With a mix of so many considerations, Sheyan could only put aside his notion of acquiring the "Disarm" ability. Besides, Reef was still the main absorber of damage in storming the fronts, and 10% additional damage was pretty impressive as well. Moreover, he had already squandered an excessive amount of utility and potential points to upgrade his various abilities. Hence, it was only wise to remain frugal now, and wait for the day he could modify his "Basic close combat lvl 7".

It was prevalent that amongst equipments of the realm, firearms were one of the most valuable. Presently, gunmen with long range combat capabilities definitely boasted of higher survivability rates in the realm. Naturally, the valuation of their equipments would also skyrocket.

Fortunately, the party had ample funds left in storage, supplying Brother Black with sufficient capital! Sheyan had also authorized him to sell those few "Soul Crystals*" if need be.

(TN:*They obtained this in ch 106, vol 7. Part of the items that they extorted from the na"vi Old Mourbo.)

After a series of haggling, Brother Black first purchased a black grade Horcrux; a dropped loot from a zombie dog in the Resident Evil world. Actually speaking, that object wasn"t considered rare. However, after infusing into his necklace, it shockingly upgraded to a Silver Storyline grade. Its main strengthening emphasis pertained to the viperwolves it could summon out. Its attributes were as follows:

[ Viperwolf spirit special ability: "Shredding heels" - after inflicting damage onto enemy, enemy"s movement speed will decline by 10% (original 5%). Duration of 15 seconds. Stackable, to a maximum reduction of 50%. ]

[ Details: At any one time, there can only be at most two viperwolf spirits in existence. ]

[ Details: Viperwolf spirits will exist for 30 minutes (up from 15 minutes) ]

[ Details: Upon the death of your controlled viperwolf spirit, your highest attribute will increase by 1 point temporarily; duration of 8 hours. This buff can be stacked for at most 5 times. (Previously was a negative buff of 4 points decline) ]

Following that, Brother Black engaged in a to-and-fro tussle, haggling bitterly with that contestant. Eventually, that contestant finally loosen up and was willing to transfer that crucial item to Mogensha. To purchase that crucial item, the amount of utility and potential points were pretty significant, but if things went smoothly, then Brother Black"s Silver Storyline grade broken "Sparta Short Spear" could be mended into a perfect edition of a long spear. The might of its reformed strength would naturally be self-explanatory, but there was even a possibility for it to rise to a dark-gold grade.

Sadly, the upgrade mending process of the long spear required an excruciatingly tough mission. Furthermore, it was a mission that had to be accomplished alone. Thus, having expended the time they could remain in the nightmare realm to train, Sheyan and Reef returned to the present world again; without waiting for Mogensha to return.

Even though Sheyan had cleansed the Largering gang in blood before he left Taiwan, due to the United Bamboo"s boss Gu Yuean pulling the strings behind, he didn"t have to worry about the safety of his family. Gu Yuean understood how formidable Sheyan"s might was, totally aware of the terrifying consequences if his family encountered any mishaps.

Thus, Sheyan specially toured around Thailand; purchasing several concoction materials he wanted to attempt experimenting with, before returning. Countries like Thailand, Laos and Myanmar couldn"t even prohibit the growth of Opium Poppy, thus the topic of wildlife protection didn"t need to be raised....Sheyan had excessively consumed the concoction materials during the Avatar world for his party battles. Therefore, his materials were nearly depleted. Fortunately, he managed to resupply himself with the wonderful influence of money here.

Right now, Sheyan had roughly investigated - him being listed as wanted by the Taiwanese government was just a false alarm. Hence, he very gloriously boarded the flight back to Taiwan. Throughout his journey, he met with zero incidents. These days of absence from Uncle Dasi and the mischievous Sanzi, had caused him to long for the warm ambience of family.

Upon arriving at Xiwu pier, Sheyan specially purchased huangjiu* that Uncle Dasi loved to drink. Individuals who made their livelihood out at sea, would normally pick up the habit of drinking. Not only could it soothe bodily sores, it could also dispel body chilliness. Moreover, Uncle Dasi adored the warm flavour from drinking boiled huangjiu while it was piping hot.

(TN: *Yellow wine, a chinese alcoholic beverage)

Who knew that when Sheyan arrived, n.o.body responded even after repeated calls. His heart s.h.i.+vered as his hands clenched with strength! How could a door withstand Sheyan"s strength? Crack! Wood splintered as it was smashed in.

Sheyan scanned the surroundings, discovering that Uncle Dasi and Sanzi"s clothings had all been packed and taken away. The furnis.h.i.+ng in the house remained neat and orderly, while a shallow layer of dust had acc.u.mulated atop the table.

Evidently, both of them had made adequate preparations before leaving, allowing his heart to calm down a little.

When Sheyan exited the house, an anxious Granny Zeng came running over from the east; gaping and grumbling incessantly when she arrived. In summary, she berated Sheyan for hammering down her house door.

Sheyan straightforwardly fished out several hundred dollars of repair fees for her to shut her mouth. Only then, did Granny Zeng"s anger turned into delight. When Sheyan inquired about the whereabouts of Uncle Dasi and Sanzi, Granny Zeng exclaimed in astonishment.

