The Urban Successor of God of Gluttony

Chapter 14 – I Want to Sell Fried Eggs Here

Chapter 14 – I Want to Sell Fried Eggs Here

A mountain always has a path through, as the flower"s light up the way.

The white outer sh.e.l.l of the second- cla.s.s chicken egg was substantially smaller than the normal egg. Gu Zheng was in quite a decent mood. He wouldn"t have to go to the plantations around SHanghai. He had these second-cla.s.s eggs in front of him. With his cooking skill, his special sesame oil, his mineral water imported from france, and the imported seaweed, he had sufficient ingredients to begin.

"Where did these eggs of yours come from, do you have their contacts?

Gu Zheng walked out of the kitchen and asked. He had already seen that Shu Yu only had 20 or so more of these eggs within. All of which were of second-cla.s.s. It seems someone had somehow truly bred second-cla.s.s hens, only then would eggs of second-cla.s.s would be produced.

A second cla.s.s rating didn"t sound good, however you must understand, this was according to the grading system of immortal ingredients. His world wasn"t like the Great Desolate. After going to so many so called pollution free plantations, he couldn"t find a single second cla.s.s egg. Thus, you know how precious these eggs are.

"I have his contacts, I"ll give them to you in a moment. First finish eating the wonton, I"m still waiting for your help to promote it!"

Shu Yu pulled Gu Zheng back to the table and sat him down in front of the bowl of wonton that had nearly gone cold. For good bowls of wonton, one would eat it as fast as they could and shove the wonton into their bellies.

The taste of Shu Yu"s wontons were excellent. Although there were some defects, it was stronger than most wonton on the market. The most important fact is that her wonton wasn"t frozen, thus it retained both the flavor of the flour and fillings.

Gu Zheng had already somewhat completed the draft. After he returned he could submit the article to be published on the local cuisine website. Doing so would allow the targeted audience to see the review, such as local residentials.

"This place is pretty good!" After Gu Zheng finished eating, he heard the sudden voice of the spirit in his head.

"What do you mean?"

Gu Zheng had a bad premonition and asked inwardly. If these words had come directly from his mouth, his voice would be undoubtedly trembling.

"Sell fried eggs here, the shops ingredients aren"t that great, however the majority is of low quality, there are very few inferior quality ingredients, and no poisonous ingredients.  Just work here, this place is good enough!"

Sure enough, the next words of the spirit device made Gu Zheng almost faint. The spirit device actually let him sell fried eggs here. This wasn"t his shop. The most important thing was that this was his cla.s.smates shop. Furthermore, they were female students. He came here to sell fried eggs, what would be the problem?

"Well that"s set, you can strike a deal with the owner. For buying the ingredients for the fried egg, you will split the cost three – seven!"

Cooperating to sell fried eggs, with a three seven split? Gu Zheng shook his head and slowly spoke: "No way, I can just open a shop of my own, I"m not willing to sell fried eggs here!"

"Rejecting will have the test end in failure. Are you truly rejecting it?"

The spirit device"s monotone voice pa.s.sed through once more, and the words Gu Zheng wanted to speak were immediately silenced.

Failure. Failure was equal to accepting the punishment of a hundred lashes. Thinking of the feeling of the whip that he had experienced before made him shudder.

"About that, regarding the G.o.d of Gluttony"s orders, should we not discuss about it? Looking at the test given to me by master G.o.d of Gluttony, there"s no difference if I work here or not. Furthermore you are merely a spirit device, don"t you not have a right to determine that I have failed the test?"

"Master G.o.d of Gluttony has written detailed rules within the Immortal order. As long as my rules don"t affect the test, they are valid!"

"There is? When did master G.o.d of Gluttony say such a thing?" Gu Zheng argued with wide eyes, expressing his confusion.

"Please look at the last sentence of chapter 9, I won"t explain it again. Rejecting is failure, I give you this one last chance!"

"You"re evil!"

