The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 368: Deeper into Pandora forest

Chapter 368: Deeper into Pandora forest
Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Broiling projectiles silently whizzed out, piercing accurately into the armour of a direhorse;
causing light yellow bodily fluid to splash out. Under normal circ.u.mstances, this timid horse
would immediately take off. Yet during matting while it beared the painful torment, it swung
its hateful gaze over. Raising its tremendous solid hoofs, it broke into a frenzied charge towards
Immersed in copulating, the pack of direhorse was now a chaotic mess. The foul fishy smell
pervaded the air and a.s.sailed their nostrils. Female direhorses excitedly dug deeper into the
soil, awaiting the duelling victor of the incessantly colliding stallions. Thus, such a wildly
furious and deserting direhorse behavior went completely unnoticed.
When the direhorse charged into the thicket, it was instantly slowed down by Reef’s raging
‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’. In a split second, the contestants lying in ambush pounced up like
wolves and tigers; one-sided a.s.saults came pouring down in torrents, directed towards its legs.
The direhorse had astonis.h.i.+ng defence, but after two legs were fractured, its movement speed
greatly plunged. Immediately, the squad s.h.i.+fted their a.s.saults to its chest. The direhorses had
many vertically arranged operculum* on the chest muscles, which allowed them to increase the
amount of air they intake with each breath. Thus, this allowed the direhorses to reach greater
speeds and endurance.
(TN: *Nostril-like opening)
But due to that fact, it became an area that lacked protection and was exceptionally weaker;
which was most probably the vital spot, frequently resulting in greater damages.
Sheyan took special notice of Lille and Uzel, whose performance had been merely average.
Lille’s offence was rapid, biting and sleek, with blood trailing from every blade ray; a
melancholic display of blood. As for Uzel, he carefully aimed his pistol and fired, seemingly
dis.h.i.+ng out pretty decent explosive strike rate; supposedly traversing the path of single-unit
high damage output.
In a short span, that direhorse was mercilessly cut down, displaying discolored lifeless eyes as
it twitched. Due to the earlier pact - ‘every single battle loot would be monopolized by party Ace
during the process of accomplis.h.i.+ng the milestones’, Sheyan blatantly picked up the dropped
white key. Thus, he successfully acquired a longhorn required by the milestone ‘Penetrate’.
At this moment, Jin Ximin had begun raising his sniper rifle and continued his stealthy
seduction. However, this time, his bullet landed inside the eye of a unlucky direhorse, who was
in the midst of a duel. That direhorse neighed furiously, abandoning its opponent as it galloped
over. As for its male opponent, it wasn’t willing to take things lying down, as it pursued hot on
its heels; “You little guy trying to run after kicking and biting me??? No way!” (Horse neighing)
Undoubtedly, Sheyan’s squad simultaneously accepted the two ordinary direhorse. As time
trickled by, they slaughtered through the entire pack of direhorses within 1 hour; of which, only
a few female horses seemed to have awoken from their dreams and fled hastily. Amongst the

dropped loots, apart from rolls of leather, horse bone etc, there were 3 direhorse neural whips
(The antenna) that were branded as valuable objects. Those 3 whips should possibly worth
much back in h.e.l.l’s Gate base of the RDA company.
At present, everyone managed to receive two direhorse longhorn. Delivering them to the realm
through the nightmare impri
nt, Sheyan received the notification:
“You offered two direhorse longhorn.”
“You receive the t.i.tle ‘Penetrate’.”
“Penetrate: When attacking an enemy, 0.3% - 0.8% chance of neglecting defence and dealing
full damage. (Chance corresponds to attack speed, faster will be 0.3%, while slower 0.8%)”
“You can only equip one t.i.tle at one time, do you wish to equip the t.i.tle ‘Penetrate’ ?”
“Advance milestone: ‘Pierce’ activated.”
“Pierce milestone requirements: Acquire 5 direhorse crystal longhorn.”
“Details: Direhourse crystal longhorn can only be obtained from elite-tier creatures.”
After accomplis.h.i.+ng the milestone ‘Penetrate’, two contestants had paid a fee in accordance to
their contract and left; both uninterested in the remaining two milestones. However, they felt
that this tiny party Ace was indeed pretty trustworthy, and thus recommended another
contestant who was interested in accomplis.h.i.+ng the milestone ‘Plunderer’.
Following Sheyan’s schedule, the next milestone to accomplish was ‘Plunderer’.
This milestone held a requirement of gathering 1,000 units of Pandora’s Un.o.btanium (Crystal’s
purity must not be lower than 16.8%). However, Mogensha had already accomplished this! Back
when he stayed for a prolonged period of 7 days back in the Stars.h.i.+p trooper world. The
un.o.btanium crystals he harvested using the arachnid drone then, was in fact shockingly usable
in this world!
More importantly, the purity of those un.o.btanium in the Blackthorn tribe was astonis.h.i.+ngly
over 95%. This further implied that Mogensha only needed to fork out merely 200 units of the
Stars.h.i.+p Trooper world’s un.o.btanium, to accomplish this milestone.
According to Uzel’s earlier report; within a 50 kilometres radius, there were a total of 6 Pandora
un.o.btanium mines. However, the mines were relatively small in scale; to the RDA workers, the
costs of extracting those mines wasn’t worth it. Hence, these mines were neglected by the RDA
company. Amongst the 6 mines, 3 had crystals of purity exceeding 30%.
Naturally, according to percentage, visiting those 3 mines would be most suitable. Because once
a high purity unit of un.o.btanium were to be extracted, it would undoubtedly equate to several
units of lower purity crystals.
As the saying goes, risks and rewards are inseparable. Monumental Hometrees (Na’vi tongue:
Kelutral) would naturally grow on un.o.btanium ore veins beneath it. The more abundant the
un.o.btanium ore veins, the larger the Hometrees.
Even though the gigantic trees wouldn’t pose a threat, to Na’vi clans adept at combat, the
Hometrees were literally their homes. Naturally its hollows and caves were their houses, where

