After getting to the Army hospital, the subordinate took care of the medical aid for Da Nuru and his wife.

Jayne and Ronnie were waiting outside. Ronnie glanced at his watch. It was still eleven o"clock. They had at least an hour time to reach the airport. He asked Jayne, "Shall we leave as per our scheduled time or shall I cancel our flight? Do you want to stay back?"

Jayne had already thought over it. She walked towards Ronnie and took both hands and said, "Ronnie can I ask you for something?"

"I know what you are thinking. You don"t want to leave Da Nuru alone here. So you want him to come along with us. Don"t you?" Ronnie was looking into her clear, transparent eyes.

Jayne just couldn"t believe that he could read her mind, "Ronnie how is that you could guess what I was thinking? Yes I guess this is the least we can do to them. As it is, his shop is also destroyed now. I want to do something for him."

Ronnie smiled and said, "I know my wife. Okay then, let me call my a.s.sistant and ask if he can arrange two more tickets for them." After which he walked outside the hospital to find a telephone booth.

He called on his personal office number and with the second ring Daniel who was in the office received the phone. "h.e.l.lo."

"Dan it"s me. It"s an emergency. Can you book two more tickets plus take care of the other doc.u.ments?" Ronnie enquired.

"Boss, actually I"ve booked the entire business cla.s.s for you. So you can manage with that. The  paperwork will be dealt with. Don"t worry." Daniel dutifully answered his boss.

"That"s good then. I"ll call you back if there"s anything," saying which he hung up.

Daniel West was clueless about what his boss was upto. He racked his brains hard to find what was happening. " Boss why are you doing all this so mysteriously? I shouldn"t have let you go alone at all. It"s just a matter of hours before you come here. Then see I"ll follow you everywhere like your shadow. I can"t take this suspense boss." He was complaining like a child who was refused to be given candies.

Ronnie walked inside the hospital. He saw Jayne sitting on a bench outside Da Nuru"s room resting against a wall with her eyes closed.

Ronnie stopped in his tracks and thought to himself. "So she knows to speak the language of this country.  Hence, it might me that she belongs to this country. Above everything, she is a wonderful soul. If her heart can be so compa.s.sionate towards a soldier who died while saving his fellow countrymen, she is but an innocent soul. She herself is a fighting warrior who bravely fought against death and is here for me. Jayne, I promise to protect you henceforth ." He felt proud and his love for her grew immensely.

He then walked towards her. And sat beside her. She asked him without opening her eyes. "What happened?"

"How did you know it was me?" Ronnie was grinning.

Jayne smiled back and answered, "Who else would dare to sit beside your wife?" she herself could feel her cheeks burning after she said that.

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