Gu Zheng clenched his teeth, and repeated a phrase. He internally cursed the spirit device, while he was also calculating how to talk to Shu Yu about it.

"Gu Zheng, what"s wrong?"

Shu Yu had asked him a sentence after Gu Zheng had finished eating the wonton and was just sitting there. Suddenly, his face changed. At first it was okay, he even had a slight smile. Then he showed a face of surprise which finally changed to anger, as if he owed a few million yuan to somebody. Thus, Shu Yu and Hu Yueyue were very confused.

"Well, Shu Yu, I have something I want to discuss with you!"

Gu Zheng looked up, his expression one of complete embarra.s.sment. He didn"t wait for Shu Yu to answer. With his face red he quickly asked: "Is it possible for me to work for you to sell fried eggs. It isn"t just to help you, and instead will cooperate to earn money with a five – five…"

Gu Zheng had not yet finished speaking when the spirit sounded in his mind: "As I said before, you must split three seven. Seven for you, three for her. Changing the rules will result in failure, there will not be a reminder after this!"

Gu Zheng fought back the urge to fight, then spoke once more: "it can"t be five-five, but can it be seven for me, and three for you?"

"No problem, with the skills given by master G.o.d of gluttony, the lowest quality CD is this. If you weren"t in a special situation, I would have forced to you to take 9 parts!"

"Just do three seven, no need to do one nine!" Gu Zheng internally spoke.

Property of Fantasy-Books.liveoutside of it, it is stolen.

Recently he had somewhat understood the annoying spirit device. He couldn"t fight it,  nor could refute it. Since the rules were set, he could only act in accordance with what he said, otherwise he would be the one to suffer.

Gu Zheng wasn"t a saince, since he had to say it, he wasn"t afraid of the shame. Three to seven split was a three to seven split. Besides, it was just regarding the fried eggs, not the profit of her entire store.

Gu Zheng spoke without stopping. Shu Yu was shocked and exclaimed: "What are you talking about, what fried egg cooperation?"

"I said that I wanted to sell fried eggs here. Make money, then we divide the profits into three parts for you, seven parts for me. Shu Yu, I will only be responsible for making and selling fried eggs, as well as the money made making the fried eggs. With the rest, I will not ask. It won"t be for too long, only for half a month. Just two weeks!"

Gu Zheng finished in one breath, and didn"t feel too embarra.s.sed, so he looked straight at Shu Yu.

Shu Yu and Hu Yueyue stared with wide eyes. They looked at Gu Zheng like he was an alien. Hu YueYue also turned around to look at Gu Zheng. Gu ZHeng felt his face turning red, as he internally cursed the spirit device with a variety of curses.

"Gu Zheng, are you okay today?  You actually want to work for Shu Yu to sell fried eggs. Although fried eggs are good, they weren"t so good. If you have any difficulties regarding money, as your cla.s.smates, we can still help you!"

Hu Yueyue slowly spoke. Shu Yu and Hu Yueyue had the same look on their faces.

"There"s no problem, I only want to experience more in my life. I can guarantee that my cooking is of the professional level, trust me!"

Gu Zheng clenched his teeth and bit the bullet. His words immediately alleviated the expression of the two women. To experience more in life, that was possible. However, Gu Zheng was a food critic. Strictly speaking, it could be regarded a literary occupation. He had the appearance of a literary writer, as he liked to write books and collect folk songs. He wrote gourmet review. It wasn"t impossible that he wanted to experience life in a small hotel.

"Alright, there"s no need to divide it. If you want to help, come help. First of all, the taste must be decent. You purchase the raw materials, and all the money earned is yours!"

Shu Yu promised at once. However, after Gu Zheng"s next sentence, her eyes widened and her face was filled with shock.

"Shu Yu, my fried eggs sell for 88 yuan a piece!"

After Gu Zheng finished this sentence he didn"t know what else to say. He lowered his head, and no longer dared to look at Shu Yu and Hu Yueyue. He felt like digging a hole and crawling into it.

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