The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 879: Driving a duck onto a perch

Chapter 879: Driving a duck onto a perch

(T/N note: The t.i.tle is a Chinese idiom which means to push someone to do something beyond their ability . )

The enemy was weakened while they were strengthened . One the one hand, two core members of the board of directors fell; on the other, Zi received a mysterious injection of fund (Reef"s savings) . They struck while the iron was hot and bought the E . S . financial group shares held by two minor shareholders, thus further increasing the amount of shares under Zi"s name . Zi"s position became unshakeable .

And thus ended Zi"s internal crisis .

It was a shame that Franklin wasn"t from this world, or the Ace Party could have regrouped in the real world and had a real party .

After Sheyan finished dealing with all these matters, he had a thought of returning to Taiwan . Coincidentally, Sanzi"s call came .

Sanzi"s side of the phone was very noisy . It was with a considerable amount of effort that Sheyan distinguished the noise to be the banging of drums and the excited shouting voices of young men and women . Sanzi was obviously either in a club or in a bar .

Sheyan answered with a h.e.l.lo . From the other end came the sound of alcohol being gulped down . Sanzi sounded like a thirsty man in the desert that was gulping down alcohol like he was drinking water . Only after a while did he finally spoke . His voice was hoa.r.s.e .

"Big brother! I . . . . I . . . . "

The rest of his words did not come out . It sounded like something was shoved down his throat .

Sheyan instantly sensed that something was wrong, and immediately asked .

"What? What"s happening?"

A feminine voice transmitted over the phone .

"Hey handsome, why are you drinking alone? Come on, let"s dance . "


who had become stupid drunk at this time, had almost zero resistance towards women, so all Sheyan got for a reply was noisy background noises . When he called back again, he was instantly cut off .

Sheyan couldn"t help but feel a little apprehensive so he quickly called Uncle Dasi . Uncle Dasi a.s.sured him that everything was alright . Sanzi had been running his errands well and had not caused any trouble lately . Sheyan knew that Uncle Dasi had always doted on Sanzi . Fearing that he had concealed something, Sheyan gave a call to Aunt Di Gu . But Aunt Di Gu also told him the same thing, which meant that Sanzi really was alright .

Sheyan felt slightly better but he still didn"t feel completely at ease . He decided to check Sanzi"s Skype . After fiddling for a long time in London he finally pulled Sanzi"s Skype profile out . The guy"s ID had changed to "Pa.s.sionate Elbow" and his signature was "you just got me!" .

Sheyan determined that Sanzi had fallen into the side effects of a boy"s testosterone and androgen . He should not lack young women on his side after all; it shouldn"t be big problem . They were nothing compared to the icy mature director he had to deal with .

Sanzi was still someone Sheyan brought up so Sheyan still planned to take the time to go back and talk to him for a bit . However, something that demanded Sheyan"s full attention suddenly happened .

The nightmare imprint suddenly sent him a blood-red parcel!

The blood-red parcel contained a roll of ancient looking parchment which was tied with a piece of tattered clothes soaked with dripping blood .

The even blood soaked into the parchment and left large blot marks on it, as well as emitting a foul blood stench .

The thing gave off a primitive, wild, b.l.o.o.d.y, rough and crazy feeling .

Of course Sheyan didn"t dare to open it carelessly . He immediately reached out to Zi and Reef, and called Mogensha . Zi and Reef had no idea what it was, but Mogensha exclaimed in a hoa.r.s.e voice after thinking for a while .

"Could this be an invitation from the b.l.o.o.d.y World?"

Before they could ask, Mogensha already started his explanation .

"I don"t know the details either but I encountered a person before when I was browsing the marketplace who was selling the things his boss left behind . His boss had died after receiving an invitation for the b.l.o.o.d.y World . . . . "

Zi said with a serious expression .

"I think I have some idea what this is now thanks to AK"s explanation . "

Sheyan and Reef instantly looked at her expectantly .

Zi collected her thoughts and said .

"It"s not that easy to explain . Let me think . Um, I"ll start from the Jura.s.sic Park world . "

The rest of them knew that Zi was about to tell them some deep lying secrets of the realm so they paid full attention to her .

