The Way Of The Evil

Chapter 16

The Amber Part 8

Su Junzi"s heart relaxed and he swiftly put down the finger that he lifted a little. Jin Qiu raised her head to glare at Sheng Yao. The atmosphere was frozen right there. Sheng Yao slightly raised his voice a little. "I"ll repeat once more. Move away from him. Raise your hands up, then back against the wall and squat down. Miss Jin, I want to be more gentlemanly, but if you don"t follow what I said, I"m afraid I have to carry out my job."

Jin Qiu scoffed. She lowered her head to tell Su Junzi, "See, I said it before. Inspector Sheng is not a good person. No matter how nice his smile is, it"s fake. It can be taken back at any time."

Sheng Yao"s face did not change. Jin Qiu"s hand was near Su Junzi"s neck. The remaining candle light shone on the tip of her fingers. A sharp silver light was flashing. She lowered her voice and said gently, "Inspector Sheng, do you know? To someone learning medicine, killing people is truly too easy. You only need just a small bit, just a small bit of a hole in order to make all the blood in a person"s body to spurt out. Even if you press on it, you can"t manage to stop all of it. Do you want to try?"

She began to sharply giggle just like an owl"s "hehe"s. Her beautiful face contorted.

Sheng Yao paused, lowering his head to glance at the Su Junzi lying on the floor. The handgun spun in his hand, the muzzle facing up as he used his index finger to lift it up. His body leaned on the door frame and he surprisingly calmed down. "The rest will arrive in a short while. All of them know about this place and they"ve also brought along a psychologist. You can"t escape. But right now, you can do some things to lighten your crimes."

"Escape?" Jin Qiu repeated it lightly, looking at him, crazed. "You said that I want to… escape? Haha… Hahahaha, Inspector Sheng, don"t you understand? I told all of you. That day in the police station, do you still remember? I said that I"m alive right now, but actually, I might as well be dead!"

Though the blacks and whites in her eyes were distinct, when she looked at someone, it carried an unspeakable viciousness. "But I have to bring a present in order for me to see my Ju. Inspector Su, is my present. He"ll like it, don"t you think so?"

Sheng Yao"s brows twitched, and he furrowed his brows, suppressing his emotions. "I can exchange myself for him."

Jin Qiu didn"t hear it clearly. "What?"

Su Junzi sharply raised his eyes to look at Sheng Yao. Sheng Yao gave a low chuckle. The night wind ruffled the hair at his forehead. Even if that face was in the darkness, it still had a charm that could speed up your heartbeat. He said, "Don"t you feel that, compared to him, I"m even more suited to your Wu Ju"s preference?"

Jin Qiu startled. She looked at Su Junzi before raising his head to look at Sheng Yao. There was a momentary hesitation in her gaze, yet instantly, a douse of jealousy climbed onto her face. The hand she was holding the knife with trembled relentlessly, and her teeth grinded so hard that it kept ringing noisily.

There were a few times that her quivering blade slid across Su Junzi"s skin. Su Junzi felt the icy-cold killing intent slide across there. He forced himself to hold back—the time still wasn"t right. If he jumped up right now, he didn"t have a definite amount of certainty in constraining her. Sheng Yao, delay a little more time.

Sheng Yao felt that his heart was almost about to stop beating along with the movement of Jin Qiu"s blade. He shut his mouth, carefully taking note of this dangerous woman, the muscles throughout his entire body were taut and tense.

Jin Qiu suddenly gave a sharp laughter. "Yeah, the ones who suited his tastes…are all you guys! All people like you! Ju is mine, only mine! What"s so good about you guys? He only thought of you guys as specimens and samples. You guys aren"t even worthy of being mentioned! You don"t even have the right to divert his attention!"

So her motivation to kill others, actually included a faint jealousy too.

Su Junzi felt that he already met all of the deviants that he can think of in the entire world.

"No one can replace me!" Jin Qiu glared at Sheng Yao fiercely.

Sheng Yao let out a cold laughter. "About this, I don"t agree, miss. Stop deceiving yourself or the others. Haven"t you seen with your own eyes how many men and women that guy, Wu Ju, had?"

"You"re spouting nonsense…"

"With your own eyes, you saw him use greedy eyes to look at those people, saw with your own eyes as he caressed their bodies as though he was drunk, like he had collected the most perfect artwork as he preserved their corpses carefully… Ah, right, I nearly forgot, you even learned your st.i.tching skills from him." Sheng Yao"s face revealed an especially bewitching smile.

