The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 635: The Secret About the Past (253)

Chapter 635: The Secret About the Past (253)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“They’re both in first grade. The boot camp is only going to get in the way of their education.”

“We’ll hire a tutor for them! They may train while attending school at the same time. It won’t get in the way of anything. Even if they’re slower in their studies, they’ll catch up sooner or later.”

Mei Yangyang thought that it would be necessary to put the children through the training since it would help them develop combat skills, which would come in handy when defending themselves at critical junctures.

However, they would be put through a hard time.

But then again, you only truly grow after going through hards.h.i.+p.

“I support your decision,” Mei Yangyang agreed with a nod.

Just as they arrived home, they received a phone call from the police, who told them to make a trip to the police station, claiming that Mei Shuangshuang and her accomplices had been arrested.

Mr. Mei flew into a rage the moment he heard about the matter and followed them to the police station.

As soon as she saw Mei Yangyang, Mei Shuangshuang sneered, “Mei Yangyang, didn’t you say that you wouldn’t call the cops?”

“Of course I had to. Or was I supposed to allow you another opportunity to kidnap my children in the future?” Mei Yangyang hissed, glowering at her.

Mei Shuangshuang was speechless. At last, she snapped, “You failed to keep your promise, you snitch!”

“We both know who the vile one is. You sold our parents’ home and stole Father’s jade pendant, which you then p.a.w.ned. Not long after, you even resorted to kidnapping my daughter to blackmail me for ten million dollars. Mei Shuangshuang, do you really think I transferred you the money?”

Astonishment was written all over Mei Shuangshuang’s face, as if to say, “Did you not?”

“I only sent you a pseudo text message using a special software. You went for wool and came back shorn, didn’t you?” Mei Yangyang said with a smirk.

“Mei Yangyang, you…”

“You tried to harm others, but you harmed yourself in the end. Not only did you disappoint Father, but you’ve let me, your biological sister, down as well. We’re no longer sisters from now onwards,” Mei Yangyang chastised, glaring at her.

“You’ve long stopped considering me as your sister. Quit being a hypocrite. I admit I’ve lost and got arrested.”

“There’s nothing you can do even if you deny it. Have fun spending the rest of your life in prison. I’ll take good care of Father.”

Mei Shuangshuang scoffed, “Do you really think I’ll be given a lifelong jail term? Extortion and blackmail usually only warrants a jail term of less than three years, and less than ten years in the case of extortion of a major sum. That wouldn’t take up the rest of my life.”

“Did you know? What you did was not purely blackmail. According to the law, kidnapping with the intentions of blackmail warrants a jail term exceeding ten years, or perhaps even a lifetime, including the confiscation of a.s.sets. Do you really think your brother-in-law and I will let you get away with a ten-year jail term?” Mei Yangyang retorted.

Upon hearing her words, Mei Shuangshuang was filled with fear and dismay at the thought of having to spend the rest of her life in prison.

“Sis, Sis, please spare me this time, okay? I’m barely twenty-six years old and I’ve yet to get married or bear any children. Sis, please let me off this time. I was wrong. I didn’t hurt Xiaoxi, did I?” Mei Shuangshuang pleaded.

Mei Yangyang kept a straight face and said, “Mei Shuangshuang, it’s too late now. You’ve completely hurt and let me down this time. I’m utterly disappointed in you, and I won’t forgive you ever again.”

She stood up and took one last glance at Mei Shuangshuang before leaving.

Mr. Mei entered next.

Upon sight of Mei Shuangshuang, he gave her a tight slap across her face forcefully in a moment of pique.

Mei Shuangshuang was giddy from the impact and swayed unsteadily, trying to support herself by grabbing onto the table.


“I don’t have a daughter like you. You’ve been causing us so much trouble ever since you began attending school when you were young. How many times has your sister gone to find you whenever you ran away from home? You’re both my daughters, yet why are you so different from your sister? Your sister dropped out of school early to work and provide for the family while I stayed home to look after your bedridden mother, cook your meals, and take care of the household What about you? Just how did you repay me and your sister? Shuangshuang, how many times do you have to hurt and disappoint us before it’s enough for you?” Mr. Mei chided, staring at her with tears in his eyes.

“Father, I was wrong. Could you ask Sis to spare me this time?”

Shaking his head, Mr. Mei answered, “Your sister is not the only one who won’t spare you. I can’t let you off either. Remain in prison and take the time to change your ways so as to turn over a new leaf. Actually, I feel rather safe about you being imprisoned. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about you being killed on the streets when you wander off alone outside. At least I’ll know that you’re still alive in prison. Shuangshuang, putting all the people you’ve let down aside, touch your heart and ask yourself, have you done yourself enough justice?”

Mei Shuangshuang remained silent.

After Mr. Mei left, the police informed Long Tianze that Xiaozong and his chubby friend had both pleaded guilty.

Xiaozong also owned up to cheating Mei Shuangshuang out of her money, which amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“Mrs. Long, would you like to tell your sister that she has been conned?” the police officer asked.

“Nah, you guys may tell her instead,” said Mei Yangyang, filled with an inexplicable feeling.

Mei Yangyang felt that Mei Shuangshuang was a willful and insensible person who did not know what was best for her. If she had decided to marry one of the many men Mei Yangyang had introduced her to back then, she would be living a blissful life now.

She often bit off more than she can chew.

Not long after they left the police station, the police officer informed Mei Shuangshuang in the interrogation room about Xiaozong devising a plan to dupe her.

Mei Shuangshuang broke down in despair the moment she heard his words and began screaming and bawling. She felt dejected and empty like a deflated balloon.

Hanging her head low, she began tearing up uncontrollably.

At this moment, she realized that the ten million dollars would have gone to their pockets too, should she have really managed to get hold of the money.

She would really have become a tool someone else used for cash.

“How long will I be imprisoned for?”

“We’ll only know that when the verdict comes out after you attend a trial in court.”

Mei Shuangshuang stared at the ground forlornly, well aware that prison awaits her.

She was overwhelmed with regret.

She deeply regretted her actions.


“Young Sir, here’s a detailed report and some photos that were taken today,” said Fan s.h.i.+xin, handing him a doc.u.ment.

Jin Qingyan took the doc.u.ment from his hands, and the first thing he did was to look through the photos.

The man and An Xiaoning were walking on the streets while chatting with each other merrily. An Xiaoning was smiling and appearing rather relaxed.

On the other hand, the man was dressed formally in a suit. He was tall and handsome, exuding a unique charm.

An increasingly gloomy expression formed on Jin Qingyan’s face as he proceeded to look at the other photos.

He then placed the photos onto the couch beside him and began reading the details of the report slowly.

It was a file.

There was a photo of the man, which was taken against a red background.

“Major… Ji Yu?” Jin Qingyan questioned with a frown.

“Yes. This is Commander-in-chief Jin’s subordinate whom he introduced to Ms. An. I heard that they had an enjoyable conversation for the whole of last afternoon. They even had dinner together at Commander-in-chief Jin’s home in the evening. Young Sir, Ms. An seems to have taken a liking to him too,” Fan s.h.i.+xin answered.

Jin Qingyan rolled his eyes and hissed, “You’re too talkative.”

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