ALL THE GRANDEES (drawing their swords).


CARLOS (holding the KING firmly with one hand, the naked sword in the other).

Put up your swords! What! Think you I am mad?

I am not so: or you were much to blame Thus to remind me, that upon the point Of this my sword, his trembling life doth hover.

I pray you, stand aloof; for souls like mine Need soothing. There--hold back! And with the king What I have yet to settle touches not Your loyalty. See there--his hand is b.l.o.o.d.y!

Do you not see it? And now look you here!

[Pointing to the corpse.

This hath he done with a well-practised hand.

KING (to the GRANDEES, who press anxiously around him).

Retire! Why do you tremble? Are we not Father and son? I will yet wait and see To what atrocious crime his nature----


Nature I know her not. Murder is now the word!

The bonds of all humanity are severed, Thine own hands have dissolved them through the realm.

Shall I respect a tie which thou hast scorned?

Oh, see! see here! the foulest deed of blood That e"er the world beheld. Is there no G.o.d That kings, in his creation, work such havoc?

Is there no G.o.d, I ask? Since mother"s wombs Bore children, one alone--and only one-- So guiltlessly hath died. And art thou sensible What thou hast done? Oh, no! he knows it not: Knows not that he has robbed--despoiled the world Of a more n.o.ble, precious, dearer life Than he and all his century can boast.

KING (with a tone of softness).

If I have been too hasty, Carlos--thou For whom I have thus acted, should at least Not call me to account.


Is"t possible!

Did you then never guess how dear to me Was he who here lies dead? Thou lifeless corpse!

Instruct him--aid his wisdom, to resolve This dark enigma now. He was my friend.

And would you know why he has perished thus?

He gave his life for me.


Ha? my suspicions!


Pardon, thou bleeding corpse, that I profane Thy virtue to such ears. But let him blush With deep-felt shame, the crafty politician, That his gray-headed wisdom was o"erreached, E"en by the judgment of a youth. Yes, sire, We two were brothers! Bound by n.o.bler bands Than nature ties. His whole life"s bright career Was love. His n.o.ble death was love for me.

E"en in the moment when his brief esteem Exalted you, he was my own. And when With fascinating tongue he sported with Your haughty, giant mind, "twas your conceit To bridle him; but you became yourself The pliant tool of his exalted plans.

That I became a prisoner, my arrest, Was his deep friendship"s meditated work.

That letter to Prince William was designed To save my life. It was the first deceit He ever practised. To insure my safety He rushed on death himself, and n.o.bly perished.

You lavished on him all your favor; yet For me he died. Your heart, your confidence, You forced upon him. As a toy he held Your sceptre and your power; he cast them from him, And gave his life for me.

[The KING stands motionless, with eyes fixed on the ground; all the GRANDEES regard him with surprise and alarm.

How could it be That you gave credit to this strange deceit?

Meanly indeed he valued you, to try By such coa.r.s.e artifice to win his ends.

You dared to court his friendship, but gave way Before a test so simple. Oh, no! never For souls like yours was such a being formed.

That well he knew himself, when he rejected Your crowns, your gifts, your greatness, and yourself.

This fine-toned lyre broke in your iron hand, And you could do no more than murder him.

ALVA (never having taken his eyes from the KING, and observing his emotion with uneasiness, approaches him with apprehension).

Keep not this deathlike silence, sire. Look round, And speak at least to us.


Once you were not Indifferent to him. And deeply once You occupied his thoughts. It might have been His lot to make you happy. His full heart Might have enriched you; with its mere abundance An atom of his soul had been enough To make a G.o.d of you. You"ve robbed yourself-- Plundered yourself and me. What could you give, To raise again a spirit like to this?

[Deep silence. Many of the GRANDEES turn away, or conceal their faces in their mantles.

Oh, ye who stand around with terror dumb, And mute surprise, do not condemn the youth Who holds this language to the king, his father.

Look on this corpse. Behold! for me he died.

If ye have tears--if in your veins flow blood, Not molten bra.s.s, look here, and blame me not.

[He turns to the KING with more self-possession and calmness.

Doubtless you wait the end of this rude scene?

Here is my sword, for you are still my king.

Think not I fear your vengeance. Murder me, As you have murdered this most n.o.ble man.

My life is forfeit; that I know full well.

But what is life to me? I here renounce All that this world can offer to my hopes.

Seek among strangers for a son. Here lies My kingdom.

[He sinks down on the corpse, and takes no part in what follows.

A confused tumult and the noise of a crowd is heard in the distance.

All is deep silence round the KING. His eyes scan the circle over, but no one returns his looks.


What! Will no one make reply?

Each eye upon the ground, each look abashed!

My sentence is p.r.o.nounced. I read it here Proclaimed in all this lifeless, mute demeanor.

My va.s.sals have condemned me.

[Silence as before. The tumult grows louder. A murmur is heard among the GRANDEES. They exchange embarra.s.sed looks. COUNT LERMA at length gently touches ALVA.


Here"s rebellion!

ALVA (in a low voice).

I fear it.


It approaches! They are coming!


An officer of the Body Guard. The former.

OFFICER (urgently).

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