The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 874: A Million Times for You (236)

Chapter 874: A Million Times for You (236)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“I knew you would rebut me like this.” He went on unhurriedly, “The two of you only have scattered memories of your previous lives, of course you wouldn’t know many things that once happened. Why not let me remind you of why I know that marriage between you will be bound to end up in failure. That’s because I know that both of you were cursed.”

Stupefied, An Xiaoning stammered, “What… what curse?”

“Of course, it’s a curse that forbids you both from staying by each other’s side forever.”

“Then we can just not get married, right?” An Xiaoning was fearless about it.

“You’re wrong.” He laughed wryly. “I meant that the two of you can never be together.”

“I’m really doubting the truth of what you’re saying right now,” An Xiaoning’s said in a light tone. “You can say whatever you want, but how would I know if it’s true?”

The man stood there and remarked, “If the curse isn’t real, the relations.h.i.+p between the two of you would not have ended up in tragedy in your past lives. If it isn’t real, why would you two have two failed marriages in this life? Do you want to have a bet with me? If you dare to marry Xi Houling a third time, I’ll dare to bet that your third marriage with him will end up in a divorce, just like the first two times.”

“Since you said that we’re under a curse, can you then tell me who put that curse on us?”

“Do you think I’ll tell you?” He kept his mouth sealed, not wanting to reveal anything further. “As to why I’m in such a leisurely mood to tell you these right now, I can only say that I’m really too bored today.”

“Can I ask you a question?”


“What relations.h.i.+p did I have with you in my past life? Were we friends, enemies, or something else?”

He paused for a long moment before responding, “That’s not important. What’s important is, have you actually taken in my advice?”

“Nope.” She lay down and remarked leisurely, “You’ve made a wasted trip.”

Her words made the man on the verge of choking to his death. After taking in a deep breath, he warned, “You’re on your own now, then.”

Once his words landed, his figure disappeared into thin air.

An Xiaoning picked up her phone and typed out the content of her conversation with the man into a text message to be sent to Jin Qingyan. She wanted to hear what he had to say about it.

Even after a while had pa.s.sed since she sent the text, she did not receive any reply. Thinking that he might be asleep, she decided not to wait any longer and prepared to sleep.

But no matter how she tried, she was unable to fall asleep.

Despite feeling exceptionally sleepy, she just could not get to sleep.

Most probably, she had been affected by what the man had said earlier.

Although she claimed that she had not taken his advice seriously, even with her toenails, she knew that it had gotten to her.

Whether the curse was real or not, she would verify it in the future. If it was real, she would find the source of the curse and destroy it through any means. If it wasn’t real, then there was nothing left to say.

After tossing and turning repeatedly, she only managed to get some sleep at two to three in the morning.

When she woke up in the morning, the rays of the sun were already beaming in all directions outside.

She reached out for her phone in a daze and looking at the time: it was already past eight.

There was also a notification for an unread message.

It was Jin Qingyan’s reply to her text message, and it read: “Previously, because of my lack of trust toward you, we missed out on each other for some time. In the future, I’ll only believe in our relations.h.i.+p. I won’t care about anything else. Don’t even mention a curse, even if the Heavens don’t allow, I will fight against them.”

An Xiaoning grinned as she replied to him: “Honey, you’re so wonderful. I have to watch you properly so that other little vixens won’t have a chance to get you.”

He replied: “That won’t happen. Only you can make me exhilarated in bed.”

An Xiaoning replied: “You naughty thing” before getting up to rinse, put on her makeup, and then eat.

“Mother, what are you doing?”

s.h.i.+ Qingzhou laughed lightly. “Mother thought that since the weather is getting hot, it will be summer soon. Mother wants to make a qipao for you to wear in the summer. I don’t have anything to do anyway, I just wanted to find something to occupy my time.”

“Mother, look at you. You’re a good cook, and you’re even apt at needlework. Why didn’t I inherit any of these from you?”

“You didn’t have to. You can buy such things with money.” s.h.i.+ Qingzhou’s face was much rosier than before. “You’re much more capable than Mother is.”

An Xiaoning hugged her neck and asked in a low voice, “Actually, I’ve been wanting to ask, why was Mother willing to give birth to me back then?”

“Because, the moment I knew about your existence, my heart softened.” s.h.i.+ Qingzhou looked at her sincerely. “For many women, when they know they are about to become a mother, regardless of how big of a battle they’re fighting, their heart will still soften considerably. Later on, when I was pregnant with you, I was bored on my own and rubbed my belly as I talked to you. I have to say, you were a source of comfort to me back then.”

“Thank you, Mother, for sparing me back then. Because of that, I have everything I have today. It’s a fortunate and happy thing.”

s.h.i.+ Qingzhou chuckled and patted her shoulder, “Spare Mother from your sugared words. Go and do what you need to.”

“Can’t I just stay here with you?”

“Don’t you have anything to handle today?”

“I don’t feel like doing anything. These days, I just want to stay home to finish memorizing the book Teacher gave me.” She released her grip on s.h.i.+ Qingzhou’s neck. “I’ve been too tired out previously, I just want to stay home and rest these days.”

“That’ll be the best. It’s already been a while since Mother has spent time with you. When I saw you so busy every day recently, my heart ached so much for you.” s.h.i.+ Qingzhou put her needlework aside and looked at her seriously. “Mother knows your body is fatigued, so I even went to learn some ways to nourish one’s body. From today onward, I’ll make nouris.h.i.+ng food for you.”

“A child with a mother is like a piece of treasure. But I think I’m still young.”

“No matter how old you are, in Mother’s eyes, you’ll always be a little child.”


An Xiaoning really stayed home and filled her days up with just reading and lying around.

Although she and Jin Qingyan still contacted each other through text messages, they no longer met up. They were both adults and had their own things to do. There was no need to be clingy with each other as that would make them both feel suffocated and deprived of their own private s.p.a.ce. Distance makes the heart grow fonder — it was not for nothing that this saying is commonly used.

In a flash, a few days went by. An Xiaoning had eaten and lain around at home, and she had finished all her books as well.

By now, April was approaching already.

After being fed s.h.i.+ Qingzhou’s nouris.h.i.+ng products, An Xiaoning gained around six to seven pounds and had more meat on her body. Her cheeks were fuller as well, making her look prettier.

Compared to the version of her that was as thin as a bamboo stick, she preferred herself with more meat.

After she came out of her shower, An Xiaoning took a few outfits and laid them over herself. In the end, she still chose the white one-piece dress.

She changed into her dress and put on her makeup, then put on a small hat and slung her bag over her shoulder before finally going out of the house.

She then drove to the martial arts academy.

Arriving there at 11 am, she had intended to pick up the two children for lunch.

However, arriving at the entrance of the cla.s.sroom, she realized that there was no one inside having lessons.

After asking the teacher, An Xiaoning arrived at the boot camp’s canteen.

“Auntie, are you here to look for Yiheng?” A clear, crisp voice of a female sounded from behind her.

An Xiaoning turned around and recognized the little girl before her immediately. “Yes, is he eating in the canteen?”

“Yes, I’ll call him for you.”

“No need, I’ll just go in myself.” She grinned and walked past Wen Yuechan as she headed inside.

Wen Yuechan followed closely behind her as well.

The handful of children were eating at one long table, and Rongyan spotted her first. He immediately greeted, “Mother.”

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