"You guys should have fought with and killed members of the Skull Party before . Did you realise that the reward from killing Skull Party members are different from the reward from killing Zeus" members?" asked Zi while she slowly stirred a cup of coffee .

Sheyan nodded his head .

"Yeah, it was obvious . Killing the Skull Party members awarded additional achievement points, and equipments were directly drawn . The rewards were significantly better than the rewards from killing the Metal Professor and other people . "

"That"s because we were on the same side as the Glory Party . Killing amongst ourselves was not encouraged . That"s why our rewards shrunk," Zi moved the coffee to her mouth but did not take a sip . She merely let the hot smoke warm her lips, as if doing that made her feel better .

"We were on the same side?" asked Sheyan in surprise .

Zi"s eyes turned fuzzy as she said .

"That"s right! The Glory Party and us were from the same nightmare realm . If you were to compare us to soldiers, it would mean that we were under the same commanding officer . "

Sheyan could already make some deductions based on what he heard so far .

"I understand now . So the Skull Party was from another nightmare realm . They don"t take orders from our realm, so when we killed them, the realm gave us the highest rewards . Seems like the compet.i.tion between realms is pretty fierce too . "

Zi quietly nodded .

"Fierce is an understatement . The Avatar world should be your first realm war, right? Wait "til you experience high intensity realm wars . You will know how unbelievably cruel the compet.i.tion between different realms is! During those times, all the contestants under the same realm must put aside their differences and work together . If they don"t achieve the minimum requirement set by the realm, the furious realm may very well kill all the contestants under its jurisdiction!"

Sheyan found it hard to breathe . Zi"s words had opened up a whole new window in his perspective .

A window full of blood!

Zi finally took a sip of her coffee but it had already turned cold, so she put it back down in disgust . She got up to take a few mouthfuls of cold water . She had given up on preserving her demeanor by now . She took a deep breath, and said .

"The invitation letter to the b.l.o.o.d.y World is usually sent by the realm to the leader of a strong party in the realm . It would ask the leader to send the strongest member in their party . The next world this member goes to will be a world of ma.s.sacre . The only main mission is to kill the other people to collect their invitation letters!"

"There will usually be at least 20 people invited to a b.l.o.o.d.y World . The number of people who can come back alive will usually not exceed 5 . The more invitation letters a person can collect, the more advantageous the position their realm will occupy in the next realm war . This event is usually a precursor to the start of another realm war . "

"Of course, the nightmare realm will not give out impossible missions, so there might be 2-3 b.l.o.o.d.y Worlds open at the same time in order to separate contestants of different strength level . The invitation letter you received should only be an invitation to the lowest level b.l.o.o.d.y World . "

Sheyan nodded thoughtfully .

"I see . So the reason the invitation letter was given to me was because I"m the leader of this high ranking Silver party . It"s unfortunate that I haven"t awakened yet or I could go and have some fun . "

The awakened Brother Black laughed and said .

"Leave it to me, boss . Don"t worry, this task suits me perfectly . "

Mogensha moved fast and had a wealth of battle experience . He could already suppress a Growth-Hunter when he was still a Reserve-Duty Growth Hunter . Now that he had become a Growth-Hunter, he should be able to take care of himself even if his opponent was an Awakener . His dark gold leather trousers would also add to his survivability . The Viperwolf it summoned was a great PK weapon .

More importantly was the fact that most of the enemies would also act alone . Mogensha was the best choice for 1v1 in their team .

Sheyan contemplated for a bit and nodded his head . He put his hand on the invitation letter and unfurled it . . . .

Cruel reality hit Sheyan right on the face!

[Contestant no . 1018]

[You are the leader of the Silver party, Ace]

[You have been appointed as one of the warrior representatives to enter the coming b.l.o.o.d.y World]

[You will enter the next world alone to battle against various mighty opponents . Hopefully, you can return alive . ]

" . . . . . What the h.e.l.l!!!" screamed Sheyan who immediately queried through the nightmare imprint: "I am still a Reserve-Duty Growth-Hunter . I request a Growth-Hunter awakening mission for my next world!"

