The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 370: Rooting out the nest

Chapter 370: Rooting out the nest
Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Under the incessant hurricane like gunfires of the ‘AMP Suit’, even a thick 3 metres wide tree
couldn’t provide coverage for long; blistering into splinters after withstanding the
bombardment for few seconds.
After the fanatical rain of fire subsided, several mysterious blue figures jolted out with
surrept.i.tious movements as they dispersed into the forest. It felt like fishes abruptly leaping
out, graceful in that instance, before splas.h.i.+ng down lightheartedly into the depths of the river.
At this moment, Sheyan suddenly darted out from a tree; half-kneeling as he raised a gun.
Squinting his eyes, he pasted it against the scoping lens as he raised that ‘Nail gun’ of his. A red
suspicious dot swiftly scanned past the trees; naturally, it was the infrared laser, an accuracy
target device add-on.
Once the red dot overlapped with one of the blue figures, Sheyan directly pressed the trigger
with extreme maliciousness and excitement. In that instance, he finally fulfilled his childhood
dream; an unparalleled marksman with a hundred-shot-hundred-kills, acclaiming the major
lead role in Hong Kong police dramas.
No doubt, this advanced technology made up for Sheyan’s innate deficiency, as he succeeded in
hitting a bulls-eye. The skinny blue figure tousled forward, as ghastly blood fluids gushed out
from its left thigh.
Yet when Sheyan was about to cry out ‘OKAY!’ in ecstasy, a long whip like object suddenly
flashed out from the rear of that skinny figure, as it ingeniously twirled around the nearby tree
branch. The figure who had just lost its footing once again swung forward, as it vanished
behind a large tree.
“Oh s.h.i.+t! Curse that crafty tail!” Sheyan resentfully implored aloud as he reloaded. “If this gun
was semi-automatic, then I swear even 10 tails would be nothing.”
Mogensha raised his lighted cigar to his thick lips.
“My only suggestion for you is to store away that toy figurine and stand in front of me. Not only
can you block off those arrows, it is your bestest way of acting cool.”
“Oh screw off!”
Sheyan unhappily replied.
The ‘Nail gun’s’ formidability lies in its powerful penetration and expensive bullets. The
weapon’s only firing mechanism was a single shot at a time. Fortunately, Sheyan’s reloading
speed was adequately ‘fast’, he only needed a reloading interval of 5 seconds.
Yet within that ‘short’ duration, that Na`vi resurfaced in Sheyan’s view. Although the Na`vi
stumbled out of its cover, it had already lost its value as a target board; because, it had been
forced out by the grumpy looking Lille.
Like a walk in the park, the agile contestant Lille had appeared behind the Na`vi, unnoticed by
everyone. Tranquil like partic.i.p.ating in a hurdle race, not a single dagger movement in his left

hand could be captured. Though he displayed such ordinarily looking mobility, yet a sudden
shrilling black slash flashed out!
That black ray folded into an obliterating crescent moon, rippling forth with sorrow!
It carved through the Na`vi’s braids,
Carved through the Na`vi’s throat,
A violent outburst of fresh blood. This Na`vi who had suffered 5 armour-piercing incendiary
rounds, and a t.i.tanium drilling nail finally lost his life; returning to the embrace of his G.o.d.
Rank B ability ‘Blade-dance slash’ !
The long braids of the Na`vi slowly pelted to the ground. Thump! He slumped to the ground and
dissolved into infinit
e threads seeping into the soil of Pandora. Following that, another Na`vi
couldn’t persist for long as well, and during the process of leaping out, that Na`vi was instantly by a deafening sniping gunfire of Jin Ximin!
Another remnant Na`vi had lost all rationality in his rage and anguish, howling ferociously as
he charged in. He appeared to be a close combat warrior, without any bows or arrow. Instead, he
clutched onto a jagged knife forged with beast tooth as he brandished it intensely; as though he
could block all incoming bullets, then…….
Then with a belly of fire, Makaji controlled his ‘AMP Suit’ to target him.
There was no more then.
In a flash, tu tu tu tu! 37 spiralling fatal rounds entered him, drilling in holes like a honeycomb.
Instead, Sheyan glanced towards Reef at this time. During the attacking process, the 3 Na`vis
weren’t just idling without retaliation. They had also simultaneously retaliated while fleeing.
An arrow landed nowhere, while another arrow soared in thirst for Uzel! Fortunately, Reef had
raced forward to block it, yet this craftily angled arrow had lodged into Reef’s shoulder.
A 2 metre long arrow,
An arrow smeared with neurological poison element.
Sheyan glanced at Reef. Reef understood, and replied with a coa.r.s.e voice.
“72 points, not an explosive strike. Side persisting damages of 48 points, movement decrease.”
If Reef wasn’t wearing the RDA company’s ‘Hydra armour’, then an ordinary Na`vi’s long range
arrow would’ve dealt close to a hundred points to Reef already. Moreover, there were still other
persisting damages, and even the movement declining effect? Such a ‘difficulty cla.s.s’, was
already nearing the strength of an ordinary orc of the previous world.
Yet one must acknowledge, Na`vis are long range aggressors. This undoubtedly implied a
possibility of concentrated a.s.saults! If Mongensha were to have suffered 3 simultaneous arrows
of the Na`vi, then the possibility of crippling or instant death was high!
“Even a ‘B+’ difficulty is so troublesome…...hais, if our next world advances another level, its
difficulty would reach ‘A-’ or even higher!” Sheyan sighed in his heart.
After checking the contents of the 3 Na`vi dropped keys, they only presented two of items
required by the ‘Headhunter’ milestone - Na`vi longbow. This item was indeed not a 100% drop

