wanted to tell Teng Shang to stop playing jokes with him; the intense pleasurable feeling surged through him and he could not hold it in anymore. But then Teng Shang lowered Xue Houyang"s head with a hand at the back of his neck, and kissed the corner of Xue Houyang"s lips.

Xue Junliang played with a jade pendant presented by Teng w.a.n.g and said, “Jiang Yu, do you think the young ladies bestowed to Marquis Wannian are beautiful?”

Jiang Yu complained bitterly inside his heart; His Majesty asking a eunuch whether the young ladies were beautiful or not. Surely His Majesty was jesting, right?

Jiang Yu could only say, “According to this old servant"s observation, their beauty depends on whom they are compared with. Compared to those women who hide their face behind excessive make up, the three young ladies are more beautiful. But they are still nothing compared to Her Majesty the Empress.”

When Xue Junliang heard Jiang Yu saying ‘the Empress", his usual slight smile instantly turned gentler and wider; scaring Jiang Yu a little.

Xue Junliang said again, “Then, do you think they will change Marquis Wannian"s mind?”

Jiang Yu thought for a moment before answering, “According to this old servant"s observation, these three young ladies are given by Teng w.a.n.g, it is possible their intention is not pure. Marquis Wannian is mature and wise, surely he has already seen past their innocent facade. Lord Marquis absolutely would not be swayed.”

Xue Junliang wordlessly side-eyed Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu complained again inwardly; he was only telling his honest opinion.

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