Wings of Angels Part 7

Jiang Hu stood in front of the giant clock and old photograph in the room for a long time. The photograph was hung very high up. He slightly raised his head, revealing the sharp chin. He did not have much expression, but Shen Yexi felt that this person was silently upset about something.

He walked to Jiang Hu"s side. "Did you manage to ascertain anything?"

Jiang Hu shook his head. "Nothing at all."

—Nothing at all. Other than despair, there was only a lamp with an especially dim output in this room. In a narrow and cramped room, the giant clock occupied one entire wall, just like a cold judge. Everything showed a certain strange sequence. It seemed as though everything was measured with a ruler. There was a photograph of a woman and children on the wall. The attire of the children was extremely similar to the first missing child.

Someone used a black marker to draw a huge eye there. The photograph happened to be in the center of that eye"s pupil.

Since it was like someone was looking at the people in the photo, it was also like the people in the photo were looking outside. Spying upon each other, coveting for each other, attracting each other, hating each other.

If they lacked warmth, they were deviants. Jiang Hu said, "But I think I figured it out a bit. About where he was going for his next step."

When they were inspecting the place, Sheng Yao and Su Junzi were currently driving here in a hurry. Su Junzi looked outside occasionally, a subtle anxiety on his face. Sheng Yao said, "Why don"t I bring you home? Yang Man"s side seemed to have already confirmed the suspect. There are enough people."

Su Junzi rubbed his nose, chuckling. "Even if I go home, I can"t calm down. I think I"ll follow you guys after all. After Yexi came back, everyone"s efficiency had an obvious increase. We might even be able to catch him tonight."

Sheng Yao glanced at him from the rearview mirror. "Enough. Don"t think that I didn"t see it. It"s only been such a short time, but you already called home four or five times in secret, didn"t you? Go back. Everyone understands you. Moreover, we have all the people around for this job of catching him. We don"t need one more extra head."

Su Junzi turned his face around. At this time, the car was very dim, and vague. He only felt that Sheng Yao"s side profile looked extremely good. His facial features looked like they were delicately crafted. This person grew up, spoiled by women"s love, with a good family and a good appearance. Really, even if he was a little more willful or arrogant, no one would make any complaints. But, how could he be this gentle?

So, Su Junzi smiled. "Sheng Yao, have you still not decided on your future girlfriend?"

Sheng Yao startled. "Ah?"

Su Junzi shook his head. "On another day, I"ll take note for you, alright? If any girl could find someone as attentive and considerate as you, they"re considered lucky too."

Sheng Yao made a slightly stiff smile. "Please don"t. I still haven"t decided to give up an entire forest just for a single tree… Call your sister-in-law. In any case, your place is along the way too. Does the road in front allow for a left turn?"

"Not in front, you have to…" Su Junzi hadn"t finished yet when their phones rang.

"What?" Once Su Junzi picked up, he scrunched his brows.

But Sheng Yao was silent for a while. He said a "roger" before sharply turning the steering wheel, turning on the police siren while at it.

"Yining called to say that someone made a report just now about losing their child. They were from Family of Angels choir group again. Same age, same physical characteristics." It was rare for Su Junzi"s speech to be a little rapid.

"I know." Sheng Yao nodded. "Just now, Leader Shen"s side already informed me of their predictions of the place the murderer might go for his next step. I just didn"t expect that it would only been a short period of time before he kidnapped another child."

Tonight, this little-known residential district had a huge buzz. A chain of police cars drove over from different directions to stop at the building. The police sirens rang in all directions, their lights dyeing the night into a colorful scene. Countless people came down from their homes to join in and watch—The police came to catch people! The kinds with guns!

Shen Yexi pulled open the car door and jumped down. "Jiang Hu, you"re sure?"

Jiang Hu remained maintaining that slow but certain and calm voice to say, "Mn."

Shen Yexi glanced at him deeply, waving his hands. "Search!"

He felt that, to believe in this person was perhaps the most unreliable decision he had ever made in his entire life. But right now, he decided to make a gamble—not because of the feeling that Jiang Hu gave him, not because of Jiang Hu"s educational background, but because of Mo Cong"s eyes.

The person, whom Bureau Chief Mo shamelessly made use of his lover"s connections to dig and bring over, better not disappoint everyone.

A deep voice suddenly transmitted over in the earpiece. "Target located. Each group, please note. Target located."

Shen Yexi"s face turned cold. "Roger that, location?"

"The abandoned residential building behind Block 4."

Shen Yexi hurriedly deployed the troops. "Sheng Yao, Junzi, get some people and make a round there from the back. Yang Man, in front of us. Jiang Hu, you didn"t bring a gun, follow behind me. Quick, move."

Behind Block 4 was a small, narrow, dark alley. The location of this place was too remote. The city"s design was not satisfactory. There were many abandoned bungalows without anyone living in it. Yang Man kicked down the entire main gate of the abandoned residence. This person who used to be a professional karate athlete was truly a little… too valiant.

The main gate fell onto the ground and created a deafening sound. At the same time, the people inside the property could be seen by everyone.

The abandoned front yard had two small stools. A small, thin man and a little girl in a white dress with angel wings at her back were sitting separately on two sides. A circle of white candles were on the ground, and there were also all sorts and varieties of fresh flowers brought from a flower shop. The man was shocked by this loud noise, jumping up to aggressively stand behind the little girl.

The girl in white was originally also scared by these unfriendly-looking people carrying loaded guns, but she caught a glimpse of Jiang Hu whom Shen Yexi blocked behind him. She blinked her big eyes, saying in a baby"s voice, "You"re the big brother who came to the choir group that day."

