The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 431: The Secret About the Past (49)

Chapter 431: The Secret About the Past (49)

Translator:Atlas Studios

Editor:Atlas Studios

Theyused to share a close mother-and-son relations.h.i.+p in the past. However,after all the unhappy events, they had grown rather distant from eachother. It was truly rare to hear him apologize to her.

"You sillychild. I really don"t know what to say about you. Why did you make awill at such a young age? You"ve bequeathed all your a.s.sets and companyshares to your wife and son, yet you only left your mother with anent.i.tlement to a meager amount of monthly maintenance fees. Are yourbrains fried?" Mrs. Jin chided.

Jin Qingyan was stunned to hear that he had bequeathed all of his a.s.sets to his wife and son.

He began to wonder how much he actually loved his wife and son to have decided to make such an extreme decision.

"Why aren"t you speaking?" Mrs. Jin asked with a frown.

"Mother, Brother is suffering from amnesia," Jin Qingyue blurted.

Mrs. Jin broke down into tears again and began bawling even more loudly.

There was no end to her tears and she could not get a grip on her emotions.

JinQingyue could not tolerate her overly-dramatic mother any further andinterjected, "Mother, do you think you"re a waterfall? Are you donecrying yet? It"s time to let Brother speak."

Mrs. Jin wiped thetears off her face with her hand and asked, "Okay, I"ll stop crying.When did you come back? Quick, tell Mother, how did you survive andescape death?"



An Xiaoning had earnedherself two more sets of parents, two brothers, and a sister afteracknowledging the Jin and Lin families.

Once the ceremony ended,she continued to chat with them for an extended period of time sincethere were a lot to catch up on after not seeing them in so long.

Jin Qingyan and Jin Qingyue stayed behind at Mrs. Jin"s place for a long while.

Even by the time An Xiaoning arrived home, they had still not returned yet.

"Young Madam, here"s an invitation sent by Mr. Gu."

An Xiaoning grabbed the invitation to see that it was a wedding invitation.

The wedding was to be held a few days later.

If she remembered correctly, his wedding date was very close to that of Gu Dongcheng"s.

The Gu family would be welcoming two daughters-in-law very soon.

It seemed they would be making the headlines.

An Xiaoning heaved a sigh as she sat on the swing with the invitation card in her hands.

She could only truly relax when she was alone.

Shesat on the swing all by herself, with no one around to disturb herpeace. She looked up at the sun, which disappeared gradually.

She watched as the sky turned dark slowly.

Yet another day pa.s.sed.

Jin Qingyan only returned home at night.

"Where have you been?"

"I went to Mother"s place and had dinner there."

"Why didn"t you give me a call? Have you lost your intelligence along with your memory?" An Xiaoning chided.

"I don"t have a mobile phone."

AnXiaoning turned around and made her way upstairs. He hurriedly chasedafter her, thinking that she was angry. To his surprise, he entered thebedroom to see An Xiaoning retrieving a brand new mobile handset fromthe drawer. It was the exact same model as the one he used previously.

"Here, your favorite mobile phone model."

Jin Qingyan took the mobile phone from her hand and took a look at it before asking her, "Have you had your dinner?"

"No, because I was waiting for you. Accompany me to have dinner," An Xiaoning said with raised brows.

"I"ve already eaten."

"I said, accompany me," she reiterated.

Hehad no choice but to follow her downstairs while holding the mobilephone in his hands. He sat down opposite her and stared at her while sheate.

An Xiaoning mixed her beloved dish, fermented beancurd inchili sauce, together with some white rice, which caught Jin Qingyan bysurprise.

"Does that even taste nice?"

"Would I eat it if it doesn"t? Auntie Chen prepared these for me because she knows it"s my favorite dish. It"s delicious."

"It doesn"t look delicious at all. By the way, where"s Yiheng?"

"He"s playing opposite."


"Tianze"s place."

