Though his pirate crew was perplexed by his order, reckoning that their new captain loved picking up soap*, they swiftly separated to their tasks. Reef heaved a sigh of relief. Evidently, he was reluctant to spectate any ma.s.sacre happening, and therefore Sheyan had also taken his emotions into consideration.

(TN:*it means gay lol. Like picking up the soap in a shower with another guy)

Under Sheyan"s precise arrangements and allocation of taskings, the 3-masted "Galen" Galley s.h.i.+p swiftly bustled into life. The sails of the 3 masts swelled with the wind, as the experienced pirates begun steering this foreign 3-masted s.h.i.+p; each speedily a.s.similating into their tasks. Occasionally, Sheyan would kick against their, spurring them on to hasten their executions.

At the moment the 3-masted "Galen" Galley s.h.i.+p slowly sailed into motion, Sheyan received a notification from his nightmare imprint.

[ You seized control authority of a 3 kiloton displacement s.h.i.+p - The Hill Maiden. ]

[ Presently, there is a total of 117 storyline pirates under your command. ]

[ Milestone: Pirate Captain accomplished! ]

[ You receive a t.i.tle: Pirate Captain - The intimidation/awe ordinary pirates views you with is increased by 100%. You can know breathe underwater for 10 minutes. ]

[ When out at sea, you can effectively increase the offense/defence/movement speed of allied forces within a kilometre radius by 15%! (Includes s.h.i.+ps, this effect cannot be stacked with other effects of "Pirate Captain" t.i.tle.) ]

[ Apart from that you receive a unique ability - when you successfully pillage or wreck other opponent s.h.i.+ps and enemies on sea, you can investigate and plunder the relevant unique precious components/materials/equipments and their unique abilities. ]

[ Milestone: Pirate Captain (advanced) initiated. ]

[ Pirate Captain (advanced): your reputation must reach "Wors.h.i.+pped" amongst all pirates, and you must commandeer a s.h.i.+p that has a 7 kilton displacement. Your storyline pirate crew must have at least 300 members. ]

[ Note: After accomplis.h.i.+ng this mission, you will receive a Black-Iron cla.s.s t.i.tle. ]

Witnessing this list of notification, of course Sheyan immediately equipped the new "Pirate Captain" t.i.tle. Then, he first rummaged through his own s.h.i.+p, probing for any novel discoveries. Following that, he headed over to plunder the shabby and tattered One-eyed Hog"s pirate s.h.i.+p.

For some unknown reason, the pirate s.h.i.+p was presently emitting a peculiar glow. This glow differed from the glows of equipments/items. Sheyan instantly hopped aboard as he scanned in all directions, finally discovering that the glow was emitting from the s.h.i.+p"s bowsprit. Upon closer inspection, a list of statistics appeared in his face.

(TN:A Bowsprit is the front tip of the s.h.i.+p, a spar running out from the s.h.i.+p"s bow)

[ Porpoise Sculpt (Bowsprit) ]

[ Equipment position: s.h.i.+p"s bow ]

[ Equipment characteristic: Unique storyline equipment - This equipment cannot be brought out of this world; only usable with characters of this world, but can still be sold to the nightmare realm. Only contestants possessing the relevant ability can inspect the special ability of this unique storyline equipment. ]

[ Origins: Madrid ]

[ Equipment rarity: light-blue ]

[ Material: Oak ]

[ Add-ons: Pupil gem ]

[ Effect: Increase the movement speed of this s.h.i.+p by 3%, increased durability of this s.h.i.+p by 3% ]

[ Equipping position: s.h.i.+p"s Bow (only 1) ]

[ Description: With his wise and farsighted gaze, only a captain can notice the excellent special compartments and materials on the enemy"s s.h.i.+ps. Install this equipment to your s.h.i.+p, and let your beloved s.h.i.+p be enhanced greatly! Of course, you must first commandeer this s.h.i.+p to do so. ]

[ Description: If you feel that these materials aren"t powerful enough, you can sell it to the realm in exchange for a huge sum of utility or potential points; choosing only one out of the two. ]

Since he discovered this object, Sheyan called his pirates over without hesitation; ordering them to transfer this bowsprit over, and instal it onto his 3-masted "Galen" Galley s.h.i.+p. The bowsprit they replaced, was some random junk board which naturally couldn"t be sold off; thus, it was simply tossed into the sea like garbage.

After setting sail, Sheyan issued an order to navigate towards the edge of the battlefield; doing their utmost to avoid enemies. Meanwhile, he ordered for all cannon ports to be sealed up, which he had a simple reason for doing so.

At present, it hadn"t even been half a day since Sheyan had ama.s.sed a tiny crew, but now his pirate crew had suddenly expanded exponentially. Any hopes of drilling into them a mentality of "strict compliance" would be seemingly impossible.

However, in naval warfare, there was no such thing as leaving! Every member onboard must be utterly coordinated, being in one body with their s.h.i.+p. In that manner, their combat prowess would then scale to its maximum. On the contrary, an individual"s combat prowess out a sea would simply be tossed to back of the scale.

Sheyan was only mortal and not a G.o.d. No matter how valiant he could be, it was inconceivable for him to drill the undisciplined pirates into an invincible army! Hence, he had already firmed up his resolution - to engage in more chaotic naval boarding battles! He completely disregarded all notions of engaging in an artillery warfare with his foes.

