The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 641: A Million Times for You (3)

Chapter 641: A Million Times for You (3)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“You don’t have to thank me. We’re friends, it’s only right that I help you. I’m going to attend the exercise boot camp later and I won’t be able to come by frequently throughout it. But I promise I’ll play with you again when I’m back,” Long Xiaoxi said with a smile.

He nodded earnestly and said, “That’s a deal, then.”

“Yes, deal.”

The two of them giggled while looking at each other.

After leaving Zhong Minhe’s house, Long Xiaoxi quickly strode back home.

Once she approached the swing, she caught sight of Xiaohua and Wen Yuechan sitting on the swing.

She walked towards them, thinking that Xiaohua had come to play with her.

“Did you know that Xiaoxi’s hair had been snipped off by a bad uncle?” Wen Yuechan asked Xiaohua.

“I know, her hair is all gone. It’s hideous. I feel so sorry for Xiaoxi,” said Xiaohua, holding onto the ropes of the swing.

“She can wear a hat now that it’s winter. But if it were summertime, she definitely wouldn’t dare to step foot out of the house,” Wen Yuechan remarked with a snicker.

Her laughter was particularly harsh-sounding to Long Xiaoxi.

Long Xiaoxi stepped forward and glowered at her. “Is it really that funny?”

Wen Yuechan and Xiaohua were both surprised to find that she was standing behind them. Xiaohua got down from the swing and said, “Xiaoxi.”

Long Xiaoxi glared at Wen Yuechan and scorned, “Who said you could sit on my swing? Get down now.”

Wen Yuechan stood up and scoffed, “It’s just a swing. How petty.”

“So what if I’m petty? Is it any of your business? My hair will always grow back. What’s wrong? I’ll still go out as usual even if it were summer.”

Wen Yuechan chuckled without uttering another word.

Long Xiaoxi looked at Xiaohua and said, “What’s wrong with being hideous? I’m not pitiful at all, I’m doing very well. If you want to play with her, don’t come and play with me ever again.”


Long Xiaoxi then stormed off in a huff.

Being young and prideful, she could not tolerate the criticism and snide remarks of others.

Upon sight of Ji Gui, Jin Yiheng, and Long Wenlun coming out of the door, Xiaohua got inside the car immediately without saying a word.

Long Wenlun and the rest got inside the car and asked Long Xiaoxi, “Xiaoxi, why are you angry again? Daddy promised to let Minhe get prosthetic arms. Weren’t you happy about that?”

Long Xiaoxi grabbed his hand and exclaimed, “Brother, I really hate Wen Yuechan. I detest her so, so much. I don’t want to see her at all!”

“If you don’t like her, I’ll dislike her too. I’ll definitely stand on your side,” said Long Wenlun.

“Brother, you’re so good to me. So much better than Brother Yiheng.”

“That’s because you’re my biological sister, of course I’d have to treat you well.”


An Xiaoning finally saw Long Tianze’s car after waiting outside the academy for a long time.

Once the car pulled over at the entrance, the five children alighted, one after another. Jin Yiheng scrambled toward An Xiaoning gleefully upon sight of her. “Mommy!”

An Xiaoning held his hand and asked softly, “Did Daddy tell you what you’re here for?”

“Yes. I’m not intimidated at all,” he answered.

An Xiaoning smiled joyously and said, “Will you show Mommy your determination then? If you persevere through the camp, Mommy will visit you every month.”

“Really? Awesome, I’ll push through it to the end,” Jin Yiheng exclaimed, raising his chin merrily.

“h.e.l.lo, Auntie,” Wen Yuechan greeted.


An Xiaoning then walked toward Long Xiaoxi and bent forward to ask, “What happened to you, Xiaoxi? Why do you seem so upset?”

“I’m happy to see you, G.o.dma. G.o.dma, I really missed you,” Long Xiaoxi said coquettishly, draping her arms around An Xiaoning’s neck.

An Xiaoning picked her up in her arms and said to Mei Yangyang, “Look how glib of a tongue she’s got.”

“That’s true,” Mei Yangyang agreed, smiling.

Jin Qingyan and Long Tianze walked at the back together with the other parents.

The instructors, Chen Xu and Jin Shan, stood by the door to welcome them. Everyone greeted each other enthusiastically after having not seen each other in a long time.

“Xiaoning, time has left its trace on all of us, but why do you look like you haven’t aged one bit at all?” Jin Shan remarked with raised brows.

“I’m a natural beauty. What’s so strange about that?”

Jin Shan burst into laughter and said, “Not bad, you’re still the Xiaoning I know from years ago.”

“We’ll trouble you and Instructor Chen to take care of these five kids. I know you guys haven’t handled children before, but there’s a first for everything. I’ll make things clear beforehand. You have to be strict with them. I hope to see a great change in them after they’re done with the boot camp. You guys will then become highly-esteemed benefactors,” An Xiaoning said truthfully.

“Look how much you’re flattering us. Rest a.s.sured, we’ll know what to do. I’ll arrange an appropriate schedule for them, which includes breaks and time slots for studying. They’ll enjoy a carefree childhood while also receiving a proper education,” Chen Xu said with a smile.

“I have faith in you guys.”

They then handed the children over to the instructors, along with some bodyguards and servants to look after them, giving the parents peace of mind.

Mei Yangyang and An Xiaoning were filled with a mix of emotions when they stepped foot into the academy again after so many years.

Back then, they stayed at the academy for a substantial amount of time.

They lived a disciplined and routine-based life of going to bed on time, waking up on time, and showing up at the training ground on time every day.

“Sis, I was really terrified when I first heard about the exercise boot camp. However, our fear vanished when we began the training proper. I think this is a place where one can put their minds and bodies through vigorous and essential training. Well, at least, it was a place that played a part in our growth,” said Mei Yangyang.

An Xiaoning agreed with a nod, “Indeed. This is the very reason why I agreed to let Yiheng enroll in the boot camp. Even if he can’t persist until the end, it’s necessary for him to develop grit and tenacity.”

“Sis, what do you plan to work on lately?”

“A television drama that Mingxi and I have invested in together. We just discussed it recently, and Director Jing has also given us the playbook. We’ve settled on a historical drama.”

“Since you plan to invest in films, dramas, as well as media productions, why don’t you set up a studio? You can hire people to manage the studio while you make all the major decisions and collect the earnings. It won’t be tiring either, though you’d have to be worried,” Mei Yangyang suggested.

“There are very few people I can trust.” An Xiaoning stopped in her tracks and held onto the railing before continuing, “Why don’t you take charge? You’ll have ample time since the kids happen to be at the academy right now.”

“Are you serious about it?” Mei Yangyang asked.

“Yes, if you take over the managing duties, I’ll accept your suggestion and we’ll set up an entertainment studio. We’ll recruit directors, scriptwriters, authors, actors, and models…”

Mei Yangyang chuckled and said, “Just so happens that Tianze deals with the entertainment industry, we can cooperate with him too…”

“Correct. Mingxi and I split the revenue from the investment in the television drama. If you and I work together, we shall split the earnings equally too. What do you think?”

“It’s settled then. Just come up with half the capital and I’ll handle the rest. I’ll discuss all major decisions with you,” Mei Yangyang agreed.

“Where else could I possibly find such a great partner like you? You have to put in both money and effort,” said An Xiaoning, grinning widely.

“I’m willing as long as I get to work with you, Sis.”

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