The cold voice of the realm shattered Sheyan"s heart into pieces .

[The Growth-Hunter awakening mission can also be performed in the b.l.o.o.d.y World . ]

T N note The t.i.tle is a Chinese idiom which means to push someone to do something beyond their ability . The enemy was weakened while they were strengthened . One the one hand, two core members of the board of directors fell on the other, Zi received a mysterious injection of fund Reef 39 s savings . They struck while the iron was hot and bought the E . S . financial group shares held by two minor shareholders, thus further increasing the amount of shares under Zi 39 s name . Zi 39 s position became unshakeable . And thus ended Zi 39 s internal crisis . It was a shame that Franklin wasn 39 t from this world, or the Ace Party could have regrouped in the real world and had a real party . After Sheyan finished dealing with all these matters, he had a thought of returning to Taiwan . Coincidentally, Sanzi 39 s call came . Sanzi 39 s side of the phone was very noisy . It was with a considerable amount of effort that Sheyan distinguished the noise to be the banging of drums and the excited shouting voices of young men and women . Sanzi was obviously either in a club or in a bar . Sheyan answered with a h.e.l.lo . From the other end came the sound of alcohol being gulped down . Sanzi sounded like a thirsty man in the desert that was gulping down alcohol like he was drinking water . Only after a while did he finally spoke . His voice was hoa.r.s.e . Big brother I . . . . I . . . . The rest of his words did not come out . It sounded like something was shoved down his throat . Sheyan instantly sensed that something was wrong, and immediately asked . What What 39 s happening A feminine voice transmitted over the phone . Hey handsome, why are you drinking alone Come on, let 39 s dance . Sanzi, who had become stupid drunk at this time, had almost zero resistance towards women, so all Sheyan got for a reply was noisy background noises . When he called back again, he was instantly cut off . Sheyan couldn 39 t help but feel a little apprehensive so he quickly called Uncle Dasi . Uncle Dasi a.s.sured him that everything was alright . Sanzi had been running his errands well and had not caused any trouble lately . Sheyan knew that Uncle Dasi had always doted on Sanzi . Fearing that he had concealed something, Sheyan gave a call to Aunt Di Gu . But Aunt Di Gu also told him the same thing, which meant that Sanzi really was alright . Sheyan felt slightly better but he still didn 39 t feel completely at ease . He decided to check Sanzi 39 s Skype . After fiddling for a long time in London he finally pulled Sanzi 39 s Skype profile out . The guy 39 s ID had changed to Pa.s.sionate Elbow and his signature was you just got me . Sheyan determined that Sanzi had fallen into the side effects of a boy 39 s testosterone and androgen . He should not lack young women on his side after all it shouldn 39 t be big problem . They were nothing compared to the icy mature director he had to deal with . Sanzi was still someone Sheyan brought up so Sheyan still planned to take the time to go back and talk to him for a bit . However, something that demanded Sheyan 39 s full attention suddenly happened . The nightmare imprint suddenly sent him a blood red parcel The blood red parcel contained a roll of ancient looking parchment which was tied with a piece of tattered clothes soaked with dripping blood . The even blood soaked into the parchment and left large blot marks on it, as well as emitting a foul blood stench . The thing gave off a primitive, wild, b.l.o.o.d.y, rough and crazy feeling . Of course Sheyan didn 39 t dare to open it carelessly . He immediately reached out to Zi and Reef, and called Mogensha . Zi and Reef had no idea what it was, but Mogensha exclaimed in a hoa.r.s.e voice after thinking for a while . Could this be an invitation from the b.l.o.o.d.y World Before they could ask, Mogensha already started his explanation . I don 39 t know the details either but I encountered a person before when I was browsing the marketplace who was selling the things his boss left behind . His boss had died after receiving an invitation for the b.l.o.o.d.y World . . . . Zi said with a serious expression . I think I have some idea what this is now thanks to AK 39 s explanation . Sheyan and Reef instantly looked at her expectantly . Zi collected her thoughts and said . It 39 s not that easy to explain . Let me think . Um, I 39 ll start from the Jura.s.sic Park world . The rest of them knew that Zi was about to tell them some deep lying secrets of the realm so they paid full attention to her . You guys should have fought with and killed members of the Skull Party before . Did you realise that the reward from killing Skull Party members are