The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1277

Following that gla.s.s shattering jackboot, its predecessor emerged with sparks and the tinkling of small bells. That shoe was actually forged with pure metal!

"I hope we"re not late, Kaoyi. I suspect this district has already been scavenged by others." A thick nasal accent broke the silence.

The one speaking was the owner of the pair of boots. He was clad in heavy infantry armour of the medieval ages. His armour glistened with surreal brightness, and the armour was abnormally broad at the shoulder area. His neck too, was completely covered by the armour. In his left hand, wielded an incomparably acute and s.h.i.+ny single-handed long sword. It seemed as though the sword came alive in his hand, s.h.i.+mmering with pulses of chilling brilliance.

"Not late yet, Joseph"

Behind the heavy armoured Joseph, surfaced a skinny and agile looking individual.

While speaking, that individual pressed his hand onto the vehicle before nimbly leaping towards the blood trails on the main road. Afterwards, he dipped his finger in the blood and took a whiff.

"However….I"m afraid we have trouble."

As his words dispersed…..cras.h.!.+ A grand but dilapidated revolving door of a building was crashed opened not too far away. While soaring 5-6 metres in the air, the door frame disintegrated before bluntly splitting into two upon impacting the ground.

Instantly after, a triangular head poked out. Its head was covered in moss green scales and its eyes were similarly triangular. When its mouth was shut, it appeared exceedingly harmless, resembling a duck with its beak amplified manifold. Yet when it widened its mouth and bared its thin incisive teeth, they practically appeared like enlarged sawtooth dinner knives.

While it dragged a pair of bulky upright hind legs, this creature possessed a pair of minute forelimbs. Nevertheless, their muscles were swelling powerfully, exhibiting striking outlines beneath the skin. Razor-sharp claws like reaping sickles grew out from its forelimbs, combining both sharpness and brute might.

The revolving door wreckage was exactly the masterpiece of this creature"s fierce collision.

Indeed, this was a dinosaur with a tail as long as 4 metres.

A Velociraptor!

One could describe this dinosaur"s limbs as weaker in comparison, yet they were absolutely st.u.r.dy! Its eyes brimmed with frightening wisps of blood veins. Theoretically speaking, such a bloodshot eye normally impresses berserking insanity to others, instead, its gaze was ice-cold and cruel; seemingly viewing all creatures before it as whimpering, trembling preys!

Upon noticing the Velociraptor, Kaoyi had already swiftly darted behind a bus wreckage. His slick movements prompted one to subconsciously a.s.sociate him as a serpent.

In contrast, Joseph, who was like a steel fort, was equally unflinching. Gripping the long sword in hand, he crazily charged forward.

Boom! Boom! Boom! His momentum was so powerful, large footprints were imprinted onto the tar road wherever he trampled.

While charging, a strange pattern in the middle of his brows flashed with dull radiance. It looked almost identical to a nightmare imprint.

Joseph was completely unabated by his surroundings, sending vehicular obstacles rumbling and tumbling aside as he charged through! In his wake was a rain of gla.s.s shards.

This brat looked completely like a heavy siege tank, spewing out intense black fumes as he rumbled forward; utterly ignorant of all obstructions!

Upon witnessing this scene, Sheyan couldn"t help but glance to Reef with a pensive expression. Reef"s expression was similarly extremely solemn, as he mumbled into the party channel.

"Official Growth-Hunter, presumably a strength type."

Sheyan asked Mogensha.

"Do you recognize this Joseph?"

Mogensha shook his head faintly.

"Haven"t seen him before. Ah Boss, more importantly, haven"t you notice their nightmare imprints seem to be at their brows."

Sheyan initially didn"t pay attention to that, and was instantly enlightened.

"Ah right, but all our nightmare imprints are on our chests eh?"

Meanwhile, as the trio were spectating and chatting, the heavy yet agile Joseph crashed against the tyrannical Velociraptor.

This sight was essentially like a ma.s.sive steam locomotive car, huffing out thick smoke, before colliding into a chariot.

To their amazement, although the Velociraptor"s body was slightly bigger, it was shockingly knocked flying into the nearby shop, and soon followed by the sound of random things being broken to pieces.

Even so, it didn"t seem like Joseph occupied overwhelming superiority. Sent staggering backwards, he half knelt and pressed one hand against the ground to cus.h.i.+on himself. After producing a streak of friction sparks while tumbling 4-5 metres backwards, he finally halted in a half-kneeling posture.