rate. Therefore to complete this milestone, they probably had to slay 10 or so Na`vis each.
At this moment, every contestant started to proceed with caution. The dedicated Makaji
continued piloting the powerful ‘AMP Suit’ as he led the front, while engaging in a battle
a.n.a.lysis for them.
“In the movie, the Omaticaya clan that the main lead joined had a overall strength of 500 Na`vi.
Those that could ride Mountain banshees were only 10 - 20. The height of their Hometree was
460 metres, with a diameter of 50 metres. Considering the fact that Hometree right ahead
hasn’t even reached a hundred metres in height and the information we’ve gathered before,
this signifies that this Kiwatakin clan comprises only of around 3-5 Na`vi. It is a declining clan
on the verge of extinction.”
While Makaji led, he very detailedly made judgements with his expertise as a biologist. Every
single judgement was supported with reasons and were terribly accurate. Hence, though he was
a newly recruited member, he had discreetly stole the limelight from everyone else.
After hearing his words, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Then like a hive of bees, they sprinted
towards the Hometree. Even in a game, the thrill of rooting out an entire opponent nest was the
greatest desire, there was no other.
Yet more importantly, per the contract agreements of between the contestants, only drop loot
keys from creatures killed would be automatically deemed as party Ace’s possession. Yet the
items that could be acquired within the Na`vi nest weren’t something that party Ace could
However after a brief while, before Sheyan had even got the chance to infiltrate the Hometree,
the fastest agile model contestant strolled out within the tree hole with a disappointed
expression. His expression was one of extreme nauseous, as though he had an impulse to chop
away at someone. Sheyan became intrigued as he headed forward, suddenly a wave of smoke
a.s.sailed his nose.
Although the Hometree was hollow inside, the humongous mangrove-like roots were scattered
around and br.i.m.m.i.n.g with vitality and firmness. Its interior wasn’t damp and moist like their
imaginations, but it had a dry, warm and tidy feel; utterly devoid of termite infested decaying
wood. But they could obviously tell, the s.p.a.ce within wasn’t considered huge, there wasn’t a
second floor.
Leaning against the tree, or the walls of the interior, were some ornaments spoils of war. Skulls
and repulsive objects hung over it, even broken javelins, bows and arrows were neatly arranged
by the side.
There was a fireplace in the middle, only displaying withering embers. Flaming torches were
placed by its side, which were composed of bountiful dried leaves and random stuff; which were
soaked with an oil like substance, probably the secretion of a fat creature.
Over the fireplace, were dried twigs with vines suspended over; neatly sliced charred meat was
dangling atop. No doubt, it had been long overcooked. Sheyan couldn’t recognize what meat it
was, however, the second dangling item beside the meat was exceedingly familiar.
It was a human head.
Hair burnt ablaze, twigs forcing the mouth open. A human head being roasted.

Its eyes and brain juice had been dried out, leaving dark terrifying concaves. The skin had
shriveled beyond recognition, as though its expression was a perpetual grotesque smile.
Honestly speaking, such a method was exactly identical to humans dealing with chicken or pig
They could definitely infer, the chunks of meat dangling by the side, must’ve recently been part
of this person’s body………

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