different from the reward from killing Zeus 39 members asked Zi while she slowly stirred a cup of coffee . Sheyan nodded his head . Yeah, it was obvious . Killing the Skull Party members awarded additional achievement points, and equipments were directly drawn . The rewards were significantly better than the rewards from killing the Metal Professor and other people . That 39 s because we were on the same side as the Glory Party . Killing amongst ourselves was not encouraged . That 39 s why our rewards shrunk, Zi moved the coffee to her mouth but did not take a sip . She merely let the hot smoke warm her lips, as if doing that made her feel better . We were on the same side asked Sheyan in surprise . Zi 39 s eyes turned fuzzy as she said . That 39 s right The Glory Party and us were from the same nightmare realm . If you were to compare us to soldiers, it would mean that we were under the same commanding officer . Sheyan could already make some deductions based on what he heard so far . I understand now . So the Skull Party was from another nightmare realm . They don 39 t take orders from our realm, so when we killed them, the realm gave us the highest rewards . Seems like the compet.i.tion between realms is pretty fierce too . Zi quietly nodded . Fierce is an understatement . The Avatar world should be your first realm war, right Wait 39 til you experience high intensity realm wars . You will know how unbelievably cruel the compet.i.tion between different realms is During those times, all the contestants under the same realm must put aside their differences and work together . If they don 39 t achieve the minimum requirement set by the realm, the furious realm may very well kill all the contestants under its jurisdiction Sheyan found it hard to breathe . Zi 39 s words had opened up a whole new window in his perspective . A window full of blood Zi finally took a sip of her coffee but it had already turned cold, so she put it back down in disgust . She got up to take a few mouthfuls of cold water . She had given up on preserving her demeanor by now . She took a deep breath, and said . The invitation letter to the b.l.o.o.d.y World is usually sent by the realm to the leader of a strong party in the realm . It would ask the leader to send the strongest member in their party . The next world this member goes to will be a world of ma.s.sacre . The only main mission is to kill the other people to collect their invitation letters There will usually be at least 20 people invited to a b.l.o.o.d.y World . The number of people who can come back alive will usually not exceed 5 . The more invitation letters a person can collect, the more advantageous the position their realm will occupy in the next realm war . This event is usually a precursor to the start of another realm war . Of course, the nightmare realm will not give out impossible missions, so there might be 2 3 b.l.o.o.d.y Worlds open at the same time in order to separate contestants of different strength level . The invitation letter you received should only be an invitation to the lowest level b.l.o.o.d.y World . Sheyan nodded thoughtfully . I see . So the reason the invitation letter was given to me was because I 39 m the leader of this high ranking Silver party . It 39 s unfortunate that I haven 39 t awakened yet or I could go and have some fun . The awakened Brother Black laughed and said . Leave it to me, boss . Don 39 t worry, this task suits me perfectly . Mogensha moved fast and had a wealth of battle experience . He could already suppress a Growth Hunter when he was still a Reserve Duty Growth Hunter . Now that he had become a Growth Hunter, he should be able to take care of himself even if his opponent was an Awakener . His dark gold leather trousers would also add to his survivability . The Viperwolf it summoned was a great PK weapon . More importantly was the fact that most of the enemies would also act alone . Mogensha was the best choice for 1v1 in their team . Sheyan contemplated for a bit and nodded his head . He put his hand on the invitation letter and unfurled it . . . . Cruel reality hit Sheyan right on the face Contestant no . 1018 You are the leader of the Silver party, Ace You have been appointed as one of the warrior representatives to enter the coming b.l.o.o.d.y World You will enter the next world alone to battle against various mighty opponents . Hopefully, you can return alive . . . . . . What the h.e.l.l screamed Sheyan who immediately queried through the nightmare imprint I am still a Reserve Duty Growth Hunter . I request a Growth Hunter awakening mission for my next world The cold voice of the realm shattered Sheyan 39 s heart into pieces . The Growth Hunter awakening mission can also be performed in the b.l.o.o.d.y World .

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