The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 1140: I Want to Make You Stay (18)

Chapter 1140: I Want to Make You Stay (18)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Fang Erlan then placed the steamed pea cake that she was holding inside her mouth. The sweet aroma of green peas satisfied all her cravings.

She would usually refrain from eating at night, for fear that she would end up gaining weight.

However, she actually polished several pieces of the cakes in one go.

Fortunately, they were rather small and she could finish all of them.

After having their fill, the three of them stood up and prepared to return to the hotel.

It was already past midnight.

As soon as they stepped foot outside, they heard Yu Caiwei yelling, “Sis, that’s him!”

The three of them turned around and caught sight of the Yu sisters. There were a few bodyguards behind Yu Caiwei, as well as her manager.

“That’s right, I’m talking about you. What are you looking at? You poured a bowl of noodles over my head at the restaurant.”

There was no one else around.

Remaining calm and composed, Xiao Chenyang retorted, “Did you tell your sister why I had done that?”

Yu Caiwei rolled her eyes and said, “Sis, let’s go…”

“Wait for me in the car while I say a few words to Ms. Fang.”

“What’s there to say to her?”

Glaring at her sister coldly, Yu Yiwei ordered, “Get inside the car immediately.”

Yu Caiwei had no choice but to leave with her bodyguards.

After they left, Yu Yiwei said, “Ms. Fang, my sister may already be 30 years old, but she’s still a spoiled brat who speaks whatever’s on her mind. She rarely spares a thought for the feelings of others. Please be understanding and forgive her if she offends you. Don’t stoop to her level.”

Seeing how polite she was, Fang Erlan said, “You’re being too courteous, Ms. Yu. My people and I will never create trouble unless someone provokes us first.”

“I’ll definitely lecture and warn her from now on. I’ll take my leave now, then.”


As soon as she left, Xiao Yue walked in front, leaving the other two behind.

“You said that I’m your person?”

Fang Erlan answered, “You’re my bodyguard now. Doesn’t that make you my person?”

“Yes, I’ve always been yours.”

A warm fuzzy feeling filled Fang Erlan’s heart. She did not expect him to be so meticulous as to buy her some steamed pea cakes right after she mentioned that she was craving for them.

“I’m in a good mood today, I shall reward you later.”

Xiao Chenyang asked, “What reward?”

“You’ll find out when we’re back in the hotel.”

Xiao Chenyang felt a little excited the moment he heard her words.


Yu Yiwei got inside Yu Caiwei’s nanny van and said to the chauffeur, “Start driving.”

The car moved off while the two bodyguards chaperoning Yu Yiwei followed closely behind.

“Sis, what’s going on? Why were you so polite to them?”

“You dimwit. You’ve lived the thirty years of your life in vain,” Yu Yiwei chided.

“What did I do wrong?” Yu Caiwei asked in bewilderment.

“Tell me, why did he pour the noodles over your head? He couldn’t have done it without any rhyme or reason, could he?”


“You’re not going to tell me the exact reason. Actually, I can already guess that you were the one who incurred his wrath first. Also, stop provoking Fang Erlan and her bodyguard.”

“Bodyguard? You mean that gigolo? He’s so self-righteous and arrogant just because he knows he’s handsome. I asked him if he wanted to work under me and yet he put on airs…”

Her voice faded as she realized that her sister was glaring at her.

“Gigolo? If you dare say that in front of him, I doubt I’ll be able to see you alive and kicking tomorrow, Caiwei. Do you know who he is?”

“Sis, who is he?”

“Forget it, just remember not to make those nasty remarks when you see him again. Think twice before you speak and filter your words.”

As curious as a cat, Yu Caiwei said, “Sis, hurry and tell me, just who is he? Don’t tell me, he’s the illegitimate child of the current president?”

“Don’t spout nonsense. He’s not.”

“Just who is he, then?”

“You don’t have to know who he is. Just know that he’s someone whom you can’t afford to provoke.”

Yu Caiwei said bluntly, “I don’t believe it. If he’s really that invincible, why would he become Fang Erlan’s bodyguard?”

Yu Yiwei had been pondering over that question as well. However, she had also heard from Xihou Jiaping that he did not manage to find anything unusual after testing and sounding Fang Erlan out.

Xiao Chenyang is probably just disguising as her bodyguard to give himself a suitable pseudo-ident.i.ty, she thought.

“Whenever I tell you something, all you do is retort and go against me. I came to B City tonight at such a late hour simply because I wanted to instruct you not to be so compet.i.tive all the time. Caiwei, what’s the harm in having a glibber tongue sometimes? It’s not going to hurt. Caiwei, I shall be frank with you. Fang Erlan’s bodyguard is of the same caliber as Jin Qingyan. If you can win his heart, you’re in for a blissful life,” said Yu Yiwei.

“Why must I win his heart? What other attributes does he have apart from being handsome? Besides, there’s someone whom I just can’t get over.”

“I’m just making an a.s.sumption. Even if you don’t fancy him, don’t offend him either. When you see Fang Erlan in the future, be more polite to her. At the end of the day, you’re colleagues working in the same production. Don’t be so petty.”

“Sis, you have no idea. I’ll never be able to be polite to her,” said Yu Caiwei, closing her eyes and leaning back against the chair.

Seeing how stubborn she was, Yu Yiwei said, “Why are you so obstinate and rebellious?”

“I’m an adult, not a child. Sis, you don’t have to meddle with all my affairs. I would still be polite on the surface to other actresses that I dislike. However, Fang Erlan is an exception.”

“Just tell me why.”

“My ex-boyfriend seems to have started dating her, but it’s not confirmed yet. However, I have a feeling that that’s the case.”

“So what if your ex-boyfriend is dating her now? How does it concern you? Don’t tell me, you still can’t forget him?”

“I can’t.”

Staring out of the window, Yu Yiwei said to her, “Don’t ever get embroiled in a messy relations.h.i.+p when you still have feelings for someone. If you really can’t let go of him, you may s.n.a.t.c.h him back openly, but don’t put all the blame on an innocent party. Otherwise, you’d definitely regret it.”


“Sis, what’s wrong with you?” asked Yu Caiwei, who was puzzled about her sister acting out of the ordinary. To her knowledge, her sister had always been standoffish and would rarely talk to anyone. She had always been quiet and reserved around strangers, unlike the way she had acted just now.

“You’d better bear my words in mind. My advice is only going to do you good.”


Xiao Chenyang asked, “What reward?”

“Lie down on the bed.”

He did as he was told and lay down. He then c.o.c.ked his head toward the side to see that she was kneeling down beside him and ma.s.saging him gently with her tiny hands.

Xiao Chenyang’s body stiffened. Beaming with joy, he asked, “Are you giving me a ma.s.sage?”

“Yes, I am, but you’ll have to go back to the ninth floor later, okay?”

“Turns out there’s a condition,” he drawled with raised brows.

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