At that time Ronnie came in to see his dear wife dancing in the rain. At first he frowned and took an umbrella to bring her inside. But as he reached the door, he found Jayne looking very happy, totally unleashing herself in the rain. He didn"t have the heart to spoil the moment. "Jayne, I"ll make sure the rest of every moment of your life be this happy! The burden of all your past pains have been buried in me forever."

So he decided to join her. Jayne had stopped dancing to catch her breath. She stood there happy and smiling, spreading her arms.

Ronnie walked towards Jayne from behind and hugged her. The smile on Jayne"s wife widened. She wrapped her extended arms around Ronnie"s hands. She very well knew that it was a Ronnie. She happily nestled in his arms and let him kiss her neck.

She turned around and kissed Ronnie"s lips with wet pa.s.sion. She paused, "I missed you so much hubby!"

"My wife missed me. How much does she miss me?" Ronnie asked seductively.

Jayne planted many more pa.s.sionate kisses, "So much and moreā€¦"

The rainy evening thus became a pa.s.sionate, romantic evening for the lovers.

They finally came in totally soaked in love-filled rain. Ronnie called up to the other mansion and asked them to send over some hot soup and dinner.

They changed into warm woollen clothes and sat before the fireplace, had their soup and dinner. Later, told Ronnie about her day. She also mentioned that she wants her ident.i.ty to be hidden the cla.s.s. Ronnie unwillingly agreed to her. After sometime Jayne felt sleepy. She didn"t care that Ronnie was looking into some files. She snuggled up into his arms while he worked and fell asleep. Ronnie smiled lovingly at his woman.

The next day Ronnie dropped Jayne to her university and drove to his office. The practice sessions were beginning from today.

Mrs Jessica Parker came to Jayne and asked her to perform a solo welcome dance, which was mostly an Indian cla.s.sical dance form, since one of the chief guest of the event was an Indian dancer. Mrs Jessica Parker thought Jayne would be the best choice since her features were Indian. She would easily fit into the dance form.

Jayne happily agreed and played the music chosen by Mrs Jessica Parker. She began composing the steps with ease, like it was a natural thing for her. In the auditorium were other students too practising their dance. Again the entire auditorium was captivated by Jayne"s dancing style.

Among the crowd was Adam Clive, Katherine Bradford, Ella and Emma Dalton. Adam Clive examined Jayne"s performance. Without him realising, he started getting captivated too. Katherine Bradford who was standing next to him nudged him when she saw her boyfriend getting drowned in Jayne"s performance.

"N-N-No baby! She can never dance better than you. Since its an Indian dance form, let that cheap girl perform. If you want, I can get her changed right away. Do you want to perform?" Adam Clive stuttered and suggested.

Though he was speaking to Katherine, his eyes never left Jayne. He was hungrily l.u.s.ting at her body each time she swayed and twirled about while she danced.

Sensing his distraction, Katherine Bradford pulled his face to look at her, "Adam! Look at me!"

"Baby, I"m planning ways to defeat that cheap woman. Why are you disrupting my plans? You better stay out of this and silently watch me perform." He retorted.

"Sorry baby! I"ll leave for today. I"m not interested in staying here anymore. You make sure you defeat that cheap woman!" She looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Sure baby! You get going now. I"ll see you at home tonight!" Adam Clive sent off Katherine Bradford and walked towards Jayne.

Jayne had momentarily stopped dancing and was drinking water from her bottle. "h.e.l.lo Jayne Roy!" Adam Clive extended his hand to greet her.

Jayne quickly did a namaste, "h.e.l.lo! I did watch your dance performance at the audition yesterday. I didn"t get your name though."

Jayne had a pleasant smile on her face which made Adam Clive forget to even retreat his extended hands and left it hanging mid-air while he was lost looking at her.

He regained his composure, "I"m Adam Clive. I"ll be your dance partner for the duet dance performance event." He introduced himself.

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