The Urban Successor of God of Gluttony

Chapter 17 – Truly Fragrant

Chapter 17 – Truly Fragrant

The pure white egg white, gently fell apart in Gu Zheng"s teeth and into his mouth.

A striking fragrance flowed from his mouth to his stomach and all throughout his body. It felt as if his whole body was exuding a scent. When Gu Zheng used the fried egg Cooking Skill, the flavor of the sesame oil was completely absorbed into the egg white. There wasn"t any of the greasy oil remaining, and it left behind only a gentle fragrance.

"So fragrant!"

He quickly chewed twice, and finished the mouthful of egg white. Gu Zheng immediately bit off another piece.

For the second bite, he had a large chunk of egg white. It gave off a crisp sound as he bit. There was nothing like Gu Zheng"s fried egg. He kept the heating of the egg consistent throughout the cooking process, that"s why stayed together so perfectly. You could say that the inside and outside were exactly the same. Only when it was like this would you get such a crisp sound when eating it, which further enhanced its taste.


After biting two mouthfuls, Gu Zheng bit off yet another piece. This piece contained a bit of egg yolk.

They were like tender meatb.a.l.l.s, the outside of the egg yolk was both elastic and malleable. It spread across his teeth and it felt so comfortable. Yet another strong aroma burst out from his body, It was unlike the mellow fragrance from before. It was a strong and powerful thick fragrance. The softness of the egg yolk made Gu Zheng eat it quickly. A larger half of the egg had already been consumed.

Within a few moments, the entire fried egg had entered Gu Zheng"s stomach. It gave his stomach a sense of comfort. It was just a fried egg, yet it felt like he was in a steaming sauna getting a ma.s.sage. It had been a long time since he felt so relaxed.

"Was this really made by me? This kind of fried egg, it"s absolutely worth the cost of 88 RMB!"

Gu Zheng quickly spoke his feelings. He did not expect that when he raised the egg"s quality to common would have this big of an effect. Along with using the fried egg Cooking Skill from the G.o.d of Gluttony, the taste was incredible. He could say that this was the best thing he had ever eaten. This little egg was even better the honey chicken he had a few days ago.

"Four part Cooking Skill, four part ingredients, and two part enhancing!"

Gu Zheng finally understood the meaning of the device spirits words. The cooking skill and ingredients were of equal importance and the enhancing part would allow the ingredients to improve. Along with an excellent cooking skill, only like this would someone be able to make the perfect dish. The most delish dish ever.

"The way you made this could be considered so-so. If master G.o.d of Gluttony were to make it himself, yours simply cannot compare.  The difference isn"t a little, it"s completely different!"

While Gu Zheng was feeling the excitement, the spirit device couldn"t help but splash a bucket of cold water on him. The spirit device"s word"s didn"t make Gu Zheng angry and he was still grinning. He knew that it was better than nothing. Who was the G.o.d of Gluttony? He was a famous immortal in the Great Desolate, Gu Zheng was merely a disciple. Furthermore, he was a new disciple.

However, the dishes he could make now were incomparable even to his top chef father"s dishes. With this, he was already satisfied.

"Don"t celebrate too early. Your test has started today. If you don"t finish the test, prepare for the whipping!"

Since he couldn"t seem to calm down Gu Zheng, the spirit device spoke once more. These words finally allowed Gu Zheng to recover from his excitement. The spirit device was right. He still had a test to complete. If he failed to complete it, those 100 whippings wouldn"t be very enjoyable.

"I believe I can do it!"

After enjoying the taste of the fried egg from before, Gu Zheng was filled to the brim with confidence. Yesterday he had yet to try the fried egg, however, he now knew what it truly tasted like, thus he wasn"t as nervous.

Gu Zheng was a food critic, he had eaten a lot of delicious things. His father was a michelin Star chef and was one of the world"s top chefs. He had grown up eating a lot of the things his father made.

Whether it was what he had tasted, or the dishes his father made, none of it could match his fried egg. Thus he felt far more confident. The G.o.d of Gluttony deserved to be one of the most famous immortals in the Great Desolate. With his cooking skill and good ingredients, he was able to achieve the perfect balance.

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing Gu Zheng suddenly enter the kitchen, the spirit device questioned him.

"Ah, the fried egg. How is one enough. I want to eat another, no, two more!"

Gu Zheng answered weirdly. He had originally wanted to eat breakfast, and fried eggs were his breakfast. He had thought that one would be enough, however it was so delicious that he absolutely had to eat more.

"Absolutely not. Every day you can only eat one fried egg made by yourself!"

Gu Zheng was surprised for a moment then cried out in anger: "Why? I made it for myself to eat, why can I only eat one?"

"Since your still being tested, I have a final say about the rules. Regarding fried eggs you make yourself, you can only eat one a day. You are still learning, you need to control yourself!"

The spirit device firmly spoke. Gu Zheng"s face scrunched up turned red and he ground his teeth. He squeezed out two words: "So cruel!"

Property of Fantasy-Books.liveoutside of it, it is stolen.

He could only eat one fried egg a day. He had already eaten one, so he could no longer eat another today. He could only wait until tomorrow. Thinking about so delicious, that he made himself, was unable to be eaten, Gu Zheng felt his teeth trembling in rage. There was truth in the spirit device"s words, however he felt that he had been beaten so much that his mother would be unable to recognize him.

He calmed himself down and stored the eggs and sesame oil on the table. He put away the water and salt as well. Putting it into a box, Gu Zheng left the house. Right now it was breakfast time, there should be some people at Shu Yu"s shop. It was a good time to advertise his fried eggs.

There were indeed many people in Shu Yu"s shop. Her wonton were affordable and tasted good. Shortly after it opening, there were already quite a few old customers. Gu Zheng came in early, around 8 o"clock, yet there were many people at the store eating breakfast.

Shu Yu was there. Today, Hu Yueyue hadn"t come. Hu Yueyue had her own work, yesterday she came out of curiosity. It wasn"t possible for her to come here everyday.

"Gu Zheng, you came!"

Seeing Gu Zheng"s box, Shu Yu had a weird look on his face. After Gu Zheng left yesterday, Shu Yu talked it over with Hu Yueyue for a while. In the end, they thought that Gu Zheng was joking with them. Although Gu Zheng didn"t typically act like this, however they had no other explanation that would allow them to accept Gu Zheng"s behavior yesterday.

"I finished writing your review yesterday and it has been arranged to be published at noon today. I came to make fried eggs, I"ll start now!"

Gu Zheng put down his box and spoke with confidence. Earlier, he hadn"t eaten the fried egg, so he didn"t feel like this. After he ate it, he believed that anyone who ate the fried egg would inevitably be conquered.

"You really want to make fried eggs?"

Shu Yu stared with wide eyes. She still couldn"t believe Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng forcefully nodded and explained once more: "Yes. I will definitely do it. When I first make it, give it a try. I believe that you will feel confident in me afterwards!"

"Dishes made with the cooking skill of the G.o.d of Gluttony cannot be given away. n.o.body cannot pay nothing to taste food made by the G.o.d of Gluttony"s cooking skill."

Gu Zheng had just finished speaking, the spirit device reminded him. Gu Zheng stopped a little then cried out in anger: "I asked her to eat it, I"m treating her!"

"What"s the difference between treating and giving away? Anyone who acts disrespectful towards the G.o.d of Gluttony will be punished by me. You can give it away, then I will declare that you have failed the test and punish you!" (T/N: Ouch. I feel sorry for Gu Zheng… =v=/)

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