[ Bra.s.s Spygla.s.s (mono-lens) ]

[ Origin: Istanbul, Turkey ]

[ Equipment characteristics: Unique storyline equipment ]

[ Equipment rarity: Light-blue ]

[ Material: Bra.s.s, gla.s.s ]

[ Addons: ribbon strap ]

[ Effect: Allows wielder to see further, doubles the viewing distance. ]

[ Equipment position: Miscellaneous slot ]

[ Description: This is a priceless treasure to any lookout scout ]

[ Description: If you feel that this item isn"t powerful enough, you can sell it to the realm in exchange for a large sum of utility or potential points; choose only 1 of 2 options. ]

Examining this object, Sheyan pondered before inquiring with another pirate.

"What"s the name of that old mate whose hand was chopped off by One-eyed Hog?"

That pirate instantly replied in fear and trepidation.

"I only be knowin" his moniker be Ol"Seadog, Cap"n!"

Sheyan nodded and replied.

"Call him here."

Very quickly, Ol"Seadog stood before Sheyan. His face was pale due to the excessive loss of blood. Sheyan straightforwardly handed over the "Bra.s.s Spygla.s.s" to him.

"Henceforth, ye shall be our chief scout. Although the value of this object is vastly incapable of compensating your loyalty and sacrifice, I beseech ye to accept it!"

At present, a pack of pirates had congregated around; casting their envious gazes over. Ol"Seadog accepted the Spygla.s.s with trembling hands, as his muddy old eyes flickered.

"Tis"....this be an inheritance treasure, sir. I…..I be unworthy of yer acclamation!"

Sheyan replied with a pleasant tone.

"I am pleased with everything you"ve done. Take it and familiarize yourself with its efficacy with all speed, and a.s.sume your new post. Ye shall be Third Mate of this s.h.i.+p from now. Furthermore, I expect your men to report the status of the sea within every ten minutes interval."

The sea winds were raging stronger. Many s.h.i.+ps had lowered to half sail, and though that was so, the s.h.i.+ps remained distinctly swaying violently. It was as though a mysterious force within the depths of the sea was stirring up.

Yet to Commander Bath, he was eagerly antic.i.p.ating for the s.h.i.+ps to turn rockier. That would truly be the best scenario, because it would substantially increase the difficulty of those pesky pirates clas.h.i.+ng in for naval boarding battles! He had to admit; having gone through two rounds of bloodbaths, the cannons and s.h.i.+ps of those pirates were terribly dilapidated. Instead, it was their dauntless vigor when facing death, that caused him to feel troubled.

When the battle had just commenced, Old Bath"s commanding 3-masted "Galen" Galley s.h.i.+p, the Richie, had relied on its devastatingly unrivalled firepower supremacy; consecutively sinking three trashy pirate s.h.i.+ps of the same tonnage. As for the personal price he paid, it was merely several hundred kilograms of gunpowder and bullets, and a scarce few of casualties.

Yet as the scale of battle inflated, his s.h.i.+p experienced two rounds of naval boarding battles, where the casualties of the lads under his command was minimally a third. Yet the most unfortunate news arrived. Before the lads of Commander Bath could rest to bandage their wounds, the third wave of pirate naval boarding abruptly struck them.

Although The Richie had attained the ill.u.s.trious achievement of sinking three s.h.i.+ps in this grand naval war, age had crept up on him. Presently, Bath was feeling less capable than desirable, after facing waves upon waves of pirates advancing dauntlessly.

All of a sudden, a marine started cheering.

"Splendid news, a s.h.i.+p of ours is heading here from the west in aid!"

The gales of the sea continued bellowing; if one were to overlook the sea from the sky, one could see a 3-masted s.h.i.+p gliding through the sea speedily; braving the winds and the billows. The s.h.i.+p sailed in from afar, dragging along a long streak of trail from the north. Observing its sailing posture, the s.h.i.+p was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with a stern loftiness as it advanced courageously, as though facing death with equanimity!

Bath produced his personal Spygla.s.s to survey. Indeed, it was modelled exactly like his own 3-masted "Galen" Galley s.h.i.+p. How would those impractical and dest.i.tute pirates possess the capability of purchasing such a new and formidable s.h.i.+p? Hence, the plentifully combat experienced Bath immediately commanded.

"Inform our men, immediately prepare to switch out from our conservative defensive state. After our allies draws near, we will directly engage in a full on retaliation!"

As that ally s.h.i.+p braved the winds and billows and rapidly approached The Richie, the rapt marines even risked the ravenous a.s.saults of the raiding pirates, to clear up a s.p.a.ce for their allies to link up.

Yet in a flurry, they discovered in unparalleled shock and anger, that after their "allies" had rapidly ascended on deck, they commenced a crazed evil scheme against their fellow comrades!

Closely following, large flocks of berserking pirates, dressed in ragged clothes, came streaming out of the opposing s.h.i.+p"s hold. Howling freakishly with unequalled ecstasy, they brandished their hatchets, jackknives, claw hammers, saws and whatever they could find, as they buzzed forward like bees.

The plan Sheyan formulated earlier on to "fight chaos with chaos", was now in full implementation! Utilizing his side"s disastrously disorderly organization, to instill a chaotic battle amongst the opponent! Including the Hill Maiden, this plan had since been relatively effective as of now, with The Ritchie being their fourth* victim.

