The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 818: A Million Times For You (180)

Chapter 818: A Million Times For You (180)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“No wonder Mr. Gu is so anxious. But…” Lin Mingyuan’s smile faded. “I didn’t know about her pregnancy.”

“If they have a son…” Gu Dongcheng did not continue his sentence. Despite so, Lin Mingyuan knew exactly what he meant.

“If they have a son, it seems it would impact you more. After all, Gu Beicheng is now above you. If they have a son, even if he dies, everything he has will be left to the child. You won’t even stand a chance. But for me, it’s different. I just want Lin Mingxi alone to suffer. Isn’t it so?”

“What… do you mean by this?”

Lin Mingyuan chuckled. “Nothing much. It just means that our cooperation mainly counts on your effort. Whether it’s harsh enough depends on the master you find. I’ll head home now.”

She got up abruptly, turned, and left the café.

On the way back, Lin Mingyuan was pondering over how she should face her parents.

Ever since she fell out with them, she had not stepped into the Lin residence even once. Her parents had not gone to find her either.

It was thus evident that their falling out had truly soured the relations.h.i.+p between her and her parents.

Going back this time was also simply not out of her own will.

After she drove her car past the front gate of the Lin residence, Lin Mingyuan got down and entered the house.

Mr. Lin, Mrs. Lin, and Lin Mingxi were in the midst of chatting, and her sudden arrival put them in shock.

As a career woman in the business field, dealing with all sorts of situations was Lin Mingyuan’s strength.

Even after having a falling out with her parents for so long, she was still able to put on a calm and innocent smile, proving her top-notch acting skills as well.

“Father, Mother, I’m back.”

The couple exchanged glances and Mrs. Lin remarked in a grumpy tone, “What are you back for? I thought you weren’t ever coming back?”

“I’ve thought it through.” Lin Mingyuan went forward sincerely. “The two of you are my biological parents. How can I never come back? It was all my fault. Father, Mother, please forgive me. And Mingxi too, it was all Sis’s fault. Father and Mother only have us two daughters. If we fall out, it’ll only make them worried and upset.”

Her words struck a spot in her parents’ hearts, and Mrs. Lin’s eyes reddened as she said to Lin Mingxi, “Since your sister has already said this, you should let it go as well. You sisters living in harmony is what Father and Mother wish to see.”

When things take a wrong turn, something strange must be going on. This was a saying that Lin Mingxi had thought of at this moment.

If she had not grown up with her sister and developed a crystal-clear understanding of her character, she would have believed such nonsense from Lin Mingyuan along with her parents.

Putting on an act like this?

Who couldn’t do that?

“Wow, this doesn’t sound like something Sister would say. Did you get possessed by some spirit?” Seeing her parents’ faces stiffen, Lin Mingxi grinned as she went on, “To be able to see this side of my sister, I’m really relieved. After all, Sister has never allowed me to have better results than you when we were young. This habit of not wanting to lose has been developed since childhood. To see you being able to change this habit is really something I’ve never expected.”

“It was all Sister’s fault. Mingxi, Sis will apologize to you. No matter what, we’re biological sisters with blood relations. We should help each other out so that we won’t be bullied by outsiders.”

“Correct, correct. Your sister’s right.” Mrs. Lin was absolutely overjoyed. Ever since she had fallen out with her elder daughter, it had become a huge concern in her heart.

Lin Mingxi remarked with a faint smile, “How could that possibly happen? I haven’t really had outsiders bully me. As for this biological sister of mine, though, she’s never merciful when she bullies me. I’ve grown used to it already. After getting married and growing past the age of thirty, I’ve already straightened out my thinking. But, Father, Mother, there’s something I must make clear to you both. Currently, the only people who know the specific details of my birth are the two of you. If Father and Mother don’t want your daughter to die, the two of you should probably keep this to yourselves forever. Take it as a request from your daughter.”

Logically speaking, she and Lin Mingyuan were biological sisters and they should have been well aware of each other’s birth characters. But, in reality, this wasn’t the case.

Since they were young, they did not have a good relations.h.i.+p and never celebrated each other’s birthdays. As for their specific birth details, they never bothered to ask their parents either. Toward each other’s affairs, they were completely indifferent. This had led to the present situation wherein Lin Mingyuan was unaware of her sister’s specific birth details.

Mrs. Lin gestured with her hands as she promised, “Father and Mother know that. We won’t ever reveal both your birth characters.”

“Then, Father, Mother, I’ll go back first.”

“Alright. Drive safely, Mingxi.”


After Lin Mingxi had left, Lin Mingyuan changed the image she’d always had and started engaging in a friendly chat with her parents patiently. Their originally soured relations.h.i.+p was restored through this chat. Parents were always able to forgive their children, yet in most cases, children could never learn to understand their parents.

This was something revealed in conflicts in many families.

“Mingyuan, you’re already past thirty. Look at Mingxi, she’s already pregnant. When will you put aside your work and have a baby? Women recover from childbirth easier when they’re younger. Given your age, it’ll already be considered high-risk if you have a baby now…”

Lin Mingyuan tried to suppress her annoyance toward Mrs. Lin’s nagging and replied, “Mother, must a woman have a child in her lifetime? Let’s not talk about the loss of figure during pregnancy, having a baby means that I have to care of it my whole life. Life is so short, I don’t want to waste it on a child.”

“Look at yourself, you’re being a typical selfish person. You can have all the money in the world, but you won’t have someone to call you Mother. What’s the point?”

“Who says so? I can spend money to hire people to call me Mother every day. Plenty of people are willing to do so.”

Mrs. Lin frowned. “How is that the same?”

“Everyone has their own preferences. I don’t like children.”

“Do as you please, then.” Mrs. Lin did not want to argue with her daughter who had just returned.

“Mother, I’ll accompany the two of you this afternoon. Then, we’ll have a good meal for lunch. We’ll have Father’s favorite wine served. I’ll spend time with you guys.”


At the shareholders’ meeting, Jin Qingyan’s proposal to acquire Ye Corporation pa.s.sed through with a unanimous vote of agreement. Before the shareholders made their decision, some had expressed their bewilderment toward this proposal. They felt that a huge company like the Ye Corporation that had been reduced to shreds had already lost its acquisition value.

Jin Qingyan responded, “If it has no acquisition value, why do you think I initiated this proposal? I have my own reasons, naturally. The Ye Corporation is a new target I’ve set my eyes on. I want to change its brand name and, given the ability I have, I’ll be able to bring this subsidiary company back to life again under our leaders.h.i.+p. Do you not trust my judgment?”

“Of course not, Chairman…”

“I’ve said, don’t call me Chairman. It just sounds like a name for an elder.”

“Yes, CEO Jin. We naturally trust your judgment. But, I’m afraid Ye Xiaotian won’t sell it.”

“When the prey spots the hunter carrying a gun aiming at it, it’ll naturally struggle and run away. The fiercer the struggle it puts up, the stronger is the inner desperation it possesses to live. However, no matter how fiercely it tries to escape, it will still not be a match against the gun that has already been aimed at it properly. There’s no need to be anxious about this issue. I believe he will sell it to us someday.”

After the meeting had ended, Jin Qingyan ordered his men to contact Ye Corporation and discuss the issue about the acquisition.

Just as they had expected, Ye Xiaotian immediately rejected the offer. He made it clear that he would never sell it and asked Jin Qingyan to stop dreaming.

“CEO Jin, what should we do now?”

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