The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 809: A Million Times for You (171)

Chapter 809: A Million Times for You (171)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“I’ll take you to the hospital for a checkup,” said Jin Qingyan. s.h.i.+ Qingzhou was in approval as well.

“Yes, Xiaoning, let’s go for a full-body checkup at the hospital now. Otherwise, I can’t put my mind at ease. I can’t believe that Tuoba Gucheng is so ruthless, he’s just like his mother!” s.h.i.+ Qingzhou exclaimed.

“I’m a little tired, let me lie down for a while. We’ll go later,” said An Xiaoning, who lay down in the bed.

“You’re really brazen, aren’t you? The jade bangle may have saved you previously, but what if it doesn’t this time? Do you want me to cry to death?” s.h.i.+ Qingzhou chided.

“I doubt the bangle is the reason why you’re safe and sound even until now. Did you forget? The bangle shattered into bits when you came back to life inside the coffin. That means that the jade protected you against a disaster back then. However, it didn’t shatter this time, so it’s very likely that the bangle wasn’t what saved you, but rather, it was your newly-acquired skills.”

Jin Qingyan continued, “Those are possibilities. Why don’t we just carry out a test? We’ll have your blood drawn while you’re wearing the bangle, then remove it when we go to the hospital later. We’ll see if the toxins are still present in your blood. When I attempted suicide back then, all the toxins of the poison had acc.u.mulated in my jade ring. However, there doesn’t seem to be any discoloration in your jade bangle right now.”

“We’ll go ahead with your suggestion.”

After having some of her blood drawn, she removed the jade bangle and headed to the hospital for a full-body physical examination.

The results were contrary to their expectations.

Two vials of blood were drawn.

The first vial was drawn when she was wearing the bangle while the second one was drawn 40 minutes after she removed the bangle.

The results showed that there was a small concentration of toxins in the first vial of blood while there was none at all in the second.

What did that mean?

It meant that her body was capable of removing the poison on its own.

That also meant that it had nothing to do with her jade bangle.

In fact, the very fact that the jade bangle had remained intact and vibrant in color had already spoken for itself.

They then returned home. s.h.i.+ Qingzhou was overjoyed and exclaimed gleefully, “That’s wonderful, Xiaoning. Fortunately, you’re alright. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have been able to see you again.”

“Mother, I didn’t think those skills would have such potent effects. I haven’t been feeling cold ever since I acquired them. I’ve developed a resistance toward poison too. It really didn’t occur to me that such powers existed in this world,” said a fascinated An Xiaoning.

“No one expected that either.”

“Mother, I must impart my skills to you and make you become just like me. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about you and Father whenever I’m not by your side,” said An Xiaoning.

“It’ll take more than a month for me to master it. Tuoba Gucheng only gave you a year’s time to find that treasure map. I reckon he’s intentionally making things difficult for you. So many people have tried and failed. How could you possibly find it?” s.h.i.+ Qingzhou said worriedly.

“I’ll ask Qingyan to help me gather detailed information about the map. Mother, I’ll teach you slowly whenever I’m free, starting from tonight. We’ll see if you manage to master it.”

s.h.i.+ Qingzhou agreed with a nod, “Okay.”

The redness in An Xiaoning’s began to disappear gradually. When she and Jin Qingyan finally got to be alone upstairs, they looked at each other and huddled together in an embrace without uttering a single word.

“It’s my fault for failing to protect you,” said Jin Qingyan.

“What are you saying? You’re not the master of the universe, you can’t control everything. Qingyan, we were so in love with each other in our previous life but we didn’t manage to be together in the end. I don’t wish for us to suffer the same fate as before. I know you definitely don’t too. I’m no longer afraid whenever I think about you. It’s just a treasure map, isn’t it? I must find it and hand it over to Tuoba Gucheng. I must let him know that I don’t want to see him ever again and tell him to scram!”

Jin Qingyan smiled and cupped her face in his hands while staring at her affectionately. “I really want to see that happen.”

An Xiaoning’s heart blossomed and she said rea.s.suringly, “That day will certainly come.”

“Are you really that confident?”

“I’ll be able to accomplish anything as long as I set my mind to it.” She paused for a moment before continuing, “Although I’ll be riddled with problems and face many tough obstacles along the way, I won’t give up easily for our sake. I’d like to see Yiheng.”

“I’ll take you to see him.”

An Xiaoning changed into a set of clothes after taking a shower and headed to the martial arts academy together with Jin Qingyan.

They stood outside the window and peeked inside to see that the children were in the midst of an arts and culture lesson. Jin Yiheng’s initial sulk turned into a broad smile the moment he caught sight of them. He leaped up from his seat gleefully and scurried toward them.

“Mommy! I missed you so much,” he exclaimed excitedly.

An Xiaoning held his hand and asked, “Has training been tough?”

Jin Yiheng nodded and said, “A little, but this is a piece of cake for me. I’m your big baby.”

An Xiaoning gave a nod of satisfaction and squatted down to say to him, “Son, be good and train hard here. I may not be able to come here to see you all the time, but you must remember, you’re forever my precious baby. Got it?”

Jin Yiheng gave her a peck on her cheek and answered, “Yes.”

She stood up and took the gift from Jin Qingyan. “Here’s a present I bought for you, see if you like it.”

Jin Yiheng opened the bag and lit up with joy. “Wow! It’s Superman! Mommy, how did you know I wanted this? I asked Daddy to buy it for me twice but he turned me down both times. You’re the best, Mommy! I’m indeed your baby.”

He then leaned against An Xiaoning and gave her a few more pecks on her face excitedly.

Jin Qingyan could not take it lying down and said in disdain, “Did you brush your teeth before kissing your Mommy?”

Jin Yiheng raised his chin and said proudly, “No.”

Jin Qingyan shot him a look of disdain and said, “What did I tell you? You must brush your teeth after every meal.”

“Daddy, Teacher said that twice a day is enough. Your gums are going to be swollen if you brush too many times.”

“Are you going to listen to me or to your teacher?”

“Teacher, of course.”


“Alright, Son, go back to your cla.s.sroom. I’ll come and visit you again next time. Call me when you miss me,” said An Xiaoning.

Jin Yiheng nodded and walked back to the cla.s.sroom with his gift, turning around to look at them several times along the way.

After exiting the martial arts academy, An Xiaoning and Jin Qingyan headed to a restaurant where all the dining tables were separated by a part.i.tion screen.

One could hear the conversations of other patrons sitting at the table beside theirs.

When they were waiting for the dishes to be served, they heard sounds of women chatting and laughing boisterously.

The topic of wealthy families came up during their conversation.

They soon s.h.i.+fted the topic to An Xiaoning.

“Hey, hey, did you guys hear about it? An Xiaoning and Jin Qingyan have gotten back together again after divorcing each other twice.”

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