The Urban Successor of God of Gluttony

Chapter 6 – Beginning to Cook

Chapter 6 – Beginning to Cook

Looking at the sesame oil, Gu Zheng couldn"t help but ponder before giving up. Internally, he had given up on asking questions. Unfortunately, that spirit device would only give a low evaluation before disappearing and not responding to him.

"Do you want this sesame oil? this sesame oil is pure ground sesame oil. Thus, it is extremely fragrant!"

The shop owner was a middle-aged woman in her forties. She saw Gu Zheng pick up a bottle of sesame oil before freezing in place. Thus she walked to the front with the intention of asking him a question.

"How much does one bottle of this oil cost?"

Her voice woke up Gu Zheng. He absolutely needed this sesame oil. After searching the market for so long, he had only found a single second-cla.s.s ingredient. He couldn"t afford to put it back. Besides, this type of oil, sesame oil, was easy to heat up, however it was difficult to stir-fry with it. However, you also needed to consider whose hands it was in. Luckily, Gu Zheng had a stir-fry technique that utilized sesame oil.


The middle aged woman seemed as if she was eagerly selling. Gu Zheng’s eyes once again went into a daze. One 250 millimeter bottle only weighed 250 grams, yet it required 50 RMB. This was equivalent to 100 RMB for 500 grams of product.

Typically, normal sesame oil went at 20-30 RMB per 500 grams at a minimum.   However, the price of 100 RMB really was somewhat high. The last time when Gu Zheng had hired somebody to extract it, after providing both ingredients and pay, in the end he had just under 41 catties of oil. The price of this bottle compared to the other was ground sesame oil was a bit more than two times as expensive.

“50 is the lowest price. Originally, the price would be 70 RMB!” The store lady spoke after seeing Gu Zheng’s expression. After she spoke he once again recovered.

“Alright, 50 is okay. However, I have plenty of this kind of sesame oil, in fact I have a few bottles. No more words, I want it all!”

The price was a bit high, however after thinking about the spirit devices evaluation, Gu Zheng still bought it. This was a second-cla.s.s ingredient, it was an entire level higher than the sesame oil he had at home. Gu Zheng didn’t know what the difference was between his and this sesame oil, however if it was able to receive a second-cla.s.s rating from the device spirit, there must be some kind of difference. It being a bit expensive was no problem.

“Altogether, I only have 10 bottles, you want it all?”

The store owner was astonished as she looked at Gu Zheng. These ten bottles of ground sesame oil had been here for a very long time. It wasn’t sold to her by an oil production company, but was for a relative. If it wasn’t, she definitely wouldn’t of helped out to buy such expensive sesame oil. Plenty of people had asked about the price only to shake their head in disappointment and leave. Yet this young man in front of her had not only disregarded the high price, but asked to buy all of it.

“Correct, I want it all. Is it possible for you to tell me where you got this sesame oil from?!”

Gu Zheng strongly nodded his head. He wanted it, he wanted it all. 10 bottles came to a total of 500 RMB, however if this sesame oil was that much better than what he had in his home, then he was the one getting the better end of the deal. Gu Zheng wasn’t a top-notch chef, but his father was definitely one. From the perspective of a top-notch chef, if one were to have higher quality ingredients then the other, then they would be able to put out tastier food. Thus becoming better then other chefs at the same level.

“There’s no problem, I’ll give you a case!”

The shopkeeper gladly nodded her head, she had finally sold the sesame oil. She could tell her relative about the success. As for Gu Zheng, he wanted to find out the supply line where this sesame oil originated from. To her, this matter was of no importance. Except for an idiot like Gu Zheng, n.o.body else wanted this kind of sesame oil. From early on she no longer wanted to buy it, it was just taking up empty s.p.a.ce.

10 bottles of sesame oil, 500 RMB. Gu Zheng had also received the address of the provider. What surprised Gu Zheng was that this person didn"t have a phone. The shopkeeper had told him, the maker didn"t use his phone.

After strolling for half a day, he had only found a single type of ground sesame oil. Gu Zheng was extremely unsatisfied. After finding the sesame oil, he continued searching in the market.

"These chickens ratings weren"t low quality but inferior quality. Of course there were a fee that even had poison. However, these few are all second-cla.s.s!"

Before long, Gu Zheng once received another surprise. This time a silkie was being sold. These silkies compared to the typical silkies had some differences. Their heads were a bit smaller, however there weren"t any distinct differences. (T/N: A silkie is also known as a silky fowl, which is a small delicate chicken that seems to have white feathers.)

