Author: Chai Jidan

Translator: Renkun26

Proofreader: KainGuru

Chen Youzai woke up in the morning and put on his new set of clothes. Very seriously, he put on hair gel and made it all stick straight up. He looked carefully in front of the mirror. Wearing a new set of clothes, his overall look has changed. He pulled his collar up and praised himself as he left the house.

The air was fresh along the way. Chen Youzai smiled elegantly at everyone he met. But in return, this made other people laugh. He was not aware of it at first. As he looked down at his body, he suddenly realized that this new look did not fit him.

So Chen Youzai put his left hand into his pocket and ran his right hand through his hair, from the front toward the back of his head, with a constipated look on his face. This resulted in his fingers unexpectedly getting stuck in his hair. He had believed that his hair is gentle and soft, but now it unexpectedly did not live up to this expectation. Chen Youzai really wanted to hide behind someone so he could slowly pull his fingers out one by one.

Right when Chen Yuozi was baring his teeth, a girl approached wanting to zip up the zipper on her clothes. The girl did not want to see Chen Yuozi’s hideous face. She was frightened, screamed twice, and ran away.

He didn’t know how many times this scene has happened in his 18 years of existence. He has been ridiculed and scorned ever since he was born.

With eyes as large as a grain of rice — although bright and piercing, they still amounted to nothing; a flat nose like it was deliberately smashed; and that smile can be counted on the jaws, his face full of acne, and naturally curly hair… even the word “ugly” is inadequate in describing such features!

If he could just let his hair grow long to cover his face, it would make everything better; but unfortunately he liked a slightly shorter, layered hairstyle. He always like to put gel in his hair, and when he gelled his hair straight up, it clearly exposed his face.

If only his was a little better, it could make up for the defects on his face; but his 1.67-meter height coupled with short, stout legs make people not care to see what his face looked like.

If he was a pragmatic and virtuous person, maybe his cla.s.smates’ att.i.tude toward him might change. Unfortunately, Chen Youzai is an attention seeker: the stranger he is, the weirder his actions are, and the more he feels good; while not knowing how much visual destruction this could bring to others.

Chen Youzai was hurt by the girl screaming and leaving. He was at loss for a moment. Unexpectedly, the boy next to him gave Chen Yuozai a push. With a looks of disgust, he said: “Your face is so shabby but you still dare to stand in such a conspicuous place and block the way! Move aside….”

Chen Youzai raised his fist in anger toward the one who looked like a good boy. Originally, he was just in a bad mood. He did not expect that this person was so ignorant. Chen Youzai got a little advantage and hit the first punch because the other person was caught off guard. Later, he was. .h.i.t and kicked by the boy. His whole body was like a broken cloak, crumbling in the air.

Soon, the crowd rushed over. With difficulty, Chen Youzai opened his eyes and saw that on all sides there were beautiful ladies. He suddenly jumped up toward the students. He scratched his head and pretended with a winner expression on his face. This resulted in him being criticized and ridiculed, which caught Chen Youzai off guard, making his head buzz.

“A coward, it’s Chen Youzai again, always a stinky showoff!”

“f.u.c.k, he deserves a beating. It is best to disfigure his face, give him a cosmetic surgery…”

“HA HA HA… Look at that ‘facial paralysis[1]’ expression. He looks so funny…”

([1] Facial paralysis 「面癱」 is a nickname that people give Chen Youzai)

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