The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1044: 1044

Chapter 1044: 1044
"Finally . I knew you wouldn"t be able to help yourself . "

Sheyan watched the actions of the T-1000 with a sneer on his face .

He then spoke into the party communication channel . "The enemy has taken the bait . Move according to the plan!"

Hearing Sheyan"s order, Melody leaped up lightly and planted a privet tree seed at the top of the pa.s.sage . A moment later, a green light flashed . The seed sprouted and grew at an incredible speed, easily breaking through the top of the pa.s.sage and tearing open the thick steel ceiling .

Following that, Melody easily pa.s.sed through the hole in the ceiling and smoothly climbed to the top of the offsh.o.r.e platform . In just seven seconds or so, the T-1000 caught up to her at the top of the offsh.o.r.e platform thanks to the terrifying buff provided by "Overload" .

But right when the T-1000 had rushed over, before it even had time to lock on to Melody, it could already see Mr . Darkness completing his chant in the distance . A black light shot out of his palm and crossed the air in a mysterious way, giving the impression of a snake twisting its body through the water .

The black light left a long trail in its wake in the form of a black spiral as it shot towards the T-1000 head-on!

Despite its powerful "Overload" ability, the T-1000 found it almost impossible to completely avoid Mr . Darkness" attack . It could only raise its arms to block in front of its body . Currently, the Terminator held an indifferent att.i.tude to almost any attack .

When the black glow hit the T-1000, the antic.i.p.ated impact and explosion did not appear . The black glow instead enlarged with a bang . A terrible sound of burning could be heard, and black smoke filled the air . It became so dark that one could not see their own outstretched hand .

The principles behind the vision of the T-1000"s mechanical eyes were (i) a light sensing mechanism, which took in visual signals by sensing light akin to human eyes, and (ii) an infrared sensing mechanism, which detected humans by sensing their body temperature .

Mr . Darkness" move caught the Terminator off guard . The attack not only formed a ma.s.s of black fog around the T-1000, it also had an arewide burning effect, which caused the temperature of the area to instantly rise . How could the T-1000 perceive anything after that?

So for a short period of time, the T-1000 was completely blinded . There was not much s.p.a.ce on the platform; various structures scattered around the area, sometimes interlacing with each other, to turn the place into a complex terrain .

The T-1000 changed its hands into sharp blades and waved them around crazily, but all it could destroy were the surrounding structures .

Fortunately, the T-1000 that was in an "Overload" state was really powerful . Not only was it immune to most abnormal statuses, even the black smoke could not get close to it . All the black smoke that got within a few meters around the Terminator"s body would be dispersed with a hissing noise by strong electric charges . Therefore, Mr . Darkness" surprise attack only managed to delay the T-1000 for ten odd seconds .

When the T-1000 regained its sight, it saw that Sheyan and his group was already over 50 meters away, speeding towards the sh.o.r.e on a boat .

Of course the T-1000 would not just let them get away! It must be known that the power compressor it made was already more than 90% charged! More importantly, several of the parts used to built the instrument were taken from the body of an undercover Terminator, so it was impossible for the T-1000 to produce a similar instrument in the near future!

Therefore, the T-1000 could not easily abandon the power compressor . The Terminator jumped off the platform onto a motorboat, and went straight after Sheyan and his group .


Sheyan certainly would not fight with the T-1000 right now . When he and his group landed, they jumped straight into a nearby car . There was another woman sitting in the car, waiting for them . The figure of the woman was easily visible from behind the car .

In order to achieve Sheyan"s goal, he must make good use of the terrain, so he must lure the T-1000 into his pre-arranged trap . In order to ensure that the Terminator would chase after them, Sheyan had arranged for a woman to be disguised as Ms . Adess .

In order to achieve Sheyan"s goal, he must make good use of the terrain, so he must lure the T-1000 into his pre-arranged trap . In order to ensure that the Terminator would chase after them, Sheyan had arranged for a woman to be disguised as Ms . Adess .

There must be some information and photos of Ms . Adess in the T-1000"s database . The woman Sheyan found had a similar body figure to Ms . Adess . When the T-1000 saw her, it would definitely compare her figure with the figure of the woman in its database . As long as the similarity exceeded 70%, she would be listed as a high-priority target .

