Jayne sent them all and finally asked the driver to take her home. She was super excited for two things: Firstly, the shooting of the commercial went on very well as planned. It only had some editing works remaining. Secondly, she was finally free and didn"t have anything urgent take care of.

She even thought of taking a leave from both her university and company to take care of her husband. Little did she know that she had forgotten to take care of another important thing.

She came home in a joyous mood. In the drawing room she found Daniel West sitting and doing some office work.

"Hey Daniel! Working late?" She waved at him.

Daniel immediately stood up, "h.e.l.lo Madam! Actually I needed Boss"s signature for a couple of papers. Also, I have to convey some information regarding your University events."

"Sure! Go ahead Daniel!" Jayne motioned him to sit down.  She sat on the couch opposite to him.

"Madam, a week long fest has been planned at your college. Your university wants you to perform on the day of the inauguration, which happens to be on Wednesday… you get two days to decide the song and practise it…."Daniel West informed Jayne.

"Oh my goodness! I totally forgot about it Daniel. I"m fact I"ve something more important lined up as well. Thank you for reminding. Please get the detailed schedule of all the events happening. I want you check when is my dance performance." Jayne asked.

"Here Madam! This is the event list…" Daniel handed over a brochure to Jayne.

"Oh! Thank you so much Daniel! You can head back home now. Happy night!" Jayne said.

"Thanks Madam! Goodnight!" With that Daniel West turned around to leave.

"I thought of spending some time with Ron. This university fest has poured cold water over it. I"m so so sorry Ron!" She thought on her way up to the Master bedroom where Ronnie was resting.

Ronnie was sitting on the bed with some files. He was totally buried in his work that he didn"t notice Jayne walking in. "Hubby!" Jayne exclaimed.

Ronnie"s lips curved upwards. He had such a genuine smile on his face. "Hey baby! So, how was your day? How was the shoot?"

"Amazing hubby! I can"t wait to show you the final commercial." Jayne went on to tell everything to Ronnie.

Seeing his wife so happy, even Ronnie"s face lit up. Whenever she was beside him, he would forget the world out there as she was his world.

"Okay wifey, you"ve worked hard. It"s getting late. Go have dinner." Ronnie lovingly patted his wife"s head.

"Let me freshen up and get back to you honey!" Jayne said and got up to change.

After dinner, the couple spoke for some more time before they drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Jayne woke up early. She showered and got ready. She then woke Ronnie and gave him a sponge bath.

Jayne then went to the kitchen to get breakfast. They both had their breakfast. Later, she gave his medicines.

Dr William Scott was to visit Ronnie that morning to check the progress of the healing of his wounds. He came home and did some tests on Ronnie. He gave instructions to the attending nurse on all the medicines to be given.

"Mr Ronnie is getting better. I"ll continue to monitor his progress. You don"t have to be worried about anything else." Dr Scott told Jayne.

"Thank you doctor. Well then, let me treat you to some Indian breakfast then!" Jayne offered.

"I love trying out different cuisines of the world. So it is Indian this time… Let me try then." Dr Scott brushed his hands together.

"Very well then doctor. It"s our honour to treat you for breakfast." Jayne smiled.

Dr Scott had breakfast with Richard Roy and Arya Bhat.

"This is lovely!" Dr Scott gushed.

Sona Bhat kept serving them more while they were having a conversation.

Dr Scott finally bid them goodbye. "I"ll look forward to more such great dishes the next time."

Jayne then told Ronnie that she"d be going to the university for sometime.

She kissed him goodbye.


The University

Casually dressed in a sweatshirt and skinny jeans with her hair braided to the side, Jayne got down the car. She removed her sungla.s.ses and slipped it inside her tote.

Jayne spoke to a couple of friends on the way to her cla.s.sroom.She went in search of Ms Jessica Parker. When she went there, the cla.s.ses were yet to begin and the students were just sitting in the cla.s.s. But, Ms Jessica Parker was to be found nowhere.

Jayne was about to head to the auditorium in search of her when she encountered Katherine Bradford.

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