"Aiyah aiyah, Yan kid. In the past 2 months you went out, you didn"t know your boat was finally introduced to the water? When your Uncle Dasi witnessed it touching the water, he was tremendously elated; he didn"t even bother about the drying painted lacquer. Saying "besides, I"ll hire someone to service it", he then directly sailed out. They even asked me to refund the remaining rent for the house."

Sheyan was stunned. His memory was exceedingly clear; he had only left the country for 10 plus days, while the rest of the time was spent inside the realm; how could it have been 2 months?! A notion jolted through his mind, confirming that something must"ve gone wrong during the period spent inside the realm!

He instantly investigated with the nightmare imprint, instead, he was informed that his status didn"t meet the sufficient authority; merely answered with - [ When initiating a realm war, abnormal time sequencing phenomenons may occur in the nightmare realm. ]

Knowing that, an ominous sensation welled up in Sheyan"s heart. One must understand, such a situation indicated unstable functionalities may arise within the nightmare realm, which was equivalent to a malfunction bug; that wasn"t good news at all!

Sheyan shook his head, as he first tossed these matters aside. Unexpectedly, his scope of authority was rather limited with regards to such information, and was impossible for him to a.n.a.lyze anything. Thus, he no longer pondered further. Instead, after contemplating a little, he headed off towards the dock.

A brand new Fu Yuan was anch.o.r.ed by the dock. Its refres.h.i.+ng new appearance indeed brought joy to any onlookers. Observing it from afar, Sheyan couldn"t help but feel a surge of joy in his heart. With this boat, Uncle Dasi can finally stay happy right.

He nimbly leapt onto the deck of this board, but instead noticed Sanzi currently seated by himself on the deck. Probably having his lunch, before him was a basket, 2 plates of dishes and a jug of wine. When he caught a glimpse of Sheyan, he instantly hopped up with excitement.

"Brother Yan, you"ve returned?"

Sheyan smiled gently as he nodded. Sanzi then sneakily peeped towards the stern of the boat. Then, he quickly pulled Sheyan over to sit and served him a pair of chopsticks. Smiling with exultation, he whispered.

"Brother Yan, don"t be in a rush to visit the rear. Accompany me to eat first."

Feeling rather famished himself, Sheyan attacked the dishes with his chopsticks; savouring the local distinctive flavour. Then, he retrieved the huangjiu he purchased earlier. After gulping down two shots, Sanzi begun humming softly. As though suddenly recalling something, he picked up a brown bottle from his bosom; it was filled with a fresh red colored broth. A rotten fragrance a.s.sailed their nostrils after he opened the lid.

Sanzi then dipped his chopstick in; tangling the broth into his rice, he wolfed the entire mouthful down. Then, he drank a cup of wine while facing the sky, and breathed out in satisfaction. Placing the chopstick down onto the deck, he faced Sheyan and laughed.

"Brother Sheyan, sample this. I bet you hadn"t tasted its excellent flavour before."

Sheyan picked up several bits and placed it into his mouth. The taste of this red broth was richly thick. When it entered his mouth, a delicious sweetness swirled within, unleas.h.i.+ng a texture that stood out from the ma.s.ses. After pondering a little, he couldn"t refrain his inquisitiveness.

"Could this be shrimp paste?"

As it turns out, this was a one-of-a-kind inheritance delicacy. Fis.h.i.+ng out deep-sea cardinal prawns from the ocean, then smas.h.i.+ng it into red shrimp paste before adding salt, wine lees, Galiangjiu*; before slowly pulverizing everything inside a grindstone. Grinding it once wasn"t enough, it had to be meticulously grinded in even distribution; grinding until thick paste flows out from the grindstone trough. Finally, allowing it to ferment for a week inside a bottle before serving.

(TN:*a type of chinese alcohol)

These few years, cardinal prawns became increasingly scarce due to water pollution. Furthermore, such a method made it impossible for the sauce to be ma.s.s produced. Hence, Sheyan hadn"t eaten this in years. When Sanzi produced this bottle of wondrous richness, he reflected deeply on the supreme culinary skills behind this.

Sanzi dipped his chopstick into the shrimp paste again, before carefully savouring the aftertaste as he gobbled a mouthful of rice. Radiating with smiles, he whispered again.

"Not bad right, brother Yan. You won"t be able to guess who prepared this."

Sheyan"s eyes squinted slightly, as he laughed in response.

"I can"t be bothered to deal with your nonsense. Uncle Dasi was really impatient, bringing the boat out even before the lacquer dried. Fortunately, I brought along a kilogram of huangjiu for him to relax a little. Uncle Dasi? Care to enjoy two cups of hot wine?"

Sheyan purposefully escalated the volume of the final two words, as he called for Uncle Dasi inside. Instead, Sanzi immediately pounced on him, and cunningly smile before whispering.

"Brother Yan, don"t! The freezer compartment is still being installed, while we flooded the boat to let it soak for these few weeks*. He had been toiling day and night. Therefore, I requested for old Song at the pier to supply food for a month. Lacking manpower, old Song allowed his younger brother"s wife to deliver the food every noon and evening."

(TN:*letting a new boat soak is important, but you can google why lol)

Sheyan"s heart was shakened, he couldn"t help becoming intrigued.

"Old Song"s sister? Isn"t that the one known as Di Gu? Let me see, oh ho, her name is He Fengdi right!"

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