The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 676: A Million Times for You (38)

Chapter 676: A Million Times for You (38)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Who does he think he is? I told him that I had lost all faith in him, and he said that he would give me everything he has. I was touched to hear his words at first, but my rationality soon kicked in.”

“You’re the only person who would think that way. If other women were in your position, they’d jump at the chance and throw themselves at him immediately. But that just goes to show that he loves you for the genuine and non-materialistic woman you are,” said Lin Mingxi, green with envy.

“Let’s not talk about him anymore.” An Xiaoning took a seat on the couch and continued, “Let’s have dinner with the directors, producers, screenwriters, and actors tonight.”

“Filming is about to begin soon. I’ve read the plot and script for the first ten episodes of the drama. It’s great. This screenwriter is really something.”

“I’ve read through it once a few days ago too. It’s pretty impressive, I can rest my mind now. I have a hunch.”

“What is it?”

“We’ll make big earnings from our investment in this drama series. I trust my judgment.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Missy, here’s a parcel for you.” The butler hurriedly handed her a package.

“For me?” An Xiaoning opened the parcel to see that it contained a wedding invite. She then glanced at Lin Mingxi and said, “It’s from the Autumn Palace.”

“You turned down Tuoba Gucheng’s wedding invitation previously with the excuse of being severely injured. I doubt you can shun it this time.”

An Xiaoning scrutinized the wedding invite and said fearlessly, “I’ll turn up for it then. What’s there to be afraid of?”

“Aren’t you afraid that your voice would be recognized?”

“Tuoba Gucheng has already recognized my voice, but Tuoba Danxue merely found it to be a coincidence. As for Tuoba Rui and s.h.i.+ Xiaoyu, they’ve both heard me speak when I was a bodyguard at the Autumn Palace. However, I don’t know if they can remember it. But even if they do, there’s no evidence to prove that I’m Mu Ning. I’ll just let nature take its course.”

“You’re really calm and fearless, aren’t you?”

“Of course. I’ve always been like this. Didn’t you know, my beloved Consort?” An Xiaoning jested.

Lin Mingxi poked her forehead and said, “Let’s go, it’s time for breakfast.”


“The acting coach has given you enough tips for now, the rest will have to depend on you. There’s a dinner tonight with the directors, screenwriter, and main actors. It’ll be your first time meeting the production team members. Remember, talk less and pay attention to what they say for the most bit,” Mei Yangyang instructed.

“Got it. Sis, what if Yan Ge dislikes me?” Fang Erlan asked. She had yet to tell Mei Yangyang that she had already met Yan Ge on her own.

Mei Yangyang rea.s.sured her, “The contracts have already been signed. There’s nothing he can do even if he dislikes you. I don’t think he will, though. Sis and I both think you’re great. Yan Ge may be arrogant, but he’s definitely not unreasonable.”

Fang Erlan felt like a heavy rock had been lifted off her chest. She had been familiarizing herself with the character she would be playing in the drama, thus making it much easier for her to get into the role, along with the help of the acting coach. Besides, she had also memorized her lines for the first ten episodes of the drama. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for me, I must treasure it and do my best! she thought to herself, filled with confidence.

“I’ll get someone to deliver you some clothes from a luxury label later. I’ll also send an a.s.sistant to help you out.”

“Thank you, Sis Yangyang.”

“It’s only my duty. I’m going out now,” said Mei Yangyang, waving her goodbye.


After taking a warm shower, Fang Erlan exited the bathroom, clad in a bathrobe. Soon, she heard a knock on the door.

“Who is it?”

“h.e.l.lo, Sis Erlan. I’m Xiao Yue, your a.s.sistant.”

Fang Erlan hurriedly opened the door to see a short-haired girl who then entered with a few sets of clothing. “Sis Yangyang told me to deliver these to you. They’re all brand new. She wants you to pick one to wear to the dinner tonight,” she said with a smile.

