The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 371: A barbarian’s preserved meat

Chapter 371: A barbarian’s preserved meat
Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

No doubt, this unlucky dead child was definitely a RDA worker, who was utterly unrelated to
Sheyan. Yet his head still couldn’t help welling up with an unexplainable feeling, as he couldn’t
help pounding his fist against the tree wall!
This was a natural disposition of superiority as humans, the leader of all creatures! This was a
rage sustained by personally witnessing their own kind butchered as food!
Don’t b.l.o.o.d.y say why humans didn’t feel cruelty while eating pork, beef or chicken.
As a human himself, he naturally had a human’s pride, the pride of guarding their own!
At this moment, Reef walked over. Witnessing all this, his face had also turned ashen. Only after
a brief while did he speak up.
“These b.a.s.t.a.r.ds…...I really have an impulse to mutilate their corpses.”
“They’ve stolen away a mission.” Sheyan suddenly murmured.
Reef immediately thought of the focus after hearing his words. This pitiful meal of a person
was definitely an RDA worker. Most likely, he was from the h.e.l.l’s Gate. If they could acquire his
ident.i.ty card, then they probably could invoke a simple mission of returning it. As for the
mission rewards, it definitely varied.
If this guy was just an ordinary mercenary, then the rewards would be minute. If he turned out
to be a person of high status, then the rewards would be generous.
Obviously, Sheyan had spoken only after observing the pile of mess around the fireplace. The
pile of mess included Prolemuris* offals and fur, claws and heads of viperwolves, and even
tattered camouflage soldier uniforms; a chaotic pile of hair and organs…...naturally, this was
the Na`vi’s kitchen.
(TN: The prolemuris (Na"vi name: syaksyuk) is a chattering, non-aggressive tree dweller that
prefers the relative safety of the canopy to the dangers of the rainforest floor. Prolemuris are
similar to monkeys or apes on Earth.)
Sheyan then raised his head and observed the s.p.a.cious hollow s.p.a.ce of this room. It was at least
11-12 metres high, riddled with other entrances leading outside of the tree hollow; maintaining
the sunlight and ventilation of this place. After walking out, Makaji was currently gazing up
with a complication expression. After seeing Sheyan, he left without saying a word.
Sheyan then stood at where Makaji was and gazed up. Needless to say there was a dense ma.s.s
of leaves of the Hometree canopy, in addition, there were several large transparent brown pods
swaying in the air. Those were the Na"vi’s beds, where they would simply climb up and enjoy a
peaceful sleep in a rocking bed. Sheyan retracted his gaze, saying nothing as he left.
Next, was naturally tough labour.

The Hometree relied on the Pandora crystals to grow, yet it wouldn’t absorb or plunder from it;
but its growth was solely because of the everlasting magnetic force field generated. The
enormous trunk of the Hometree relied on this weightlessness environment to grow to its
maximum potential.
The higher the quant.i.ty of Pandora crystals, the greater the magnetic force field. Therefore, the
supplementary aid to the Hometree’s growth would increase, and the Hometree would grow
increasingly enormous.
This was the same logic as the largest animal, the blue whale, living in the water. Only by
drawing support from the water’s buoyancy, can it support such a colossal state and continue
living. Yet if the blue whale ascends to land, it would be dragged down by its ridiculous weight.
Hence, a ma
jestic Hometree completely surpa.s.sing other trees wasn’t without reason.
Needless to say, digging beneath the roots of the Hometree, one would be able to find an
abundance of Pandora crystals.
Undoubtedly, the most suited for this job was the ‘AMP Suit’.
Everything was implemented and carried out perfectly, excavating an endless supply of
Pandora crystals. However, for all contestants present apart from party Ace, they sunk into an
extremely awkward problem. This was the same problem that had plagued Mogensha and Reef
back in the Stars.h.i.+p Trooper world.
That was that the Pandora crystals could not be digitized and inevitably occupied s.p.a.ce. More
or less implying that they were…..c.u.mbersome!
If not for Sheyan’s opportune short cuts, his official military rank accoladed with unparalleled
achievements, his interspatial region of the nightmare imprint would also be easily limited.
Sadly, the others around weren’t bestowed with such fortunes; hence after trying their utmost,
they could only stash the basic requirements of Pandora crystals needed for to complete the
milestone. There were two that couldn’t store enough, and had to manually and comically carry
a pocket-full back. Of course, they didn’t forget to pay remunerations to Sheyan and party for
accomplis.h.i.+ng the milestone.
Also, it was at this moment that the 3 core members of Party Ace acknowledged something
deeply – the significance and importance of their party storage, that 10x10x10 = 1000 square
metre s.p.a.ce!
After offering the nightmare imprint the Pandora crystals he acquired, Sheyan received a
“You gathered 1,000 units of Pandora crystals. (Purity no less than 16.8%).”
“You received the t.i.tle: Plunderer.”
“Plunderer: Every time you slay an enemy, 2% additional chance of acquiring a key. The key
grade will be directly proportional to the enemy’s strength.”
“You can only hold one t.i.tle at one go, do you wish to equip the t.i.tle ‘Plunderer’ ?”
“Advanced milestone: ‘Looter’ activated.”
“Accomplis.h.i.+ng requirements: Gather 3000 units of Pandora crystals. (Purity must be no less
than 51.3%).”

