The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1271

Caught off guard and having his head cruelly pressed into a water jar, Boss He miserably choked on the water and violently struggled.

Yet though he wrestled violently, he could only feel that Sheyan"s hand was like a steel hoop; mercilessly cuffing his neck down, and thoroughly suppressing all his movements.

Only when his complexion turned purple and his eyes were about to roll back, did Sheyan pull his head up.

This time, Boss He no longer dared to curse aloud but started to pant greedily for air. As fresh air flooded his lungs, he felt as if nothing in this world was more precious than air. Never did he expect, after merely taking half a breath, Sheyan once again cruelly pressed his head into the water jar…...

This torture went on for five times. By now, Boss He was slumping limpidly on the ground, with tears and mucus flowing as his body s.h.i.+vered intensely. That terrifying steel grip had sorely left an inextinguishable imprint onto his heart!

At present, Boss He deeply believed that if he should once again infuriate this demon, he would definitely be reduced to a drowned chicken, and perish inside a water jar.

As the saying goes, tyrants are the most fearful of death. With ghastly pale complexion, Boss He no longer uttered a single word, and a foul stench continued pervading out from beneath his pants. Letting others witness this scene would be sufficient to cause him to lose all his face.

As Sheyan stared down at him, his incisive gaze seemed to be constantly slicing and undersizing Boss He. Finally, he icily p.r.o.nounced.

"Tonight, Di Gu must deliver a meal of stewed meat. Otherwise, hand over 3,000 dollars, understood? Also, Di Gu isn"t your wife nor your maid. If I ever hear you disrespecting her, I shall see that we have a nice chat!"

Boss He"s purplish lips trembled as he incessantly nodded. Sheyan then reached over and patted his shoulders with a slight smirk, before sauntering away.

At present, he was too lazy to trash talk with this fool, because after disposing of this Boss He, his nightmare imprint had already notified him.

[ Information gathering completed, a.n.a.lysis success….. ]

[ Note: Host can choose to be infected from this list of airborne viruses, and learn your first airborne disease ]

[ A: Influenza ]

[ B: Airborne Allergies ]

[ C: Primary Pulmonary Tuberculosis ]

[ Detail: Your first choice of disease will influence the consecutive growth of the innate skill tree ]

[ Your choice of disease characteristics, its infectious rate and treatment difficulty will map the eventual virus ability effects, after the A-virus has duplicated and optimized it. Please select carefully! ]

[ This selection has no time limit. Please consider carefully before making a decision ]

A shady internet cafe. Without a doubt, the environment here was exceedingly filthy. The air polluted by stinky feets and a stench of garlic. Ferocious pitter-patter smas.h.i.+ng sounds of keyboards, fuming curses and loud yellings for the cafe a.s.sistant to deliver snacks filled the air. This was a place comparable to a bustling wet market.

Under the state of constant shoutings, any form of normal interaction was seemingly impossible.

At an unremarkable spot of this internet cafe, Sheyan calmly nodded to himself before standing up and releasing a long sigh.

The computer screen before him displayed a web page. Found on that page, were figures that could even shudder Sheyan"s heart.

「 According to statistics from the World Health Organization, an adult estimatedly contracts flu 3-4 times a year, while a child may contract up to 6 times. 36% of adult medical leave, and 67% of children medical leave is caused by flu. Every year, flu is approximately contracted 20 billion times (individuals may contract more times or lesser than usual) 」

「 No preventions: Due to the vast variations and strains of the flu virus, a specific full-proof immunity has yet to be consolidated. At present, there is no specific right cure for treatment 」

「 According to statistics from the World Health Organization, yearly number of flu deaths is 250,000 - 500,000. In comparison, there are about 180,000 deaths related to travel 」

(TL: Note that the author"s statistics are outdated or he got them from completely weird and wrong places, as this novel was written many years ago. He writes flu deaths as 600,000 but according to WHO website it is 250,000 - 500,000)

Actually, people wouldn"t be intimidated by the mere mention of influenza. The reason it is treated like a small illness is due to the low rate of fatality at roughly 2.12%. As such, out of 100 who contracts any form of influenza, about two would possibly die. In comparison, about 55,000 people die from rabies, which is vastly inferior to yearly flu death rate. However, once rabies virus flares up, the chances of death would be close to a hundred.

