After sometime, Ronnie was the first to break the silence. "Jayne we"ll be leaving early in the morning tomorrow. As per what the General said, it"ll take us five to six hours of journey. We"ll be on time to board our flight at half past two to London."

Since they were still hugging each other, Jayne now lifted her head and met his eyes. Her expressions were calm. She simply said, "okay."

Ronnie could sense the feeling behind her calm face. He lovingly stroked her nose and said, "I know you have numerous questions in your head. About you, about me, on where we are going."

He paused and continued, "You know I"m Ronnie Roy. I"m a British Indian staying in London. My ancestors belonged to the aristocracy. I work as the Cabinet Secretary to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. I came here since I got a two month vacation sanctioned by the Prime Minister himself. So none of them including the Prime Minister know anything about this incident."

Hearing this Jayne"s mouth fell open. She was left stupefied. She couldn"t talk anything. She could feel her heart racing. Her ears turned red on hearing this information.

Seeing her reaction, Ronnie couldn"t help but laugh. He casually asked. " What"s with this reaction Jayne?" he lovingly stroked her long hair.

Jayne seemed to have regained her senses. She opened her mouth to say something but immediately closed it.

Ronnie laughed out loud on seeing her animated expressions changing every second. Then he said, "It"s okay if you don"t want to listen to it. Anyway you"ll be coming with me tomorrow. You"ll get to know everything yourself."

Jayne broke into a cold sweat and stuttered, "Ron-Ronnie, y-you are holding such an important position? Yet, you chose me?"

"Yes my Jayne. Why would my position come in the way of the woman I have ever loved for the first time in my life? Well, the most important part right now is that my a.s.sistant has booked our flights for tomorrow. He"s even got all your paperwork ready." Ronnie said.

He momentarily paused and took Jayne"s hand and said, "Jayne will you trust me and come along with me tomorrow? I know you might be in a dilemma to leave from here. But I"ve no other option left but to take you with me. But I promise I"ll do everything possible to get you treated as well as find information about you."

Jayne had calmed down by now. But after hearing his promise, her eyes welled up. She simply hugged him tightly.

Ronnie took her in his embrace and consoled her, "In fact, back in my country, I have all the power and resources to find your family or any information about you. That way, it"ll be easier to locate them. Plus we"ve already decided to give ourselves six months. So at the end of it, you can decide the future course of your life Jayne." He subconsciously tightened his grip around her not wanting to lose her.

Jayne could see through his emotions. She vowed to him, "I"ll try harder. For the sake of us." She spoke in between sobbing.

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