This sight was a little bizarre. Yang Man lifted her gun, aiming it accurately at the man behind the little girl—one of the man"s hands was placed on the child"s neck, while his other hand fished out a knife from his pockets. "D-Don"t come closer!"

Yang Man let out a cold laugh. "I say, so you"re just a thing that is neither human nor demon. Are you a man? Can you even be considered human? You"re just a thing that dares to harm children. What"s wrong? Scared now that you"re seeing adults? Don"t know what to do now?"

But Shen Yexi put his gun back into his belt, waving his hand and standing at Yang Man"s side. He said in a solemn voice, "Let go of that child. I believe you don"t want to hurt her."

Yang Man turned her head over to give him a glance. At this time, Sheng Yao and Su Junzi brought people from the back to surround him and the man who abducted the child was then surrounded by enemies from all sides.

Shen Yexi said, "She"s not the person you wanted to find, and she also doesn"t have wings. You don"t want to hurt her, am I right?"

The man"s attention was drawn away by him. The eyes filled with blood vessels were looking at him in blank confusion, as he slowly nodded. "How… did you know that she doesn"t have wings?"

Shen Yexi laughed. "Of course she doesn"t have wings. What"s on her back are even fake wings that you bought for her, right?"

The man looked at Shen Yexi, before looking at the child in his arms who was about to cry out of fear. He hesitated for a moment, and the hand that was holding the child"s neck relaxed somewhat.

Shen Yexi continued, "Then, let go of her. You actually did not want to hurt these children a single bit at all, did you? You like children, right?"

The man knitted his brows, seemingly as though a spell was nearly about to be casted on him. He slowly, slowly lowered the hand holding the knife, lightly letting go of the girl"s neck. Everyone"s hearts suspended in anxiety slowly relaxed.

Right at this time, an intoxicated woman who looked like a streetwalker walked past the dim alley. Suddenly seeing so many police officers with guns and a high-tense atmosphere on the verge of erupting, she instantly sobered from the alcohol in terror. Her handbag dropped onto the ground and she let out a short-lived scream. Although her mouth was instantly covered by an investigator who dashed over and pulled her to the side, it was already too late.

The man heard this scream and it was like he had suffered a giant shock, lifting up the little girl with a single hand, the glinting knife on the girl"s fragile, pale neck as he paced around the same spot anxiously. "N-No, don"t come closer! Don"t come closer! I did something bad, I did something bad! Don"t come closer, don"t come closer!"

The kid didn"t even dare to make a crying sound, sobbing disjointedly there. With his efforts ruined with a single action, Shen Yexi fiercely glared at the careless investigator.

At this time, Jiang Hu suddenly sighed. He clapped his hands, calling lightly, "Linlin."

His voice was very gentle. If you didn"t pay attention, it would practically be overlooked. But it successfully stabilized that distressed, agitated man. Jiang Hu patted Shen Yexi"s shoulder, walking past him and to the front. Shen Yexi subconsciously made a stop gesture, but ultimately still allowed him to go.

Jiang Hu nodded at him. Then, he turned back to that man who had calmed down some. "Linlin, you"re called Linlin, aren"t you?"

The man took a step back with some guard up. "Who… Who are you? Why do you know what I"m called?"

Jiang Hu laughed a little. "I know you"re called Xu Lin. You went to that Taipinglu Primary School at the intersection, right? I was from there too, and I even knew one of your teachers."

Yang Man cast a glance at Shen Yexi—this was far too absurd, right.

Shen Yexi flexed his wrist, indicating for her to be patient and wait.

The man really did nod just like that, his attention shifting from the small girl to Jiang Hu. He sized up Jiang Hu in alarm. "You"re police?"

"I"m not. I"m only a doctor, a physician." Jiang Hu took another step forward.

Shen Yexi said in a whisper behind him. "Don"t move forward much more, it"s dangerous."

"A physician?" The man was a little befuddled.

Jiang Hu nodded, no longer quibbling about this topic. "Once I saw you, I remembered you. Do you know why?"

The man remained very cautious, shaking his head.

"Because your primary school teacher mentioned you to me. Many, many times. She said you were an especially excellent, especially perfect child. And asked us all to learn from you." Jiang Hu"s voice with an exemplary p.r.o.nunciation like that of a newscaster emphasized heavily on the word "perfect".

But the man who had already calmed down suddenly became apprehensive again. He suddenly roared, interrupting Jiang Hu"s words. "I"m not! I"m not, you"re talking rubbish!"

Shen Yexi pulled over Jiang Hu"s arm in one grab, pulling him two steps backwards. He originally wanted to push this person behind him, but when he saw the unchanging calmness on Jiang Hu"s face, he subconsciously used less strength. Only to hear Jiang Hu still say in that soft voice, "I don"t know. But your teacher said you were."

But that soft voice easily cut through the man"s roar. The man stopped, looking at Jiang Hu blankly. "Really?"

Jiang Hu nodded.

The man turned his head over, seemingly searching for something everywhere. A little anxiously: "But, but she said… my mama said…"

"Your mama?" Jiang Hu"s gaze swiftly turned to the woman who was tightly held by the investigator, brows arching once. "What your mama said was wrong. I know your mama. She"s a bad person."

This time, the man was completely struck stunned, seemingly incapable of comprehending these words. His neck nervously convulsed to the side. "My mama is a bad person?"

"She"s really a bad person. Look at how many police there are here. They all came to catch her." Jiang Hu turned his head, giving Shen Yexi a look. For some reason, but Shen Yexi swiftly understood the meaning of this look. He said in a low voice, "Detain that woman. You can just pretend."

The streetwalker who lost her voice from fear was handcuffed by a few investigators in a feigned act. Jiang Hu jerked his chin at that side. "If you don"t believe me, look."

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