Witnessing this predicament, Sheyan very bluntly and neatly retrieved his musket,

Coldly aiming,

"Rum & Songs" activated,


Boom! Cyan fumes swivelled up. The damage dealt by "Ambition" was equivalent to one hair from nine oxen against this tier-5 legendary beast; yet to Sheyan, he only needed that 2 seconds stunning effect! That ma.s.sive Dolomedes twitched as its incisive 6 limbs halted in a semi-curled state. Reef immediately seized this opportunity, as he raised his black lightsaber up high, before spearing it towards the prevalent wound of its extracted venomous fangs!

"Chi cha!" A burnt odour pervaded into the air! Nonetheless, Son Blindcost was a tier-5 legendary creature with utmost monstrosity. 2 seconds went by in a flash. Though Reef was an MT, under his inattentiveness, his left shoulder turned numb as it emitted fracturing sounds. Another forelimb of the Dolomedes came fanatically waving in. Aroused by blood, Reef"s lightsaber wielding left shoulder was directly hacked off.

Though that happened, Reef"s lightsaber had already stabbed deep into the poison gland of the Dolomedus"s wound. This ma.s.sive Dolomedes released a mournful screech, as several drips of colourless poison splattered onto Reef"s skin. White foam floated over his skin, seemingly about to directly dissolve his skin and flesh. But right now, old Mourbo knew the critical moment had arrived. Sheyan and the others were toiling with their lives on the line; if they really perished here, then the entire Takji clan would be razed and buried with them!

Thus, this old man started demonstrating his formidability. Bowing slightly, he had begun charging forward like a demon. Unknownst when, a deep-black bone-blade had already been pulled from his chest sling, as he hacked forth like butchering pigs. With one stab, his blade plunged deep into the fat belly of the ma.s.sive Dolomedes, up till his blade shaft! Gripping the blade shaft with his right hand, he twisted and spared no effort in slas.h.i.+ng his blade upwards. It tore through 7-8 cm, before his blade halted!

Suffering from such a fatally severe stab, Son Blindcost had seemingly jolted back from its agonizing reverie. Accompanying its mournful screech, it waved its long limbs; merging its force together as it ferociously knocked old Mourbo flying backwards. Seeing that, the provoked Takji clansmen issued a string of raging and worried roars.

However, though the one knocked flying was old Mourbo, Son Blindcost raised its violently twitching forelimbs, as it unleashed an anguished and sorrowful holler!

Because flying out with old Mourbo, was a long, moist and pinkish small intestine; covered in visible veins. Ash-cyan viscous semi-fluids blended with maroon blood spewed out in all directions. A foul rusty stench wafted into the atmosphere almost instantly.

Actually, atop the tip of this old man"s sharp bone-blade, was a curved hook that had been purposefully grinded out; like a barp tip of a fis.h.i.+ng rod! He had been tightly clamping onto his bone-blade shaft; naturally when he was sent flying, that hook would ruthlessly hook out the intestine it had latched on! As the saying goes, growing old without dying would turn one wily. Old Mourbo was a wily old fox, naturally, his weapon would be correspondingly malicious!

If one described his primary stab into the Dolomedes as a superficial wound, then this second move by old Mourbo, was truly capable of threatening its life! The Dolomedes became somewhat diffident, as it prepared to curl up in attempt to flee! Instead, an acute alien tongue speared forth from Reef"s s.h.i.+eld, and immediately slapped against the Dolomedes"s head! That stunning effect wasn"t exempted but actually effective. Reef then placed away his s.h.i.+eld, as he proceeded to pull out his "Hand-dart*" he acquired recently before hurling it towards the ruby compounded eye of the Dolomedes!

(TN: *Reef acquired his Hand-dart in ch 67 of this vol 7)

Experiencing quick successions of searing pain, Son Blindcost roared ludicrously as it hacked forth with its incisive forelimbs once again. Obviously, Reef couldn"t resist but was struck into near-death state in the blink of an eye! Under the radiance of a silver protection, the incomparably furious Son Blindcost unleashed a hurricane of incisive limbs, in bid of tearing his foe into shreds. However, it could only smash against the undulating brilliance of a silver layer of protection, utterly incapable of harming Reef.

Instead, if was Sheyan who grunted, as his body repeatedly flashed with blinding silver rays! One must understand, this was the a.s.saults from a tier-5 legendary creature; moreover, it wasn"t governed by the 40% damage reduction of contestants" mutual conflicts! Even though Reef"s defence was outstandingly high, and Sheyan"s defence was similarly impressive and supplied with his innate "Endurance"; when treated like a punching bag right now, they probably could only last for seconds or ten seconds top.