"It seems you have good eyes, this chicken from our chicken sellers specifically told us these were mountain pheasants, he didn"t know what silkies looked like, so he gave it to me for me to kill and eat. I eat too much chicken, and I don"t really like it, so I took it out to sell.

The seller laughed while cheerfully speaking with Gu Zheng. The price of the silkie wasn"t too expensive, in fact it was same as the others.

His words were all heard by the other customers who all shook their head. Where were pheasants that looked like silkies? After seeing Gu Zheng"s young appearance they a.s.sumed he was trying to swindle Gu Zheng. This chicken"s head was very small and bent over. Looking at it, it seemed like a sick chicken, they didn"t want. They didn"t bother with matters unrelated to themselves, n.o.body came over to persuade Gu Zheng.

"Alright, thanks boss!"

He paid the money and took the chicken. Gu Zheng didn"t let the store owner kill it. This places water might have poison. When they killed chickens, they used the local water. If so, the chicken would then become unusable, he could only bring t back to kill it himself.

However, the store owner saying it was a pheasant was possible. After being in the market for so long, and the spirit device rating so many objects, Gu Zheng had gained a decent amount of experience.

These vegetables, even after using farm grade pesticides, they weren"t clean. They were all poisonous. Even those that were cleaned with the pesticide were considered of low quality, there wasn"t a single inferior quality ingredient.

These kinds of vegetables were around the same level of the common birds and other meat. It was meant to feed people and various hormones were injected. If it didn"t have poison it was considered low quality. Animals raised free ranged were all considered inferior quality. In the entire store there was only a single one that was considered second cla.s.s. Perhaps it really was a pheasant that had grown up on the mountain. How it ended up in this appearance didn"t matter to Gu Zheng.Property of ©; outside of it, it is stolen.

He had sesame oil and a silkie. Gu Zheng felt a lot better as it indicated that the market at least had ingredients that satisfied the requirements. He only needed to find them.

Just before 4 o"clock in the afternoon on the second day, w.a.n.g Tao and the others all came over to his house. Gu Zheng was at home, tidying up the kitchen. The kitchen from yesterday compared to today was vastly different, there were a lot more ingredients.

"All of you go to the living room and sit down first. Do whatever you want to do, I don"t need any help here!"

When guests came over to his house, Gu Zheng would briefly speak before entering the kitchen alone. Totaling yesterday night and the half of today, his haul could be considered quite decent. He had just barely acquired enough ingredients to complete the test.

On the kitchen chopping board, he placed the silkie that he had just killed and cleaned thoroughly. He looked at the meat on this silkies face and began to tremble.

When killing as well as washing the chicken, he couldn"t use tap water. Just for a single chicken, he had used his entire houses stockpile of imported mineral spring water. Luckily the market also had this water. He had personally searched the shops to buy a couple cases. However, this water"s price once again made him hurt. These few cases of water was even more expensive than the ten bottles of sesame oil. If this kind of test were to come again, he would go bankrupt.

The ingredient requirements were barely met. He then began to separate the chicken legs and wings as well as dismantling the chicken breast. He chopped up the rest and mixed it with the wild mountain ginseng and mountain mushrooms to make soup. The soup"s source of water was the imported mineral spring water.

The leftover meat was of pretty high quality(the chicken leg and wing). He used some honey to ultimately create chicken with honey sauce. The preparation method was a bit odd, however, he had limited ingredients. He could only do it this way.

A pack of lotus seeds had already been washed and mixed with some mountain mushrooms and an extremely pitiful two stalks of chinese cabbage to create a small appetizer. These two stalks of chinese cabbage were an unexpected find for Gu Zheng. He hadn"t held any hope towards these kinds of green vegetables. However, when he was picking through other items, he just happened to against two stalks, which unexpectedly were rated by the spirit device as second-cla.s.s.

It was few in quant.i.ty, but it could be used, regardless. Gu Zheng then purchased them with no hesitation. While he was buying the vegetables, the auntie glanced at the two stalks of chinese cabbage that he had taken with shock.

He then came upon ten deep sea water prawns that were in a special tank. They were cheerfully swimming to and fro. They were genuine wild deep sea water prawns. In average, one prawn was around 80 RMB. If it wasn"t for it being evaluated as second cla.s.s, Gu Zheng definitely wouldn"t have bought it.

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