AnXiaoning wolfed the food down hastily and choked on the food all of asudden as a result of eating too quickly. Jin Qingyan hurriedly fed hersome milk while patting her back to help her relieve the discomfort.

She drank the milk and gazed at him while he continued to pat her back gently.

"Easy does it. Eat slowly."

An Xiaoning pouted her lips and closed her eyes.

Jin Qingyan hesitated for a long while and did not reciprocate her invitation for a kiss.

She opened her eyes and continued to eat her food without uttering another word, as if nothing had happened at all.

However, she felt a tinge of sadness deep down in her heart.

Ifit had been in the past when he was not suffering from amnesia, hewould have definitely kissed her back pa.s.sionately at the sight of herasking for a kiss, instead of reacting the way he did earlier — hesitantand afraid, though she was not sure if he was afraid or simplyunwilling to kiss her.

However, she was understanding towards his aloof behavior since things were different now.

Jin Qingyan returned to his seat and stared at An Xiaoning, who appeared rather upset.

He wondered if she was disappointed because he did not kiss her earlier.

Thus, he continued to sit in his seat and watched her eat.

When she was done with her meal, he realized that there were several grains of rice stuck on the corners of her lips.

He reached out to pinch the grains off her face, after which she stood up to bring her bowl and chopsticks to the kitchen.

She clutched her chest while standing by the kitchen cabinet.

Why did such a small gesture of his seem to take me back to the initial days of our relations.h.i.+p?she wondered to herself.

Sincehe doesn"t know who I am right now, I might as well take it that I"vejust met him. It"s not too bad an idea to start from ground zero, is it?

An Xiaoning smiled at the thought of her new perspective and turned around to exit the kitchen.

"Mommy, I"m home!" Jin Yiheng exclaimed gleefully and skipped towards the couch, where he sat down beside Jin Qingyan.

"Daddy, shall we continue playing that game?" he asked excitedly, completely unaware of his father"s memory loss.

"What game?"

"This one. You were the one who taught me how to play it," said Jin Yiheng, handing him the gaming console.

"Oh,this." Jin Qingyan turned on the console instinctively and beganpressing on the b.u.t.tons to begin playing the first round of the game.

"I"m going upstairs to get some rest. Yiheng still has school to attend tomorrow morning," said An Xiaoning.

"Got it!" Jin Qingyan and Jin Yiheng chorused.

Afterwatching An Xiaoning"s figure vanish from the stairwell, Jin Qingyanasked softly, "Do you think your Mommy and I get along well?"


"No?" Jin Qingyan asked in astonishment.

"Yeah,you make Mommy cry every night and there"ll always be a pile of tissueson the floor afterwards. I even hear Mommy begging you for mercy atmidnight."

Jin Qingyan was greatly taken aback and began to wonder if he used to be a violent man.

"How does your Mommy beg for mercy?"

"Mommy always yells, "Don"t continue anymore… stop, I"m dying.""

Jin Qingyan was shocked beyond words.

Didn"tthey all say that our relations.h.i.+p was going well? Otherwise, how couldI have possibly bequeathed all my a.s.sets and shares to her and our son?

What was going on?

"Did we argue often?"

"No," Jin Yiheng answered while staring at the screen of the console.

They got into a physical fight without arguing?

Did I use to only resort to violence?

The puzzled and confused Jin Qingyan was filled with questions.

AnXiaoning had been waiting for Jin Qingyan to come upstairs so theycould go to bed together. However, he had still yet to return to thebedroom even after a long time.

Thus, she decided to go downstairs to call them.

"It"s getting late. Yiheng, go back to your room. Time for bed."

"Mommy, I want to sleep together with you tonight. May I?" asked Jin Yiheng.

"No," An Xiaoning refuted.


"Because I want to sleep with Daddy tonight. You can"t sleep with us."

"Why do you ever only sleep with Daddy and not me…"

"No whys. Hurry and go to bed. Don"t forget, you still have school tomorrow morning."

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