Yet at this moment, Mcdh finally pressed his trigger! Back when Mcdh had begun locking on, his entire being had seemingly metamorphosed into a piece of stone; without a sound nor aura, dissolving into nature. Yet when he opened fire, a baleful aura that could govern battlefields, swept forth like a mountainous flash flood!

Sheyan"s perceptive sense was incredibly keen; though he realized this baleful aura sweeping through the entire field, the area surrounding Son Blindcost had inturn, transformed into a vacuum. It was like the impending calm before the hurricane, the breeze still and the waves quiet. Yet in the next second, the sky and earth would be turned upside down.

Yet to his surprise, 3-4 seconds had elapsed since Mcdh opened fire, yet not a single abnormality was exhibited by Son Blindcost. It remained ravenously slicing away at the silver layered protected Reef, as though Mcdh"s gunshot had totally missed. Sheyan couldn"t help voicing his astoundment.

"Why is it like that? Could it be you……?"

"Missed". That was the word Sheyan ultimately did not say. To a sniper, that word was like slapping his face. Instead, Mcdh chuckled and replied.

"No rush. Just let the bullets fly."

At this moment, after the enraged and berserking ma.s.sive Dolomedes had realized its actions were futile, it had s.h.i.+fted its target to old Mourbo! It suddenly curled up, attempting to collide away. But at this time, Mcdh"s eyes flickered with unrivalled sharpness; a dangerous sensation that even spreaded to Sheyan"s body.

Within the next second, the head of that invincibly devilish ma.s.sive Dolomedes seemed to have been smashed by an invisible giant hammer. Boom! Like a watermelon, it exploded into pieces! The surrounding walls were splattered with its bodily fluids and sediments. It could literally be said that its brains spilled over the floor.

However, the vitality of this legendary creature was too insanely overwhelming; in such a state, it could still rely on its predatory instincts, as it crawled forth excruciatingly with its remaining few limbs. Still, the remaining 10 or so Takji warriors weren"t vegetables; if they didn"t seize the chance to beat down a drowning dog now, then when? Instantly, bows drawn and arrows mounted, as the Dolomedes was nailed into a hedgehog!

At present, Sheyan"s heart was trembling. Although Son Blindcost"s primary specialty was being an exceptionally disgusting food predator, having health regeneration abilities, it still at least had approximately 40,000 HP! If counting in such a manner, the might of Mcdh"s shot, had at least wiped out nearly a good portion of its HP! What sort of dreadful offensive might was this! Under the threat of such offensive degree, how would one even endure a single shot?

Mcdh could notice the suspicious gaze of Sheyan and the rest. It could be said that he owed a huge favour to party Ace; since the audience all had that intention, he laughed as he generously displayed forth his ability.

[ Rank A+ ability: Let the Bullets Fly (lvl max) ]

(TN: Let the bullets fly is a Hongkong movie, starring Chow Yun-Fat)

[ Description: Through an endless wait of acc.u.mulation and brewing, let the bullet"s might be utterly unleashed at one go. ]

[ Usage requirements: You must continuously take aim for at least 10 seconds, under a state of absolute peacefulness; engaging a thorough a.n.a.lysis of the target, before being able to unleash a fatal strike at it. During this period of time, if you make any movements or the target moves out of a 1 metre radius, this ability will be interrupted and ultimately fail. ]

[ Details: The longer you lock on, the higher its might; maximum of 20 seconds lock on. ]

[ lvl max special property: Prolonged shot - after releasing your bullet at the target, your bullet will tear through a dimension s.p.a.ce and draw external energies. The longer you allow the bullet to traverse in the dimension s.p.a.ce, the stronger its enhanced might! You can control the bullet to go into effect against the enemy at anytime! ]

[ Detail: Because the killing potential of this ability is too potent, when locking on to the enemy, the enemy will also be able to sense your presence! ]

[ Detail: You can only use this ability for 3 times in any one world. Every time you use this ability, 5,000 utility points and 10 potential points would be deducted. ]

After seeing the ability"s specifications, Sheyan and the rest eventually calmed down. Evidently, this ability could only be exhibited in certain special situations. At least, it wouldn"t be feasible in a war between contestants. Once locking onto the target, the enemy would be able to sense a sniper aiming across. Even if one was stupid, as long as he could escape that 1 metre radius within 10 seconds, the ability would fail. Only in a battle against primitive creatures in a magical world, would they not understand what an aiming sniper meant…….

Of course, as a Growth-hunter, Mcdh definitely possessed numerous formidable abilities. Still, his willingness to share this ability to everyone, was proof of his sincerity and magnanimity.

At present, Reef had finally escaped his near-death state, and began coughing violently; vomiting out fresh dull blood. Chunky dregs were also discharged from his throat, and even purplish-black blood paste; splattering all over the ground. Only after a good long while, did he finally manage to cease his coughing.

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