Thus, his prior objective for seizing this s.h.i.+p, was to pursue absolute speed and survivability; specifically to prey on other s.h.i.+ps with relatively slower speeds, and doing their utmost to engage in naval boarding battles!

Of course, wars.h.i.+ps that focused on destructive artillery would"ve definitely encountered such a situation many times. Their s.h.i.+ps would inevitably be stationed with similarly daunting marines, ones who wouldn"t fear the naval boarding of pirates! Thus, under normal circ.u.mstances, the hundred plus pirates under Sheyan"s command wouldn"t be able to learn much.

Nevertheless, having acquired the "Pirate Captain" t.i.tle, Sheyan was now enjoying an exceptionally intangible enhancement with the way his pirates viewed him. Moreover, his medical treatments also supplied extremely powerful beneficial effects. Furthermore, there was still an indomitable MT in Reef, who could throw the enemy"s formation into disarray.

This current situation was akin to three ferocious tigers leading a flock of goats in battle. The ferocious tigers would rip apart the enemy"s defence; while those pirates, adept in bullying the weak while cowering to the mighty, would merely need to accomplish a simple task - to follow suit in charging forward, yelling clamorously while hacking away at the enemy"s heads with their hatchets!

Naturally, that plan would inevitably leave a trail of casualties and even corpses! To that, Sheyan could only express his utmost apologies. He truly didn"t possess the luxury of time to slowly drill the pirates, and the battlefield would be the best training grounds itself. For those who survived, they would definitely become conquerors!

Commanding them to cruise around the outskirts of the battlefield, Sheyan refrained from engaging in battles. After navigating around for half an hour, some fundamental ice breaking had been made between the pirates; while several veteran pirates congregated to repair certain compositions of the boat.

To humans, the sea was boundless and voyages could only be calculated by the years. During this era, to wait for one"s s.h.i.+p to dock before repairing, would cause it to submerge to the seabed long ago.

Hence, many veteran sailors would learn carpentry; tasked with the job of both mending the hull of the s.h.i.+p, and safeguarding the s.h.i.+p during raids. Sheyan didn"t require them to partic.i.p.ate in battle, but merely to transform the s.h.i.+p into a speedier and tougher one. For the sake of speed and strength, refraining from broadside artillery battles would be worth it. Besides, those relatively older veteran pirates gladly accepted such tasks.

As Sheyan turned around, he asked the faraway Canbi who had just returned from the s.h.i.+p"s hold.

"How many remaining marines do we have on board?"

Canbi pondered a little while recalling with some difficulty. Then, he dragged another skinnier looking pirate over.

"Chump, how many marines do we have?"

That skinny pirate shrugged his shoulders.

"Aye alright, I remember they be locked within the s.h.i.+p"s hold, I"ll make a count."

While speaking, he skipped and descended into the s.h.i.+p. However, after two minutes had elapsed, an unprecedentedly piercing gunshot rocked out from beneath. Following that, miserable yells of several pirates could be heard.

"Blimey s.h.i.+tsqueak! They be plannin" to blow up the s.h.i.+p and leave by the jolly boats!"

As it turns out, though the marines surrendered on the surface, they had later discovered this - apart from Sheyan"s trio, the rest of the pirates were rather weak. Moreover, they discovered many pirates were incapable of addressing their comrades by their names. Thus, notions of malicious revolt brewed in their hearts.

The Hill Maiden was originally theirs, and the marines were exceedingly familiar with their homeground. Although they were trapped deep beneath the deck, their leading Lieutenant Commander still managed to lead them to locate weapons. They were just on the verge of escaping, before they unexpectedly got discovered.

Hearing those miserable yells, Sheyan"s expression changed drastically. With his maximum strength, he raised his leg fiercely and heavily stomped against the deck! Kacha! A blunt sound pierced out, while several long cracks emerged on this impressively solid wooden deck.

Wood splinters and dust puffed into the air, as Sheyan half knelt to the ground, and viciously pounded against the cracks. Kacha! The poor deck couldn"t withstand such tremendous force, as it exploded into splinters; disintegrating into a ma.s.sive hole. The entire frame of Sheyan came cras.h.i.+ng down into the cabin beneath.

Sheyan dashed with his might, as he rounded corners after corners, before witnessing a marine mids.h.i.+pman nearing the gunpowder storage. The mids.h.i.+pmen was holding a torch, with an expression of viewing death as a return home. Without hesitation, Sheyan activated the ability of his "Barbaric-demon Pupil". At once, a dreadfully tyrannical force propelled him to collide forward. With a fist, Sheyan smacked that mids.h.i.+pman tumbling 7-8 metres through the air, while his torch was immediately extinguished with a pinch from Sheyan.

Sheyan exhaled with great exertion, as he shook his head and strolled to the marine"s front. With an ashen complexion, he rebuked.

"A human had no intentions of harming the tiger, yet the tiger harboured designs to hurt! I was reluctant to treat you using extreme methods. I"d originally decided to leave you a way out. Yet, you filthy marines intend to take my life!"

Indeed, if the foiled explosive plans of the marines had taken fruit, once the gunpowder storage of this s.h.i.+p blew up…..if the trio weren"t dead, their skins would"ve been scalded into oblivion. Moreover, Sheyan"s former painstaking deliberations and plotting would inevitably go up in smokes!

(TN: Lieutenant Commander is a rank above Lieutenant in the navy.)

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