(TN:*author writes 3 from Raws but it should be 4 to tally with later chapters)

Noteworthily, in Bath"s perspective; after his previous battle concluded with a submerging pirate s.h.i.+p, this British Royal Navy s.h.i.+p had navigated towards a designated rendezvous outside the battle, and had took anchor there. Naturally, the casualties were also left on board s.h.i.+ps that had left the battlefield to be treated.

At present, this grand naval war had crescendoed to a fanatically chaotic state. Few battles could catch the attention of top seated figures, especially battles fought around the periphery of the battlefield. On the contrary, for s.h.i.+ps without adequate qualifications, so what If they discovered this battle? Besides, it was extremely common for another damaged s.h.i.+p to be leaving the battlefield and approaching the designated point. One must understand, though human life was invaluable, an exorbitant fortune was required to construct a s.h.i.+p! In fact, many would retain an instruction with the priority to protect their s.h.i.+ps.

Moreover, situations of cruel "enlisting" would sometimes happen; implicating loads of british marine captives to be padded into the processions of the pirates. They would then be quickly chased into the battlefield, and used to replenish the frontlines; holding the roles of spearheading the formation of the pirates. As for Sheyan right now, his pirate crew had gradually expanded as they fought. Though the mortality rate of naval boarding hand-to-hand fightings were astronomical, his crew was now nearing 200 members.

Bath unleashed an incomparably furious roar, as his gilded cutla.s.s became dyed with blood. In fact, his cutla.s.s blade was jagged after excessive slaughtering over the course of hundreds of battles. Yet no matter how many he killed, he seemingly couldn"t halt the endless rush of pirates. Moreover, his brave marines had sunk into an awkward predicament of facing two sides in battle.

This entire travesty had been caused by those d.a.m.ned marine imposters! Without them, Bath wouldn"t even have declared for a direct frontal clash with the pirates they were battling beforehand! This old Commander had originally planned to surround those pirates before annihilating them. Hence, after realizing the new addition wasn"t allies but fiends, he knew they instead faced the cruel situation of being surrounded and annihilated by their foes!

Suddenly, a familiar face flashed past Bath"s eyes. This was a face that had learnt sword skills from him in the past, and logically speaking should be fighting alongside him. Instead, the owner of this face was presently raising weapon against his own subordinates, slaughtering with an emotionless demeanor. Filled with unexpected disbelief, he howled.

"Philip! Do you know what you are doing?!"

In this instant, Philip turned and shot a stupefied glance over. His numbed expression even led Bath to feel the blood stench a.s.sailing his nostrils to turn milder. Philip"s glance had only paused for 0.01 seconds on Bath"s face, before he turned to the front and abruptly shouted to a marine ahead.

"Yield, or peris.h.!.+"

That marine"s answer was to swing his saber across. Bath could only watch as his former comrade dodged laterally, before drawing his blade and beheading down. His subordinate Chief Petty Officer was instantly cut down to the deck, due to his reckless overstep; rolling several metres away. With his face facing down rigidly, he remained motionless. Only red blood remained pouring out of his body like a waterfall.

"No!!!" Old Bath fumed frenetically. In this instance, a surge of immense strength overwhelmed him abruptly, as stabbed the throats of 2-3 foes in rapid succession with his thin cutla.s.s. Then, like a fierce tiger descending, he lurched ferociously towards Philip.

The sword arts of of this old Commander were unsurpa.s.sed; as his slender cutla.s.s flashed through the air, it directly impaled into Philip"s right wrist. Evidently even till now, he remained reluctant to harm the apprentice he was additionally proud of.

Instead, Philip"s blade suddenly swept horizontally, attempting to fend off the cutla.s.s. Nevertheless, Old Bath"s arm strength was miraculously mighty, as he strode widely forward with unmatched vigor; pressurizing and forcing Philip to s.h.i.+ft a step back.

Both faces met each other, separated by their intercrossed bloodied blades. Old Bath then lamented with grief.

"What exactly happened, Phillip! What led you to betray our country, have you forgotten the oath you swore when you enlisted as a marine? Stay your weapon, I will propose an amnesty for you with Captain Norrington!"

Philip refuted in distress.

"It"s futile, teacher, listen to me. Lieutenant Commander Costa died to my hands, Lieutenant Madike"s neck was slit by me. I drilled through Lieutenant Commander Hejvit"s chest with my sword. Even if it was the Queen of Britain, my crimes are absolutely unpardonable."

Old Bath could only feel his vision turning dark.

"You…..what the h.e.l.l happened?!"

Philip smiled bitterly.

"The Hill Maiden encountered a demon, and even worst, I foolishly infuriated him.....I brought this calamity onto myself. Forgive me, Commander Bath. I cannot die to you right now, my life doesn"t belong to me alone, but to those lads who placed their faith in me."

After concluding, Philip waved his sword, as he withdrew to the rear. Old Bath was about to pursue, but he suddenly sensed an indescribable threat pressing in from the right. Hastily swiping his cutla.s.s to block, he instantly felt an unfathomably tremendous strength surging up from his cutla.s.s.

(TN: some information on navy ranks:

Commander (中校) - Equivalent to lieutenant colonel in the military

Below commander is lieutenant commander, and below lieutenant commander is lieutenant.

Captain is the rank above Commander. )

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