The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 1223: I Want to Make You Stay (101)

Chapter 1223: I Want to Make You Stay (101)

Although he did not actually mind since she was already his, knowing that there was someone thinking about his person, could he possibly feel happy about it?

“What did you tell him?”

“I told him there’s no need for that.”

Xiao Chenyang nodded in satisfaction. “Well done. This is your reward, enjoy it well.”

“You hurry up, Xiao Yue won’t take very long to buy the food.”

“It’ll still have to wait until I’m satisfied.”

Inside the ward, their romantic act continued until Xiao Yue’s voice sounded outside the door. “Doctor, your s.h.i.+ft is over already?”

Fang Erlan quivered in shock for a moment and gave him a push. “Get off.”

But he simply refused to.

He swiftly made a few jerking movements before finally getting down from her.

When Xiao Yue entered the ward carrying food in her hands, she sniffed a few times and remarked, “What smell is this in the room…?”

With sweat still trickling on her, Fang Erlan answered without pausing in between, “What else could it be other than the smell of the disinfectant solution? What did you buy?”

“Other than your ginseng and red date chicken soup, as well as two sunny-side ups, I bought fried noodles and some dishes for Cousin and me.”

Xiao Chenyang reached out and took his portion, then placed it on a disposable container. The three then started to eat together.

Fang Erlan was half-leaning against the bed rest and ate in a rather uncomfortable position.

She had yet to clean herself up and felt extremely uncomfortable, yet the one who started it appeared as if nothing had happened at all.

Finally, when everyone had finished eating, Fang Erlan said, “Xiao Yue, since it’s not dark yet, you should hurry and return to the hotel. Call me if there’s anything.”

“Alright. Then, Sis Erlan, Cousin, I’ll be leaving first.” She picked up the rubbish bag and left the ward.

“Hurry and help me wipe myself,” she said anxiously.

He locked the door from the inside and finally lifted the blanket before using tissue to help her wipe her body.

“I really want to see how my child looks like. Maybe it’s already starting to form in your stomach right now.”

Fang Erlan did not know whether to cry or laugh at his comment. “How can it possibly be so fast?”

“Don’t tell me the other afternoon at the hotel wasn’t counted?”

“Do you think you’re that powerful to succeed in just one try?”

“You’ll know the answer to that very soon.” He gave her some warning in advance, “If you get pregnant before you finish filming this show, then after filming ends, you’re not to take on another job anymore.”

Fang Erlan asked, “Then, after I give birth, can I still continue acting?”

“Erlan, I hope that after the filming for this show ends, we can lead a life that we want together. There are too many disputes in the entertainment industry, and I don’t wish for you to continue living under the public eye. Other than such a lifestyle, I can allow you to lead any other kind of life you want.”

Fang Erlan suddenly thought of what Yan Ge had once said to her. He asked her if she would give up her career for someone she cared about.

She had answered him, “Can’t that person and my career co-exist?”

But Yan Ge continued to probe, “Will you?”

She then answered, “If I would really give up my career for someone I care about, then that person must be more important than my own life.”

She grinned as she looked at Xiao Chenyang. “I love you.”

He reached out to touch her face and replied, “I love you, too.”

The two locked eyes and exchanged a smile, looking like two complete fools.


At 5 am in the morning, An Xiaoning woke up to see a figure standing on the balcony.

She lifted the blanket off of her and got off the bed before slowly heading toward the balcony door. “What are you looking at instead of sleeping?”

“Why are you awake?”

“I slept too early last night, so I just naturally woke up.”

She walked to the railing, feeling a slight ache from the bandaged part of her head, though it did not hurt as much as it did yesterday.

Gazing at the sky that was still dark, she sighed. “We really wake up earlier than roosters and sleep later than dogs.”

He frowned. “Even if you want to be a rooster or a dog, please don’t drag me into it.”

“I’m just using that as a comparison.”

“I don’t like comparing such animals to myself.”

An Xiaoning gazed at him. “Then, what animal do you want to use to compare to yourself?”

“There’s no animal out there that can bring out the unique charm I possess.”

An Xiaoning sneered, “Can you get more narcissistic than this? The ancestors of men are apes, and you dare say that no animal can bring out the unique charm you possess? You should think before saying such arrogant words, because I keep having the feeling that you’re trying to imply that you’re not human.”


An Xiaoning felt that it was rather humid outside and was about to return inside when her phone started to ring.

Ninety-eight percent of people tend to look at the caller display before they pick up the phone.

After all, only after looking at it will one know the ident.i.ty of the person calling.

She was no exception.

This time, however, the caller display was empty.

She picked up her phone and slid the “answer” b.u.t.ton.


It was silent on the other end of the line.

An Xiaoning repeated herself, “h.e.l.lo, who is this?”

Still, there was no reply.

She took another glance at the display screen and asked once more, “h.e.l.lo? Please speak or I’m hanging up.”

There was still no answer. It was complete silence on the other end, so she simply hung up the call.

She also glanced at the time, which showed that it was 5:08 am.

Henry entered the room from the balcony and asked, “Who was that?”

“I don’t know, the caller didn’t say anything, and there was no number on the caller display either. Can you call me using your phone? I want to see if my phone is faulty.”

“Okay.” He took out his phone and called her. Her phone rang and the caller display wasn’t empty. When she picked it up, she could also hear him speaking.

That went to show that it wasn’t her phone that was faulty.

An Xiaoning lay down on the hospital bed, still feeling that there was something strange about that call.

But she had no idea if her intuition was right either.

“When daylight comes, help me to sign my discharge papers.”

Henry rejected her request immediately. “No way. You just got hospitalized yesterday, how can you get discharged today? The doctor said you’ll suffer some symptoms of concussion.”

“Then, after I have my drip in the afternoon, drive me to Heyuan Mountain.”

“What are you going there for?”

“Don’t be nosy.”


s.h.i.+ Bao’er had suffered terribly last night.

Having been around those snakes for the whole night, she was in so much shock that she was dumbfounded.

After she was brought out by No. 5, s.h.i.+ Bao’er started bursting into loud wails. No. 5 ignored her and found some clothes for her to change into, then made some food and drinks for her.

Only after she was done drinking and eating did she ask in a low voice, “No. 5, where is my Auntie?”

No. 5 darted her a glance and ignored her question.

s.h.i.+ Bao’er hurriedly corrected herself. “Uncle No. 5, where has my Auntie gone to?”

“Don’t bother about where your Auntie has gone to. You should go and hunt for a small animal now. Remember, this is your third time.”

“I got it.” Although s.h.i.+ Bao’er did not hear him mention the consequences she would face if she escaped again this time, she was already quite clear about it inside. If she were to escape again, the consequences were unimaginable.

“Alright. Bring some food and drinks too. Go on.”

s.h.i.+ Bao’er took the food and drinks and went on her way.

This time, she did not walk on the same path she had the previous two times but went to the path on the side.

There were more small animals on the mountain, such as chickens, rabbits, and birds.

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