Based on Dolittle"s simulation run, the silhouette of the two from the back had a similarity exceeding 90% . With the power compressor and the pirated version of Ms . Adess in the car with him, Sheyan was absolutely certain that the T-1000 would chase after them into the trap .

After driving for a kilometer or so, the T-1000 could be seen chasing after them in another car .

The car the T-1000 drove was also prepared by Sheyan and his group . It had been modified to ensure that it could absolutely not surpa.s.s the speed and performance of Sheyan"s car . . . . There was only one car left on the beach, so the T-1000 had no choice .

"Good, the T-1000 is finally out of the high-intensity power area!" About six kilometers later, Sheyan heard a buzzing sound from the device on his chest, which was made by Dr . Dolittle to detect the remaining energy on the T-1000 .

Previously, because the electromagnetic interference was quite strong in the wave power station, the device"s function was greatly affected, so it could not operate normally . Now that it was quite far away from the power station, it immediately returned to normal .

At this time, the T-1000 finally saw the pirated version of Ms . Adess in the back of Sheyan"s car . After scanning her image into its CPU chip, the chip immediately gave the Terminator a series of warnings!

[ Suspected key target found! ]

[ Commencing comparison . . . . The degree of similarity from the back is 92% . ]

[ Priority of suspected key target increased! Verify her ident.i.ty as quickly as possible! This operation is upgraded to second-level priority! No interruption to the operation is allowed unless a situation that may endanger the survival of the Terminator occurs! ]

[ Priority of suspected key target increased! Verify her ident.i.ty as quickly as possible! This operation is upgraded to second-level priority! No interruption to the operation is allowed unless a situation that may endanger the survival of the Terminator occurs! ]

After it received the series of warnings, the T-1000"s eyes s.h.i.+ned red . The Terminator"s own will was in conflict with the order forced upon it . The hatred program injected into it by Skynet caused it to hate Sheyan to the bones . The fact that Sheyan had plundered its power compressor only served to elevated this hatred to a new height!

The order the T-1000"s program forced it to execute was in conflict with its emotion of hatred, but because the factory settings of the T-1000 had prepared for this eventuality and the CPU was set to "read-only" mode, the will of Skynet won out in the end .

The red glow in the eyes of the T-1000 slowly faded away . It instead looked towards the fake Ms . Adess with eyes that would make one"s flesh creep, like an experimenter looking at a frog that was about to be dissected .

Sheyan, sitting at the pa.s.senger side at the front, picked up the detector made by Dr . Dolittle, turned his body back and aimed the detector like a telescope at the T-1000 behind them . He tried to keep the device in balance, and then pressed a b.u.t.ton .

After about five to six seconds, the detector started to get really hot while it was collecting the current data of the T-1000 . Evidently, Mr . Dolittle did not give much thought to the aesthetic and heat insulation aspects of the detector when he was making it . Sheyan could only grit his teeth and keep his grip on the detector painfully . His fingers even started smoking and hissing due to the heat .

After a while, the device finally made a beeping sound to indicate the completion of the data collection process . A series of notifications appeared in Sheyan"s vision .

[ Target: Liquid Metal Terminator T-1000 ]

[ Percentage of energy left: 27% ]

[ Amount of energy left: 1321 Strong Coulomb ]

[ This machine will reach a critical point and go into hibernation when the remaining energy drops below 5% . ]
[ Amount of energy left: 1321 Strong Coulomb ]

[ This machine will reach a critical point and go into hibernation when the remaining energy drops below 5% . ]

[ According to the current (non-combat) energy consumption rate, the total time the machine can remain active is 113 hours and 18 minutes . ]

[ Hint: The electrical resistance of the left shoulder region of the target has increased to 892% . There is a 71 . 3% chance of functional damage . ]

Sheyan was pleasantly surprised by these data . The fact that only 27% of energy remained in the Terminator was truly unexpected . However, he immediately understood why . This result likely had a lot to do with the damage on the T-1000"s left shoulder .

Dolittle was sharing Sheyan"s data . At that moment, Dolittle"s voice transmitted over from the earpiece .

"I"m guessing you"re quite surprised too, aren"t you, my friend? Even my most optimistic estimation had the T-1000"s remaining energy at more than 50% . Oh yeah, is the prey still taking the bait?"