"Shut up! Shut up!"

"What? You even helped him kidnap someone personally, did you forget? Right at this place. Your friend, bosom friend, cla.s.smate. You tricked her to come to this place and offered her to Wu Ju. Miss Jin, when he tore apart Li Su"s body, did he permit you to watch?"

"Ah!" Jin Qiu screeched. "Shut up, you! Shut up! Or I"ll kill him!"

She glared at Sheng Yao hard as though she had gone mad, and in the quivering hand, the blade was tightly pressed on Su Junzi"s neck. Right at this time, the person who should have collapsed on the floor, unable to move, suddenly drew an entire five centimeters to the side. Then, he abruptly flipped himself up and got up, capturing Jin Qiu"s wrist. Jin Qiu winced, the knife in her hand dropping onto the ground and her body was pressed onto the ground.

Su Junzi gave Sheng Yao a weak smile, throat hoa.r.s.e as he said, "Thank G.o.d you came."

Jin Qiu widened her eyes. "Impossible… Impossible…"

Actually, when Sheng Yao saw Su Junzi wink his left eye at him earlier and how his left hand moved slightly in the dark next, he understood that the effect of the drug had already worn off. He happened to have caught Jin Qiu"s topic, so he twisted it until she broke down. Now, he finally let out a sigh of relief, taking out a handcuff as he walked over. "That"s really enough of you scaring us, alright."

From the far distance, they could already hear the police sirens and the ambulance sirens overlapping. The speed of Shen Yexi and the rest were also really fast enough.

This case was about to be settled down right now, but who knew that right at this time, there would be a sudden change. Someone said that the strength of a lunatic was especially large because they didn"t know when to stop, putting all of their strength in the struggle. Originally, Su Junzi"s limbs were already a little weak under the effect of the drug, so she actually managed to struggle free from his grasp. The first subconscious reaction of Su Junzi was to kick away the knife that he s.n.a.t.c.hed from Jin Qiu"s hand. But who knew that Jin Qiu didn"t plan on  taking that knife, and instead bent over to violently slam her body against him.

In a flash, Sheng Yao pulled Su Junzi over. The two swiftly switched their positions and Jin Qiu violently slammed onto Sheng Yao. Then, Su Junzi heard the sound of a sharp blade piercing through the flesh. Sheng Yao"s body suddenly became heavy.

In that instant, Su Junzi felt that something in his brain erupted.

Sheng Yao gnashed his teeth as he raised his gun, aiming at Jin Qiu"s two legs, swiftly pulling the trigger. Two holes were shot through her thighs, blood pouring out. She made a sound as she collapsed, but yet, she seemed as though she couldn"t feel the pain as she broke into loud laughter.

Su Junzi"s body supported Sheng Yao weakly, back leaned on the wall as he slid down. Sheng Yao"s hands let go of him, sliding to his abdomen. The warm blood gushed out without end—a dagger was stabbed there.

Jin Qiu"s entire body was stained in blood, just like a female ghost that crawled her way out of h.e.l.l. "I still had something else, didn"t expect it, right? Hahahaha, didn"t expect it, right? Didn"t expected it, right?!"

"Sheng Yao! Sheng Yao!"

The police siren blared. In the moment after hearing the gunshots, Shen Yexi rushed in with people, cuffing Jin Qiu. The ambulance personnel dashed in, rapidly stopping the blood for Sheng Yao before lifting him to the ambulance. Su Junzi wanted to follow him in a daze but he couldn"t stand up. A medical personnel kept on asking him questions relentlessly, but his mind was blank and didn"t hear a single word.

Sheng Yao…

Sheng Yao…

Sheng Yao… For what reason did you…

For what reason did Jin Qiu do that? And for what reason did Sheng Yao do that? In this world, perhaps there was nothing more mysterious and complicated.

Adolf Hitler said, " The of the people prefer the ruler to the suppliant."

The hospital seemed to always look the same—a long corridor where the windows can only be seen at the end, without any sunlight. The doctors walk past swiftly, carrying an exhausted coldness as the medical devices occasionally brush across another pa.s.serby. The surroundings were filled with the scent of illnesses, of blood and also the pungent smell of medicine and disinfectant.

