The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 876: Zi"s help

Chapter 876: Zi"s help

But to Sheyan"s disappointment, after two sneezes, he actually felt livelier! The cold wind blew onto his face but it felt so comfortable . Catching a cold seemed like a luxury at the moment, let alone pneumonia .

"What the h.e.l.l? Did the steep increase in my HP cause my immunity to increase as well?"

The steep increase in HP here referred to the reward when he broke through the 50-point pure attribute boundary . That reward had been inexplicably retained when normally, all statuses would be reset after undergoing the Babu-Babusar ceremony! Sheyan inferred that due to the soul embryo settling in, the Authoritative precedence of the negative effects of the "Stairway of the Sun" was lowered, making it unable to suppress the reward for the 50-point pure attribute boundary breakthrough . Thus, this situation occurred .

After spending a whole day in the hospital, Sheyan realised with disappointment that even a cold seemed to be far away from him, let alone pneumonia . Seemed like having a strong immunity was not always good news . . . . Getting a rank 3 ability wasn"t so easy after all .

At this time, Sheyan received a call .

An international call .

Zi"s slightly deep but sweet voice transmitted over the phone . Her voice was somewhat similar to the voice of the singer, Sun . There was a charm to it that"s hard to describe with words .

(T/N note: Sun - . youtube . com/watch?v=60QFQtRAvWQ)

"If you"re Seaman, say something . If you"re not, hang up . "

Sheyan smiled and replied .

"I"m alive, rich girl . "

Zi said emotionlessly .

"How was the last world? Did any of your people die?"

Sheyan laughed and answered .

"Nope . Not only that, I"ve even recruited someone who may very well become your compet.i.tor . "

Zi coldly sneered and said .

"What compet.i.tor? Can anyone be my compet.i.tor? "

"Hmm, he"s a mage who mastered the laws of Dungeons and Dragons . His main ability lies

in producing illusions . He has a limited offensive repertoire; he can only perform burst damage once or twice every battle . "

Sheyan began explaining to her about Franklin . Zi immediately figured it out .

"I see . His main burst method should be rank 3 "Great Fireball" + "Empower Spell" . There are limited spell slots for rank 3 spells, that"s why he can"t be the main force in battle . But his ability to create illusions is an extremely rare one . You made a good decision . "

Sheyan smiled faintly and said .

"The best decision I ever made was agreeing to Demondream"s request . "

Zi snorted .

"I"ve already returned your favour! I"m doing pretty well in Aldaris" party right now . We even got an S evaluation in the previous world . It shouldn"t be a problem for Aldaris to become an Awakener . "

Sheyan knew that Zi was just being stubborn . No matter how strong Aldaris" party was, there was no way they could compare to his own high-ranking Silver party . Moreover, relations.h.i.+ps were complex in large parties . In his Ace party, Reef had long realised that he has no leaders.h.i.+p potential, so Sheyan could immediately appoint Zi as the vice leader as soon as she joined . Sheyan laughed confidently and said .

"Of course, of course . Then can Lady Zi give me a chance to owe you a favour back? I am desperately in need of your help . "

Upon hearing Sheyan"s words, the proud Zi finally revealed a slight smile, while her eyes flashed a that"s-more-like-it glitter . She said after a dry cough .

"That would depend on my mood . "

Sheyan smiled .

"I"m in Taiwan now . Let me persuade you face-to-face . "

Zi said without hesitation .

"Go to Taoyuan Airport, the same place as before . I"ll let Gulfstream pick you up . "

Senyan was already familiar with all the protocols, so after a few hours, he arrived in Europe . This time, he flew straight to London, to the headquarters of the E . S financial group .

Zi personally picked him up from the airport . She was wearing a Chanel coat tied at the waist with her hair tied up in a bun . It accentuated her slim figure and long legs . She appeared cold, yet alluring .

But when Sheyan walked down the luxurious stairs of the Gulfstream, let alone Zi, even the female a.s.sistant next to her was trying hard not to laugh . Sheyan"s clothes were simply too casual . . . . loose beach shorts, flowery s.h.i.+rt, and to top it off, a pair of large wooden clog flip-flops on his feet . The clip-clopping sound they made caused the aircrew welcoming him to almost burst into laughter .

Zi was also holding herself back from laughing as she approached Sheyan .

