Surprise her, hurl her down From her vain happiness, and forcibly Restore her to the G.o.d whom she denies.


Oh, do not work the ruin of your child!


If her soul lives, her mortal part may die.

[JOHANNA rushes out of the church, without her banner.

The people press around her, worship her, and kiss her garments. She is detained in the background by the crowd.

She comes! "tis she! She rushes from the church.

Her troubled conscience drives her from the fane!

"Tis visibly the judgment of her G.o.d!


Farewell! Require not my attendance further!

Hopeful I came, and sorrowful depart.

Your daughter once again I have beheld, And feel again that she is lost to me!

[He goes out. THIBAUT retires on the opposite side.


JOHANNA, People. Afterwards her Sisters.

JOHANNA (she has freed herself from the crowd and comes forward).

Remain I cannot--spirits chase me forth!

The organ"s pealing tones like thunder sound, The dome"s arched roof threatens to overwhelm me!

I must escape and seek heaven"s wide expanse!

I left my banner in the sanctuary, Never, oh, never, will I touch it more!

It seemed to me as if I had beheld My sisters pa.s.s before me like a dream.

"Twas only a delusion!--they, alas!

Are far, far distant--inaccessible-- E"en as my childhood, as mine innocence!

MARGOT (stepping forward).

"Tis she! It is Johanna!

LOUISON (hastening toward her).

Oh, my sister!


Then it was no delusion--you are here-- Thee I embrace, Louison! Thee, my Margot?

Here in this strange and crowded solitude, I clasp once more my sisters" faithful b.r.e.a.s.t.s!


She knows us still, she is our own kind sister.


Your love hath led you to me here so far!

So very far! You are not wroth with her Who left her home without one parting word!


G.o.d"s unseen providence conducted thee.


Thy great renown, which agitates the world, Which makes thy name the theme of every tongue, Hath in our quiet village wakened us, And led us. .h.i.ther to this festival.

To witness all thy glory we are come; And we are not alone!

JOHANNA (quickly).

Our father"s here!

Where is he? Why doth he conceal himself?


Our father is not with us.


Not with you?

He will not see me, then! You do not bring His blessing for his child?


He knoweth not That we are here.


Not know it! Wherefore not?

You are embarra.s.sed, and you do not speak; You look upon the ground! Where is our father?


Since thou hast left----

LOUISON (making a sign to MARGOT).



Our father hath Become dejected.




Console thyself!

Our sire"s foreboding spirit well thou knowest!

He will collect himself, and be composed, When he shall learn from us that thou art happy.


And thou art happy? Yes, it must be so, For thou art great and honored!

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