「 Influenza strains are separated into type A, B or C. The Influenza A contains different antigens, and sub viruses of it has mutated many times, leading to worldwide outbreaks. For example, the 1918 - 1920 flu pandemic that killed at least 50 - 100 million worldwide. 」

These statistics, as compared to tuberculosis or airborne allergies, occupied a whole different scale and dominance!

Thus, Sheyan made his resolution and speedily accessed his nightmare imprint, before selecting the "Influenza" path. Following that, he only needed to fork up 2 achievement points. Fortunately, his virus system of the "Stairway of the Sun" allowed him save an additional achievement point.

With matchless heartache, he paid the fee of one achievement point. Then, a list was exhibited before his eyes which left him dazzled.

[ Note: A-Virus virus devouring, duplication and optimization process activated ]

[ Note: Activating the A-Virus system requires absorbing enormous vitality force from the host. Host"s current vitality can only support for 41 hours 16 minutes 5 seconds before health is affected. You must perfectly obtain the nucleus code during this plaguing phase of the virus strain. Otherwise, the A-Virus system of devouring, duplicating and optimizing can only be activated seven days later ]

"Ah, s.h.i.+t!" Sheyan couldn"t help but curse. Never did he expect the timer to begin right on the spot!

Bear this in mind, for Sheyan to be infected with a disease, he had to first activate his "Babu-Babusar" ability and consecutively reduce himself to an ordinary human state! Only then, can he contract a virus! Yet when that happens, even Boss He, whom he had beaten up like a dog, could effortlessly claim his life!

Moreover, Sheyan wasn"t a kind and loving individual in this world. Don"t mention others, the pack of vietnamese gangsters could possibly find trouble for him.

Nevertheless, another crucial problem remained. The disease virus wouldn"t proactively search for Sheyan, he still had to devise means to contract the virus!

Apart from that, during the progress of virus infection, how severe would his condition be? What would be the extent of damage to his body? If Sheyan wasn"t admitted into a hospital for treatment, would his life face imminent danger?

Sheyan had to consider all these different aspects. Besides, this was a matter of life and death, and he absolutely couldn"t afford to be reckless.

At this moment, Sheyan faintly envied Reef. No doubt, Influence and wealth in the real world played a pivotal role as well.

Nevertheless, what was done, was done. The crux of the matter would be to quick learn this "Influenza" virus ability, and not waste precious time. Hence, Sheyan immediately made an emergency call to Mogensha.

After a.s.sisting Sheyan in wrecking the vietnamese gang, Brother Black had been touring China"s sceneries. Next, he visited Taiwan as well to sightsee, before preparing to take a flight home. When Sheyan made an emergency phone call to him, he could hear the sonorous rumbles of aircrafts taking off and descending, and reckoned Mogensha was currently going through the procedures before boarding a plane.

Since his boss summoned him, Mogensha was naturally duty bound. With his swiftest pace, he rushed back with his two a.s.sistants at once, the same a.s.sistants who killed without blinking.

Approximately four hours later, Mogensha arrived. Naturally, Sheyan was finally about to relax. With Brother Black around, the amount of viets or Boss He who dared to surface, would be the amount of death count. Sheyan no longer needed to worry over a pathetic outcome of being squished to death like a grape by an ordinary mortal.

While concurrently waiting for Brother Black, Sheyan also researched on the influenza virus, and acquired several information on feasible methods to catch an infection. If one method fails, he would swap to the next. All in all, they all involved different forms of torturing himself.

For such a common virus like the flu bug, it should be hovering around perpetually everywhere. To enhance his chances of successfully contracting the virus, Sheyan decided that a hospital would be an optimal location. That"s right, indeed it chose the same hospital where Uncle Dasi visited to change his dressing previously.

9 in the morning. During the busiest period of the hospital"s outpatient service, the emergency ward was overcrowding with individuals. Seats were filled with feverish patients on IV drips who most likely, and likely, most of them were down with flu.

Sheyan"s head was drenched in cold water, as were his clammy soaked inner clothes. Five seconds later upon activating his "Babu-Babusar" ability, he plunged into ordinary human state.

A foreign yet familiar sensation momentarily struck Sheyan.

Cold, frail and weak.....such sensations were seemingly amplified by a magnifying gla.s.s, and distinctly feedbacked into his mind! Then, a fear started budding in Sheyan"s heart....

Indeed, after being bestowed with invincible strength by the nightmare realm, Sheyan was strongly unaccustomed to being a regular human once again. With a temporarily dip in formidability and strength, he involuntarily felt an irrepressible dread and panic.

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