
"You are awake?" Ronnie asked her.

On hearing him, Jayne fluttered open her sleepy eyes and said in a hoa.r.s.e voice "Hmmm.."

"Here, have some food. I"m sure you must be hungry? Aren"t you?"

The smell of the hot steaming shakpa (stew)consisting meat b.a.l.l.s  reminded Jayne of how hungry she felt. She took the bowl and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

"How can I eat? You never let me go off at all. You were sleeping in my embrace all day. You didn"t let me move an inch" he said that in a slightly teasing tone.

Hearing his words Jayne"s face fell. "I"m so sorry. I never realised that I slept for so long. Why did you let me sleep like that all day? Couldn"t you wake me up earlier?" she pouted.

Hearing her words he slightly laughed. She looked extra cute while she pouted. He lovingly caressed her back.

"Will you keep complaining or will you even eat now? I"m way too hungry. If you don"t want to eat at least let me eat." He wanted to pull her leg.

"Huh? Was I the one complaining or is it him" she thought inwardly. But her hunger took over her thoughts and they immediately dug in to the bowl of stew.

The bowl contained enough stew for both of them. The stew was their typical sherpa dinner they would eat almost everyday. But today"s was extra delicious due to the wedding celebrations.

After eating her fill, Jayne let out a slight burp politely and so did Ronnie. Later, he gave her another small bowl of medicinal concoction. She was used to drinking this bitter medicine for quite sometime now.

Ronnie felt very tired. He didn"t want to wake up the sleeping beauty in his arms. So he let her sleep alert all the while. He said to Jayne, "Now that I"ve let you sleep all day, it"s your turn now to let me sleep on you." Without waiting for her reply he rested his head on her lap and shut his eyes.

"My heart! Please don"t betray me like this! Oh no! If you keep pacing at this rate I"m sure he"ll be able to hear you. Please calm down." Jayne thought inwardly but blurted out, "Eh-What are you doing? Can"t you just lie down on the cot there? Why on me?"

"Jayne, you are my cot. Your lap is the most comfortable mattress ever. And I"ll get the best sleep here. Moreover, I let you sleep in my arms all day. Do you know my entire body is aching because of that? And when I let you sleep on me,  can"t you do this small favour for your husband my wifey?" he made a puppy face while he answered her.

She blushed heavily on hearing him call her wifey. She then opened her mouth to reply but immediately stopped.

"Okay," she replied.

Later  he didn"t even realise when he drifted off to deep slumber.

Jayne looked at the handsome man in her lap. She couldn"t stop admiring him. Unknowingly she started running her hair through his thick, dark brown locks and told to herself. "How on earth did I meet this wonder boy? The guy who saved my life and now my husband. I must"ve done something fortunate in my previous lives to get him." She felt slightly emotional and tears welled up in her eyes.

Due to the effect of the medicinal concoction, she too slept next to him soon after that.

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