When they finally destroyed the bowsprit of the Black Pearl, the Dingyuan pirates finally heaved a sigh of relief. Following Shawen’s orders, the cannons commenced ‘surgery’ bombardment against the various vital components of the Black Pearl.

The components on the Black Pearl that Shawen signalled out, were either immeasurably tough to repair, or could not be mended by external forces while sailing but only itself.

After a sequence of bombardment, the speed of that legendary pirate s.h.i.+p reluctantly waned. The gradually diminis.h.i.+ng distance between both parties couldn’t be shorten anymore, and the Black Pearl could only remain tight on their heels.

Facing this scenario, Reef released a sigh of relief. Despite so, Sheyan’s complexion remained troubled. This was because he had been negligent about a single aspect – the quality of cannons this era were totally incomparable to present time cannons!

After firing with such intense frequency, even the more advanced high-angled cannons could at most sustain fire for half an hour. After which, a cleaning process of the gunpowder dregs and cooling period would have to be implemented. Otherwise, implosion would become the only outcome.

Throughout the rumbling of cannons, one could observe the incessant emulsion of black fumes from the Black Pearl; the signs of it being struck by cannons.

Nevertheless, the Black Pearl pirates persisted in their repairing of the s.h.i.+p’s body, and didn’t allow for Sheyan and his crew to shrug them off. The deadliest aspect of these tireless and undying sc.u.ms, was their ability to persist in battles!

Eventually, the rumbling of high-angled cannons turned sporadic before gradually halting. Redbeard took off his pirate hat as he shrugged his shoulders helplessly to Sheyan.

"Sir, we’ve reached the limits. If we continue firing, me cannons would explode!"

Sheyan then expressed his understanding. There was nothing that could be done about it. Moreover, the paddlers had already been rowing at maximum pace for nearly half an hour, and were starting to show signs of fatigue.

If one described the state of Dingyuan to be at its pinnacle when first encountering the Black Pearl, right now, it was helplessly undergoing a backslide to the trough. Anyway, this was the rule of life, sliding down to rock bottom after touch the peak. Only by going through the rest and gloominess of the bottom, could one erupt fiercely towards the peak.

Yet at this very moment, regiments of dark clouds suddenly formed above the air of the Black Pearl.

Soon, the Black Pearl was enshrouded in black fog!

Following that, insanely violent rolls of thunder and peals of lightning broke out. It was as if the Black Pearl had practically transformed into a giant shark that could manipulate the sea currents and lightning.

Within a split second, their speed was abruptly bolstered; bearing its ghastly fangs as it speared towards the Dingyuan!!

The swiftest wars.h.i.+p of the caribbean sea was seemingly refuelled completely in a flash. Within a breath, it had seemingly shortened the gap to the Dingyuan by half!

The previous hour of arduous labour and toiling, had actually been demolished by these mere few seconds of sudden development! Yet right now, there was still another hour of voyage needed to reach the continent!

"This is....that s.h.i.+p’s special ability?" Reef spectated with widened eyes. He suddenly glared at Shawen with eyes that threatened to spit out flames.

"Why didn’t you tell us?"

Shawen slowly shook his head in response.

"Every legendary s.h.i.+p would choose its own captain. As the captain of the s.h.i.+p differs, the ability form of the legendary s.h.i.+p would differ as well. If Jack Sparrow was on the Black Pearl now, the special ability of that s.h.i.+p would transform. Nevertheless, I can confirm that though the ability differs from different captains, it wouldn’t differ from the original special property of the s.h.i.+p. The Black Pearl will definitely be related to speed, while the Queen Anne’s Revenge will be related to witchcraft….."

As the lightning flashed and thunders roll, the dark clouds enveloping the Black Pearl had seemingly invaded into the stern of the Dingyuan!

The original beautiful scenery of clear skies and white clouds, had been engulfed by black fog within an instant. Enshrouded in dense sinister clouds as though the evening night had descended, the oceanic tides roared with fury; mixed with the conceited hollers and jeers of the Black Pearl pirates.

Sheyan stood gently atop the s.h.i.+p’s bow, his gaze s.h.i.+fting about. Unbeknownst why, his current gaze ushered an impression of wild deathly stillness, where silence enveloped everyone.

In this enduring silence, even one’s heart would start to grow icy cold.

"Not only the Black Pearl possesses a powerful ability." Sheyan coldly declared. "Why are ye panicking?"

When the pirates heard his words, they instantly felt that no matter how fearsome their foe may be, the man before them would have his own contingencies. Soon after, Sheyan commanded.

"Commence the blood rite at once!"

Three unlucky imprisoned lads masked by black scarf were escorted up. These three prisoners were grave unpardonable offenders Sheyan acquired in Tortuga. Their throats were swiftly slit, as warm blood propelled by their beating hearts streamed over the deck unbridled. The Baladine Bloodsail was then placed over where it rapidly absorbed their corpses.