“Alright.” After closing the door, Fang Erlan again asked, “Are you really my a.s.sistant?”

“Of course I am.”

Fang Erlan was from a humble background and had always been cast for minor or insignificant roles in films and drama series, ever since she graduated from the theater arts academy. Hence, she was thrilled and overjoyed to have a personal a.s.sistant for the first time.

“How old are you?” Fang Erlan asked.

“I’m twenty years old.”

“I’m three years older than you.” Fang Erlan picked out one of the outfits and said, “I shall wear this tonight.”

“Alright, I’ll hang the rest in the closet.” Fang Erlan was pleased to see how hardworking Xiao Yue was as the latter proceeded to tidy up the place after hanging the clothes inside the closet. She had taken a genuine liking to her new a.s.sistant.

At about six o’clock in the evening, Mei Yangyang sent Fang Erlan the dinner location and instructed her to make her way there herself.

Fang Erlan did not bring her a.s.sistant along and instead headed to the agreed upon location in a taxi.

The skies were gloomy. She was the first one to arrive at the private dining room of the hotel restaurant.

Due to the heavy traffic, the rest of the invited guests had yet to arrive. Thus, Fang Erlan had no choice but to keep waiting alone.

More than ten minutes later, the door opened and Yan Ge entered with his a.s.sistant, Xiao Li.

Upon the sight of Fang Erlan, they looked at each other in bewilderment, after which Xiao Li chastised, “We let you off the previous time you barged into Yan Ge’s room. Trust you to have the cheek to show up here. Just how did you know that Yan Ge would be here tonight?”

Fang Erlan rose from her seat and greeted with a smile, “Nice to meet you, Yan Ge.”

Yan Ge was extremely perturbed and found her behavior rather strange.

Not wanting to embarra.s.s or lash out at his fan, Yan Ge said, “This is not where you should be. There’ll be other people coming in later. Hurry and leave before they arrive.”

“h.e.l.lo, Yan Ge, I’m Fang Erlan. I’m the lead actress who’ll be working with you this time,” she introduced herself.

Xiao Li was instantly dumbfounded. He looked up at Yan Ge to see that he was pursing his lips in perplexity.

“How are you related to the investors?”

One can only imagine how awful Fang Erlan must have felt when she heard his question.

Pointing at Xiao Li, she requested, “Please go outside. I’d like to have a word with him privately.”

“Alright.” Xiao Li exited the room, leaving the two of them alone.

They took seats facing each other.

Fang Erlan explained, “I was acting out the scenes for a minor role at the television studio in C City when I met Sis Xiaoning. She happened to be there to look for you at that time. She then decided to cast me as the female lead for the upcoming drama. I graduated from the theater arts academy, but because of the fact that I don’t have a strong background or a wealthy family to back me up, I’ve only ever been offered minor and insignificant roles in film productions. Hence, I obviously have to treasure this golden opportunity that Sis Xiaoning has kindly given me. I knew you were a big shot who’s known to have a bad temper, so I decided to go watch you from afar and see if you’re really like what the netizens have made you out to be. Yet, I was unexpectedly chased by a crook and almost got abducted. I’m very sorry to have barged into your room by accident. I didn’t do it on purpose. Please forgive me. I’ve been rehearsing my lines and trying to get into the role the past few days. I know you don’t wish to see me now, but I’ll work hard and do my best!”

She was parched from saying so much in one go.

Yan Ge did not, even once, interrupt her, and he had understood what she meant.

She was afraid that he would make life difficult for her because of the incident.

Am I really such a petty person?

I actually thought she was a crazy fan of mine. d.a.m.n it, how embarra.s.sing!

Seems like it was my wishful thinking.

“How old are you?” Yan Ge asked.


She’s ten years younger than me.

“Since you said that you graduated from the theater arts academy, your acting chops should be rather substantial. I hope you won’t disappoint me. But… have you any idea how much of a disturbance you had caused me when you barged into my room?” Yan Ge said solemnly.

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