"I see that you"re as full of personality as ever, Seaman . Your colour combination is magnificent . "

Sheyan sneezed amidst the cold November wind in London . He quickly hopped onto Zi"s Lincoln limousine .

"What the h.e.l.l . I don"t usually take aeroplanes . I can"t believe the weather"s so terrible . "

The middle section of the limousine was arranged in the form of a meeting room . Zi got in and sat across from him, then said with a smile .

"Do you want to go buy some clothes first?"

Sheyan instantly rejected such a short-sighted suggestion .

"It"s good to be cold! This is exactly what I want . Achoo!"

As he said that, he nonchalantly picked up a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet at the back, then bit off the cork and gulped down half a bottle like it was a beer . The bodyguards and a.s.sistants next to him were all shocked speechless . This bottle of Bordeaux wine was bought by their financial group from an auction with 640,000 euros . It was intended to serve only heavyweight VVIPs such as ministers of the state . Now, it was defiled in such a way by this Easterner . More crucially, Director Su actually did not show any dissatisfaction .

These a.s.sistants had never seen a young man acting so casual in front of Director Su . All the other young men would either be intimidated due to her status, or awe-struck due to her cold demeanor . It was common for them to make mistakes out of nervousness . However, this young man had simply made himself at home . His calmness and demeanor were eye-opening .

Zi stared at the half bottle of wine left and said coldly .

"This bottle of wine cost almost a million euros . I"ll send the bill to you later . "

Her stern expression instantly turned into a smile as if she enjoyed her own joke tremendously . Sheyan seriously said .

"No problem . I don"t even have a euro on me anyway, so it makes no difference to me whether you charge me a euro or a million euros . I"ll just run away later . . . . Uh, I really have something that needs your help . And it"s urgent . "

Zi pushed a b.u.t.ton and a tecoloured bulletproof gla.s.s rose to segregate their section into a private s.p.a.ce .

"Speak . "

Sheyan spread his hands and said .

"I must catch a disease, and it must be pneumococcal pneumonia . Can you find a way?"

Zi stared at Sheyan after hearing his strange request .

"Is it important?"

"Very," answered Sheyan seriously .

Zi immediately made a call .

"h.e.l.lo, Mr . Harvin . Didn"t your previous proposal involve Vorey Pharmaceutical Company? Yes? That"s good . I heard they have their own medical research facility, the 3rd biggest laboratory in Europe? Ok then, I"ll sign it . "

Next, she made another call which was very concise .

"Kevin, stop all negotiations with Krupp and pa.s.s the proposal for Vorey Pharmaceutical Company . Why? There"s no why . My decision is why . Any other question? Good . I"m hanging up . "

After completing this series of matter, she lifted her head and said .

"After signing the contract at 8 tomorrow, I will personally go to Vorey Pharmaceutical Company for an inspection . There will be more than 50 experts there to fulfill your wish . "

Sheyan revealed a smile .

"What an honour . "

Zi grabbed the wine bottle Sheyan drank from, took afrom, took a crystal wine gla.s.s, and poured half a gla.s.s for herself . She slowly sipped at the wine before saying .

"Your second request should be to ask me to lead Ace Party for a while, right?"

Sheyan was dumbstruck for a moment .

"How do you know?"

Zi appeared to be very satisfied with Sheyan"s reaction . Her lips curled into a seductive smile .

"I estimate that it should be about time for you to take that step . "

Sheyan smiled bitterly .

"I was forced to take that step . In the world of the Lord of the Rings, with Mogensha away on his awakening mission, I met a really strong team - the Stockholm Party . Unfortunately, their mission contradicted with ours . "

"Stockholm Party?" Zi"s expression instantly turned serious . "Where have I heard this name before? That"s right, they were top 3 in the last realm war!"

Sheyan smiled and said .

"A core member of theirs, Drubal, hunted me down . I was forced to play all my cards, and became a reserve-duty Growth-Hunter . I let him live in the end because he offered some pretty nice things in exchange for his life . "

Zi rolled her eyes at Sheyan .

"You have no idea how you look right now . "

Sheyan laughed .

"You yourself look much better now compared to the cold att.i.tude before . "

Zi blushed and s.h.i.+fted her gaze away from Sheyan to her wine gla.s.s . Sheyan knew that she"s a prideful person and would get embarra.s.sed easily, so he changed the topic .

