Daniel West opened his mouth to explain. But then, the cops came in and began raiding the premises.

Daniel West spoke to the Chief Commissioner, "h.e.l.lo officer! Thank you for coming over. The insidious gang is over there in the private room." He led the way towards the private room.

The entire gang was so knocked out, that they didn"t realise the coming of the cops. They continued with their debauched activities.

The cops themselves had a tough time trying to separate them from each other. A team of doctors were also present since they knew it was a case of drugging. The doctors immediately took control and injected them with antidotes and sedatives. They were all taken away in ambulances to the hospital.

Looking at the now ashen-faced Katherine Bradford, who was unconsciously lying on the stretcher, Jayne"s face paled too. She shuddered at the thought of how close she was to this. Even if one thing went wrong, she"d be the person on the stretcher instead of Katherine Bradford.

Emma Dalton caught Jayne"s arm and supported her. They sat down on the couch till everyone else were taken out.

The cops then seized the entire villa especially the private room. They searched the entire vicinity and took hold of all the drugs present.

The Chief Commissioner then spoke to Jayne. "Madam, we"ve taken control of the entire villa. We need your statement. I guess Daniel West sir can fill in for you."

"Thank you for coming on time officer. I"ll go with you to testify this incident." Jayne answered.

Daniel West cut them, "Madam, I don"t think you should get involved in this. I"ll take care of the rest. You should go back home. Boss must be worried."

Probably the cops had already informed the Press. A swarm of reporters and journalists came over.

With the coming of the Press reporters and journalists, Daniel West wanted to safeguard Jayne. But, Jayne was of a different opinion. She rejected his idea.

The Press reporters and journalists surrounded the Chief Commissioner and began bombarding questions at him. So, the Chief Commissioner briefly summed up everything that happened there.

"This is Ms Katherine Bradford"s private villa. A party which seemed very normal on the outside had some debauched activities happening in the private room. We took control and seized the entire area and the people involved."

"Ms Katherine Bradford and her alleged boyfriend Adam Clive are the prime suspects as they were the organisers of this party. We still don"t know their motives, if it was limited for themselves or they planned on drugging the rest of the innocent people in the party. We have no clue on the mafia behind this either. This is just our preliminary report of the incident."

A reporter asked the next question. "Sir, could you tell us about the victims of this incident?"

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The Chief Commissioner spoke up, "I don"t know if I should be calling them victims. Maybe if they weren"t alert, they"d end up being one of the victims here. It"s Madam Jayne Roy and her team. She isn"t well known to all of you"ll. She"s Mr Ronnie Roy"s wife." He proudly pointed towards Jayne.

Jayne stood there, her usual calm and composed demeanour. "h.e.l.lo everyone! I"m Mrs Jayne Ronnie Roy... This is Emma Dalton... And he"s of course very well known to all of you- Daniel West… Let me tell you, the heroes of tonight"s episode are these two… I was just one of the invitees."

The reporters looked at the gorgeous woman in front of them.

"Madam Roy, what is your first reaction about this incident?" One of the reporters snapped out and asked.

Jayne tried not to reveal everything. "Katherine Bradford is our cla.s.smate. She had invited us for a party. We came over as she had invited us. But then, this party had inconspicuous activities going on in the private room. We altered the police once things got out of control."

"But Madam, you risked it all to expose the gang?" Another reporter asked.

Jayne"s mouth curved upwards into a charming smile. A couple of male reporters even blushed on seeing her smile.

She then answered the reporter. "I"m sure all of you"ll are aware of the growing drug menace in the city. Until today, even I was totally unaware of how it"s affecting our youth. But then, today when I actually saw all that with my own eyes, I decided to work on uprooting this menace. I"ll go back home and personally discuss it with my husband."

"As for the risk factor, you all interact with my husband almost every single day. You all write extensive articles on how he works day in and out for the welfare and betterment of the society. In fact he"s currently resting due to the injuries he suffered while protecting our country. He put his life on the line to fight the terrorists."

"So, in comparison to that, this is actually nothing. Being his wife, this is the least I could do. Plus, I haven"t done anything wrong. There"s nothing I should be worried about. So, I"ll cooperate with our cops in their investigation." She smiled.

Everybody had just one thing to conclude at the end of her words. "She isn"t just a pretty face. She"s a beauty with brains and most importantly with a human touch."

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