Sheyan faintly smiled as he looked at the rearview mirror . Two to three hundred metres behind them, the T-1000 was still pursuing them relentlessly with a cold expression .

"It seems our bait tastes good enough . By the way, what kind of attack would cause such damage to a monster like the T-1000?"

Dolittle"s voice turned grave . "A terrible power, my friend . First, you should know that the recovery ability of the T-1000 was actually created by Skynet by mimicking the human genome map . "

"The human genome map? How?" asked Sheyan in surprise .Finally . I knew you wouldnt be able to help yourself . Sheyan watched the actions of the T-1000 with a sneer on his face . He then spoke into the party communication channel . The enemy has taken the bait . Move according to the plan! Hearing Sheyans order, Melody leaped up lightly and planted a privet tree seed at the top of the pa.s.sage . A moment later, a green light flashed . The seed sprouted and grew at an incredible speed, easily breaking through the top of the pa.s.sage and tearing open the thick steel ceiling . Following that, Melody easily pa.s.sed through the hole in the ceiling and smoothly climbed to the top of the offsh.o.r.e platform . In just seven seconds or so, the T-1000 caught up to her at the top of the offsh.o.r.e platform thanks to the terrifying buff provided by Overload . But right when the T-1000 had rushed over, before it even had time to lock on to Melody, it could already see Mr . Darkness completing his chant in the distance . A black light shot out of his palm and crossed the air in a mysterious way, giving the impression of a snake twisting its body through the water . The black light left a long trail in its wake in the form of a black spiral as it shot towards the T-1000 head-on! Despite its powerful Overload ability, the T-1000 found it almost impossible to completely avoid Mr . Darkness attack . It could only raise its arms to block in front of its body . Currently, the Terminator held an indifferent att.i.tude to almost any attack . When the black glow hit the T-1000, the antic.i.p.ated impact and explosion did not appear . The black glow instead enlarged with a bang . A terrible sound of burning could be heard, and black smoke filled the air . It became so dark that one could not see their own outstretched hand . The principles behind the vision of the T-1000s mechanical eyes were (i) a light sensing mechanism, which took in visual signals by sensing light akin to human eyes, and (ii) an infrared sensing mechanism, which detected humans by sensing their body temperature . Mr . Darkness move caught the Terminator off guard . The attack not only formed a ma.s.s of black fog around the T-1000, it also had an arewide burning effect, which caused the temperature of the area to instantly rise . How could the T-1000 perceive anything after that? So for a short period of time, the T-1000 was completely blinded . There was not much s.p.a.ce on the platform; various structures scattered around the area, sometimes interlacing with each other, to turn the place into a complex terrain . The T-1000 changed its hands into sharp blades and waved them around crazily, but all it could destroy were the surrounding structures . Fortunately, the T-1000 that was in an Overload state was really powerful . Not only was it immune to most abnormal statuses, even the black smoke could not get close to it . All the black smoke that got within a few meters around the Terminators body would be dispersed with a hissing noise by strong electric charges . Therefore, Mr . Darkness surprise attack only managed to delay the T-1000 for ten odd seconds . When the T-1000 regained its sight, it saw that Sheyan and his group was already over 50 meters away, speeding towards the sh.o.r.e on a boat . Of course the T-1000 would not just let them get away! It must be known that the power compressor it made was already more than 90% charged! More importantly, several of the parts used to built the instrument were taken from the body of an undercover Terminator, so it was impossible for the T-1000 to produce a similar instrument in the near future! Therefore, the T-1000 could not easily abandon the power compressor . The Terminator jumped off the platform onto a motorboat, and went straight after Sheyan and his group .   ******** Sheyan certainly would not fight with the T-1000 right now . When he and his group landed, they jumped straight into a nearby car . There was another woman sitting in the car, waiting for them . The figure of the woman was easily visible from behind the car . In order to achieve Sheyans goal, he must make good use of the terrain, so he must lure the T-1000 into his pre-arranged trap . In order to ensure that the Terminator would chase after them, Sheyan had arranged for a woman to be disguised as Ms . Adess . There must be some information and photos of Ms . Adess in the T-1000s database . The woman Sheyan found had a similar body figure to Ms . Adess . When the T-1000 saw her, it would definitely compare her figure with the figure of the woman in its database . As