the na’vi clansmen would sleep, eat, weave, dance, ****, and celebrate their connection to
Bluntly speaking, those areas were where un.o.btanium crystals thrives the most. The larger the
growth of the Hometree, the more Na’vi residents and the larger their clan. Yet crucially, all
Na’vi clans treated these high purity un.o.btanium with the highest devotion…...these fanatical
zealots of religion held beliefs deeply rooted in their hearts; no matter if it was a civilized or
barbaric na’vi.
Hence, trying to extract un.o.btanium crystals there would be equivalent to intruding on their
homes; akin to digging inches deep into their homes without paying respects, and even
plundering the resident’s ancestral idols. If one encountered such a thing, wouldn’t one
immediately pick up knives and go after them?
Sheyan didn’t know if humans would, but he knew Na’vi folks would. Hence, nearing a
kilometre away from their destination, they proceeded with utmost caution. In actual fact,
advancing through such a dense tropical rainforest, was essential a relatively difficult task.
Snake-like purplish vines drooped down, along with knee-high fat oddly yellowish-green
plants and many interweaving ecological layers. Earthen green mushrooms that would explode
when ripe, and many other fearsome and repulsive insects and organisms…….
Even their ears found no rest; a symphony of cicadas singing, the buzzing of insect wings and
even toad croaking sounds…....mult.i.tudes of decaying trees and fallen logs, giving rise to the
moist and humid climate, just like an evaporated reservoir. Countless species of tree frogs
propagated, as they spread their acute toxins amidst the forest.
Reef deviated from the treading open pathway slightly, accidentally stepping on a twig causing
a crunching sound to emerge. Suddenly, a yellow figure flashed out from the side! Reef
instantly blocked with his s.h.i.+eld. Caught off guard, Lille behind him immediately reacted, with
twin daggers cutting out. Such a move didn’t feel very fast, but was just like a casual breeze;
instead, the yellow figure splitted into two.
After the yellow figure slumped to the ground, it bounced around frantically in its dying
struggle. Only upon death could they differentiate it to be a serpent like creature. It had a
triangular shaped head, prominent jaws br.i.m.m.i.n.g with sharp tooth as it tenaciously nipped
onto a dried twig; as though trying to make reprisals even in death.
Beneath its head, grew a pair of mantis like blades, looking exceptionally incisive; as though it
could easily carve out human flesh.
Reef glanced at Lille; his eyes contained no grat.i.tude nor did he offer a word of thanks, but
silently continued forward. Pertaining to such flowery behavior, Reef wasn’t at all interested.
Lille felt rather annoyed, his facial muscles twitched a little as he snorted and sheathed his
daggers back to his waist.
The trees became ahead, as bright and gratified red-orange vegetation appeared. They
grew together in twos or threes, and were roughly 6-8 metres tall. There were no leaves on
them, presenting itself as a translucent membrane state; as though numerous sea snails had
piled up together, and constructed into a spiralling upwards trend.
Piloting the ‘AMP Suit’, Makaji accidentally touched a plant. This plant instantly reacted and
coiled swiftly before retracting down, vanis.h.i.+ng into the ground in an instant; it was

completely hidden underground! From a distance away, light trampling of dried leaves
transmitted in. Makaji observed, as his pupils concurrently contracted.
“This…… this a helicoradian? Everyone careful! We’re now extremely close to our
destination, na’vi folks may ambush us anytime!”
(TN: The helicoradian (Na"vi name: loreyu meaning "beautiful spiral") is a zooplantae (part
animal, part plant) possessing a single leaf that responds to touch by coiling up and retracting
to the ground.)

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