Sheyan stood atop the s.h.i.+p as his hands tightly gripped around the steering wheel, with Taitish standing behind him. One could vividly observe, the vasculars and tendons of the ‘Deep Sea Giant Tendons’ throbbing once again! It was as though the frame of the Dingyuan had expanded by a little, as an oppressive and thunderous heartbeat governed the sea.

Very quickly, the misty hallucination of a sea giant materialized over the Dingyuan, with a humongous anchor coiled around its hand. The spirit of the deep sea giant, Bababo, raised its head towards the heavens, as it unleashed a soundless roar! Then, that humongous anchor was smashed onto the sea!

The entire sea shuddered with unmatched intensity as a t.i.tanic maelstrom was churned out! The seawaters roared berserkly, like a wild merriment!

The strongest trump card of the Dingyuan!

An indomitable ability that could rival the legendary wars.h.i.+ps!

Ocean’s Merriment!

The oceanic waves surged with merriment, instigating a devastating tsunami towards a particular region. Within this region, the Dingyuan’s velocity scaled by a hundred percent, while other s.h.i.+ps or creatures would have their speed impaired by fifty percent!!

Regardless of how fast the Black Pearl’s speed could reach, it would inevitably become slow once its speed was forcibly reduced by 50%. Meanwhile, after the Dingyuan received a 100% boost in speed, its speed would skyrocket to an exceedingly frightening extent!

A gap sufficient to commence a naval boarding battle, was instantly pulled apart in that moment.

The Dingyuan was king within this region of tsunami!

"All hands brace for impact! Whirl the s.h.i.+p around!"

Yet at this moment, Sheyan’s didn’t seize the opportunity to flee. Instead, he went all out as he spun the steering wheel to the left! Viciously s.h.i.+fting the rudder to its limits!

The entire Dingyuan started turning abruptly, where even its ridiculously stable frame sloped to a dangerous angle of 45 degrees! Barrels and random objects not tied by ropes sprawled and rolled about, finally dropping into the boundless sea.

"What are ye up to?!"

Every single pirate scrambled to grapple against tied objects tightly, where that very notion jolted through their minds!

The Dingyuan carved a long white streak along the ocean surface, as the entire s.h.i.+p surged forward with unbelievable speed! Its s.h.i.+p’s bow of unrivalled fortification charged through and smashed apart reefs, as a trails of white waves soared to the skies! The winds screeched with incomparable sharpness!

The entire process felt like several hours had elapsed, but was actually a measly few seconds!

At the heart of the fiercest winds and violently b.u.mpy waves, all the pirates could behold the unbending dark clouds before them; still wrapped with ardent flashes of lightning and rolling thunder!

Following Sheyan’s line of sight, they could all distinctly decipher. Amidst the black fog and the muddle-headed darkness, there seemed to be a bloodthirsty great beast lying silently in ambush.

Right now, the extravagant s.h.i.+p’s bow of the Dingyuan was facing straight for that ambus.h.i.+ng great beast!

The most reputable s.h.i.+p of the caribbean sea!!

The Black Pearl!!

"We had been fleeing in fear, like a pathetic dog being tightly pursued by others."

"This gutless humiliation has been nailed into our hearts!"

"But let us now tell them, let us tell them with blood and b.a.l.l.s of boldness, not a single one can stifle us. Not a single s.h.i.+p can consume us!"

"Whoever dares to offend us must pay the brunt of a fatal price!"

Sheyan’s rallying shout resonated throughout the members of the Dingyuan, his eyes surging with a ghastly burning l.u.s.tre as he roared feverishly towards the heavens! Both hands pointing indignantly towards the horizon!

Every single pirate could feel their blood boiling in that instance. They hugged the objects around them tightly as they unanimous roared with incredulous ecstasy. Roaring fanatically until their shouts turned hoa.r.s.e!

"Knock ‘em!!!!"

As their fanatical roars congregated, even the clamours of the ‘Ocean’s Merriment’ was drowned out!

A hundred metres, fifty metres, ten metres!

Lightning crashed down from the sky in berserking fas.h.i.+on around them!

The darkness absorbed from between the line of heaven and earth!

Caught within the wretched undulations of the tsunami, the Black Pearl couldn’t react in time upon discovering Sheyan’s scheme. All that was left, was their frailest broadside to deal with the impending collision of the Dingyuan’s hardest ram!!

BAM! Crack! Crack! Resounding eruptions of cloth and wood being ripped apart boomed out.

The ram of the Dingyuan had forcibly rammed into the left broadside of the Black Pearl!

One could observe a blinding glow emanating from the incisive naval ram at the Dingyuan’s bow!

The black grade unique storyline equipment Sheyan had plundered earlier, the ‘Tergi Emblem’ naval ram...at last, its might was finally exhibited!

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