long as the similarity exceeded 70%, she would be listed as a high-priority target . Based on Dolittles simulation run, the silhouette of the two from the back had a similarity exceeding 90% . With the power compressor and the pirated version of Ms . Adess in the car with him, Sheyan was absolutely certain that the T-1000 would chase after them into the trap . After driving for a kilometer or so, the T-1000 could be seen chasing after them in another car . The car the T-1000 drove was also prepared by Sheyan and his group . It had been modified to ensure that it could absolutely not surpa.s.s the speed and performance of Sheyans car There was only one car left on the beach, so the T-1000 had no choice . Good, the T-1000 is finally out of the high-intensity power area! About six kilometers later, Sheyan heard a buzzing sound from the device on his chest, which was made by Dr . Dolittle to detect the remaining energy on the T-1000 . Previously, because the electromagnetic interference was quite strong in the wave power station, the devices function was greatly affected, so it could not operate normally . Now that it was quite far away from the power station, it immediately returned to normal . At this time, the T-1000 finally saw the pirated version of Ms . Adess in the back of Sheyans car . After scanning her image into its CPU chip, the chip immediately gave the Terminator a series of warnings! [ Suspected key target found! ] [ Commencing comparison The degree of similarity from the back is 92% . ] [ Priority of suspected key target increased! Verify her ident.i.ty as quickly as possible! This operation is upgraded to second-level priority! No interruption to the operation is allowed unless a situation that may endanger the survival of the Terminator occurs! ] After it received the series of warnings, the T-1000s eyes s.h.i.+ned red . The Terminators own will was in conflict with the order forced upon it . The hatred program injected into it by Skynet caused it to hate Sheyan to the bones . The fact that Sheyan had plundered its power compressor only served to elevated this hatred to a new height! The order the T-1000s program forced it to execute was in conflict with its emotion of hatred, but because the factory settings of the T-1000 had prepared for this eventuality and the CPU was set to read-only mode, the will of Skynet won out in the end . The red glow in the eyes of the T-1000 slowly faded away . It instead looked towards the fake Ms . Adess with eyes that would make ones flesh creep, like an experimenter looking at a frog that was about to be dissected . Sheyan, sitting at the pa.s.senger side at the front, picked up the detector made by Dr . Dolittle, turned his body back and aimed the detector like a telescope at the T-1000 behind them . He tried to keep the device in balance, and then pressed a b.u.t.ton . After about five to six seconds, the detector started to get really hot while it was collecting the current data of the T-1000 . Evidently, Mr . Dolittle did not give much thought to the aesthetic and heat insulation aspects of the detector when he was making it . Sheyan could only grit his teeth and keep his grip on the detector painfully . His fingers even started smoking and hissing due to the heat . After a while, the device finally made a beeping sound to indicate the completion of the data collection process . A series of notifications appeared in Sheyans vision . [ Target: Liquid Metal Terminator T-1000 ] [ Percentage of energy left: 27% ] [ Amount of energy left: 1321 Strong Coulomb ] [ This machine will reach a critical point and go into hibernation when the remaining energy drops below 5% . ] [ According to the current (non-combat) energy consumption rate, the total time the machine can remain active is 113 hours and 18 minutes . ] [ Hint: The electrical resistance of the left shoulder region of the target has increased to 892% . There is a 71 . 3% chance of functional damage . ] Sheyan was pleasantly surprised by these data . The fact that only 27% of energy remained in the Terminator was truly unexpected . However, he immediately understood why . This result likely had a lot to do with the damage on the T-1000s left shoulder . Dolittle was sharing Sheyans data . At that moment, Dolittles voice transmitted over from the earpiece . Im guessing youre quite surprised too, arent you, my friend? Even my most optimistic estimation had the T-1000s remaining energy at more than 50% . Oh yeah, is the prey still taking the bait? Sheyan faintly smiled as he looked at the rearview mirror . Two to three hundred metres behind them, the T-1000 was still pursuing them relentlessly with a cold expression . It seems our bait tastes good enough . By the way, what kind of attack would cause such damage to a monster like the T-1000? Dolittles voice turned grave . A terrible power, my friend . First, you should know that the recovery ability of the T-1000 was actually created by Skynet by mimicking the human genome map . The human genome map? How? asked Sheyan in surprise .

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