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you"re dumb?


Camael is appalled by the crowd of strange beings shouting as if their lives depend on it. All the kids for a while are amazed at everything they were seeing. Camael starts to hear what people are talking about. Camael pays special attention to a man with pointed ears, he starts screaming!

(Bad blood elf): I"m selling essence of Pain (Normal Rank!)

Essence of Pain

Item Level 30

Cla.s.ses: Rogue

"Used by rogues to prepare poisons."

Max Stack: 20

I ACCEPT ANY SKILL (Normal Rank!) Preferably one (Magic Absorption)

Requires Mage (Arcane)

Increases all resistances by 2. Whenever you fully resist a spell, you will recover 1% of your total mana. 1 sec cooldown.

Camael walking but a little ahead he meets a Humanoid half Man and half wolf.

a werewolves.

(werewolf): I"m selling Aurorita !!


Item Level 110


Max stacking: 200.

I ACCEPTED (50x Essence of the Living Dead.) I am also thinking of switching to one (Rank Rare basic enchantment book)!

Sell ​​or exchange!!!

Camael is so amazed at the appearance of the beings around him. That makes a drop of sweat fall off your forehead. Right next to this humanoid wolf, Camael can see a being 1 meter tall. However this weird being carries a large ax on its back and a pointed hat.

At that same moment Camael remembers the Legends that his families always heard. That somewhere in the world there are beings who are masters in excavation and forging! This being is one of the legendary dwarves.

(Dwarf): I"m selling enchanted gla.s.ses! (Epic Rank) !!!!

Tempestatreco Goggles

Item Level 80

Binds when equipped


Allowed for all cla.s.ses!

+56 intellect

+67 [Agility or Intellect in mining]

Increases your mining accuracy rating by +20.

Increases the haste rating by +5.

Meta setting

Durability 100/100

Use: Allows you to see from a distance. (30 minutes cooldown)

Use: Allows you to see inside a dark cave for 5 hours. (500 minutes recharge)

For those who want to be diggers or a great master in forging this gla.s.ses Made with an enchanted Ruby Level 8, made with the essence of Mana from a Great energy catalyst in my hometown! will help you in a lot on your way ....

There were so many offers of exchanges and purchases that ANYONE with big capital and with a gigantic hunger for power. If he didn"t have a strong mind, he would surely go crazy. When you see so many items! And best of all, these are the worst items that were not accepted in the market.

After walking a few hours at the entrance to the City we arrived right in the center of the city!

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(Einord): We"re here !!!!!

(Kalikol): today we will leave this place very rich !, even too rich.

A feeling of extreme pleasure and adrenaline enters the blood of Kalikol and Einord.

Einord wastes no time and goes to the most famous auction house in the City.


(Einord): I am here to sell some extremely valuable goods.

The clerk looks at Einord as low as if he is a.s.sessing and speaks. We do not sell low quality items!

(attendant): What do you want to sell ???? A rare potion ??? An epic material ??????

If it is fragments of items please exit this auction and go to the street. You can sell your items like everyone else.

(Einord): quite the opposite!

You arrogant bug!

I"m here to auction talent for the biggest clans!

The attendant is somewhat paralyzed, but he does not waste time and speaks.

Where are these talents ????

Einord wastes no time and uses his magic to make little children float. these kids have a natural talent of 5 to 3 stars! Wizards nowadays with such potent talents. they are very rare isn"t it ?? (attendant): shut your mouth! I still don"t believe it! that mere level 1 magicians got treasures of that level !. The attendant wastes no time and screams out loud Servants! "BOOM" A small black shadow comes out of the attendant"s shadow and bends his knees in front of him and says. (Shadow): How can I serve my King ???? (attendant): evaluate the children of this magician. the small shadow wastes no time and goes towards the children. Camael and his wife seeing that strange little creature walking slowly towards him, he is afraid. The small shadow concentrates its small energy and plays towards the children. The shadow starts to shake as if it were a dream. he runs back on bending his knees again and says in a loud voice. sir what this wizard said is true he somehow managed to find rank 5 talented wizards! these precious talents can be worth millions or billions to clans that are at war. At the same time, the attendant changes his tone. and says with a big smile on his mouth. My masters can enter the house. the clerk opens the door and lets the magicians enter the big auction.

(Sorry the grammar will improve a lot in the next chapter!)

This chapter has poor grammar! it"s because I didn"t use the google translator! I did everything by hand! sorry english is not my first language!

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