The light of the operation room was still lit up. Jiang Hu sat on the chair outside the operation room, body wrapped in a navy blue coat. He lowered his head, two hands on his knees, fingers clasped together and pressed against his forehead.

Shen Yexi held two cans of hot coffee bought from the vending machine as he sat down beside him brazenly, giving Jiang Hu one. "Junzi is fine now. The doctor said that the drug is still affecting him, so his consciousness is still a little fuzzy. He"ll recover by tomorrow. I asked Yang Man to head back first. Yining is settling the follow-up work in the bureau now. If she finishes a little late, she can go back together with her pops. It"s safe too."

Jiang Hu nodded a little blankly. He took the coffee but didn"t open it. Instead, he held it in his two hands. Shen Yexi patted his shoulder. "What"s wrong?"

Jiang Hu lightly laughed, shaking his head. There was an unspeakable exhaustion in his expression. Shen Yexi still hadn"t seen such an obvious negative emotion on his face before. It was a long while before he said in a low voice, "I… don"t know. Is it my fault?"

Shen Yexi is startled. "What did you say?"

"Was Su-ge kidnapped and Sheng Yao stabbed because I didn"t think about Jin Qiu"s problem with a quicker efficiency?" Jiang Hu asked in a soft voice. "Before, I… I was always alone. I"ve never worked together with many people. When I look at you guys, it"s like…" He knitted his brows, seemingly like he couldn"t find a suitable word again. It took a long while before he sighed, "Like I am a bystander."

"You think that because you didn"t integrate into our group better, it affected everyone"s efficiency?"

Jiang Hu nodded.

Shen Yexi let out a light laughter. Like Yang Man, he stretched out a hand to tousle his hair. On Jiang Hu"s head was a messy, dark brown hair akin to that of a bird"s nest. He looked at him in blank confusion. Shen Yexi said, "Then that should also be a responsibility for all of us to take together. You still don"t understand what teamwork is, do you?"

Jiang Hu didn"t make a sound.

"Teamwork, is everyone working hard together and then taking responsibility for the result for various possibilities." Shen Yexi pondered a bit. At this time, a nurse pushed a cart as she walked past him. He pulled back the leg that he stretched out and said in a light voice, "Since each one of us is an individual person while still being a part of an entire body, then, we"re sole individuals when working and we"re a family when we"re not. Get it?"

Jiang Hu revealed a slight moved expression. Shen Yexi patted him as he stood up. "Let"s go. The surgery will still take a while. There"s not much point in waiting here either. Let"s both go out to fill our tummies. You still have to keep me company throughout the night, you know. We"re a family, after all. We can"t quite let the girls wait here, so you have to stay with me and work a little harder."

Jiang Hu shook his head and laughed. Suddenly, he said, "Head Shen, you might have had trauma before, but you absolutely don"t have any posttraumatic stress disorders."

Shen Yexi was startled, turning his head around to look at him. Jiang Hu"s were reflecting light from the light in the pa.s.sageway, blocking his pair of eyes completely. He only heard him say, "But I heard that you lost a period of your memory… So I think, it wasn"t lost. It"s probably hidden, right?" Then, he also stood up, saying with a beaming smile, "Rest a.s.sured. Since you want to hide it, then I won"t pry deeper. Didn"t you say we"re a family?"

Shen Yexi twitched his lips, giving him a glare. "You bunch who do psychology are seriously irritating."

The author has something to say:

I"m back. I celebrated my grandma"s birthday yesterday. There were lots of people squeezed on the train and we nearly turned into sheets of photographs.

There were also a few especially interesting uncles and aunties. Because it was too packed, they started arguing due to a conflict. An auntie at the side cut in with, "Don"t fight, you can"t let loose completely here."

Then a brother was about to go over but there was no place for him to step. That uncle looked at him and said pretty helplessly, "Why don"t you step on my feet. Just a tap is fine, you better not step too hard…"

The most hilarious thing is the two washrooms between the two train carriages. Five, six people were occupying the place, but you can"t not allow people to use the washroom. Then, someone started to be the director of the washroom of their own accord. For one washroom, it"s only for the women to stand in, and for another, it"s only for men to stand in. If you go in, you don"t need to come out again… So the common washrooms in the train were finally split into males" and females"…

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