That"s like a gallant huntsman!


You are my angel, my preserver, Tell.


I may preserve you from the viceroy"s power But from the tempest"s rage another must.

Yet you had better fall into G.o.d"s hands, Than into those of men.

[To the herdsman.

Herdsman, do thou Console my wife, should aught of ill befall me.

I do but what I may not leave undone.

[He leaps into the boat.

KUONI (to the fisherman).

A pretty man to be a boatman, truly!

What Tell could risk you dared not venture on.


Far better men than I would not ape Tell.

There does not live his fellow "mong the mountains.

WERNI (who has ascended a rock).

He pushes off. G.o.d help thee now, brave sailor!

Look how his bark is reeling on the waves!

KUONI (on the sh.o.r.e).

The surge has swept clean over it. And now "Tis out of sight. Yet stay, there "tis again Stoutly he stems the breakers, n.o.ble fellow!


Here come the troopers hard as they can ride!


Heavens! so they do! Why, that was help, indeed.

[Enter a troop of hors.e.m.e.n.


Give up the murderer! You have him here!


This way he came! "Tis useless to conceal him!


Whom do you mean?

FIRST HORSEMAN (discovering the boat).

The devil! What do I see?

WERNI (from above).

Is"t he in yonder boat ye seek? Ride on, If you lay to, you may o"ertake him yet.


Curse on you, he"s escaped!

FIRST HORSEMAN (to the shepherd and fisherman).

You helped him off, And you shall pay for it. Fall on their herds!

Down with the cottage! burn it! beat it down!

[They rush off.

SEPPI (hurrying after them).

Oh, my poor lambs!

KUONI (following him).

Unhappy me, my herds!


The tyrants!

RUODI (wringing his hands).

Righteous Heaven! Oh, when will come Deliverance to this devoted land?

[Exeunt severally.


A lime-tree in front of STAUFFACHER"S house at Steinen, in Schwytz, upon the public road, near a bridge.

WERNER STAUFFACHER and PFEIFFER, of Lucerne, enter into conversation.


Ay, ay, friend Stauffacher, as I have said, Swear not to Austria, if you can help it.

Hold by the empire stoutly as of yore, And G.o.d preserve you in your ancient freedom!

[Presses his hand warmly and is going.


Wait till my mistress comes. Now do! You are My guest in Schwytz--I in Lucerne am yours.


Thanks! thanks! But I must reach Gersau to-day.

Whatever grievances your rulers" pride And grasping avarice may yet inflict, Bear them in patience--soon a change may come.

Another emperor may mount the throne.

But Austria"s once, and you are hers forever.


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