Though he appeared with the upper hand, his countenance grew exceedingly ugly with a tingle of disbelief. He couldn"t resist the urge to glance down at his chest.

In the centre of his silvery s.h.i.+mmering breastplate armour, were clear claw marks! The intervals between the claw marks were incredibly distinct, like that of engravings!

During this collision, though Joseph seemed to have occupied superiority, the terrifying Velociraptor had simultaneously retaliated. With a simple cleave, it actually managed to leave deep claw marks on Joseph"s evidently superb defencive armour!

That was merely the armour, one could simply imagine the damage dealt to the flesh beneath.

By now, the Velociraptor had scrambled back up, and was stampeding closer with its stomp. Its eyes were scarlet red, as its swinging tail beat up a raging dust storm behind it. Yet one could observe from its solid skin, its robust muscles remained as solid as steel. Evidently, it didn"t receive any damage.

After scrambling up, it continued to fixate its insatiable preying eyes onto Joseph!

Yet at this moment, Joseph unexpected sighed in relief as the strangest thing occurred - the cleave marks in the middle of his heavy armour was actually starting to disappear. Without a doubt, his armour possessed a self healing capability, and was fully restored to its s.h.i.+mmering glossy demeanor!

Following his armour"s restoration, Joseph"s lips curled into a smirk. Releasing a contented harrumph, he knew that this "England a.s.sault Cuira.s.s" armour he invested all his savings in was worth it. Moreover, he even blended an alloy material with it.

Concurrently, a gust of black wind shuttled past him, whipping up a loose papers and sediments voluminously into the sky before faltering down.

Correct! The skinny and agile Kaoyi finally took action!

Kaoyi"s sprinting posture was inclined so severely, his upper body was nearly parallel to the ground.

While Joseph"s charging impression was that of unrivalled boldness, Kaoyi was like a phantom in the night, or a spider gliding across the water surface; seemingly forming gales 2-3 seconds later wherever he pa.s.sed.

When the accelerating Kaoyi reached the Velociraptor"s front, he drew a dagger from his waist and carved upwards! Instantaneously, a streak of blinding bright arc sliced through the air!

In response, the Velociraptor completely ignored Kaoyi"s incisive a.s.sault, and plainly clawed forth with its left forelimb.

A wound instantly sliced open on the thick skin of the Velociraptor"s right forelimb, despite so, Kaoyi"s dagger only left a shallow wound on its flesh. Concurrently, the Velociraptor"s left claw cleaved forth in retaliation, only to encounter Kaoyi dodging to the right like a phantom.

Kaoyi continued unleas.h.i.+ng an unceasing chain of slashes, like a violent wind and rainstorm, he completely prevented the Velociraptor a chance for retaliation.

Streaks of dagger rays flashed across the Velociraptor"s body, the aftermath brilliance resembling that of an unwavering binding rope! Under such unending and rapid a.s.saults, the Velociraptor couldn"t find a single margin to retaliate. All it could do was stagger backwards while sprinkling out fresh blood.

All of a sudden, Kaoyi"s dagger sliced out an arc light from bottom up, transforming into a crescent radiance of utmost splendor! Unexpectedly, the Velociraptor"s body was struck lifted by this one attack! Like an incorporeal hook, the a.s.sailing arc light ripped through its chin!

Blood splashed in all directions.

Following that, Kaoyi licked his blood soaked lips.

An overwhelming rusty taste pervaded his senses through his tongue.

The carnal taste of fresh blood.

Following that, Kaoyi crouched slightly. Yet as he crouched, cracks erupted through the solid concrete road beneath and depressed downwards. The air around was stale, yet his trousers were fluttering with utmost intensity; reminiscent that of a hurricane caressing the sails of a boat, and one could even hear the violent slapping of fabric against fabric.

Then, he abruptly blasted off!

His legs sprung off the ground, crisscrossing together as he slashed upwards. Simultaneously, his entire body bent backward as he executed a backward somersault!

At this precise instance, an astronomical circular blade ray formed, emitting the sound of air whistling while sucking in dust and littered waste towards it!

Within a split second, the deadly sharp blade ray slapped against the Velociraptor in midair, lacerating out a miserably crude long cut across its belly as blood gushed out wildly!

Although its defensive and offensive capabilities were extremely powerful, in the face of Kaoyi"s tempestuous and ferocious a.s.saults, it failed to endure and was gravely injured!

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