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>>>>>> man): Child, are you sure you will choose the second option ?? (Camael): Yes!

Camael with Tears in his eyes said without thinking twice Please now give me POWER!

I want to be strong! I want to take revenge! I want to live!!!!! (Mysterious man): HAHAHA, I hope you don"t regret it child! The man does not think twice and concentrates a lot of energy!



Camael feels his soul burn. As if thousands of ants were biting your skin. Right now, Camael hears a robotic voice in his mind.

(Loading Creation System): 10%









100% = (System loaded successfully!)

starting ignition point!

Downloading content ....

-inventory was successfully downloaded!

- generating missions for the host ... 30% 50% 80% 90% 100%! Missions generated with SUCCESS!

- generating a virtual store for the host! ..... 20% 30% 40% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%!

-Virtual store Generated with SUCCESS!

- generating power of skill !. Ability power was successfully generated!

- generating welcome gifts ... Welcome gifts generated with SUCCESS!


(System): WARNING!

The host must be alive to use the System!

Camael marvels at the things that are happening. He wastes no time and looks at the mysterious man who is laughing. (Mysterious Man): Child, it"s time for me to go! Maybe someday in the very distant future. I can see you again! ..... Now go and destroy everything! ... (Camael): Who are you ??? Is there others like you ?? (Camael): one day will I be like you ?? The man looks at Camael and starts to laugh. He just burst out laughing. Hahahaha HAHAHAHA! Camael feels a chill in his soul. The man looks at Camael and says. (Mysterious Man): Run boy! Run as fast as you can! The man is laughing like crazy. He takes one last look at Camael and snaps his fingers.


Camael"s vision goes dark ... (After a few minutes)

Camael opens his eyes and realizes that he is lying in some type of cave. He feels a sharp pain in his head that makes him groan in pain for a few minutes. He puts his hand on his head and promises himself that he will never cry again. Suddenly Camael hears that robotic voice again. (System): The host has been successfully revived!

(System): Does the host want to watch a tutorial?

(Camael what is a tutorial?

(System): The tutorial would be a basic lesson on how to use the System.

Camael doesn"t think twice and allows the system to explain how to use it in the best way.

(System): The first thing you need to learn is about your status! Say it in your mind!

Status! (Camael): So you mean that the first thing I have to learn is just to say the word status in my mind? (System): Yes! Camael doesn"t think twice and says the word status in his mind.


(Name) = Camael

(Level) = [1] (Earn 10 skill points at each Level!

(Age of reborn body) = 16 years!

(Nickname) = Drako the son of the Dragon!

Universally known as Child of Prophecy!

Body level: Deadly!

Energy level: Null!

Power Level: Null!

Soul Level: Divine!

Mind Level: Low!

(Camael): WHAT! ... you can only be kidding me! How am I going to clean up the universe if I"m as weak as an ant. Even a person"s sneeze can kill me. (System): Child, my name! IT IS CREATION SYSTEM! In other words, I will help you create things that will help you! You don"t have to fight physically just create some inventions and you can turn the world upside down in no time. (Camael): but I thought I would fight with a sword like everyone else. (System): Child, With Me you can create powerful automatic armor that can fight for you! But if you want to fight. You can create battle armor. That will protect you when you fight. (Camael): All of this is the fault of that son of a b.i.t.c.h of the Shadows! I SWEAR I WILL DESTROY HIS LIFE. (System): Right now, even a fart from the shadow man can kill you! (Camael): I feel so much hate! Why did he do it ?? (System): child, this world you live in is very dangerous! Only the strong can live in peace. It is natural for the strong to kill and exterminate the weak. (Camael): A world so filthy and violent! I will clean this WORLD and it will be with blood !. The System, hearing what Camael is saying, gets scared because it seems that the child"s heart is getting darker and darker. (Camael): Continue your magnificent System lesson! (System): The second thing you need to know is about your system backpack! You can put anything inside that backpack, but you can only put things that are lifeless. And you have to level up to be able to put big things into your inventory. And to open your backpack you have to do the same thing! Just say the word backpack in your mind. Camael wastes no time and says the word Backpack.


[10-s.p.a.cES]> level up to unlock more s.p.a.ce in the system"s backpack.

(Initial Gift!)> Normal Rank! Take it to see more information! (x1)

(Infinity Gauntlet!> Rank G.o.d (Rank) = G.o.d!)

(Camael): what"s that in my backpack ?? (System): these are items! You must use it to survive in this dark world. (Camael): I KNOW what an item is! What I"m asking is because my item is (Rank-G.o.d)! (SYSTEM): Take it and see the information! (Camael): How do I get an item out of my backpack? (System): Just say the name of the item. (Camael): Gauntlet Of Infinity!


Camael looks at his right hand and he can see some kind of golden glove full of glitter.

Just as Camael took the glorious Gauntlet from his backpack, he heard a voice in his mind.

(Attention): Message Recorded!

Child, I already knew that your journey will not be easy. So I wasted no time and forged an artifact for you to use. Collect the Runes and fulfill Your Destiny! ...

(Infinity Gauntlet) - (G.o.d Rank) - (G.o.d Rating) - (Durability> Indestructible)

The Infinity Gauntlet was forged by the fearsome (Mysterious Man) to receive the Runes of Infinity. When all Runes are mounted on the gauntlet, the user of this object will become practically omnipotent. A powerful artifact created out of love and destined to obtain the maximum power imaginable. This artifact has no power in itself. The Infinity Gauntlet is just an instrument built to have all the Runes in the same location and thus obtain the full power they provide. (Attention): this item is PERFECT! (Level needed to use it (0)


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