Duke Alva is disgraced!

The great seal taken from the Prince Ruy Gomez, And given to the marquis.

CARLOS (lost in deep thought).

And from me Has he concealed all this? And why from me?


As minister all-powerful, the court Looks on him now--as favorite unrivalled!


He loved me--loved me greatly: I was dear As his own soul is to him. That I know-- Of that I"ve had a thousand proofs. But should The happiness of millions yield to one?

Must not his country dearer to him prove Than Carlos? One friend only is too few For his capacious heart. And not enough Is Carlos" happiness to engross his love.

He offers me a sacrifice to virtue; And shall I murmur at him? Now "tis certain I have forever lost him.

[He steps aside and covers his face.


Dearest prince!

How can I serve you?

CARLOS (without looking at him).

Get you to the king; Go and betray me. I have naught to give.


Will you then stay and brave the ill that follows?

CARLOS (leans on a bal.u.s.trade and looks forward with a vacant gaze).

I"ve lost him now, and I am dest.i.tute!

LERMA (approaching him with sympathizing emotion).

And will you not consult your safety, prince?


My safety! Generous man!

LERMA: And is there, then, No other person you should tremble for?

CARLOS (starts up).

Heavens! you remind me now. Alas! My mother!

The letter that I gave him--first refused-- Then after, gave him!

[He paces backwards and forwards with agitation, wringing his hands.

Has she then deserved This blow from him? He should have spared her, Lerma.

[In a hasty, determined tone.

But I must see her--warn her of her danger-- I must prepare her, Lerma, dearest Lerma!

Whom shall I send? Have I no friend remaining?

Yes! Heaven be praised! I still have one; and now The worst is over.

[Exit quickly.

LEEMA (follows, and calls after him).

Whither, whither, prince?




If we may be permitted, gracious queen----


What are your wishes?


A most true regard For your high majesty forbids us now To watch in careless silence an event Pregnant with danger to your royal safety.


We hasten, by a kind and timely warning, To counteract a plot that"s laid against you.


And our warm zeal, and our best services, To lay before your feet, most gracious queen!

QUEEN (looking at them with astonishment).

Most reverend sir, and you, my n.o.ble duke, You much surprise me. Such sincere attachment, In truth, I had not hoped for from Domingo, Nor from Duke Alva. Much I value it.

A plot you mention, menacing my safety-- Dare I inquire by whom----


You will beware a certain Marquis Posa He has of late been secretly employed In the king"s service.


With delight I hear The king has made so excellent a choice.

Report, long since, has spoken of the marquis As a deserving, great, and virtuous man-- The royal grace was ne"er so well bestowed!


So well bestowed! We think far otherwise.


It is no secret now, for what designs This man has been employed.


How! What designs?

You put my expectation on the rack.


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