"I"ve awakened a few times in the last world; I couldn"t help using this power after obtaining it . That"s why I will definitely be away from the party the next time I enter the realm . I would be really worried if there was no one there to lead them . "

Zi remained silent while her long fingers swirled the wine in her gla.s.s . A cunning glint showed in her eyes .

But to Sheyan 39 s disappointment, after two sneezes, he actually felt livelier The cold wind blew onto his face but it felt so comfortable . Catching a cold seemed like a luxury at the moment, let alone pneumonia . What the h.e.l.l Did the steep increase in my HP cause my immunity to increase as well The steep increase in HP here referred to the reward when he broke through the 50 point pure attribute boundary . That reward had been inexplicably retained when normally, all statuses would be reset after undergoing the Babu Babusar ceremony Sheyan inferred that due to the soul embryo settling in, the Authoritative precedence of the negative effects of the 39 Stairway of the Sun 39 was lowered, making it unable to suppress the reward for the 50 point pure attribute boundary breakthrough . Thus, this situation occurred . After spending a whole day in the hospital, Sheyan realised with disappointment that even a cold seemed to be far away from him, let alone pneumonia . Seemed like having a strong immunity was not always good news . . . . Getting a rank 3 ability wasn 39 t so easy after all . At this time, Sheyan received a call . An international call . Zi 39 s slightly deep but sweet voice transmitted over the phone . Her voice was somewhat similar to the voice of the singer, A Sun . There was a charm to it that 39 s hard to describe with words . T N note A Sun https www . youtube . com watch v 60QFQtRAvWQ If you 39 re Seaman, say something . If you 39 re not, hang up . Sheyan smiled and replied . I 39 m alive, rich girl . Zi said emotionlessly . How was the last world Did any of your people die Sheyan laughed and answered . Nope . Not only that, I 39 ve even recruited someone who may very well become your compet.i.tor . Zi coldly sneered and said . What compet.i.tor Can anyone be my compet.i.tor Hmm, he 39 s a mage who mastered the laws of Dungeons and Dragons . His main ability lies in producing illusions . He has a limited offensive repertoire he can only perform burst damage once or twice every battle . Sheyan began explaining to her about Franklin . Zi immediately figured it out . I see . His main burst method should be rank 3 39 Great Fireball 39 39 Empower Spell 39 . There are limited spell slots for rank 3 spells, that 39 s why he can 39 t be the main force in battle . But his ability to create illusions is an extremely rare one . You made a good decision . Sheyan smiled faintly and said . The best decision I ever made was agreeing to Demondream 39 s request . Zi snorted . I 39 ve already returned your favour I 39 m doing pretty well in Aldaris 39 party right now . We even got an S evaluation in the previous world . It shouldn 39 t be a problem for Aldaris to become an Awakener . Sheyan knew that Zi was just being stubborn . No matter how strong Aldaris 39 party was, there was no way they could compare to his own high ranking Silver party . Moreover, relations.h.i.+ps were complex in large parties . In his Ace party, Reef had long realised that he has no leaders.h.i.+p potential, so Sheyan could immediately appoint Zi as the vice leader as soon as she joined . Sheyan laughed confidently and said . Of course, of course . Then can Lady Zi give me a chance to owe you a favour back I am desperately in need of your help . Upon hearing Sheyan 39 s words, the proud Zi finally revealed a slight smile, while her eyes flashed a that 39 s more like it glitter . She said after a dry cough . That would depend on my mood . Sheyan smiled . I 39 m in Taiwan now . Let me persuade you face to face . Zi said without hesitation . Go to Taoyuan Airport, the same place as before . I 39 ll let Gulfstream pick you up . Senyan was already familiar with all the protocols, so after a few hours, he arrived in Europe . This time, he flew straight to London, to the headquarters of the E . S financial group . Zi personally picked him up from the airport . She was wearing a Chanel coat tied at the waist with her hair tied up in a bun . It accentuated her slim figure and long legs . She appeared cold, yet alluring . But when Sheyan walked down the luxurious stairs of the Gulfstream, let alone Zi, even the female a.s.sistant next to her was trying hard not to laugh . Sheyan 39 s clothes were simply too casual . . . . loose beach shorts, flowery s.h.i.