“Details: A Pandora crystal of more than 51.3% cannot be produced naturally, therefore….you
know it. Find it at h.e.l.l’s Gate.”
“This t.i.tle is relatively fine eh. But, how does it aid t.i.tle synthesizing……?” Sheyan was currently
perplexed at this t.i.tle synthesizing affair. At present, the boys from party Ace kept quiet about
their party storage affairs, obviously not intending to divulge this secret to Lille, Uzel, and even
Jin Ximin or Makaji.
Currently, the sunlight had infiltrated through the canopy of the Hometree, showering
glimmers of light down. Those midway members.h.i.+p contestants had left, they weren’t very
interested in the last ‘Headhunter’ milestone. Thus, obviously, they had to cherish the precious
time left for other matters.
Suddenly, the ‘AMP Suit’ that was consistently excavating trembled violently, thick black fumes
spurted out from the 6 exhaust of its rear engine. The rumbling of the engine became
increasingly louder as though a monster truck was trying to climb up a slope. The entire
machine was trembling excessively.
“What’s happening?” Mogensha immediately questioned.
Makaji mumbled several lines to himself, looking rather heartache for his ‘AMP Suit’. He then
pedalled the gas pedal furiously.
“Dammit, there seems to be a ma.s.sive dude underneath! Come help?”
Reef was the kindest individual, he immediately charged up in aid; chopping off a tree branch as
he started prying. Finally, he managed to compliment the ‘AMP Suit’ and excavated the earthen
object out. Everyone got a huge fright when the object pulled out was an appalling coffin,
forged out of a cyan coloured rock!
A stone coffin!
This coffin was approximately 3 metres high and 5 metres long. The decorative engravings had
mostly faded away, only leaving behind faint carvings; a savageness that was vividly portrayed.
It could be seen that the Na`vis had buried this coffin with devout reverence.
Except…..this coffin just had to be buried at the largest entrance of this Hometree. According to
Makaji’s understanding of the Na`vi; though they had the practice of burial, they wouldn’t allow
the grave of a respected individual to be trampled over constantly. This was a perplexing
occurrence, since they revered, why trample and despise it? Since they trampled, why bother
But at this moment, Sheyan unintentionally noticed the gaze of Uzel and Lille, which gave him
an indescribable sensation; one filled with greed, ecstasy, surprised and enlightenment.
Although this expression was fleeting, and swept away in an instant, it had been earnestly
captured by Sheyan’s eyes. Sheyan had committed this to his memory.
“Hmm, looks like these two guys seem to know what is inside this coffin.”
At this moment, Mogensha and Makaji had joined up to pry open the coffin. As their faces were
covered with the oxygen mask, they weren’t scared of any embedded corpse poison. With a fist
from the ‘AMP Suit’, the gorgeous but brittle stone lid bluntly fragmented with cracks.
Mogensha kicked out as the coffin overturned to the side; spilling its contents into the sunlight.
It was a skull.

A tremendously huge skull!
That stone coffin was already relatively enormous; yet compared with this long and gigantic
skull, it had only managed to forcefully contain it. Such a gigantic skull matching with a stone
coffin appeared rather comical, it was like a fat leg being forced into skinny jeans.
The flesh had long decomposed around the skull, its eyeb.a.l.l.s had dried to a layer of film. Yet its
tenacious epidermis was preserved, with intercrossing strokes of bright red and yellow. One
could imagine the clarity of the strokes even in the night, as it left a deep latching impression
on everyone present.
In the natural world, this represented fear; represented deterrence; striking terror to those who
saw it. The skull presented a domineering dreadfulness that could sweep across the entire

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