Publishedat 26th of April 2019 02:02:43 PMChapter 13

Chapter 13: Doesn’t Want Her Son to Find Him

The male glanced at her from the corner of his eyes . “Now that he won, you’re happy, right? Go do your homework now . ”

“Hmph! Even Mom and Dad don’t bother me with it, so why are you being so haughty?”

“Simple, I just don’t want to be known as the guy whose sister always fails in the exam!”

“You! Who the h.e.l.l do you think you are? You think I won’t accept the love letters on your behalf tomorrow?”

The male glared at her with indignation and spat words in anger . “I dare you to try . ”

“I know each and every girl who likes you . All of them beg me to pa.s.s their love letters to you every single day . They’re written with such fancy words too! ‘Deep in love’, ‘Forever’ and whatnot . Ugh, the cringe just might kill me someday!”

The male couldn’t bear it any longer and grit his teeth, “Xing Yinuo, you dare?”

The girl mocked him with a smile, “Xing Yifan . I do!”

The two of them had enough and went back to ignoring each other’s presence . Xing Yinuo clung onto her previous thoughts again . She clasped her hands in prayer and begged, “Big Brother, Tang Xiaoxi has to be your child . He just has to! Oh G.o.d, please grant me this blessing . ”


Back in the car, Tang Siyu was moments away from blowing up . She angrily stared down at Little Xi and demanded an answer, “Tell me . Why did you feel the need to do that?”

“B-But Mommy, I just wanted to protect you from the bad guys!” The little boy’s sad expression was truly pitiful .

Su Xi interjected, sensing the tense atmosphere . “Siyu, don’t be so mad at him . He’s just four, of course, he misses his father!”

“Su Xi, don’t even try to defend him today . I need to properly lecture him regarding this matter . ”

Little Xi looked at his enraged mother . He didn’t know his actions would hurt her like this . Did Mommy not want to be with Papa again? He tried his best to hold his tears back but it was all in vain .

“Mommy, where is Papa?” Little Xi sniffled, the tears leaking out of his eyes .

The cool composure he exhibited on the stage disappeared, leaving no trace behind . He was his Mommy’s dear baby . He couldn’t bear making her angry .

Tang Siyu wanted nothing more than to fiercely scold Little Xi . However, her heart melted at the sight of his dejected expression .

She calmed herself down and said, “Little Xi, Mommy loves you a lot, you know that right? She wants the best for you, but she has no clue who your father is or where he is now . Mommy promises to stay by your side all her life, okay?”

After that, she gave him a tight hug . Little Xi wiped away his tears and questioned innocently, “M-Mommy, you don’t want me to look for Papa?”

Su Xi quietly whispered from the back seat, “Little Xi, I told you before, right? The circ.u.mstances of your birth are a bit unique . Your father and mother did not have any feelings towards each other, so if you look for your father… . It’ll trouble your mother a lot . ”

“But I want to meet Papa!” Little Xi kept insisting .

Tang Siyu carefully patted her son’s head and comforted him, “Little Xi, Mommy won’t you blame at all . I promise, but can we please not look for Papa?”

The child could only give up and listen obediently . He only had so much power and he did not want to hurt his Mommy .

Tang Siyu was restless all night long . She put in a lot of effort to recall that vile man’s face but nothing came to her mind . The night her virginity was s.n.a.t.c.hed, the curtains in the room were drawn shut . There was no gap for even a single ray of moonlight to enter the room . The only thing she could remember was his cold, cruel voice . He was just like a devil’s incarnate . He had the audacity to look down on her even after what he did .

For Tang Siyu, no one in the world was worse than that b.a.s.t.a.r.d .

Due to this, even if Little Xi missed his presence dearly, she would do everything in her power to stay away from him .

After the stunt her son pulled, she silently prayed that it would blow over soon and no man will claim to be his father would show up .

Chapter 13: Doesn’t Want Her Son to Find Him.

The male glanced at her from the corner of his eyes . “Now that he won, you’re happy, right? Go do your homework now . ”.

“Hmph! Even Mom and Dad don’t bother me with it, so why are you being so haughty?”.

“Simple, I just don’t want to be known as the guy whose sister always fails in the exam!”.

“You! Who the h.e.l.l do you think you are? You think I won’t accept the love letters on your behalf tomorrow?”.

The male glared at her with indignation and spat words in anger . “I dare you to try . ”.

“I know each and every girl who likes you . All of them beg me to pa.s.s their love letters to you every single day . They’re written with such fancy words too! ‘Deep in love’, ‘Forever’ and whatnot . Ugh, the cringe just might kill me someday!”.

The male couldn’t bear it any longer and grit his teeth, “Xing Yinuo, you dare?”.

The girl mocked him with a smile, “Xing Yifan . I do!”.

The two of them had enough and went back to ignoring each other’s presence . Xing Yinuo clung onto her previous thoughts again . She clasped her hands in prayer and begged, “Big Brother, Tang Xiaoxi has to be your child . He just has to! Oh G.o.d, please grant me this blessing . ”.

.  .

Back in the car, Tang Siyu was moments away from blowing up . She angrily stared down at Little Xi and demanded an answer, “Tell me . Why did you feel the need to do that?”.

“B-But Mommy, I just wanted to protect you from the bad guys!” The little boy’s sad expression was truly pitiful

Su Xi interjected, sensing the tense atmosphere . “Siyu, don’t be so mad at him . He’s just four, of course, he misses his father!”.

“Su Xi, don’t even try to defend him today . I need to properly lecture him regarding this matter . ”.

Little Xi looked at his enraged mother . He didn’t know his actions would hurt her like this . Did Mommy not want to be with Papa again? He tried his best to hold his tears back but it was all in vain

“Mommy, where is Papa?” Little Xi sniffled, the tears leaking out of his eyes

The cool composure he exhibited on the stage disappeared, leaving no trace behind . He was his Mommy’s dear baby . He couldn’t bear making her angry

Tang Siyu wanted nothing more than to fiercely scold Little Xi . However, her heart melted at the sight of his dejected expression

She calmed herself down and said, “Little Xi, Mommy loves you a lot, you know that right? She wants the best for you, but she has no clue who your father is or where he is now . Mommy promises to stay by your side all her life, okay?”.




After that, she gave him a tight hug . Little Xi wiped away his tears and questioned innocently, “M-Mommy, you don’t want me to look for Papa?”.

Su Xi quietly whispered from the back seat, “Little Xi, I told you before, right? The circ.u.mstances of your birth are a bit unique . Your father and mother did not have any feelings towards each other, so if you look for your father… . It’ll trouble your mother a lot . ”.

“But I want to meet Papa!” Little Xi kept insisting

Tang Siyu carefully patted her son’s head and comforted him, “Little Xi, Mommy won’t you blame at all . I promise, but can we please not look for Papa?”.

The child could only give up and listen obediently . He only had so much power and he did not want to hurt his Mommy

Tang Siyu was restless all night long . She put in a lot of effort to recall that vile man’s face but nothing came to her mind . The night her virginity was s.n.a.t.c.hed, the curtains in the room were drawn shut . There was no gap for even a single ray of moonlight to enter the room . The only thing she could remember was his cold, cruel voice . He was just like a devil’s incarnate . He had the audacity to look down on her even after what he did

For Tang Siyu, no one in the world was worse than that b.a.s.t.a.r.d




Due to this, even if Little Xi missed his presence dearly, she would do everything in her power to stay away from him

After the stunt her son pulled, she silently prayed that it would blow over soon and no man will claim to be his father would show up

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