+rt, and to top it off, a pair of large wooden clog flip flops on his feet . The clip clopping sound they made caused the aircrew welcoming him to almost burst into laughter . Zi was also holding herself back from laughing as she approached Sheyan . I see that you 39 re as full of personality as ever, Seaman . Your colour combination is magnificent . Sheyan sneezed amidst the cold November wind in London . He quickly hopped onto Zi 39 s Lincoln limousine . What the h.e.l.l . I don 39 t usually take aeroplanes . I can 39 t believe the weather 39 s so terrible . The middle section of the limousine was arranged in the form of a meeting room . Zi got in and sat across from him, then said with a smile . Do you want to go buy some clothes first Sheyan instantly rejected such a short sighted suggestion . It 39 s good to be cold This is exactly what I want . Achoo As he said that, he nonchalantly picked up a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet at the back, then bit off the cork and gulped down half a bottle like it was a beer . The bodyguards and a.s.sistants next to him were all shocked speechless . This bottle of Bordeaux wine was bought by their financial group from an auction with 640,000 euros . It was intended to serve only heavyweight VVIPs such as ministers of the state . Now, it was defiled in such a way by this Easterner . More crucially, Director Su actually did not show any dissatisfaction . These a.s.sistants had never seen a young man acting so casual in front of Director Su . All the other young men would either be intimidated due to her status, or awe struck due to her cold demeanor . It was common for them to make mistakes out of nervousness . However, this young man had simply made himself at home . His calmness and demeanor were eye opening . Zi stared at the half bottle of wine left and said coldly . This bottle of wine cost almost a million euros . I 39 ll send the bill to you later . Her stern expression instantly turned into a smile as if she enjoyed her own joke tremendously . Sheyan seriously said . No problem . I don 39 t even have a euro on me anyway, so it makes no difference to me whether you charge me a euro or a million euros . I 39 ll just run away later . . . . Uh, I really have something that needs your help . And it 39 s urgent . Zi pushed a b.u.t.ton and a tea coloured bulletproof gla.s.s rose to segregate their section into a private s.p.a.ce . Speak . Sheyan spread his hands and said . I must catch a disease, and it must be pneumococcal pneumonia . Can you find a way Zi stared at Sheyan after hearing his strange request . Is it important Very, answered Sheyan seriously . Zi immediately made a call . h.e.l.lo, Mr . Harvin . Didn 39 t your previous proposal involve Vorey Pharmaceutical Company Yes That 39 s good . I heard they have their own medical research facility, the 3rd biggest laboratory in Europe Ok then, I 39 ll sign it . Next, she made another call which was very concise . Kevin, stop all negotiations with Krupp and pa.s.s the proposal for Vorey Pharmaceutical Company . Why There 39 s no why . My decision is why . Any other question Good . I 39 m hanging up . After completing this series of matter, she lifted her head and said . After signing the contract at 8 tomorrow, I will personally go to Vorey Pharmaceutical Company for an inspection . There will be more than 50 experts there to fulfill your wish . Sheyan revealed a smile . What an honour . Zi grabbed the wine bottle Sheyan drank from, took a crystal wine gla.s.s, and poured half a gla.s.s for herself . She slowly sipped at the wine before saying . Your second request should be to ask me to lead Ace Party for a while, right Sheyan was dumbstruck for a moment . How do you know Zi appeared to be very satisfied with Sheyan 39 s reaction . Her lips curled into a seductive smile . I estimate that it should be about time for you to take that step . Sheyan smiled bitterly . I was forced to take that step . In the world of the Lord of the Rings, with Mogensha away on his awakening mission, I met a really strong team the Stockholm Party . Unfortunately, their mission contradicted with ours . Stockholm Party Zi 39 s expression instantly turned serious . Where have I heard this name before That 39 s right, they were top 3 in the last realm war Sheyan smiled and said . A core member of theirs, Drubal, hunted me down . I was forced to play all my cards, and became a reserve duty Growth Hunter . I let him live in the end because he offered some pretty nice things in exchange for his life . Zi rolled her eyes at Sheyan . You have no idea how you look right now . Sheyan laughed . You yourself look much better now compared to the cold att.i.tude before . Zi blushed and s.h.i.+fted her gaze away from Sheyan to her wine gla.s.s . Sheyan knew that she 39 s a prideful person and would get embarra.s.sed easily, so he changed the topic . I 39 ve awakened a few times in the last world I couldn 39 t help using this power after obtaining it . That 39 s why I will definitely be away from the party the next time I enter the realm . I would be really worried if there was no one there to lead them . Zi remained silent while her long fingers swirled the wine in her gla.s.s . A cunning glint showed in her eyes .

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